use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class HorizontalSquareEdgeShape method makeMulti.
private void makeMulti(DefaultCamera2D camera, double sox, double soy, double swx, double swy) {
double fromx = skel.apply(0).x + sox;
double fromy = skel.apply(0).y + soy;
double tox = skel.apply(3).x + sox;
double toy = skel.apply(3).y + soy;
double c1x = skel.apply(1).x + sox;
double c1y = skel.apply(1).y + soy;
double c2x = skel.apply(2).x + sox;
double c2y = skel.apply(2).y + soy;
theShape = new Path2D(5, true);
theShape.moveTo(fromx, fromy);
theShape.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, tox, toy);
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class HorizontalSquareEdgeShape method makeSingle.
private void makeSingle(DefaultCamera2D camera, double sox, double soy, double swx, double swy) {
Point3 from = new Point3(skel.from().x + sox, skel.from().y + soy, 0);
Point3 to = new Point3( + sox, + soy, 0);
double size = (theSourceSize.x + theTargetSize.x);
Point3 inter1 = null;
Point3 inter2 = null;
Point3 inter3 = null;
Point3 inter4 = null;
if (to.x > from.x) {
double len = to.x - from.x;
if (len < size) {
inter1 = new Point3(from.x + theSourceSize.x, from.y, 0);
inter2 = new Point3(to.x - theTargetSize.x, to.y, 0);
inter3 = new Point3(inter1.x, inter1.y + (to.y - from.y) / 2, 0);
inter4 = new Point3(inter2.x, inter3.y, 0);
if (sox == 0 && soy == 0) {
Point3[] pts = { from, inter1, inter3, inter4, inter2, to };
} else {
double middle = (to.x - from.x) / 2;
inter1 = new Point3(from.x + middle, from.y, 0);
inter2 = new Point3(to.x - middle, to.y, 0);
if (sox == 0 && soy == 0) {
Point3[] pts = { from, inter1, inter2, to };
} else {
double len = from.x - to.x;
if (len < size) {
inter1 = new Point3(from.x - theSourceSize.x, from.y, 0);
inter2 = new Point3(to.x + theTargetSize.x, to.y, 0);
inter3 = new Point3(inter1.x, inter1.y + (to.y - from.y) / 2, 0);
inter4 = new Point3(inter2.x, inter3.y, 0);
if (sox == 0 && soy == 0) {
Point3[] pts = { from, inter1, inter3, inter4, inter2, to };
} else {
double middle = (to.x - from.x) / 2;
inter1 = new Point3(from.x + middle, from.y, 0);
inter2 = new Point3(to.x - middle, to.y, 0);
if (sox == 0 && soy == 0) {
Point3[] pts = { from, inter1, inter2, to };
theShape = new Path2D(10, true);
theShape.moveTo(from.x, from.y);
theShape.lineTo(inter1.x, inter1.y);
if ((inter3 != null) && (inter4 != null)) {
theShape.lineTo(inter3.x, inter3.y);
theShape.lineTo(inter4.x, inter4.y);
theShape.lineTo(inter2.x, inter2.y);
theShape.lineTo(to.x, to.y);
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class DiamondShape method makeShadow.
public void makeShadow(Backend backend, DefaultCamera2D camera) {
double x = area.theCenter.x + shadowable.theShadowOff.x;
double y = area.theCenter.y + shadowable.theShadowOff.y;
double w2 = (area.theSize.x + shadowable.theShadowWidth.x) / 2;
double h2 = (area.theSize.y + shadowable.theShadowWidth.y) / 2;
theShape = new Path2D(10, true);
theShape().moveTo(x - w2, y);
theShape().lineTo(x, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y);
theShape().lineTo(x, y + h2);
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class SpriteArrowShape method makeShadow.
public void makeShadow(Backend backend, DefaultCamera2D camera) {
double x = area.theCenter.x + shadowable.theShadowOff.x;
double y = area.theCenter.y + shadowable.theShadowOff.y;
Vector2 dir = new Vector2( - x, - y);
Vector2 per = new Vector2(dir.y(), -dir.x());
dir.scalarMult(area.theSize.x + shadowable.theShadowWidth.x);
per.scalarMult((area.theSize.y + shadowable.theShadowWidth.y) / 2);
theShape = new Path2D(5, true);
theShape().moveTo(x + per.x(), y + per.y());
theShape().lineTo(x + dir.x(), y + dir.y());
theShape().lineTo(x - per.x(), y - per.y());
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class CrossShape method makeShadow.
public void makeShadow(Backend backend, DefaultCamera2D camera) {
double x = area.theCenter.x + shadowable.theShadowOff.x;
double y = area.theCenter.y + shadowable.theShadowOff.y;
double h2 = (area.theSize.x + shadowable.theShadowWidth.x) / 2;
double w2 = (area.theSize.y + shadowable.theShadowWidth.y) / 2;
double w1 = (area.theSize.x + shadowable.theShadowWidth.x) * 0.2f;
double h1 = (area.theSize.y + shadowable.theShadowWidth.y) * 0.2f;
double w4 = (area.theSize.x + shadowable.theShadowWidth.x) * 0.3f;
double h4 = (area.theSize.y + shadowable.theShadowWidth.y) * 0.3f;
theShape = new Path2D(20, true);
theShape().moveTo(x - w2, y + h4);
theShape().lineTo(x - w4, y + h2);
theShape().lineTo(x, y + h1);
theShape().lineTo(x + w4, y + h2);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y + h4);
theShape().lineTo(x + w1, y);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y - h4);
theShape().lineTo(x + w4, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x, y - h1);
theShape().lineTo(x - w4, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x - w2, y - h4);
theShape().lineTo(x - w1, y);