use of org.geotoolkit.inspire.xml.vs.ExtendedCapabilitiesType in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class WmsXmlBindingTest method inpsireExtensionmarshallingTest.
* Test simple Record Marshalling.
public void inpsireExtensionmarshallingTest() throws Exception {
ExtendedCapabilitiesType ext = new ExtendedCapabilitiesType();
NameFactory nameFactory = new DefaultNameFactory();
ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
ext.setSpatialDataService(new ServiceType(nameFactory.createLocalName(null, "view")));
ext.setResourcelocator(new DefaultOnlineResource(URI.create("")));
ext.setMetadataUrl(new DefaultOnlineResource(URI.create("")));
DefaultExtent extent = new DefaultExtent();
DefaultTemporalExtent tempExt = new DefaultTemporalExtent();
NamedIdentifier periodName = new NamedIdentifier(null, "period");
final Map<String, Object> periodProp = new HashMap<>();
periodProp.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, periodName);
NamedIdentifier name = new NamedIdentifier(null, "period instant");
final Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, name);
DefaultPeriod period = new DefaultPeriod(periodProp, new DefaultInstant(properties, new Date(120000000)), new DefaultInstant(properties, new Date(120000001)));
// period.setBegining(new DefaultInstant(properties, new DefaultPosition(new Date(120000000))));
// period.setEnding(new DefaultInstant(properties, new DefaultPosition(new Date(120000001))));
// org.apache.sis.internal.jaxb.gml.GMLAdapter.IDs.setUUID(period, "extent");
DefaultConformanceResult cresult = new DefaultConformanceResult(HardCodedCitations.EPSG, new DefaultInternationalString("see the referenced specification"), true);
ResponsibleParty party = DefaultResponsibleParty.castOrCopy(HardCodedCitations.EPSG.getCitedResponsibleParties().iterator().next());
ext.setMetadataDate(new Date(82800000));
DefaultKeywords key = new DefaultKeywords(new SimpleInternationalString("something"));
List<LanguageType> langs = new ArrayList<>();
langs.add(new LanguageType("FR"));
langs.add(new LanguageType("EN", true));
LanguagesType languages = new LanguagesType(langs);
JAXBElement<ExtendedCapabilitiesType> jbExtendedCap = factory.createExtendedCapabilities(ext);
Capability capability = new Capability(null, null, null, jbExtendedCap);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
marshaller.marshal(capability, sw);
String result = sw.toString();
String expResult = "<wms:Capability xmlns:wms=\"\"" + " xmlns:gmd=\"\"" + " xmlns:gco=\"\"" + " xmlns:srv=\"\"" + " xmlns:inspire_vs=\"\"" + " xmlns:gml=\"\">" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:ExtendedCapabilities>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Resourcelocator>" + '\n' + " <gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>" + '\n' + " </gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:Resourcelocator>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:MetadataUrl>" + '\n' + " <gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>" + '\n' + " </gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:MetadataUrl>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:ResourceType>" + '\n' + " <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"service\">Service</gmd:MD_ScopeCode>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:ResourceType>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:TemporalRefererence>" + '\n' + " <gmd:EX_Extent>" + '\n' + " <gmd:temporalElement>" + '\n' + " <gmd:EX_TemporalExtent>" + '\n' + " <gmd:extent>" + '\n' + " <gml:TimePeriod>" + '\n' + " <gml:beginPosition>1970-01-02T10:20:00+01:00</gml:beginPosition>" + '\n' + " <gml:endPosition>1970-01-02T10:20:00.001+01:00</gml:endPosition>" + '\n' + " </gml:TimePeriod>" + '\n' + " </gmd:extent>" + '\n' + " </gmd:EX_TemporalExtent>" + '\n' + " </gmd:temporalElement>" + '\n' + " </gmd:EX_Extent>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:TemporalRefererence>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Conformity>" + '\n' + " <gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult>" + '\n' + " <gmd:specification>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_Citation>" + '\n' + " <gmd:title>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:title>" + '\n' + " <gmd:identifier>" + '\n' + " <gmd:MD_Identifier>" + '\n' + " <gmd:code>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>EPSG</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:code>" + '\n' + " </gmd:MD_Identifier>" + '\n' + " </gmd:identifier>" + '\n' + " <gmd:citedResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>International