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Example 66 with Address

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Address in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.

the class RdfParser method composeOrganization.

protected void composeOrganization(Complex parent, String parentType, String name, Organization element, int index) {
    if (element == null)
    Complex t;
    if (Utilities.noString(parentType))
        t = parent;
    else {
        t = parent.predicate("fhir:" + parentType + '.' + name);
    composeDomainResource(t, "Organization", name, element, index);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getIdentifier().size(); i++) composeIdentifier(t, "Organization", "identifier", element.getIdentifier().get(i), i);
    if (element.hasActiveElement())
        composeBoolean(t, "Organization", "active", element.getActiveElement(), -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getType().size(); i++) composeCodeableConcept(t, "Organization", "type", element.getType().get(i), i);
    if (element.hasNameElement())
        composeString(t, "Organization", "name", element.getNameElement(), -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getAlias().size(); i++) composeString(t, "Organization", "alias", element.getAlias().get(i), i);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getTelecom().size(); i++) composeContactPoint(t, "Organization", "telecom", element.getTelecom().get(i), i);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getAddress().size(); i++) composeAddress(t, "Organization", "address", element.getAddress().get(i), i);
    if (element.hasPartOf())
        composeReference(t, "Organization", "partOf", element.getPartOf(), -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getContact().size(); i++) composeOrganizationOrganizationContactComponent(t, "Organization", "contact", element.getContact().get(i), i);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getEndpoint().size(); i++) composeReference(t, "Organization", "endpoint", element.getEndpoint().get(i), i);
Also used : Complex(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.utils.formats.Turtle.Complex)

Example 67 with Address

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Address in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.

the class RdfParser method composeRelatedPerson.

protected void composeRelatedPerson(Complex parent, String parentType, String name, RelatedPerson element, int index) {
    if (element == null)
    Complex t;
    if (Utilities.noString(parentType))
        t = parent;
    else {
        t = parent.predicate("fhir:" + parentType + '.' + name);
    composeDomainResource(t, "RelatedPerson", name, element, index);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getIdentifier().size(); i++) composeIdentifier(t, "RelatedPerson", "identifier", element.getIdentifier().get(i), i);
    if (element.hasActiveElement())
        composeBoolean(t, "RelatedPerson", "active", element.getActiveElement(), -1);
    if (element.hasPatient())
        composeReference(t, "RelatedPerson", "patient", element.getPatient(), -1);
    if (element.hasRelationship())
        composeCodeableConcept(t, "RelatedPerson", "relationship", element.getRelationship(), -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getName().size(); i++) composeHumanName(t, "RelatedPerson", "name", element.getName().get(i), i);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getTelecom().size(); i++) composeContactPoint(t, "RelatedPerson", "telecom", element.getTelecom().get(i), i);
    if (element.hasGenderElement())
        composeEnum(t, "RelatedPerson", "gender", element.getGenderElement(), -1);
    if (element.hasBirthDateElement())
        composeDate(t, "RelatedPerson", "birthDate", element.getBirthDateElement(), -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getAddress().size(); i++) composeAddress(t, "RelatedPerson", "address", element.getAddress().get(i), i);
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getPhoto().size(); i++) composeAttachment(t, "RelatedPerson", "photo", element.getPhoto().get(i), i);
    if (element.hasPeriod())
        composePeriod(t, "RelatedPerson", "period", element.getPeriod(), -1);
Also used : Complex(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.utils.formats.Turtle.Complex)

Example 68 with Address

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Address in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.

the class JsonParser method composeType.

