Search in sources :

Example 11 with Annotation

use of org.hl7.cql_annotations.r1.Annotation in project kindling by HL7.

the class Publisher method stripXsd.

private InputStream stripXsd(InputStream source) throws Exception {
    byte[] src = IOUtils.toByteArray(source);
    try {
        byte[] xslt = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(Utilities.path(page.getFolders().rootDir, "implementations", "xmltools", "AnnotationStripper.xslt")));
        String scrs = new String(src);
        String xslts = new String(xslt);
        return new ByteArrayInputStream(XsltUtilities.transform(new HashMap<String, byte[]>(), src, xslt));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (web) {
            throw e;
        } else
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(src);
// DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
// factory.setNamespaceAware(false);
// DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
// Document doc = builder.parse(source);
// stripElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "annotation");
// TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
// Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
// ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// DOMSource src = new DOMSource(doc);erent
// StreamResult streamResult =  new StreamResult(bo);
// transformer.transform(src, streamResult);
// bo.close();
// return new ByteArrayInputStream(bo.toByteArray());
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CSFileInputStream(org.hl7.fhir.utilities.CSFileInputStream) FileInputStream( TransformerException(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException) IOException( FHIRException(org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException) FileNotFoundException( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 12 with Annotation

use of org.hl7.cql_annotations.r1.Annotation in project hl7v2-fhir-converter by LinuxForHealth.

the class Hl7MDMMessageTest method test_mdm_ORDER_with_OBXnotTX.

@ValueSource(strings = { "MDM^T02", "MDM^T06" })
void test_mdm_ORDER_with_OBXnotTX(String message) throws IOException {
    // Also check NTE working for MDM messages.
    String hl7message = "MSH|^~\\&|HNAM|W|RAD_IMAGING_REPORT|W|20180118111520||" + message + "|<MESSAGEID>|P|2.6\r" + "EVN||20150502090000|\r" + "PID|||1234^^^^MR||DOE^JANE^|||F||||||||||||||||||||||\r" + "PV1||O||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||199501102300\r" + "ORC|NW|622470H432|||||^^^^^R||||||||||||||\r" + "OBR|1|622470H432|102397CE432|||20170725143849|20180102|||||||||||||||||RAD|O||^^^^^R||||REASON_ID_1^REASON_TEXT_1||||\r" + // ServiceRequest NTE has a practitioner reference in NTE.5
    "NTE|1|O|TEST ORC/OBR NOTE AA line 1||Pract1ID^Pract1Last^Pract1First|\n" + "NTE|2|O|TEST NOTE AA line 2|\n" + "TXA|1|HP^History and physical examination|TX||||201801171442||||||||||||AV|||||\r" + "OBX|1|NM|Most Current Weight^Most current measured weight (actual)||90|kg\r" + // Observation NTE has a practitioner reference in second NTE.5. Annotation uses the first valid NTE.5
    "NTE|1|L|TEST OBX NOTE BB line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE BB line 2||Pract2ID^Pract2Last^Pract2First|\n";
    List<BundleEntryComponent> e = ResourceUtils.createFHIRBundleFromHL7MessageReturnEntryList(ftv, hl7message);
    // Check for the expected resources
    List<Resource> encounterResource = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Encounter);
    // from EVN, PV1
    List<Resource> patientResource = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Patient);
    // from PID
    List<Resource> serviceRequestResource = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.ServiceRequest);
    // from ORC, OBR
    // Light check that ServiceRequest contains NTE for ORC/OBR;  Deep check of NTE in Hl7NoteFHIRConverterTest.
    ServiceRequest serviceRequest = ResourceUtils.getResourceServiceRequest(serviceRequestResource.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    // NOTE: the note contains an Annotation, which contains a MarkdownType that has the string.
    // Must use getTextElement().getValueAsString() to see untrimmed contents.
    assertThat(serviceRequest.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST ORC/OBR NOTE AA line 1  \nTEST NOTE AA line 2");
    List<Resource> documentReferenceResource = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.DocumentReference);
    // from TXA
    List<Resource> observationResources = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Observation);
    // from OBX(not type TX)
    // Light check that Observation contains NTE for OBX;  Deep check of NTE in Hl7NoteFHIRConverterTest.
    Observation observation = ResourceUtils.getResourceObservation(observationResources.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Validate the note contents and reference existance.
    // NOTE: the note contains an Annotation, which contains a MarkdownType that has the string.
    // Must use getTextElement().getValueAsString() to see untrimmed contents.
    assertThat(observation.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST OBX NOTE BB line 1  \nTEST NOTE BB line 2");
    // Two Practitioners, one for the serviceRequest, one for the Observation
    List<Resource> practitioners = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Practitioner);
    // from NTE.4 references
    // Confirm that no extra resources are created
Also used : BundleEntryComponent(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent) Resource(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Resource) Observation(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Observation) ServiceRequest(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.ServiceRequest) ValueSource(org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource) ParameterizedTest(org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)