Association of Oil & Gas Producers</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gmd:contactInfo>\n" + " <gmd:CI_Contact>\n" + " <gmd:onlineResource>\n" + " <gmd:CI_OnlineResource>\n" + " <gmd:linkage>\n" + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>\n" + " </gmd:linkage>\n" + " <gmd:function>\n" + " <gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"information\">Information</gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode>\n" + " </gmd:function>\n" + " </gmd:CI_OnlineResource>\n" + " </gmd:onlineResource>\n" + " </gmd:CI_Contact>\n" + " </gmd:contactInfo>\n" + " <gmd:role>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"principalInvestigator\">Principal investigator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>" + '\n' + " </gmd:role>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " </gmd:citedResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:presentationForm>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_PresentationFormCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"tableDigital\">Table digital</gmd:CI_PresentationFormCode>" + '\n' + " </gmd:presentationForm>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_Citation>" + '\n' + " </gmd:specification>" + '\n' + " <gmd:explanation>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>see the referenced specification</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:explanation>" + '\n' + " <gmd:pass>" + '\n' + " <gco:Boolean>true</gco:Boolean>" + '\n' + " </gmd:pass>" + '\n' + " </gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:Conformity>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:MetadataPointOfContact>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>International Association of Oil & Gas Producers</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gmd:contactInfo>\n" + " <gmd:CI_Contact>\n" + " <gmd:onlineResource>\n" + " <gmd:CI_OnlineResource>\n" + " <gmd:linkage>\n" + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>\n" + " </gmd:linkage>\n" + " <gmd:function>\n" + " <gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"information\">Information</gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode>\n" + " </gmd:function>\n" + " </gmd:CI_OnlineResource>\n" + " </gmd:onlineResource>\n" + " </gmd:CI_Contact>\n" + " </gmd:contactInfo>\n" + " <gmd:role>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"principalInvestigator\">Principal investigator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>" + '\n' + " </gmd:role>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:MetadataPointOfContact>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:MetadataDate>" + '\n' + " <gco:Date>1970-01-02</gco:Date>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:MetadataDate>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:SpatialDataService>" + '\n' + " <srv:serviceType>" + '\n' + " <gco:LocalName>view</gco:LocalName>" + '\n' + " </srv:serviceType>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:SpatialDataService>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:InpireKeywords>" + '\n' + " <gmd:keyword>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>something</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:keyword>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:InpireKeywords>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Languages>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Language>FR</inspire_vs:Language>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Language default=\"true\">EN</inspire_vs:Language>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:Languages>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:currentLanguage>FR</inspire_vs:currentLanguage>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:ExtendedCapabilities>" + '\n' + "</wms:Capability>" + '\n';
// org.apache.sis.internal.jaxb.gml.GMLAdapter.IDs.removeUUID(period);
assertXmlEquals(expResult, result, "*");
use of org.geotoolkit.inspire.xml.vs.ExtendedCapabilitiesType in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class WmsXmlBindingTest method inpsireExtensionUnmarshallingTest.
* Test simple Record Marshalling.