protected void composeType(String prefix, Type type) throws IOException {
    if (type == null)
    else if (type instanceof Age)
        composeAge(prefix + "Age", (Age) type);
    else if (type instanceof Count)
        composeCount(prefix + "Count", (Count) type);
    else if (type instanceof Money)
        composeMoney(prefix + "Money", (Money) type);
    else if (type instanceof Distance)
        composeDistance(prefix + "Distance", (Distance) type);
    else if (type instanceof Duration)
        composeDuration(prefix + "Duration", (Duration) type);
    else if (type instanceof SimpleQuantity)
        composeSimpleQuantity(prefix + "SimpleQuantity", (SimpleQuantity) type);
    else if (type instanceof Period)
        composePeriod(prefix + "Period", (Period) type);
    else if (type instanceof Coding)
        composeCoding(prefix + "Coding", (Coding) type);
    else if (type instanceof Range)
        composeRange(prefix + "Range", (Range) type);
    else if (type instanceof Quantity)
        composeQuantity(prefix + "Quantity", (Quantity) type);
    else if (type instanceof Attachment)
        composeAttachment(prefix + "Attachment", (Attachment) type);
    else if (type instanceof Ratio)
        composeRatio(prefix + "Ratio", (Ratio) type);
    else if (type instanceof Annotation)
        composeAnnotation(prefix + "Annotation", (Annotation) type);
    else if (type instanceof SampledData)
        composeSampledData(prefix + "SampledData", (SampledData) type);
    else if (type instanceof Reference)
        composeReference(prefix + "Reference", (Reference) type);
    else if (type instanceof CodeableConcept)
        composeCodeableConcept(prefix + "CodeableConcept", (CodeableConcept) type);
    else if (type instanceof Identifier)
        composeIdentifier(prefix + "Identifier", (Identifier) type);
    else if (type instanceof Signature)
        composeSignature(prefix + "Signature", (Signature) type);
    else if (type instanceof TriggerDefinition)
        composeTriggerDefinition(prefix + "TriggerDefinition", (TriggerDefinition) type);
    else if (type instanceof ElementDefinition)
        composeElementDefinition(prefix + "ElementDefinition", (ElementDefinition) type);
    else if (type instanceof Timing)
        composeTiming(prefix + "Timing", (Timing) type);
    else if (type instanceof ModuleMetadata)
        composeModuleMetadata(prefix + "ModuleMetadata", (ModuleMetadata) type);
    else if (type instanceof ActionDefinition)
        composeActionDefinition(prefix + "ActionDefinition", (ActionDefinition) type);
    else if (type instanceof Address)
        composeAddress(prefix + "Address", (Address) type);
    else if (type instanceof HumanName)
        composeHumanName(prefix + "HumanName", (HumanName) type);
    else if (type instanceof DataRequirement)
        composeDataRequirement(prefix + "DataRequirement", (DataRequirement) type);
    else if (type instanceof Meta)
        composeMeta(prefix + "Meta", (Meta) type);
    else if (type instanceof ParameterDefinition)
        composeParameterDefinition(prefix + "ParameterDefinition", (ParameterDefinition) type);
    else if (type instanceof ContactPoint)
        composeContactPoint(prefix + "ContactPoint", (ContactPoint) type);
    else if (type instanceof MarkdownType) {
        composeMarkdownCore(prefix + "Markdown", (MarkdownType) type, false);
        composeMarkdownExtras(prefix + "Markdown", (MarkdownType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof UnsignedIntType) {
        composeUnsignedIntCore(prefix + "UnsignedInt", (UnsignedIntType) type, false);
        composeUnsignedIntExtras(prefix + "UnsignedInt", (UnsignedIntType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof CodeType) {
        composeCodeCore(prefix + "Code", (CodeType) type, false);
        composeCodeExtras(prefix + "Code", (CodeType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof IdType) {
        composeIdCore(prefix + "Id", (IdType) type, false);
        composeIdExtras(prefix + "Id", (IdType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof OidType) {
        composeOidCore(prefix + "Oid", (OidType) type, false);
        composeOidExtras(prefix + "Oid", (OidType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof PositiveIntType) {
        composePositiveIntCore(prefix + "PositiveInt", (PositiveIntType) type, false);
        composePositiveIntExtras(prefix + "PositiveInt", (PositiveIntType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof UuidType) {
        composeUuidCore(prefix + "Uuid", (UuidType) type, false);
        composeUuidExtras(prefix + "Uuid", (UuidType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof IntegerType) {
        composeIntegerCore(prefix + "Integer", (IntegerType) type, false);
        composeIntegerExtras(prefix + "Integer", (IntegerType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof DateTimeType) {
        composeDateTimeCore(prefix + "DateTime", (DateTimeType) type, false);
        composeDateTimeExtras(prefix + "DateTime", (DateTimeType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof DateType) {
        composeDateCore(prefix + "Date", (DateType) type, false);
        composeDateExtras(prefix + "Date", (DateType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof DecimalType) {
        composeDecimalCore(prefix + "Decimal", (DecimalType) type, false);
        composeDecimalExtras(prefix + "Decimal", (DecimalType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof UriType) {
        composeUriCore(prefix + "Uri", (UriType) type, false);
        composeUriExtras(prefix + "Uri", (UriType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof Base64BinaryType) {
        composeBase64BinaryCore(prefix + "Base64Binary", (Base64BinaryType) type, false);
        composeBase64BinaryExtras(prefix + "Base64Binary", (Base64BinaryType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof TimeType) {
        composeTimeCore(prefix + "Time", (TimeType) type, false);
        composeTimeExtras(prefix + "Time", (TimeType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof StringType) {
        composeStringCore(prefix + "String", (StringType) type, false);
        composeStringExtras(prefix + "String", (StringType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof BooleanType) {
        composeBooleanCore(prefix + "Boolean", (BooleanType) type, false);
        composeBooleanExtras(prefix + "Boolean", (BooleanType) type, false);
    } else if (type instanceof InstantType) {
        composeInstantCore(prefix + "Instant", (InstantType) type, false);
        composeInstantExtras(prefix + "Instant", (InstantType) type, false);
    } else
        throw new Error("Unhandled type");
Also used : FHIRFormatError(org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRFormatError)

