use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.response.ErrorResponse in project spring-bot by finos.
the class ChatWorkflowErrorHandler method handleError.
public void handleError(Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error thrown:", t);
Action currentAction = Action.CURRENT_ACTION.get();
if (currentAction != null) {
ErrorResponse er = new ErrorResponse(currentAction.getAddressable(), t, templateName);
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Couldn't return error {} due to error {} ", er, e);
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.response.ErrorResponse in project spring-bot by finos.
the class WebHookOps method template.
@Exposed(description = "Change the template used by the last called webhook", addToHelp = true, isButton = true, isMessage = true)
public static Response template(SymphonyHistory hist, Addressable a, Workflow wf) {
Optional<EntityJson> ej = hist.getLastEntityJsonFromHistory(ActiveWebHooks.class, a);
if (ej.isEmpty()) {
return new ErrorResponse(wf, a, "No webhooks defined");
Optional<WebHook> activeHook = hist.getFromEntityJson(ej.get(), WebHook.class);
if (activeHook.isEmpty()) {
return new ErrorResponse(wf, a, "Active Hook not set");
Template t = activeHook.get().getTemplate();
ButtonList bl = new ButtonList();
bl.add(new Button(TEMPLATE_UPDATE, Type.ACTION, "Update Template"));
return new FormResponse(wf, a, ej.get(), "Template Edit", "Update the template used by " + activeHook.get().getDisplayName(), t, true, bl);
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.response.ErrorResponse in project spring-bot by finos.
the class WebHookOps method newhook.
@Exposed(addToHelp = true, isButton = false, description = "Create a New Webhook receiver. e.g. <b>/newhook #somesubjecthashtag Your Hook Title</b>", isMessage = true)
public static ActiveWebHooks newhook(Workflow wf, HashTag ht, Message m, Helpers h, Room r, Addressable a, SymphonyRooms sr, SymphonyHistory hist, ResponseHandler rh) {
ActiveWebHooks webhooks = hist.getLastFromHistory(ActiveWebHooks.class, a).orElse(new ActiveWebHooks());
String display = m.without(Word.of("newhook")).without(Word.of("/newhook")).only(Word.class).stream().map(w -> w.getText() + " ").reduce("", String::concat).trim();
String hookId = h.createHookId(ht.getName(), display);
for (WebHook w : webhooks.getWebhooks()) {
if (w.getHashTag().equals(ht)) {
rh.accept(new ErrorResponse(wf, a, "A webhook with this tag already exists: " + ht.getId()));
return webhooks;
String streamId = r == null ? sr.getStreamFor(a) : sr.getStreamFor(r);
String url = h.createHookUrl(streamId, hookId);
WebHook out = new WebHook();
out.setHookId(new HashTagDef(hookId));
return webhooks;
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.response.ErrorResponse in project spring-bot by finos.
the class Scheduler method handleFeed.
public void handleFeed(Addressable a) {
try {
Optional<ReminderList> fl = h.getLastFromHistory(ReminderList.class, a);
if (fl.isPresent()) {
ReminderList updatedList = new ReminderList(fl.get());
ZoneId zone = updatedList.getTimeZone();
Instant currentTime =;
ZoneOffset zo = zone.getRules().getOffset(currentTime);
fl.get().getReminders().stream().forEach((currentReminder) -> {
Instant timeForReminder = currentReminder.getLocalTime().toInstant(zo);
if (timeForReminder.isBefore(currentTime)) {
Map<String, Object> ej = WorkResponse.createEntityMap(currentReminder, null, null);
ej.put("ReminderList", updatedList);
WorkResponse wr = new WorkResponse(a, ej, "display-reminder", WorkMode.VIEW, Reminder.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
responseHandlers.accept(new ErrorResponse(a, e));
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.response.ErrorResponse in project spring-bot by finos.
the class Notifier method sendFailureNotification.
public void sendFailureNotification(SubscribeRequest sr, Addressable a, Exception e, User author) {
rh.accept(new MessageResponse(a, "RSS Bot: Feed Creation Failed. " + properties.getFailureMessage()));
rh.accept(new ErrorResponse(a, e));
if (observationRoom != null) {
rh.accept(new MessageResponse(observationRoom, "RSS Bot: New Feed Creation Failed by " + author.getName() + " Url: " + HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(sr.getUrl()) + " Room: " + a.toString()));
rh.accept(new ErrorResponse(observationRoom, e));