use of org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.SqlHelper in project dhis2-core by dhis2.
the class DefaultSqlViewService method getSqlForView.
private String getSqlForView(Grid grid, SqlView sqlView, Map<String, String> criteria, List<String> filters, List<String> fields) {
String sql = "select " + QueryUtils.parseSelectFields(fields) + " from " + statementBuilder.columnQuote(sqlView.getViewName()) + " ";
boolean hasCriteria = criteria != null && !criteria.isEmpty();
boolean hasFilter = filters != null && !filters.isEmpty();
if (hasCriteria || hasFilter) {
SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlHelper();
if (hasCriteria) {
sql += getCriteriaSqlClause(criteria, sqlHelper);
if (hasFilter) {
sql += parseFilters(filters, sqlHelper);
return sql;
use of org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.SqlHelper in project dhis2-core by dhis2.
the class HibernateTrackedEntityInstanceStore method buildTrackedEntityInstanceHql.
private String buildTrackedEntityInstanceHql(TrackedEntityInstanceQueryParams params) {
String hql = "select distinct tei from TrackedEntityInstance tei left join tei.trackedEntityAttributeValues";
SqlHelper hlp = new SqlHelper(true);
if (params.hasTrackedEntity()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "tei.trackedEntity.uid='" + params.getTrackedEntity().getUid() + "'";
if (params.hasLastUpdatedStartDate()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "tei.lastUpdated >= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getLastUpdatedStartDate()) + "'";
if (params.hasLastUpdatedEndDate()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "tei.lastUpdated < '" + getMediumDateString(params.getLastUpdatedEndDate()) + "'";
if (params.hasOrganisationUnits()) {
if (params.isOrganisationUnitMode(OrganisationUnitSelectionMode.DESCENDANTS)) {
String ouClause = "(";
SqlHelper orHlp = new SqlHelper(true);
for (OrganisationUnit organisationUnit : params.getOrganisationUnits()) {
ouClause += orHlp.or() + "tei.organisationUnit.path LIKE '" + organisationUnit.getPath() + "%'";
ouClause += ")";
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + ouClause;
} else {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "tei.organisationUnit.uid in (" + getQuotedCommaDelimitedString(getUids(params.getOrganisationUnits())) + ")";
if (params.hasQuery()) {
QueryFilter queryFilter = params.getQuery();
String filter = queryFilter.getSqlFilter(queryFilter.getFilter());
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + " exists (from TrackedEntityAttributeValue teav where teav.entityInstance=tei";
hql += " and teav.plainValue " + queryFilter.getSqlOperator() + filter + ")";
if (params.hasFilters()) {
for (QueryItem queryItem : params.getFilters()) {
for (QueryFilter queryFilter : queryItem.getFilters()) {
String filter = queryFilter.getSqlFilter(StringUtils.lowerCase(queryFilter.getFilter()));
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + " exists (from TrackedEntityAttributeValue teav where teav.entityInstance=tei";
hql += " and teav.attribute.uid='" + queryItem.getItemId() + "'";
if (queryItem.isNumeric()) {
hql += " and teav.plainValue " + queryFilter.getSqlOperator() + filter + ")";
} else {
hql += " and lower(teav.plainValue) " + queryFilter.getSqlOperator() + filter + ")";
if (params.hasProgram()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "exists (from ProgramInstance pi where pi.entityInstance=tei";
hql += " and pi.program.uid = '" + params.getProgram().getUid() + "'";
if (params.hasProgramStatus()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "pi.status = " + params.getProgramStatus();
if (params.hasFollowUp()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "pi.followup = " + params.getFollowUp();
if (params.hasProgramEnrollmentStartDate()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "pi.enrollmentDate >= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getProgramEnrollmentStartDate()) + "'";
if (params.hasProgramEnrollmentEndDate()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "pi.enrollmentDate < '" + getMediumDateString(params.getProgramEnrollmentEndDate()) + "'";
if (params.hasProgramIncidentStartDate()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "pi.incidentDate >= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getProgramIncidentStartDate()) + "'";
if (params.hasProgramIncidentEndDate()) {
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + "pi.incidentDate < '" + getMediumDateString(params.getProgramIncidentEndDate()) + "'";
hql += " and pi.deleted is false";
hql += ")";
hql += hlp.whereAnd() + " tei.deleted is false ";
return hql;
use of org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.SqlHelper in project dhis2-core by dhis2.
the class HibernateTrackedEntityInstanceStore method getTrackedEntityInstanceCount.
public int getTrackedEntityInstanceCount(TrackedEntityInstanceQueryParams params) {
SqlHelper hlp = new SqlHelper();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select clause
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
String sql = "select count(tei.uid) as " + TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_ID + " ";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// From and where clause
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sql += getFromWhereClause(params, hlp);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Query
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Integer count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class);
log.debug("Tracked entity instance count SQL: " + sql);
return count;
use of org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.SqlHelper in project dhis2-core by dhis2.
the class JdbcAnalyticsManager method getFromWhereClause.
