use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.MeasureReport in project cqf-ruler by DBCG.
the class CareGapsProvider method patientReports.
// warning for greater than 7 parameters
private Parameters.ParametersParameterComponent patientReports(RequestDetails requestDetails, String periodStart, String periodEnd, Patient patient, List<String> status, List<Measure> measures, String organization) {
// TODO: add organization to report, if it exists.
Composition composition = getComposition(patient);
List<DetectedIssue> detectedIssues = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Resource> evaluatedResources = new HashMap<>();
List<MeasureReport> reports = getReports(requestDetails, periodStart, periodEnd, patient, status, measures, composition, detectedIssues, evaluatedResources);
if (reports.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return initializePatientParameter(patient).setResource(addBundleEntries(requestDetails.getFhirServerBase(), composition, detectedIssues, reports, evaluatedResources));
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.MeasureReport in project cqf-ruler by DBCG.
the class CareGapsProvider method initializeReport.
private void initializeReport(MeasureReport report) {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(report.getId())) {
IIdType id = Ids.newId(MeasureReport.class, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
Reference reporter = new Reference().setReference(crProperties.getMeasureReport().getReporter());
// TODO: figure out what this extension is for
// reporter.addExtension(new
if (report.hasMeta()) {
} else {
report.setMeta(new Meta().addProfile(CARE_GAPS_REPORT_PROFILE));
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.MeasureReport in project quality-measure-and-cohort-service by Alvearie.
the class CohortEngineRestHandler method evaluateMeasure.
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@ApiOperation(value = "Evaluates a measure bundle for a single patient", notes = EVALUATION_API_NOTES, response = String.class, tags = { "Measure Evaluation" }, nickname = "evaluate_measure", extensions = { @Extension(properties = { @ExtensionProperty(name = DarkFeatureSwaggerFilter.DARK_FEATURE_NAME, value = CohortEngineRestConstants.DARK_LAUNCHED_MEASURE_EVALUATION) }) })
@ApiImplicitParams({ // This is necessary for the dark launch feature
@ApiImplicitParam(access = DarkFeatureSwaggerFilter.DARK_FEATURE_CONTROLLED, paramType = "header", dataType = "string"), // These are necessary to create a proper view of the request body that is all wrapped up in the Liberty IMultipartBody parameter
@ApiImplicitParam(name = REQUEST_DATA_PART, value = EXAMPLE_REQUEST_DATA_JSON, dataTypeClass = MeasureEvaluation.class, required = true, paramType = "form", type = "file"), @ApiImplicitParam(name = MEASURE_PART, value = EXAMPLE_MEASURE_ZIP, dataTypeClass = File.class, required = true, paramType = "form", type = "file") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Successful Operation: This API returns the JSON representation of a FHIR MeasureReport. A full example can be found at"), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Bad Request", response = ServiceErrorList.class), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Server Error", response = ServiceErrorList.class) })
public Response evaluateMeasure(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @ApiParam(value = ServiceBaseConstants.MINOR_VERSION_DESCRIPTION, required = true, defaultValue = ServiceBuildConstants.DATE) @QueryParam(CohortEngineRestHandler.VERSION) String version, @ApiParam(hidden = true, type = "file", required = true) IMultipartBody multipartBody) {
final String methodName = MethodNames.EVALUATE_MEASURE.getName();
Response response = null;
// Error out if feature is not enabled
try {
// Perform api setup
Response errorResponse = ServiceBaseUtility.apiSetup(version, logger, methodName);
if (errorResponse != null) {
return errorResponse;
if (multipartBody == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A multipart/form-data body is required");
IAttachment metadataAttachment = multipartBody.getAttachment(REQUEST_DATA_PART);
if (metadataAttachment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Missing '%s' MIME attachment", REQUEST_DATA_PART));
IAttachment measureAttachment = multipartBody.getAttachment(MEASURE_PART);
if (measureAttachment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Missing '%s' MIME attachment", MEASURE_PART));
// deserialize the MeasuresEvaluation request
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
MeasureEvaluation evaluationRequest = om.readValue(metadataAttachment.getDataHandler().getInputStream(), MeasureEvaluation.class);
// validate the contents of the evaluationRequest
FhirContext fhirContext = FhirContext.forR4();
try (InputStream is = measureAttachment.getDataHandler().getInputStream();
RetrieveCacheContext retrieveCacheContext = new DefaultRetrieveCacheContext()) {
MeasureEvaluator evaluator = createMeasureEvaluator(is, evaluationRequest.getDataServerConfig(), evaluationRequest.getTerminologyServerConfig(), evaluationRequest.isExpandValueSets(), evaluationRequest.getSearchPageSize(), retrieveCacheContext, fhirContext);
MeasureReport report = evaluator.evaluatePatientMeasure(evaluationRequest.getPatientId(), evaluationRequest.getMeasureContext(), evaluationRequest.getEvidenceOptions());
// The default serializer gets into an infinite loop when trying to serialize MeasureReport, so we use the
// HAPI encoder instead.