Example 69 with Address

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Address in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.

the class ProfileUtilitiesTests method testSlicingTask8742.

private void testSlicingTask8742() throws EOperationOutcome, Exception {
    StructureDefinition focus = new StructureDefinition();
    StructureDefinition base = context.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, "").copy();
    ElementDefinition id = focus.getDifferential().addElement();
    id = focus.getDifferential().addElement();
    id.setShort("County/Parish FIPS codes");
    id.setDefinition("County/Parish FIPS codes.");
    id.setRequirements("County/Parish Code SHALL use FIPS 6-4  ( INCITS 31:2009).");
    id.getBinding().setStrength(BindingStrength.REQUIRED).setDescription("FIPS codes for US counties and county equivalent entities.").setValueSet(new Reference().setReference(""));
    List<ValidationMessage> messages = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();
    new ProfileUtilities(context, messages, null).generateSnapshot(base, focus, focus.getUrl(), "Simple Test");
    // 14 for address with one sliced extension
    boolean ok = base.getSnapshot().getElement().size() == focus.getSnapshot().getElement().size() - 13;
    if (!ok) {
        compareXml(base, focus);
        throw new FHIRException("Snap shot generation test 8742 failed");
    } else
        System.out.println("Snap shot generation test 8742 passed");
Also used : StructureDefinition(org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.StructureDefinition) ValidationMessage(org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage) ProfileUtilities(org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.ProfileUtilities) Reference(org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Reference) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ElementDefinition(org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.ElementDefinition) FHIRException(org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException)

Example 70 with Address

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Address in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.

the class ToolsHelper method generateSnapshots.

private void generateSnapshots(String[] args) throws IOException, FHIRException {
    if (args.length == 1) {
        System.out.println("tools.jar snapshot-maker [source] -defn [definitions]");
        System.out.println("Generates a snapshot from a differential. The nominated profile must have a single struture that has a differential");
        System.out.println("source - the profile to generate the snapshot for. Maybe a file name, or a URL reference to a server running FHIR RESTful API");
        System.out.println("definitions - filename for local copy of the file");
    String address = args[1];
    String definitions = args[3];
    SimpleWorkerContext context = SimpleWorkerContext.fromDefinitions(getDefinitions(definitions));
    // } else {
    throw new NotImplementedException("generating snapshots not done yet (address = " + address + ")");
// }
Also used : NotImplementedException(org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException) SimpleWorkerContext(org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.SimpleWorkerContext)


Address (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Address)75 Test (org.junit.Test)51 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)31 Patient (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Patient)30 PersonAddress (org.openmrs.PersonAddress)27 HumanName (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.HumanName)24 Identifier (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Identifier)23 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)22 Address (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Address)22 Path ( Produces ( NotImplementedException (org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException)19 ContactPoint (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.ContactPoint)19 Location (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Location)13 Organization (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Organization)13 InputStream ( IdType (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.IdType)12 Patient (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Patient)12 Complex (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.utils.formats.Turtle.Complex)12 BaseModuleContextSensitiveTest (org.openmrs.test.BaseModuleContextSensitiveTest)12