use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method compareElements.
* left and right refer to the same element. Are they compatible?
* @param outcome
* @param outcome
* @param path
* @param left
* @param right
* @- if there's a problem that needs fixing in this code
* @throws DefinitionException
* @throws IOException
private boolean compareElements(ProfileComparison outcome, String path, DefinitionNavigator left, DefinitionNavigator right) throws DefinitionException, IOException {
// preconditions:
assert (path != null);
assert (left != null);
assert (right != null);
assert (left.path().equals(right.path()));
// we ignore slicing right now - we're going to clone the root one anyway, and then think about clones
// simple stuff
ElementDefinition subset = new ElementDefinition();
// not allowed to be different:
// can't be bothered even testing this one
if (!outcome.ruleCompares(subset, left.current().getDefaultValue(), right.current().getDefaultValue(), path + ".defaultValue[x]", BOTH_NULL))
return false;
if (!outcome.ruleEqual(path, subset, left.current().getMeaningWhenMissing(), right.current().getMeaningWhenMissing(), "meaningWhenMissing Must be the same", true))
return false;
if (!outcome.ruleEqual(subset, left.current().getIsModifier(), right.current().getIsModifier(), path, "isModifier"))
return false;
if (!outcome.ruleEqual(subset, left.current().getIsSummary(), right.current().getIsSummary(), path, "isSummary"))
return false;
// descriptive properties from ElementDefinition - merge them:
subset.setLabel(mergeText(subset, outcome, path, "label", left.current().getLabel(), right.current().getLabel()));
subset.setShort(mergeText(subset, outcome, path, "short", left.current().getShort(), right.current().getShort()));
subset.setDefinition(mergeText(subset, outcome, path, "definition", left.current().getDefinition(), right.current().getDefinition()));
subset.setComments(mergeText(subset, outcome, path, "comments", left.current().getComments(), right.current().getComments()));
subset.setRequirements(mergeText(subset, outcome, path, "requirements", left.current().getRequirements(), right.current().getRequirements()));
subset.getCode().addAll(mergeCodings(left.current().getCode(), right.current().getCode()));
subset.getAlias().addAll(mergeStrings(left.current().getAlias(), right.current().getAlias()));
subset.getMapping().addAll(mergeMappings(left.current().getMapping(), right.current().getMapping()));
// left will win for example
subset.setExample(left.current().hasExample() ? left.current().getExample() : right.current().getExample());
subset.setMustSupport(left.current().getMustSupport() || right.current().getMustSupport());
ElementDefinition superset = subset.copy();
// compare and intersect
superset.setMin(unionMin(left.current().getMin(), right.current().getMin()));
superset.setMax(unionMax(left.current().getMax(), right.current().getMax()));
subset.setMin(intersectMin(left.current().getMin(), right.current().getMin()));
subset.setMax(intersectMax(left.current().getMax(), right.current().getMax()));
outcome.rule(subset, subset.getMax().equals("*") || Integer.parseInt(subset.getMax()) >= subset.getMin(), path, "Cardinality Mismatch: " + card(left) + "/" + card(right));
superset.getType().addAll(unionTypes(path, left.current().getType(), right.current().getType()));
subset.getType().addAll(intersectTypes(subset, outcome, path, left.current().getType(), right.current().getType()));
outcome.rule(subset, !subset.getType().isEmpty() || (!left.current().hasType() && !right.current().hasType()), path, "Type Mismatch:\r\n " + typeCode(left) + "\r\n " + typeCode(right));
// <fixed[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 * Value must be exactly this --></fixed[x]>
// <pattern[x]><!-- ?? 0..1 * Value must have at least these property values --></pattern[x]>
superset.setMaxLengthElement(unionMaxLength(left.current().getMaxLength(), right.current().getMaxLength()));
subset.setMaxLengthElement(intersectMaxLength(left.current().getMaxLength(), right.current().getMaxLength()));
if (left.current().hasBinding() || right.current().hasBinding()) {
compareBindings(outcome, subset, superset, path, left.current(), right.current());
// note these are backwards
superset.getConstraint().addAll(intersectConstraints(path, left.current().getConstraint(), right.current().getConstraint()));
subset.getConstraint().addAll(unionConstraints(subset, outcome, path, left.current().getConstraint(), right.current().getConstraint()));
// now process the slices
if (left.current().hasSlicing() || right.current().hasSlicing()) {
if (isExtension(left.path()))
return compareExtensions(outcome, path, superset, subset, left, right);
throw new DefinitionException("Slicing is not handled yet");
// todo: name
// add the children
return compareChildren(subset, outcome, path, left, right);
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method checkAddTypeUnion.
private void checkAddTypeUnion(String path, List<TypeRefComponent> results, TypeRefComponent nw) throws DefinitionException, IOException {
boolean found = false;
nw = nw.copy();
if (nw.getProfile().size() > 1)
throw new DefinitionException("Multiple profiles not supported: " + path);
if (nw.hasAggregation())
throw new DefinitionException("Aggregation not supported: " + path);
for (TypeRefComponent ex : results) {
if (Utilities.equals(ex.getCode(), nw.getCode())) {
if (!ex.hasProfile() && !nw.hasProfile())
found = true;
else if (!ex.hasProfile()) {
found = true;
} else if (!nw.hasProfile()) {
found = true;
} else {
// both have profiles. Is one derived from the other?