public void inpsireExtensionUnmarshallingTest() throws Exception {
String xml = "<wms:Capability xmlns:wms=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\" xmlns:gmd=\"\" xmlns:srv=\"\" xmlns:gco=\"\" xmlns:sld=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" xmlns:inspire_vs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:ExtendedCapabilities>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Resourcelocator>" + '\n' + " <gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>" + '\n' + " </gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:Resourcelocator>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:MetadataUrl>" + '\n' + " <gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>" + '\n' + " </gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:MetadataUrl>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:ResourceType>" + '\n' + " <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"service\"/>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:ResourceType>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:TemporalRefererence>" + '\n' + " <gmd:EX_Extent>" + '\n' + " <gmd:temporalElement>" + '\n' + " <gmd:EX_TemporalExtent>" + '\n' + " <gmd:extent>" + '\n' + " <gml:TimePeriod>" + '\n' + " <gml:beginPosition>1970-01-02T10:20:00+01:00</gml:beginPosition>" + '\n' + " <gml:endPosition>1970-01-02T10:20:01.000+01:00</gml:endPosition>" + '\n' + " </gml:TimePeriod>" + '\n' + " </gmd:extent>" + '\n' + " </gmd:EX_TemporalExtent>" + '\n' + " </gmd:temporalElement>" + '\n' + " </gmd:EX_Extent>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:TemporalRefererence>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Conformity>" + '\n' + " <gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult>" + '\n' + " <gmd:specification>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_Citation>" + '\n' + " <gmd:title>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>European Petroleum Survey Group</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:title>" + '\n' + " <gmd:alternateTitle>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>EPSG</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:alternateTitle>" + '\n' + " <gmd:identifier>" + '\n' + " <gmd:MD_Identifier>" + '\n' + " <gmd:code>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>EPSG</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:code>" + '\n' + " </gmd:MD_Identifier>" + '\n' + " </gmd:identifier>" + '\n' + " <gmd:citedResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>European Petroleum Survey Group</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gmd:contactInfo>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_Contact>" + '\n' + " <gmd:onlineResource>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_OnlineResource>" + '\n' + " <gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>" + '\n' + " </gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:function>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"information\"/>" + '\n' + " </gmd:function>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_OnlineResource>" + '\n' + " </gmd:onlineResource>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_Contact>" + '\n' + " </gmd:contactInfo>" + '\n' + " <gmd:role>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"principalInvestigator\"/>" + '\n' + " </gmd:role>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " </gmd:citedResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:presentationForm>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_PresentationFormCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"tableDigital\"/>" + '\n' + " </gmd:presentationForm>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_Citation>" + '\n' + " </gmd:specification>" + '\n' + " <gmd:explanation>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>see the referenced specification</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:explanation>" + '\n' + " <gmd:pass>" + '\n' + " <gco:Boolean>true</gco:Boolean>" + '\n' + " </gmd:pass>" + '\n' + " </gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:Conformity>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:MetadataPointOfContact>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " <gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>European Petroleum Survey Group</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:organisationName>" + '\n' + " <gmd:contactInfo>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_Contact>" + '\n' + " <gmd:onlineResource>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_OnlineResource>" + '\n' + " <gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:URL></gmd:URL>" + '\n' + " </gmd:linkage>" + '\n' + " <gmd:function>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"information\"/>" + '\n' + " </gmd:function>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_OnlineResource>" + '\n' + " </gmd:onlineResource>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_Contact>" + '\n' + " </gmd:contactInfo>" + '\n' + " <gmd:role>" + '\n' + " <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"principalInvestigator\"/>" + '\n' + " </gmd:role>" + '\n' + " </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:MetadataPointOfContact>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:MetadataDate>" + '\n' + " <gco:Date>1970-01-02</gco:Date>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:MetadataDate>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:SpatialDataService>" + '\n' + " <srv:serviceType>" + '\n' + " <gco:LocalName>view</gco:LocalName>" + '\n' + " </srv:serviceType>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:SpatialDataService>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:InpireKeywords>" + '\n' + " <gmd:keyword>" + '\n' + " <gco:CharacterString>something</gco:CharacterString>" + '\n' + " </gmd:keyword>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:InpireKeywords>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Languages>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Language>FR</inspire_vs:Language>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:Language default=\"true\">EN</inspire_vs:Language>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:Languages>" + '\n' + " <inspire_vs:currentLanguage>FR</inspire_vs:currentLanguage>" + '\n' + " </inspire_vs:ExtendedCapabilities>" + '\n' + "</wms:Capability>" + '\n';