Example 13 with Annotation

use of org.hl7.cql_annotations.r1.Annotation in project hl7v2-fhir-converter by LinuxForHealth.

the class Hl7NoteFHIRConverterTest method testNoteCreationMutiplePPR.

// Test that multiple problems (PRB) each with multiple notes (NTE) are associated with the correct NTE / PRB
// and that there is no "bleed"
void testNoteCreationMutiplePPR() throws IOException {
    // TODO: Add PC2 and PC3 tests in future
    String message = "PPR^PC1";
    String hl7message = "MSH|^~\\&|SendTest1|Sendfac1|Receiveapp1|Receivefac1|200603081747|security|" + message + "|1|P^I|2.6||||||ASCII||\n" + "PID|||555444222111^^^MPI&GenHosp&L^MR||james^anderson|||M||||||||||||||\n" + "PV1||I|||||||||||||||||1400|||||||||||||||||||||||||199501102300\n" + "PRB|AD|200603150625|aortic stenosis|53692||2||200603150625\n" + "NTE|1|O|TEST PRBa NOTE AA line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|O|TEST NOTE AA line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|O|TEST NOTE AA line 3|\n" + "OBX|1|NM|17985^GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HGB A1C^LRR^^^^^^GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HGB A1C||5.6|%|<6.0||||F||||||||||||||\n" + "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXb NOTE BB line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE BB line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|L|TEST NOTE BB line 3|\n" + "OBX|2|NM|17853^MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE^LRR^^^^^^MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE||114.02|mg/dL|||||F||||||||||||||\n" + "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXc NOTE CC line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE CC line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|L|TEST NOTE CC line 3|\n" + "PRB|AD|200603150625|I47.2^Ventricular tachycardia^ICD-10-CM|53692||2||200603150625\n" + "NTE|1|O|TEST PRBd NOTE DD line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|O|TEST NOTE DD line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|O|TEST NOTE DD line 3|\n" + "OBX|1|NM|8595^BP Mean|1|88|MM HG|||||F|||20180520230000|||\n" + "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXe NOTE EE line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE EE line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|L|TEST NOTE EE line 3|\n" + "OBX|2|NM|7302^Resp Rate|1|19||||||F|||20180520230000|||\n" + // Single NTE to ensure it is created correctly
    "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXf NOTE FF line 1|\n";
    List<BundleEntryComponent> e = ResourceUtils.createFHIRBundleFromHL7MessageReturnEntryList(ftv, hl7message);
    List<Resource> patients = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Patient);
    // Two Conditions from two PRBs. One has "... stenosis" and notes AA, One has "... Tachycardia" and notes DD
    List<Resource> conditions = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Condition);
    Condition condStenosis = ResourceUtils.getResourceCondition(conditions.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    Condition condTachy = ResourceUtils.getResourceCondition(conditions.get(1), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Figure out which is first and reassign if needed for testing
    if (!condStenosis.getCode().getCodingFirstRep().getCode().contains("aortic stenosis")) {
        Condition temp = condStenosis;
        condStenosis = condTachy;
        condTachy = temp;
    // Test the conditions have the correct NTE's associated and have correct content.
    // NOTE: the note contains an Annotation, which contains a MarkdownType that has the string.
    // Must use getTextElement().getValueAsString() to see untrimmed contents.
