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Example 1 with Vertex

use of org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex in project Orekit by CS-SI.

the class FootprintOverlapDetector method sample.

 * Sample the region.
 * @param body body on which the geographic zone is defined
 * @param zone geographic zone to consider
 * @param samplingStep  linear step used for sampling the geographic zone (in meters)
 * @return sampling points
 * @throws OrekitException if the region cannot be sampled
private static List<SamplingPoint> sample(final OneAxisEllipsoid body, final SphericalPolygonsSet zone, final double samplingStep) throws OrekitException {
    final List<SamplingPoint> sampledZone = new ArrayList<SamplingPoint>();
    // sample the zone boundary
    final List<Vertex> boundary = zone.getBoundaryLoops();
    for (final Vertex loopStart : boundary) {
        int count = 0;
        for (Vertex v = loopStart; count == 0 || v != loopStart; v = v.getOutgoing().getEnd()) {
            final Edge edge = v.getOutgoing();
            final int n = (int) FastMath.ceil(edge.getLength() * body.getEquatorialRadius() / samplingStep);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                final S2Point intermediate = new S2Point(edge.getPointAt(i * edge.getLength() / n));
                final GeodeticPoint gp = new GeodeticPoint(0.5 * FastMath.PI - intermediate.getPhi(), intermediate.getTheta(), 0.0);
                sampledZone.add(new SamplingPoint(body.transform(gp), gp.getZenith()));
    // sample the zone interior
    final EllipsoidTessellator tessellator = new EllipsoidTessellator(body, new ConstantAzimuthAiming(body, 0.0), 4);
    final List<List<GeodeticPoint>> gpSample = tessellator.sample(zone, samplingStep, samplingStep);
    for (final List<GeodeticPoint> list : gpSample) {
        for (final GeodeticPoint gp : list) {
            sampledZone.add(new SamplingPoint(body.transform(gp), gp.getZenith()));
    return sampledZone;
Also used : Vertex(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex) S2Point(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EllipsoidTessellator( S2Point(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point) GeodeticPoint(org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint) ConstantAzimuthAiming( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) GeodeticPoint(org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint) Edge(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Edge)

Example 2 with Vertex

use of org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex in project Orekit by CS-SI.

the class FieldOfView method getFootprint.