StructureDefinition sdex = context.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ex.getProfile().get(0).getValueAsString());
StructureDefinition sdnw = context.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, nw.getProfile().get(0).getValueAsString());
if (sdex != null && sdnw != null) {
if (sdex == sdnw) {
found = true;
} else if (derivesFrom(sdex, sdnw)) {
found = true;
} else if (derivesFrom(sdnw, sdex)) {
found = true;
} else if (sdnw.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getPath().equals(sdex.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getPath())) {
ProfileComparison comp = compareProfiles(sdex, sdnw);
if (comp.getSuperset() != null) {
found = true;
ex.addProfile("#" +;
if (!found)
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method unionConstraints.
// we can't really know about constraints. We create warnings, and collate them
private List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> unionConstraints(ElementDefinition ed, ProfileComparison outcome, String path, List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> left, List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> right) {
List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> result = new ArrayList<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent>();
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent l : left) {
boolean found = false;
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent r : right) if (Utilities.equals(r.getId(), l.getId()) || (Utilities.equals(r.getXpath(), l.getXpath()) && r.getSeverity() == l.getSeverity()))
found = true;
if (!found) {
outcome.messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileComparer, IssueType.STRUCTURE, path, "StructureDefinition " + outcome.leftName() + " has a constraint that is not found in " + outcome.rightName() + " and it is uncertain whether they are compatible (" + l.getXpath() + ")", IssueSeverity.INFORMATION));
status(ed, ProfileUtilities.STATUS_WARNING);
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent r : right) {
boolean found = false;
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent l : left) if (Utilities.equals(r.getId(), l.getId()) || (Utilities.equals(r.getXpath(), l.getXpath()) && r.getSeverity() == l.getSeverity()))
found = true;
if (!found) {
outcome.messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileComparer, IssueType.STRUCTURE, path, "StructureDefinition " + outcome.rightName() + " has a constraint that is not found in " + outcome.leftName() + " and it is uncertain whether they are compatible (" + r.getXpath() + ")", IssueSeverity.INFORMATION));
status(ed, ProfileUtilities.STATUS_WARNING);
return result;
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method mergeText.
// result.addAll(left);
// for (TypeRefComponent r : right) {
// boolean found = false;
// TypeRefComponent c = r.copy();
// for (TypeRefComponent l : left)
// if (Utilities.equals(l.getCode(), r.getCode())) {
// }
// if (l.getCode().equals("Reference") && r.getCode().equals("Reference")) {
// if (Base.compareDeep(l.getProfile(), r.getProfile(), false)) {
// found = true;
// }
// } else
// found = true;
// // todo: compare profiles
// // todo: compare aggregation values
// }
// if (!found)
// result.add(c);
// }
// }
private String mergeText(ElementDefinition ed, ProfileComparison outcome, String path, String name, String left, String right) {
if (left == null && right == null)
return null;
if (left == null)
return right;
if (right == null)
return left;
if (left.equalsIgnoreCase(right))
return left;
if (path != null) {
outcome.messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileComparer, IssueType.INFORMATIONAL, path, "Elements differ in definition for " + name + ":\r\n \"" + left + "\"\r\n \"" + right + "\"", "Elements differ in definition for " + name + ":<br/>\"" + Utilities.escapeXml(left) + "\"<br/>\"" + Utilities.escapeXml(right) + "\"", IssueSeverity.INFORMATION));
status(ed, ProfileUtilities.STATUS_HINT);
return "left: " + left + "; right: " + right;
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.utils.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method unionBindings.
private ElementDefinitionBindingComponent unionBindings(ElementDefinition ed, ProfileComparison outcome, String path, ElementDefinitionBindingComponent left, ElementDefinitionBindingComponent right) {
ElementDefinitionBindingComponent union = new ElementDefinitionBindingComponent();
if (left.getStrength().compareTo(right.getStrength()) < 0)
union.setDescription(mergeText(ed, outcome, path, "binding.description", left.getDescription(), right.getDescription()));
if (Base.compareDeep(left.getValueSet(), right.getValueSet(), false))
else {
ValueSet lvs = resolveVS(outcome.left, left.getValueSet());
ValueSet rvs = resolveVS(outcome.left, right.getValueSet());
if (lvs != null && rvs != null)
union.setValueSet(new Reference().setReference("#" + addValueSet(unite(ed, outcome, path, lvs, rvs))));
else if (lvs != null)
union.setValueSet(new Reference().setReference("#" + addValueSet(lvs)));
else if (rvs != null)
union.setValueSet(new Reference().setReference("#" + addValueSet(rvs)));
return union;