* Generates the from clause of the query SQL.
private String getFromWhereClause(DataQueryParams params, String partition) {
SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlHelper();
String sql = "from " + getPartitionSql(params, partition) + " ";
for (DimensionalObject dim : params.getDimensions()) {
if (!dim.getItems().isEmpty() && !dim.isFixed()) {
String col = statementBuilder.columnQuote(dim.getDimensionName());
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " " + col + " in (" + getQuotedCommaDelimitedString(getUids(dim.getItems())) + ") ";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ListMap<String, DimensionalObject> filterMap = params.getDimensionFilterMap();
for (String dimension : filterMap.keySet()) {
List<DimensionalObject> filters = filterMap.get(dimension);
if (DimensionalObjectUtils.anyDimensionHasItems(filters)) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " ( ";
for (DimensionalObject filter : filters) {
if (filter.hasItems()) {
String col = statementBuilder.columnQuote(filter.getDimensionName());
sql += col + " in (" + getQuotedCommaDelimitedString(getUids(filter.getItems())) + ") or ";
sql = removeLastOr(sql) + ") ";
if (params.isDataApproval()) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " ( ";
for (OrganisationUnit unit : params.getDataApprovalLevels().keySet()) {
String ouCol = LEVEL_PREFIX + unit.getLevel();
Integer level = params.getDataApprovalLevels().get(unit);
sql += "(" + ouCol + " = '" + unit.getUid() + "' and " + COL_APPROVALLEVEL + " <= " + level + ") or ";
sql = removeLastOr(sql) + ") ";
if (params.isRestrictByOrgUnitOpeningClosedDate() && params.hasStartEndDate()) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " (" + "(" + statementBuilder.columnQuote("ouopeningdate") + " <= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getStartDate()) + "' or " + statementBuilder.columnQuote("ouopeningdate") + " is null) and " + "(" + statementBuilder.columnQuote("oucloseddate") + " >= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getEndDate()) + "' or " + statementBuilder.columnQuote("oucloseddate") + " is null)) ";
if (params.isRestrictByCategoryOptionStartEndDate() && params.hasStartEndDate()) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " (" + "(" + statementBuilder.columnQuote("costartdate") + " <= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getStartDate()) + "' or " + statementBuilder.columnQuote("costartdate") + " is null) and " + "(" + statementBuilder.columnQuote("coenddate") + " >= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getEndDate()) + "' or " + statementBuilder.columnQuote("coenddate") + " is null)) ";
if (!params.isRestrictByOrgUnitOpeningClosedDate() && !params.isRestrictByCategoryOptionStartEndDate() && params.hasStartEndDate()) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " " + statementBuilder.columnQuote("pestartdate") + " >= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getStartDate()) + "' ";
sql += "and " + statementBuilder.columnQuote("peenddate") + " <= '" + getMediumDateString(params.getEndDate()) + "' ";
if (params.isTimely()) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " timely is true ";
return sql;
use of org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.SqlHelper in project dhis2-core by dhis2.
the class JdbcRawAnalyticsManager method getStatement.
private String getStatement(DataQueryParams params, String partition) {
List<String> dimensionColumns = params.getDimensions().stream().map(d -> statementBuilder.columnQuote(d.getDimensionName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
setOrgUnitSelect(params, dimensionColumns);
SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlHelper();
String sql = "select " + StringUtils.join(dimensionColumns, ", ") + ", " + DIM_NAME_OU + ", value " + "from " + partition + " ax " + "inner join organisationunit ou on ax.ou = ou.uid " + "inner join _periodstructure ps on = ps.iso ";
for (DimensionalObject dim : params.getDimensions()) {
if (!dim.getItems().isEmpty() && !dim.isFixed()) {
String col = statementBuilder.columnQuote(dim.getDimensionName());
if (DimensionalObject.ORGUNIT_DIM_ID.equals(dim.getDimension())) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " (";
for (DimensionalItemObject item : dim.getItems()) {
OrganisationUnit unit = (OrganisationUnit) item;
sql += DIM_NAME_OU + " like '" + unit.getPath() + "%' or ";
sql = TextUtils.removeLastOr(sql) + ") ";
} else {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " " + col + " in (" + getQuotedCommaDelimitedString(getUids(dim.getItems())) + ") ";
if (params.hasStartEndDate()) {
sql += sqlHelper.whereAnd() + " " + "ps.startdate >= '" + DateUtils.getMediumDateString(params.getStartDate()) + "' and " + "ps.enddate <= '" + DateUtils.getMediumDateString(params.getEndDate()) + "' ";
return sql;