    assertThat(condStenosis.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST PRBa NOTE AA line 1  \nTEST NOTE AA line 2  \nTEST NOTE AA line 3");
    assertThat(condTachy.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST PRBd NOTE DD line 1  \nTEST NOTE DD line 2  \nTEST NOTE DD line 3");
    // Four observations.  Two associated with the first problem and two with the second
    // This map tells us what Annotation text is associated with an Observation code
    Map<String, String> matchObsCodeToNotes = new HashMap<>();
    matchObsCodeToNotes.put("17985", "TEST OBXb NOTE BB line 1  \nTEST NOTE BB line 2  \nTEST NOTE BB line 3");
    matchObsCodeToNotes.put("17853", "TEST OBXc NOTE CC line 1  \nTEST NOTE CC line 2  \nTEST NOTE CC line 3");
    matchObsCodeToNotes.put("8595", "TEST OBXe NOTE EE line 1  \nTEST NOTE EE line 2  \nTEST NOTE EE line 3");
    matchObsCodeToNotes.put("7302", "TEST OBXf NOTE FF line 1");
    // This map tells us what Parent should be associated with an Observation code
    Map<String, String> matchObsCodeToParent = new HashMap<>();
    matchObsCodeToParent.put("17985", "aortic stenosis");
    matchObsCodeToParent.put("17853", "aortic stenosis");
    matchObsCodeToParent.put("8595", "I47.2");
    matchObsCodeToParent.put("7302", "I47.2");
    List<Resource> observations = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Observation);
    int observationsVerified = 0;
    // For the list of Conditions
    for (int condIndex = 0; condIndex < conditions.size(); condIndex++) {
        // condIndex is index for condition
        // Get the list of Observation references
        Condition cond = ResourceUtils.getResourceCondition(conditions.get(condIndex), ResourceUtils.context);
        List<ConditionEvidenceComponent> evidences = cond.getEvidence();
        for (int evidenceIndex = 0; evidenceIndex < evidences.size(); evidenceIndex++) {
            // Get the evidence Observation reference
            String obsReferenceId = evidences.get(evidenceIndex).getDetailFirstRep().getReference();
            // Find the referenced observation
            for (int obsIndex = 0; obsIndex < observations.size(); obsIndex++) {
                // If the Id's match
                if (obsReferenceId.contains(observations.get(obsIndex).getId())) {
                    // Check the contents and the parent
                    Observation obs = ResourceUtils.getResourceObservation(observations.get(obsIndex), ResourceUtils.context);
                    String code = obs.getCode().getCodingFirstRep().getCode().toString();
                    // The Annotation text should match the mapped text for this key
                    // The parent Condition code.coding.code should match the expected mapped code for this key
    // This confirms ALL of the observations were checked.
Also used : Condition(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Condition) BundleEntryComponent(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent) ConditionEvidenceComponent(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Condition.ConditionEvidenceComponent) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Resource(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Resource) Observation(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Observation) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) ParameterizedTest(org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)

Example 14 with Annotation

use of org.hl7.cql_annotations.r1.Annotation in project hl7v2-fhir-converter by LinuxForHealth.

the class Hl7NoteFHIRConverterTest method testMedicationRequestNoteCreation.

