use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class CrossShape method make.
public void make(Backend backend, DefaultCamera2D camera) {
double x = area.theCenter.x;
double y = area.theCenter.y;
double h2 = area.theSize.x / 2;
double w2 = area.theSize.y / 2;
double w1 = area.theSize.x * 0.2f;
double h1 = area.theSize.y * 0.2f;
double w4 = area.theSize.x * 0.3f;
double h4 = area.theSize.y * 0.3f;
theShape = new Path2D(20, true);
theShape().moveTo(x - w2, y + h4);
theShape().lineTo(x - w4, y + h2);
theShape().lineTo(x, y + h1);
theShape().lineTo(x + w4, y + h2);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y + h4);
theShape().lineTo(x + w1, y);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y - h4);
theShape().lineTo(x + w4, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x, y - h1);
theShape().lineTo(x - w4, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x - w2, y - h4);
theShape().lineTo(x - w1, y);
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class TriangleShape method makeShadow.
public void makeShadow(Backend backend, DefaultCamera2D camera) {
double x = area.theCenter.x + shadowable.theShadowOff.x;
double y = area.theCenter.y + shadowable.theShadowOff.y;
double w2 = (area.theSize.x + shadowable.theShadowWidth.x) / 2;
double h2 = (area.theSize.y + shadowable.theShadowWidth.y) / 2;
theShape = new Path2D(5, true);
theShape().moveTo(x, y + h2);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x - w2, y - h2);
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class TriangleShape method make.
public void make(Backend backend, DefaultCamera2D camera) {
double x = area.theCenter.x;
double y = area.theCenter.y;
double w2 = area.theSize.x / 2;
double h2 = area.theSize.y / 2;
theShape = new Path2D(5, true);
theShape().moveTo(x, y + h2);
theShape().lineTo(x + w2, y - h2);
theShape().lineTo(x - w2, y - h2);
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class SpriteFlowShape method make.
private void make(GraphicsContext graphics2d, DefaultCamera2D camera, double shx, double shy) {
// we only need to compute the perpendicular vector once, hence this code.
if (connectorSkel != null) {
if (connectorSkel.isCurve()) {
Point3 P0 = connectorSkel.apply(0);
if (reverse)
P0 = connectorSkel.apply(3);
Point3 P1 = connectorSkel.apply(1);
if (reverse)
P1 = connectorSkel.apply(2);
Point3 P2 = connectorSkel.apply(2);
if (reverse)
P2 = connectorSkel.apply(1);
Point3 P3 = connectorSkel.apply(3);
if (reverse)
P3 = connectorSkel.apply(0);
double inc = 0.01;
double t = 0.0;
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(P3.x - P0.x, P3.y - P0.y);
Vector2 per = new Vector2(dir.y() + shx, -dir.x() + shy);
theShape = new Path2D((int) (along / inc) + 3, false);
theShape.moveTo(P0.x + per.x(), P0.y + per.y());
while (t <= along) {
theShape.lineTo(CubicCurve.eval(P0.x + per.x(), P1.x + per.x(), P2.x + per.x(), P3.x + per.x(), t), CubicCurve.eval(P0.y + per.y(), P1.y + per.y(), P2.y + per.y(), P3.y + per.y(), t));
t += inc;
} else if (connectorSkel.isPoly()) {
Point3 P0 = connectorSkel.from();
if (reverse)
P0 =;
Point3 P1 =;
if (reverse)
P1 = connectorSkel.from();
double a = along;
if (reverse)
a = 1 - along;
Triplet<Integer, Double, Double> triplet = connectorSkel.wichSegment(a);
int i = triplet.i;
double sum = triplet.sum;
double ps =;
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(P1.x - P0.x, P1.y - P0.y);
Vector2 per = new Vector2(dir.y() + shx, -dir.x() + shy);
theShape = new Path2D(i + 3, false);
if (reverse) {
int n = connectorSkel.size();
sum = connectorSkel.length() - sum;
ps = 1 - ps;
theShape.moveTo(P1.x + per.x(), P1.y + per.y());
for (int j = n - 2; j < i; j--) {