ExtendedCapabilitiesType ext = new ExtendedCapabilitiesType();
NameFactory nameFactory = new DefaultNameFactory();
ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
ext.setSpatialDataService(new ServiceType(nameFactory.createLocalName(null, "view")));
ext.setResourcelocator(new DefaultOnlineResource(URI.create("")));
ext.setMetadataUrl(new DefaultOnlineResource(URI.create("")));
DefaultExtent extent = new DefaultExtent();
DefaultTemporalExtent tempExt = new DefaultTemporalExtent();
NamedIdentifier periodName = new NamedIdentifier(null, "period");
final Map<String, Object> periodProp = new HashMap<>();
periodProp.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, periodName);
NamedIdentifier instantName = new NamedIdentifier(null, "period instant");
final Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, instantName);
DefaultPeriod period = new DefaultPeriod(periodProp, new DefaultInstant(properties, new Date(120000000)), new DefaultInstant(properties, new Date(120001000)));
DefaultResponsibleParty rp = new DefaultResponsibleParty(Role.PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR);
rp.setOrganisationName(new SimpleInternationalString("European Petroleum Survey Group"));
DefaultOnlineResource or = new DefaultOnlineResource(URI.create(""));
DefaultContact ct = new DefaultContact(or);
DefaultCitation citation = new DefaultCitation();
citation.setAlternateTitles(Arrays.asList(new SimpleInternationalString("EPSG")));
citation.setIdentifiers(Arrays.asList(new DefaultIdentifier("EPSG")));
DefaultConformanceResult cresult = new DefaultConformanceResult(citation, new DefaultInternationalString("see the referenced specification"), true);
ResponsibleParty party = DefaultResponsibleParty.castOrCopy(HardCodedCitations.EPSG.getCitedResponsibleParties().iterator().next());
ext.setMetadataDate(new Date(82800000));
DefaultKeywords key = new DefaultKeywords(new SimpleInternationalString("something"));
List<LanguageType> langs = new ArrayList<>();
langs.add(new LanguageType("FR"));
langs.add(new LanguageType("EN", true));
LanguagesType languages = new LanguagesType(langs);
JAXBElement<ExtendedCapabilitiesType> jbExtendedCap = factory.createExtendedCapabilities(ext);
Capability expResult = new Capability(null, null, null, jbExtendedCap);
final Object unmarshalled = unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader(xml));
assertTrue(unmarshalled instanceof Capability);
Capability result = (Capability) unmarshalled;
// The Unmarshaller replaced automatically the DefaultInternationalString by a
// SimpleInternationalString because it detected that there is only one locale.
// Perform the same change in our expected result in order to allow comparison.
cresult.setExplanation(new SimpleInternationalString(cresult.getExplanation().toString()));
final ExtendedCapabilitiesType expCapabilities = expResult.getInspireExtendedCapabilities();
final ExtendedCapabilitiesType capabilities = result.getInspireExtendedCapabilities();
final ConformanceResult expConformity = expCapabilities.getConformity();
final ConformanceResult conformity = capabilities.getConformity();
final Citation expSpecification = expConformity.getSpecification();
final Citation specification = conformity.getSpecification();
final Extent expTemporal = expCapabilities.getTemporalRefererence();
final Extent temporal = capabilities.getTemporalRefererence();
final TemporalExtent expTemporalExtent = getSingleton(expTemporal.getTemporalElements());
final TemporalExtent temporalExtent = getSingleton(temporal.getTemporalElements());
final Period expExtentPeriod = (Period) expTemporalExtent.getExtent();
final Period extentPeriod = (Period) temporalExtent.getExtent();
assertEquals(expConformity.getExplanation().toString(), conformity.getExplanation().toString());
assertEquals(expSpecification.getCollectiveTitle(), specification.getCollectiveTitle());
assertEquals(expSpecification.getCitedResponsibleParties(), specification.getCitedResponsibleParties());
assertEquals(expSpecification.getAlternateTitles(), specification.getAlternateTitles());
assertEquals(expSpecification, specification);
assertEquals(expConformity, conformity);
assertEquals(expCapabilities.getResourceType(), capabilities.getResourceType());
assertEquals(expTemporal.getDescription(), temporal.getDescription());
assertEquals(expExtentPeriod.getBeginning().getDate(), extentPeriod.getBeginning().getDate());
assertEquals(expExtentPeriod.getEnding().getDate(), extentPeriod.getEnding().getDate());
if (expExtentPeriod.getClass() == extentPeriod.getClass()) {
* The time period created by this test case is an instance of org.geotoolkit.temporal.object.DefaultPeriod
* while the unmarshalled period is an instance of org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v311.TimePeriodType. This is okay
* since DefaultPeriod does not have JAXB annotation. But it prevents us to compare the objects further.
assertEquals(expExtentPeriod, extentPeriod);
assertEquals(expTemporalExtent, temporalExtent);
assertEquals(expTemporal, temporal);
assertEquals(expCapabilities, capabilities);
assertEquals(expResult, result);