// Suppress warnings about too many assertions in a test.  Justification: creating a FHIR message is very costly; we need to check many asserts per creation for efficiency.
void testMedicationRequestNoteCreation(String message, String medicalRequestSegments) {
    // Minimal valid ORC message.  Requires RXO and RXR segments.
    String hl7message = "MSH|^~\\&||||IBM|20210101000000||" + message + "|MSGID|T|2.6\n" + "PID|||1234||DOE^JANE^|||F||||||||||||||||||||||\n" + "PV1||I||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\n" + "ORC|OP|1234|1234|0827||||||||||||||||||||\n" + // May be RXO or RXO+RXE values from parmsTestMedicationRequestNoteCreation
    medicalRequestSegments + "NTE|1|O|TEST MedReq NOTE AA line 1||Pract1ID^Pract1Last^Pract1First|\n" + "NTE|2|O|TEST NOTE AA line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|O|TEST NOTE AA line 3|\n" + "OBX|1|NM|17985^GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HGB A1C^LRR^^^^^^GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HGB A1C||5.6|%|<6.0||||F||||||||||||||\n" + // GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN Observation NTE has a practitioner reference in NTE.5.  Note in second NTE. The first valid NTE.5 is used.
    "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXa NOTE BB line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE BB line 2||Pract2ID^Pract2Last^Pract2First|\n" + "NTE|3|L|TEST NOTE BB line 3|\n" + "OBX|2|NM|17853^MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE^LRR^^^^^^MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE||114.02|mg/dL|||||F||||||||||||||\n" + // Glucose Observation NTE has no practitioner reference in NTE.5
    "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXb NOTE CC line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE CC line 2|\n" + // Test that blank lines are preserved.
    "NTE|3|L| |\n" + "NTE|4|L|TEST NOTE CC line 4|\n";
    List<BundleEntryComponent> e = ResourceUtils.createFHIRBundleFromHL7MessageReturnEntryList(ftv, hl7message);
    // Expect MedicationRequest containing NTE for RXO or RXE
    List<Resource> medicationRequests = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.MedicationRequest);
    MedicationRequest medicationRequest = ResourceUtils.getResourceMedicationRequest(medicationRequests.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    // NOTE: the note contains an Annotation, which contains a MarkdownType that has the string.
    // Must use getTextElement().getValueAsString() to see untrimmed contents.
    assertThat(medicationRequest.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST MedReq NOTE AA line 1  \nTEST NOTE AA line 2  \nTEST NOTE AA line 3");
    String practitionerServReqRefId = medicationRequest.getNote().get(0).getAuthorReference().getReference();
    // Two observations.  One has GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN and notes BB, One has GLUCOSE and notes CC
    List<Resource> observations = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Observation);
    // Should be 2 for ORU and ORM
    Observation obsGlucose = ResourceUtils.getResourceObservation(observations.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    Observation obsHemoglobin = ResourceUtils.getResourceObservation(observations.get(1), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Figure out which is first and reassign if needed for testing
    if (obsGlucose.getCode().getText() != "MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE") {
        Observation temp = obsGlucose;
        obsGlucose = obsHemoglobin;
        obsHemoglobin = temp;
    // Validate the note contents and references
    assertThat(obsHemoglobin.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST OBXa NOTE BB line 1  \nTEST NOTE BB line 2  \nTEST NOTE BB line 3");
    String practitionerObsHemoglobinRefId = obsHemoglobin.getNote().get(0).getAuthorReference().getReference();
    assertThat(obsGlucose.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo(// Test that blank lines are preserved.
    "TEST OBXb NOTE CC line 1  \nTEST NOTE CC line 2  \n   \nTEST NOTE CC line 4");
    // Two Practitioners, one for the serviceRequest, one for the GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN Observation
    List<Resource> practitioners = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Practitioner);
    Practitioner practitionerServReq = ResourceUtils.getResourcePractitioner(practitioners.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    Practitioner practitionerObsHemoglobin = ResourceUtils.getResourcePractitioner(practitioners.get(1), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Adjust to correct practitioner if needed
    if (!practitionerServReq.getIdentifierFirstRep().getValue().contentEquals("Pract1ID")) {
        Practitioner temp = practitionerObsHemoglobin;
        practitionerObsHemoglobin = practitionerServReq;
        practitionerServReq = temp;
    // Check the values for the Practitioners and validate match to references.
    assertThat(practitionerServReq.getNameFirstRep().getText()).isEqualTo("Pract1First Pract1Last");
    // Check the cross-reference
    // Sanity check to confirm data corruption in meta content has not returned.
    CodeableConcept ccSourceEventTrigger = (CodeableConcept) practitionerServReq.getMeta().getExtensionByUrl("").getValue();
    assertThat(practitionerObsHemoglobin.getNameFirstRep().getText()).isEqualTo("Pract2First Pract2Last");
    // Check the cross-reference
Also used : Practitioner(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Practitioner) MedicationRequest(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.MedicationRequest) BundleEntryComponent(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent) Resource(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Resource) Observation(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Observation) CodeableConcept(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.CodeableConcept) ParameterizedTest(org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest) MethodSource(org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource)

