use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.SessionFactoryHelper in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class FromElementFactory method createManyToMany.
private FromElement createManyToMany(String role, String associatedEntityName, String roleAlias, Queryable entityPersister, EntityType type, JoinType joinType) throws SemanticException {
FromElement elem;
SessionFactoryHelper sfh = fromClause.getSessionFactoryHelper();
if (inElementsFunction) /*implied*/
// For implied many-to-many, just add the end join.
JoinSequence joinSequence = createJoinSequence(roleAlias, joinType);
elem = createJoin(associatedEntityName, roleAlias, joinSequence, type, true);
} else {
// For an explicit many-to-many relationship, add a second join from the intermediate
// (many-to-many) table to the destination table. Also, make sure that the from element's
// idea of the destination is the destination table.
String tableAlias = fromClause.getAliasGenerator().createName(entityPersister.getEntityName());
String[] secondJoinColumns = sfh.getCollectionElementColumns(role, roleAlias);
// Add the second join, the one that ends in the destination table.
JoinSequence joinSequence = createJoinSequence(roleAlias, joinType);
joinSequence.addJoin(sfh.getElementAssociationType(collectionType), tableAlias, joinType, secondJoinColumns);
elem = createJoin(associatedEntityName, tableAlias, joinSequence, type, false);
return elem;
use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.SessionFactoryHelper in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class MapKeyEntityFromElement method buildKeyJoin.
public static MapKeyEntityFromElement buildKeyJoin(FromElement collectionFromElement) {
final HqlSqlWalker walker = collectionFromElement.getWalker();
final SessionFactoryHelper sfh = walker.getSessionFactoryHelper();
final SessionFactoryImplementor sf = sfh.getFactory();
final QueryableCollection collectionPersister = collectionFromElement.getQueryableCollection();
final Type indexType = collectionPersister.getIndexType();
if (indexType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given collection is not indexed");
if (!indexType.isEntityType()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given collection does not have an entity index");
final EntityType indexEntityType = (EntityType) indexType;
final EntityPersister indexEntityPersister = (EntityPersister) indexEntityType.getAssociatedJoinable(sf);
final String rhsAlias = walker.getAliasGenerator().createName(indexEntityPersister.getEntityName());
final boolean useThetaJoin = collectionFromElement.getJoinSequence().isThetaStyle();
MapKeyEntityFromElement join = new MapKeyEntityFromElement(useThetaJoin);
join.initialize(HqlSqlTokenTypes.JOIN_FRAGMENT, ((Joinable) indexEntityPersister).getTableName());
join.initializeEntity(collectionFromElement.getFromClause(), indexEntityPersister.getEntityName(), indexEntityPersister, indexEntityType, "<map-key-join-" + collectionFromElement.getClassAlias() + ">", rhsAlias);
// String[] joinColumns = determineJoinColuns( collectionPersister, joinTableAlias );
// todo : assumes columns, no formulas
String[] joinColumns = collectionPersister.getIndexColumnNames(collectionFromElement.getCollectionTableAlias());
JoinSequence joinSequence = sfh.createJoinSequence(useThetaJoin, indexEntityType, rhsAlias, // JoinType.INNER_JOIN,
collectionFromElement.getJoinSequence().getFirstJoin().getJoinType(), joinColumns);
join.setOrigin(collectionFromElement, true);
return join;
use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.SessionFactoryHelper in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class FromElementFactory method createJoinSequence.
private JoinSequence createJoinSequence(String roleAlias, JoinType joinType) {
SessionFactoryHelper sessionFactoryHelper = fromClause.getSessionFactoryHelper();
String[] joinColumns = getColumns();
if (collectionType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("collectionType is null!");
return sessionFactoryHelper.createJoinSequence(implied, collectionType, roleAlias, joinType, joinColumns);
use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.SessionFactoryHelper in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class IndexNode method resolve.
public void resolve(boolean generateJoin, boolean implicitJoin, String classAlias, AST parent, AST parentPredicate) throws SemanticException {
if (isResolved()) {
FromReferenceNode collectionNode = (FromReferenceNode) getFirstChild();
SessionFactoryHelper sessionFactoryHelper = getSessionFactoryHelper();
// Fully resolve the map reference, create implicit joins.
Type type = collectionNode.getDataType();
if (!type.isCollectionType()) {
throw new SemanticException("The [] operator cannot be applied to type " + type.toString());
String collectionRole = ((CollectionType) type).getRole();
QueryableCollection queryableCollection = sessionFactoryHelper.requireQueryableCollection(collectionRole);
if (!queryableCollection.hasIndex()) {
throw new QueryException("unindexed fromElement before []: " + collectionNode.getPath());
// Generate the inner join -- The elements need to be joined to the collection they are in.
