use of org.hl7.fhir.core.generator.analysis.TypeInfo in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class JavaParserXmlGenerator method genInner.
private void genInner(Analysis analysis, TypeInfo ti) throws IOException, Exception {
String tn = ti.getName();
String stn = (ti == analysis.getRootType() ? tn : analysis.getClassName() + "." + tn);
String pfx = (ti.getDefn().isInlineType()) && !tn.startsWith(analysis.getClassName()) ? analysis.getClassName() : "";
if (!analysis.isAbstract() || ti != analysis.getRootType()) {
parser.append(" protected " + stn + " parse" + pfx + tn + "(XmlPullParser xpp) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, FHIRFormatError {\r\n");
parser.append(" " + stn + " res = new " + stn + "();\r\n");
if (ti == analysis.getRootType() && analysis.getStructure().getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.RESOURCE) {
parser.append(" parseResourceAttributes(xpp, res);\r\n");
} else {
parser.append(" parseElementAttributes(xpp, res);\r\n");
for (ElementDefinition ed : ti.getChildren()) {
if (ed.hasRepresentation(PropertyRepresentation.XMLATTR)) {
parser.append(" if (xpp.getAttributeValue(null, \"" + ed.getName() + "\") != null)\r\n");
parser.append(" res.set" + upFirst(getElementName(ed.getName(), true)) + "(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, \"" + ed.getName() + "\"));\r\n");
parser.append(" next(xpp);\r\n");
parser.append(" int eventType = nextNoWhitespace(xpp);\r\n");
parser.append(" while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {\r\n");
parser.append(" if (!parse" + pfx + tn + "Content(eventType, xpp, res))\r\n");
parser.append(" unknownContent(xpp);\r\n");
parser.append(" eventType = nextNoWhitespace(xpp);\r\n");
parser.append(" }\r\n");
parser.append(" next(xpp);\r\n");
parser.append(" parseElementClose(res);\r\n");
parser.append(" return res;\r\n");
parser.append(" }\r\n\r\n");
parser.append(" protected boolean parse" + pfx + tn + "Content(int eventType, XmlPullParser xpp, " + stn + " res) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, FHIRFormatError {\r\n");
boolean first = true;
for (ElementDefinition ed : ti.getChildren()) {
if (!ed.hasRepresentation(PropertyRepresentation.XMLATTR)) {
genElement(analysis, ti, ed, matchingInheritedElement(ti.getInheritedChildren(), ed, analysis.getName()), first);
first = false;
if (!first)
parser.append(" } else ");
parser.append(" ");
parser.append("if (!parse" + ti.getAncestorName() + "Content(eventType, xpp, res)){ \r\n");
parser.append(" return false;\r\n");
parser.append(" }\r\n");
parser.append(" return true;\r\n");
parser.append(" }\r\n\r\n");
use of org.hl7.fhir.core.generator.analysis.TypeInfo in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class JavaParserXmlGenerator method genElement.