Example 15 with Annotation

use of org.hl7.cql_annotations.r1.Annotation in project hl7v2-fhir-converter by LinuxForHealth.

the class Hl7NoteFHIRConverterTest method testNoteCreationServiceRequestMutipleOBX.

// Suppress warnings about too many assertions in a test.  Justification: creating a FHIR message is very costly; we need to check many asserts per creation for efficiency.
void testNoteCreationServiceRequestMutipleOBX(String message, int numExpectedDiagnosticReports) {
    String hl7ORU = "MSH|^~\\&|||||20180924152907||" + message + "|213|T|2.3.1|||||||||||\n" + "PID|||Pract1ID^^^^MR||DOE^JANE^|||F||||||||||||||||||||||\n" + // "NTE|1|O|TEST NOTE DD line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|O|TEST NOTE DD line 2 |\n" + "NTE|3|O|TEST NOTE D line 3|\n"
    "PV1|1|I||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||20180924152707|\n" + "ORC|RE|248648498^|248648498^|ML18267-C00001^Beaker|||||||||||||||||||||||||||\n" + "OBR|1|248648498^|248648498^|83036E^HEMOGLOBIN A1C^PACSEAP^^^^^^HEMOGLOBIN A1C||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\n" + // ServiceRequest NTE has a practitioner reference in NTE.5
    "NTE|1|O|TEST ORC/OBR NOTE AA line 1||Pract1ID^Pract1Last^Pract1First|\n" + "NTE|2|O|TEST NOTE AA line 2|\n" + "NTE|3|O|TEST NOTE AA line 3|\n" + "OBX|1|NM|17985^GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HGB A1C^LRR^^^^^^GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN HGB A1C||5.6|%|<6.0||||F||||||||||||||\n" + // GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN Observation NTE has a practitioner reference in NTE.5.  Note in second NTE. The first valied NTE.5 is used.
    "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXa NOTE BB line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE BB line 2||Pract2ID^Pract2Last^Pract2First|\n" + "NTE|3|L|TEST NOTE BB line 3|\n" + "OBX|2|NM|17853^MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE^LRR^^^^^^MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE||114.02|mg/dL|||||F||||||||||||||\n" + // Glucose Observation NTE has no practitioner reference in NTE.5
    "NTE|1|L|TEST OBXb NOTE CC line 1|\n" + "NTE|2|L|TEST NOTE CC line 2|\n" + // Test that blank lines are preserved.
    "NTE|3|L| |\n" + "NTE|4|L|TEST NOTE CC line 4|\n";
    List<BundleEntryComponent> e = ResourceUtils.createFHIRBundleFromHL7MessageReturnEntryList(ftv, hl7ORU);
    List<Resource> diagnosticReports = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.DiagnosticReport);
    // DiagnosticReport expected for ORU, but not for ORM
    // From the OBR in the ORU test case
    // One ServiceRequest contains NTE for ORC/OBR
    List<Resource> serviceRequests = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.ServiceRequest);
    ServiceRequest serviceRequest = ResourceUtils.getResourceServiceRequest(serviceRequests.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Processing adds "  \n" two spaces and a line feed between each line.
    // NOTE: the note contains an Annotation, which contains a MarkdownType that has the string.
    // Must use getTextElement().getValueAsString() to see untrimmed contents.
    assertThat(serviceRequest.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST ORC/OBR NOTE AA line 1  \nTEST NOTE AA line 2  \nTEST NOTE AA line 3");
    String practitionerServReqRefId = serviceRequest.getNote().get(0).getAuthorReference().getReference();
    // Two observations.  One has GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN and notes BB, One has GLUCOSE and notes CC
    List<Resource> observations = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Observation);
    // Should be 2 for ORU and ORM
    Observation obsGlucose = ResourceUtils.getResourceObservation(observations.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    Observation obsHemoglobin = ResourceUtils.getResourceObservation(observations.get(1), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Figure out which is first and reassign if needed for testing