FromElement fromElement = collectionNode.getFromElement();
String elementTable = fromElement.getTableAlias();
FromClause fromClause = fromElement.getFromClause();
String path = collectionNode.getPath();
FromElement elem = fromClause.findCollectionJoin(path);
if (elem == null) {
FromElementFactory factory = new FromElementFactory(fromClause, fromElement, path);
elem = factory.createCollectionElementsJoin(queryableCollection, elementTable);
LOG.debugf("No FROM element found for the elements of collection join path %s, created %s", path, elem);
} else {
LOG.debugf("FROM element found for collection join path %s", path);
// The 'from element' that represents the elements of the collection.
// Add the condition to the join sequence that qualifies the indexed element.
AST selector = collectionNode.getNextSibling();
if (selector == null) {
throw new QueryException("No index value!");
// Sometimes use the element table alias, sometimes use the... umm... collection table alias (many to many)
String collectionTableAlias = elementTable;
if (elem.getCollectionTableAlias() != null) {
collectionTableAlias = elem.getCollectionTableAlias();
// TODO: get SQL rendering out of here, create an AST for the join expressions.
// Use the SQL generator grammar to generate the SQL text for the index expression.
JoinSequence joinSequence = fromElement.getJoinSequence();
String[] indexCols = queryableCollection.getIndexColumnNames();
if (indexCols.length != 1) {
throw new QueryException("composite-index appears in []: " + collectionNode.getPath());
SqlGenerator gen = new SqlGenerator(getSessionFactoryHelper().getFactory());
try {
// TODO: used to be exprNoParens! was this needed?
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
throw new QueryException(e.getMessage(), e);
String selectorExpression = gen.getSQL();
joinSequence.addCondition(collectionTableAlias + '.' + indexCols[0] + " = " + selectorExpression);
List<ParameterSpecification> paramSpecs = gen.getCollectedParameters();
if (paramSpecs != null) {
switch(paramSpecs.size()) {
case 0:
// nothing to do
case 1:
ParameterSpecification paramSpec = paramSpecs.get(0);
fromElement.setIndexCollectionSelectorParamSpec(new AggregatedIndexCollectionSelectorParameterSpecifications(paramSpecs));
// Now, set the text for this node. It should be the element columns.
String[] elementColumns = queryableCollection.getElementColumnNames(elementTable);
use of org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.SessionFactoryHelper in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class FromElementFactory method createElementJoin.
FromElement createElementJoin(QueryableCollection queryableCollection) throws SemanticException {
FromElement elem;
// TODO: always true for now, but not if we later decide to support elements() in the from clause
implied = true;
inElementsFunction = true;
Type elementType = queryableCollection.getElementType();
if (!elementType.isEntityType()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create element join for a collection of non-entities!");
this.queryableCollection = queryableCollection;
SessionFactoryHelper sfh = fromClause.getSessionFactoryHelper();
FromElement destination = null;
String tableAlias = null;
EntityPersister entityPersister = queryableCollection.getElementPersister();
tableAlias = fromClause.getAliasGenerator().createName(entityPersister.getEntityName());
String associatedEntityName = entityPersister.getEntityName();
EntityPersister targetEntityPersister = sfh.requireClassPersister(associatedEntityName);
// Create the FROM element for the target (the elements of the collection).
destination = createAndAddFromElement(associatedEntityName, classAlias, targetEntityPersister, (EntityType) queryableCollection.getElementType(), tableAlias);
// If the join is implied, then don't include sub-classes on the element.
if (implied) {
fromClause.addCollectionJoinFromElementByPath(path, destination);
// origin.addDestination(destination);
// Add the query spaces.
CollectionType type = queryableCollection.getCollectionType();
String role = type.getRole();
String roleAlias = origin.getTableAlias();
String[] targetColumns = sfh.getCollectionElementColumns(role, roleAlias);
AssociationType elementAssociationType = sfh.getElementAssociationType(type);
// Create the join element under the from element.
JoinType joinType = JoinType.INNER_JOIN;
JoinSequence joinSequence = sfh.createJoinSequence(implied, elementAssociationType, tableAlias, joinType, targetColumns);
elem = initializeJoin(path, destination, joinSequence, targetColumns, origin, false);
// The associated entity is implied, but it must be included in the FROM.
// The collection alias is the role.
return elem;