private void genElement(Analysis analysis, TypeInfo ti, ElementDefinition ed, ElementDefinition inh, boolean first) throws Exception {
String name = ed.getName();
if (name.endsWith("[x]") || name.equals("[type]")) {
String en = name.endsWith("[x]") && !name.equals("[x]") ? name.replace("[x]", "") : "value";
String pfx = name.endsWith("[x]") && !name.equals("[x]") ? name.replace("[x]", "") : "";
parser.append(" " + (!first ? "} else " : "") + "if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && nameIsTypeName(xpp, \"" + pfx + "\")) {\r\n");
parser.append(" res.set" + upFirst(getElementName(en, false)) + "(parseType(\"" + en + "\", xpp));\r\n");
} else {
String prsr = null;
if (ed.hasUserData("java.enum")) {
// getCodeListType(cd.getBinding());
EnumInfo ei = (EnumInfo) ed.getUserData("java.enum");
ValueSet vs = ei.getValueSet();
boolean enShared = vs.hasUserData("shared");
String en;
if (enShared) {
en = "Enumerations." + ei.getName();
} else {
en = analysis.getClassName() + "." + ei.getName();
// en+".fromCode(parseString(xpp))";
prsr = "parseEnumeration(xpp, " + en + ".NULL, new " + en.substring(0, en.indexOf(".")) + "." + en.substring(en.indexOf(".") + 1) + "EnumFactory())";
// parseEnumeration(xpp, Narrative.NarrativeStatus.additional, new Narrative.NarrativeStatusEnumFactory())
} else {
String tn = ed.getUserString("java.type");
if (name.equals("extension")) {
name = "extension";
tn = "Extension";
if (tn.contains("Reference("))
prsr = "parseReference(xpp)";
else if (tn.contains("canonical("))
prsr = "parseCanonical(xpp)";
else if (tn.contains("("))
prsr = "parse" + tn + "(xpp)";
else if (tn.startsWith(analysis.getName()) && !tn.equals(analysis.getClassName())) /* && !definitions.hasType(tn)*/
prsr = "parse" + upFirst(tn) + "(xpp)";
} else if (tn.equals("Resource") || tn.equals("DomainResource"))
prsr = "parse" + upFirst(tn) + "Contained(xpp)";
else if (isPrimitive(ed)) {
prsr = "parse" + upFirst(tn.substring(0, tn.length() - 4)) + "(xpp)";
} else if ((ed.hasContentReference() || ed.isInlineType()) && !tn.startsWith(analysis.getClassName())) {
prsr = "parse" + analysis.getClassName() + upFirst(tn) + "(xpp)";
} else {
prsr = "parse" + upFirst(tn) + "(xpp)";
if (ed.unbounded()) {
parser.append(" " + (!first ? "} else " : "") + "if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && xpp.getName().equals(\"" + name + "\")) {\r\n");
parser.append(" res.get" + upFirst(getElementName(name, false)) + "().add(" + prsr + ");\r\n");
} else if (inh != null && inh.unbounded()) {
parser.append(" " + (!first ? "} else " : "") + "if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && xpp.getName().equals(\"" + name + "\")) {\r\n");
parser.append(" res.add" + upFirst(getElementName(name, false)) + (!ed.typeSummary().equals("xhtml") && (isPrimitive(ed) || ed.typeSummary().startsWith("canonical(")) ? "Element" : "") + "(" + prsr + ");\r\n");
} else {
parser.append(" " + (!first ? "} else " : "") + "if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && xpp.getName().equals(\"" + name + "\")) {\r\n");
parser.append(" res.set" + upFirst(getElementName(name, false)) + (!ed.typeSummary().equals("xhtml") && (isPrimitive(ed) || ed.typeSummary().startsWith("canonical(")) ? "Element" : "") + "(" + prsr + ");\r\n");
use of org.hl7.fhir.core.generator.analysis.TypeInfo in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class JavaParserXmlGenerator method genInnerAbstract.
private void genInnerAbstract(Analysis analysis, TypeInfo ti) throws IOException, Exception {
String tn = ti.getName();
parser.append(" protected boolean parse" + upFirst(tn).replace(".", "") + "Content(int eventType, XmlPullParser xpp, " + tn + " res) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, FHIRFormatError {\r\n");
boolean first = true;
if (!analysis.isInterface()) {
for (ElementDefinition ed : ti.getChildren()) {
if (!ed.hasRepresentation(PropertyRepresentation.XMLATTR)) {
genElement(analysis, ti, ed, null, first);
first = false;
if (!first)
parser.append(" } else ");
parser.append(" ");
if (ti.getAncestorName() != null) {
parser.append("if (!parse" + ti.getAncestorName() + "Content(eventType, xpp, res)){ \r\n");
} else {
parser.append(" { \r\n");
parser.append(" return false;\r\n");
parser.append(" }\r\n");
parser.append(" return true;\r\n");
parser.append(" }\r\n\r\n");
use of org.hl7.fhir.core.generator.analysis.TypeInfo in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class JavaResourceGenerator method generateEquals.