    if (obsGlucose.getCode().getText() != "MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE") {
        Observation temp = obsGlucose;
        obsGlucose = obsHemoglobin;
        obsHemoglobin = temp;
    // Validate the note contents and references
    assertThat(obsHemoglobin.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo("TEST OBXa NOTE BB line 1  \nTEST NOTE BB line 2  \nTEST NOTE BB line 3");
    String practitionerObsHemoglobinRefId = obsHemoglobin.getNote().get(0).getAuthorReference().getReference();
    assertThat(obsGlucose.getNote().get(0).getTextElement().getValueAsString()).isEqualTo(// Test that blank lines are preserved.
    "TEST OBXb NOTE CC line 1  \nTEST NOTE CC line 2  \n   \nTEST NOTE CC line 4");
    // Two Practitioners, one for the serviceRequest, one for the GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN Observation
    List<Resource> practitioners = ResourceUtils.getResourceList(e, ResourceType.Practitioner);
    Practitioner practitionerServReq = ResourceUtils.getResourcePractitioner(practitioners.get(0), ResourceUtils.context);
    Practitioner practitionerObsHemoglobin = ResourceUtils.getResourcePractitioner(practitioners.get(1), ResourceUtils.context);
    // Adjust to correct practitioner if needed
    if (!practitionerServReq.getIdentifierFirstRep().getValue().contentEquals("Pract1ID")) {
        Practitioner temp = practitionerObsHemoglobin;
        practitionerObsHemoglobin = practitionerServReq;
        practitionerServReq = temp;
    // Check the values for the Practitioners and validate match to references.
    assertThat(practitionerServReq.getNameFirstRep().getText()).isEqualTo("Pract1First Pract1Last");
    // Check the cross-reference
    // Sanity check to confirm data corruption in meta content has not returned.
    CodeableConcept ccSourceEventTrigger = (CodeableConcept) practitionerServReq.getMeta().getExtensionByUrl("").getValue();
    assertThat(practitionerObsHemoglobin.getNameFirstRep().getText()).isEqualTo("Pract2First Pract2Last");
    // Check the cross-reference
Also used : Practitioner(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Practitioner) BundleEntryComponent(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent) Resource(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Resource) Observation(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Observation) ServiceRequest(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.ServiceRequest) CodeableConcept(org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.CodeableConcept) ParameterizedTest(org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest) MethodSource(org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource)


NotImplementedException (org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException)14 Annotation (zipkin2.Annotation)14 Trace (com.newrelic.api.agent.Trace)13 Operation (gov.cms.bfd.server.war.Operation)13 IBaseResource (org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource)12 Annotation (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Annotation)12 Map (java.util.Map)11 NoResultException (javax.persistence.NoResultException)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 Test (org.junit.Test)10 ResourceNotFoundException ( Annotation (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Annotation)9 Search ( List (java.util.List)8 XhtmlNode (org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.XhtmlNode)8 Read ( Patient (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Patient)7 OffsetLinkBuilder (gov.cms.bfd.server.war.commons.OffsetLinkBuilder)6 Collectors ( CodeableConcept (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.CodeableConcept)6