use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.response.FormResponse in project spring-bot by finos.
the class WebHookOps method template.
@Exposed(description = "Change the template used by the last called webhook", addToHelp = true, isButton = true, isMessage = true)
public static Response template(SymphonyHistory hist, Addressable a, Workflow wf) {
Optional<EntityJson> ej = hist.getLastEntityJsonFromHistory(ActiveWebHooks.class, a);
if (ej.isEmpty()) {
return new ErrorResponse(wf, a, "No webhooks defined");
Optional<WebHook> activeHook = hist.getFromEntityJson(ej.get(), WebHook.class);
if (activeHook.isEmpty()) {
return new ErrorResponse(wf, a, "Active Hook not set");
Template t = activeHook.get().getTemplate();
ButtonList bl = new ButtonList();
bl.add(new Button(TEMPLATE_UPDATE, Type.ACTION, "Update Template"));
return new FormResponse(wf, a, ej.get(), "Template Edit", "Update the template used by " + activeHook.get().getDisplayName(), t, true, bl);