private void generateEquals(Analysis analysis, TypeInfo ti, boolean owner) throws Exception {
List<ElementDefinition> children = ti.getChildren();
String tn = ti.getName();
boolean isAbstract = analysis.isAbstract();
boolean isInterface = analysis.isInterface();
write(" @Override\r\n");
write(" public boolean equalsDeep(Base other_) {\r\n");
write(" if (!super.equalsDeep(other_))\r\n");
write(" return false;\r\n");
write(" if (!(other_ instanceof " + tn + "))\r\n");
write(" return false;\r\n");
write(" " + tn + " o = (" + tn + ") other_;\r\n");
write(" return ");
boolean first = true;
int col = 18;
for (ElementDefinition c : children) {
if (!isInterface) {
if (first)
first = false;
else {
write(" && ");
col = col + 4;
String name = getElementName(c.getName(), true);
if (name.endsWith("[x]"))
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);
write("compareDeep(" + name + ", o." + name + ", true)");
col = col + 21 + name.length() * 2;
if (col > 100) {
col = 10;
write("\r\n ");
if (first)
write(" }\r\n\r\n");
write(" @Override\r\n");
write(" public boolean equalsShallow(Base other_) {\r\n");
write(" if (!super.equalsShallow(other_))\r\n");
write(" return false;\r\n");
write(" if (!(other_ instanceof " + tn + "))\r\n");
write(" return false;\r\n");
write(" " + tn + " o = (" + tn + ") other_;\r\n");
write(" return ");
first = true;
col = 18;
for (ElementDefinition c : children) {
if (!isInterface) {
if (isJavaPrimitive(c) && !"xhtml".equals(c.typeSummary())) {
if (first)
first = false;
else {
write(" && ");
col = col + 4;
String name = getElementName(c.getName(), true);
if (name.endsWith("[x]"))
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);
write("compareValues(" + name + ", o." + name + ", true)");
col = col + 21 + name.length() * 2;
if (col > 100) {
col = 10;
write("\r\n ");
if (first)
write(" }\r\n\r\n");
use of org.hl7.fhir.core.generator.analysis.TypeInfo in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class JavaParserRdfGenerator method genInnerComposer.
private void genInnerComposer(Analysis analysis, TypeInfo ti) throws IOException, Exception {
String tn = ti.getName();
String stn = (ti == analysis.getRootType() ? tn : analysis.getClassName() + "." + tn);
String pfx = (ti.getDefn().isInlineType()) && !tn.startsWith(analysis.getClassName()) ? analysis.getClassName() : "";
composer.append(" protected void compose" + pfx + tn + "(Complex parent, String parentType, String name, " + stn + " element, int index) {\r\n");
composer.append(" if (element == null) \r\n");
composer.append(" return;\r\n");
composer.append(" Complex t;\r\n");
composer.append(" if (Utilities.noString(parentType))\r\n");
composer.append(" t = parent;\r\n");
composer.append(" else {\r\n");
composer.append(" t = parent.predicate(\"fhir:\"+parentType+'.'+name);\r\n");
composer.append(" }\r\n");
composer.append(" compose" + ti.getAncestorName() + "(t, \"" + ti.getDefn().getName() + "\", name, element, index);\r\n");
if (tn.equals("Coding"))
composer.append(" decorateCoding(t, element);\r\n");
else if (tn.equals("CodeableConcept"))
composer.append(" decorateCodeableConcept(t, element);\r\n");
for (ElementDefinition ed : ti.getChildren()) {
genElement(analysis, ti, ed, matchingInheritedElement(ti.getInheritedChildren(), ed, analysis.getName()));
composer.append(" }\r\n\r\n");