theShape.lineTo(connectorSkel.apply(j).x + per.x(), connectorSkel.apply(j).y + per.y());
Point3 PX = connectorSkel.pointOnShape(along);
theShape.lineTo(PX.x + per.x(), PX.y + per.y());
} else {
theShape.moveTo(P0.x + per.x(), P0.y + per.y());
for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
theShape.lineTo(connectorSkel.apply(j).x + per.x(), connectorSkel.apply(j).y + per.y());
Point3 PX = connectorSkel.pointOnShape(along);
theShape.lineTo(PX.x + per.x(), PX.y + per.y());
} else {
Point3 P0 = connectorSkel.from();
if (reverse)
P0 =;
Point3 P1 =;
if (reverse)
P1 = connectorSkel.from();
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(P1.x - P0.x, P1.y - P0.y);
Vector2 per = new Vector2(dir.y() + shx, -dir.x() + shy);
theShape = new Path2D(5, false);
theShape.moveTo(P0.x + per.x(), P0.y + per.y());
theShape.lineTo(P0.x + dir.x() + per.x(), P0.y + dir.y() + per.y());
// if( connectorSkel != null ) {
// var P0 = if( reverse ) else connectorSkel.from
// var P3 = if( reverse ) connectorSkel.from else
// val dir = Vector2( P3.x-P0.x, P3.y-P0.y )
// val per = Vector2( dir.y + shx, -dir.x + shy )
// per.normalize
// per.scalarMult( offset )
// theShape.reset
// theShape.moveTo( P0.x + per.x, P0.y + per.y )
// if( connectorSkel.isCurve ) {
// val P1 = if( reverse ) connectorSkel(2) else connectorSkel(1)
// val P2 = if( reverse ) connectorSkel(1) else connectorSkel(2)
// val inc = 0.01f
// var t = 0f
// while( t <= along ) {
// theShape.lineTo(
// CubicCurve.eval( P0.x + per.x, P1.x + per.x, P2.x + per.x, P3.x + per.x, t ),
// CubicCurve.eval( P0.y + per.y, P1.y + per.y, P2.y + per.y, P3.y + per.y, t )
// )
// t += inc
// }
// } else {
// val dir = Vector2( P3.x-P0.x, P3.y-P0.y )
// dir.scalarMult( along )
// theShape.lineTo( P0.x + dir.x + per.x, P0.y + dir.y + per.y )
// }
// }
use of org.graphstream.ui.javafx.renderer.shape.javafx.baseShapes.Form.Path2D in project gs-ui-javafx by graphstream.
the class BlobShape method makeLoop.
private void makeLoop(DefaultCamera2D camera, double sox, double soy, double swx, double swy) {
double fromx = skel.apply(0).x + sox;
double fromy = skel.apply(0).y + soy;
double tox = skel.apply(3).x + sox;
double toy = skel.apply(3).y + soy;
double c1x = skel.apply(1).x + sox;
double c1y = skel.apply(1).y + soy;
double c2x = skel.apply(2).x + sox;
double c2y = skel.apply(2).y + soy;
double srcsz = Math.min(theSourceSize.x, theSourceSize.y);
// double trgsz = min( theTargetSizeX, theTargetSizeY )
Vector2 dirFrom = new Vector2(c1x - fromx, c1y - fromy);
Vector2 dirTo = new Vector2(tox - c2x, toy - c2y);
Vector2 mainDir = new Vector2(c2x - c1x, c2y - c1y);
Vector2 perpFrom = new Vector2(dirFrom.y(), -dirFrom.x());
Vector2 mid1 = new Vector2(dirFrom);
Vector2 mid2 = new Vector2(mainDir);
perpFrom.scalarMult((srcsz + swx) * 0.3f);
if (isDirected) {
mid1.scalarMult((theSize + swx) * 4f);
mid2.scalarMult((theSize + swx) * 2f);
} else {
mid1.scalarMult((theSize + swx) * 4f);
mid2.scalarMult((theSize + swx) * 4f);
theShape = new Path2D(10, true);
theShape.moveTo(fromx + perpFrom.x(), fromy + perpFrom.y());
if (isDirected) {
theShape.curveTo(c1x + mid1.x(), c1y + mid1.y(), c2x + mid2.x(), c2y + mid2.y(), tox, toy);
theShape.curveTo(c2x - mid2.x(), c2y - mid2.y(), c1x - mid1.x(), c1y - mid1.y(), fromx - perpFrom.x(), fromy - perpFrom.y());
} else {
Vector2 perpTo = new Vector2(dirTo.y(), -dirTo.x());
perpTo.scalarMult((srcsz + swx) * 0.3f);
theShape.curveTo(c1x + mid1.x(), c1y + mid1.y(), c2x + mid2.x(), c2y + mid2.y(), tox + perpTo.x(), toy + perpTo.y());
theShape.lineTo(tox - perpTo.x(), toy - perpTo.y());
theShape.curveTo(c2x - mid2.x(), c2y - mid2.y(), c1x - mid1.x(), c1y - mid1.y(), fromx - perpFrom.x(), fromy - perpFrom.y());