IParser parser = fhirContext.newJsonParser();
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).header("Content-Type", "application/json").entity(parser.encodeResourceToString(report));
response =;
} catch (Throwable e) {
// map any exceptions caught into the proper REST error response objects
response = new CohortServiceExceptionMapper().toResponse(e);
} finally {
// Perform api cleanup
Response errorResponse = ServiceBaseUtility.apiCleanup(logger, methodName);
if (errorResponse != null) {
response = errorResponse;
return response;
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.MeasureReport in project quality-measure-and-cohort-service by Alvearie.
the class MeasureCLITest method testJsonFormattedOutput.
public void testJsonFormattedOutput() throws Exception {
mockFhirResourceRetrieval("/metadata?_format=json", getCapabilityStatement());
Patient patient = getPatient("123", AdministrativeGender.MALE, "1592-14-03");
Library library = mockLibraryRetrieval("Test", DEFAULT_RESOURCE_VERSION, "cql/basic/Test-1.0.0.cql");
Measure measure = getCohortMeasure("Test", library, "Male");
File tmpFile = new File("target/fhir-stub.json");
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
try (Writer w = new FileWriter(tmpFile)) {
File tmpMeasureConfigurationsFile = createTmpConfigurationsFileForSingleMeasure(measure.getId());
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(baos);
try {
MeasureCLI cli = new MeasureCLI();
cli.runWithArgs(new String[] { "-d", tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), "-j", tmpMeasureConfigurationsFile.getAbsolutePath(), "-c", patient.getId(), "-f", "JSON" }, out);
} finally {
String output = new String(baos.toByteArray());
assertTrue(output.contains("\"resourceType\": \"MeasureReport\""));
use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.MeasureReport in project quality-measure-and-cohort-service by Alvearie.
the class MeasureSupplementalDataEvaluationTest method testProcessAccumulators_notSDESex.
public void testProcessAccumulators_notSDESex() {
* Jill - I don't like how this part of the code works. The code grabs everything after (and including) the "-",
* and then looks for that to exist as an extension on the Patient resource. This works for race and ethnicity
* on the US-core patient profile, but since we already calculated this in the populate SDE accumulator method
* the only reason it's "recalculating" is because the system and display aren't on the passed in map.
* Plus, it's coded assuming there is a list of extensions within the extension (which is how US-Core handles race and eth)
* and it magically grabs the first one... so if you have multiple this doesn't match all of them.
Code white = new Code();
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> sdeAccumulators = getSDEAccumulators(SDE_RACE, null, white, new HashMap<>());
MeasureReport report = new MeasureReport();
Patient mockPatient = mockPatient();
Extension raceExtension = new Extension();
// This can be anything as long as it includes "-race"
// This example was stolen from
Extension valueExtension = new Extension();
MeasureSupplementalDataEvaluation.processAccumulators(report, sdeAccumulators, true, Arrays.asList(mockPatient));
// EvaluatedResource should contain a reference to an observation record created for supplemental data
assertEquals(1, report.getEvaluatedResource().size());
// The observation record mentioned previously should exist within the contained resources of the measure report
assertEquals(1, report.getContained().size());
assertTrue(report.getContained().get(0) instanceof Observation);
Observation obs = (Observation) report.getContained().get(0);
// For a single patient, the code of the observation should be the supplemental data text
assertEquals(SDE_RACE, obs.getCode().getText());
// For a single patient, the value of the observation should be the result of the appropriate define
assertTrue(obs.getValue() instanceof CodeableConcept);
assertEquals(WHITE_CODE, ((CodeableConcept) obs.getValue()).getCoding().get(0).getCode());