 * Get the footprint of the field Of View on ground.
 * <p>
 * This method assumes the Field Of View is centered on some carrier,
 * which will typically be a spacecraft or a ground station antenna.
 * The points in the footprint boundary loops are all at altitude zero
 * with respect to the ellipsoid, they correspond either to projection
 * on ground of the edges of the Field Of View, or to points on the body
 * limb if the Field Of View goes past horizon. The points on the limb
 * see the carrier origin at zero elevation. If the Field Of View is so
 * large it contains entirely the body, all points will correspond to
 * points at limb. If the Field Of View looks away from body, the
 * boundary loops will be an empty list. The points within footprint
 * the loops are sorted in trigonometric order as seen from the carrier.
 * This implies that someone traveling on ground from one point to the
 * next one will have the points visible from the carrier on his left
 * hand side, and the points not visible from the carrier on his right
 * hand side.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The truncation of Field Of View at limb can induce strange results
 * for complex Fields Of View. If for example a Field Of View is a
 * ring with a hole and part of the ring goes past horizon, then instead
 * of having a single loop with a C-shaped boundary, the method will
 * still return two loops truncated at the limb, one clockwise and one
 * counterclockwise, hence "closing" the C-shape twice. This behavior
 * is considered acceptable.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If the carrier is a spacecraft, then the {@code fovToBody} transform
 * can be computed from a {@link org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState}
 * as follows:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * Transform inertToBody = state.getFrame().getTransformTo(body.getBodyFrame(), state.getDate());
 * Transform fovToBody   = new Transform(state.getDate(),
 *                                       state.toTransform().getInverse(),
 *                                       inertToBody);
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * If the carrier is a ground station, located using a topocentric frame
 * and managing its pointing direction using a transform between the
 * dish frame and the topocentric frame, then the {@code fovToBody} transform
 * can be computed as follows:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * Transform topoToBody = topocentricFrame.getTransformTo(body.getBodyFrame(), date);
 * Transform topoToDish = ...
 * Transform fovToBody  = new Transform(date,
 *                                      topoToDish.getInverse(),
 *                                      topoToBody);
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * Only the raw zone is used, the angular margin is ignored here.
 * </p>
 * @param fovToBody transform between the frame in which the Field Of View
 * is defined and body frame.
 * @param body body surface the Field Of View will be projected on
 * @param angularStep step used for boundary loops sampling (radians)
 * @return list footprint boundary loops (there may be several independent
 * loops if the Field Of View shape is complex)
 * @throws OrekitException if some frame conversion fails or if carrier is
 * below body surface
List<List<GeodeticPoint>> getFootprint(final Transform fovToBody, final OneAxisEllipsoid body, final double angularStep) throws OrekitException {
    final Frame bodyFrame = body.getBodyFrame();
    final Vector3D position = fovToBody.transformPosition(Vector3D.ZERO);
    final double r = position.getNorm();
    if (body.isInside(position)) {
        throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.POINT_INSIDE_ELLIPSOID);
    final List<List<GeodeticPoint>> footprint = new ArrayList<List<GeodeticPoint>>();
    final List<Vertex> boundary = zone.getBoundaryLoops();
    for (final Vertex loopStart : boundary) {
        int count = 0;
        final List<GeodeticPoint> loop = new ArrayList<GeodeticPoint>();
        boolean intersectionsFound = false;
        for (Edge edge = loopStart.getOutgoing(); count == 0 || edge.getStart() != loopStart; edge = edge.getEnd().getOutgoing()) {
            final int n = (int) FastMath.ceil(edge.getLength() / angularStep);
            final double delta = edge.getLength() / n;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                final Vector3D awaySC = new Vector3D(r, edge.getPointAt(i * delta));
                final Vector3D awayBody = fovToBody.transformPosition(awaySC);
                final Line lineOfSight = new Line(position, awayBody, 1.0e-3);
                GeodeticPoint gp = body.getIntersectionPoint(lineOfSight, position, bodyFrame, null);
                if (gp != null && Vector3D.dotProduct(awayBody.subtract(position), body.transform(gp).subtract(position)) < 0) {
                    // the intersection is in fact on the half-line pointing
                    // towards the back side, it is a spurious intersection
                    gp = null;
                if (gp != null) {
                    // the line of sight does intersect the body
                    intersectionsFound = true;
                } else {
                    // the line of sight does not intersect body
                    // we use a point on the limb
                    gp = body.transform(body.pointOnLimb(position, awayBody), bodyFrame, null);
                // add the point in front of the list
                // (to ensure the loop will be in trigonometric orientation)
                loop.add(0, gp);
        if (intersectionsFound) {
            // at least some of the points did intersect the body,
            // this loop contributes to the footprint
    if (footprint.isEmpty()) {
        // none of the Field Of View loops cross the body
        // either the body is outside of Field Of View, or it is fully contained
        // we check the center
        final Vector3D bodyCenter = fovToBody.getInverse().transformPosition(Vector3D.ZERO);
        if (zone.checkPoint(new S2Point(bodyCenter)) != Region.Location.OUTSIDE) {
            // the body is fully contained in the Field Of View
            // we use the full limb as the footprint
            final Vector3D x = bodyCenter.orthogonal();
            final Vector3D y = Vector3D.crossProduct(bodyCenter, x).normalize();
            final double sinEta = body.getEquatorialRadius() / r;
            final double sinEta2 = sinEta * sinEta;
            final double cosAlpha = (FastMath.cos(angularStep) + sinEta2 - 1) / sinEta2;
            final int n = (int) FastMath.ceil(MathUtils.TWO_PI / FastMath.acos(cosAlpha));
            final double delta = MathUtils.TWO_PI / n;
            final List<GeodeticPoint> loop = new ArrayList<GeodeticPoint>(n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                final Vector3D outside = new Vector3D(r * FastMath.cos(i * delta), x, r * FastMath.sin(i * delta), y);
                loop.add(body.transform(body.pointOnLimb(position, outside), bodyFrame, null));
    return footprint;
Also used : Vertex(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex) Frame(org.orekit.frames.Frame) S2Point(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) S2Point(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point) GeodeticPoint(org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint) Line(org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Line) Vector3D(org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D) OrekitException(org.orekit.errors.OrekitException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) GeodeticPoint(org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint) Edge(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Edge)

Example 3 with Vertex

use of org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex in project Orekit by CS-SI.

the class InsideFinder method visitLeafNode.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void visitLeafNode(final BSPTree<Sphere2D> node) {
    // we have already found a good point
    if (insidePointFirstChoice != null) {
    if ((Boolean) node.getAttribute()) {
        // transform this inside leaf cell into a simple convex polygon
        final SphericalPolygonsSet convex = new SphericalPolygonsSet(node.pruneAroundConvexCell(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null), zone.getTolerance());
        // extract the start of the single loop boundary of the convex cell
        final List<Vertex> boundary = convex.getBoundaryLoops();
        final Vertex start = boundary.get(0);
        int n = 0;
        Vector3D sumB = Vector3D.ZERO;
        for (Edge e = start.getOutgoing(); n == 0 || e.getStart() != start; e = e.getEnd().getOutgoing()) {
            sumB = new Vector3D(1, sumB, e.getLength(), e.getCircle().getPole());
        final S2Point candidate = new S2Point(sumB);
        // and checkPoint selects another (very close) tree leaf node
        if (zone.checkPoint(candidate) == Location.INSIDE) {
            insidePointFirstChoice = candidate;
        } else {
            insidePointSecondChoice = candidate;
Also used : Vertex(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex) S2Point(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point) Vector3D(org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D) SphericalPolygonsSet(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.SphericalPolygonsSet) Edge(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Edge) S2Point(org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point)


Edge (org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Edge)3 S2Point (org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point)3 Vertex (org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.Vertex)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 Vector3D (org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D)2 GeodeticPoint (org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint)2 Line (org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Line)1 SphericalPolygonsSet (org.hipparchus.geometry.spherical.twod.SphericalPolygonsSet)1 OrekitException (org.orekit.errors.OrekitException)1 Frame (org.orekit.frames.Frame)1 ConstantAzimuthAiming ( EllipsoidTessellator (