use of org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.TableModel in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileUtilities method generateSpanningTable.
public XhtmlNode generateSpanningTable(StructureDefinition profile, String imageFolder, boolean onlyConstraints, String constraintPrefix, Set<String> outputTracker) throws IOException, FHIRException {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(imageFolder, false, true);
TableModel model = initSpanningTable(gen, "", false, profile.getId());
Set<String> processed = new HashSet<String>();
SpanEntry span = buildSpanningTable("(focus)", "", profile, processed, onlyConstraints, constraintPrefix);
genSpanEntry(gen, model.getRows(), span);
return gen.generate(model, "", 0, outputTracker);
use of org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.TableModel in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class CanonicalResourceComparer method renderMetadata.
public XhtmlNode renderMetadata(CanonicalResourceComparison<? extends CanonicalResource> comparison, String id, String prefix) throws FHIRException, IOException {
// columns: code, display (left|right), properties (left|right)
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(Utilities.path("[tmp]", "compare"), false);
TableModel model = TableModel(id, true);
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Name", "Property Name", null, 100));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Value", "The value of the property", null, 200, 2));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Comments", "Additional information about the comparison", null, 200));
for (String n : sorted(comparison.getMetadata().keySet())) {
StructuralMatch<String> t = comparison.getMetadata().get(n);
addRow(gen, model.getRows(), n, t);
return gen.generate(model, prefix, 0, null);
use of org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.TableModel in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class CapabilityStatementComparer method renderStatements.
// 6 columns: path | left value | left doco | right value | right doco | comments
public XhtmlNode renderStatements(CapabilityStatementComparison comparison, String id, String prefix) throws FHIRException, IOException {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(Utilities.path("[tmp]", "compare"), false);
TableModel model = TableModel(id, true);
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Type", "The type of item", null, 100));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Left Value", "The left value for the item", null, 200, 1));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Left Doco", "The left documentation for the item", null, 200, 1));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Right Value", "The right value for the item", null, 200, 1));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Right Doco", "The right documentation for the item", null, 200, 1));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Comments", "Additional information about the comparison", null, 200));
for (StructuralMatch<Element> t : comparison.getCombined().getChildren()) {
addRow(gen, model.getRows(), t, comparison);
return gen.generate(model, prefix, 0, null);
use of org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.TableModel in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ValueSetComparer method renderCompose.
public XhtmlNode renderCompose(ValueSetComparison csc, String id, String prefix) throws FHIRException, IOException {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(Utilities.path("[tmp]", "comparison"), false);
TableModel model = TableModel(id, true);
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Item", "The type of item being compared", null, 100));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Property", "The system for the concept", null, 100, 2));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Value", "The display for the concept", null, 200, 2));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, null, "Comments", "Additional information about the comparison", null, 200));
for (StructuralMatch<Element> t : csc.getIncludes().getChildren()) {
addComposeRow(gen, model.getRows(), t, "include");
for (StructuralMatch<Element> t : csc.getExcludes().getChildren()) {
addComposeRow(gen, model.getRows(), t, "exclude");
return gen.generate(model, prefix, 0, null);
use of org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.TableModel in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class QuestionnaireResponseRenderer method renderTree.
public boolean renderTree(XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper qr) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(context.getDestDir(), context.isInlineGraphics(), true);
TableModel model = TableModel("qtree=" + qr.getId(), false);
model.setDocoImg(context.getSpecificationLink() + "help16.png");
model.setDocoRef(context.getSpecificationLink() + "formats.html#table");
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "LinkId"), translate("sd.hint", "The linkId for the item"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Text"), translate("sd.hint", "Text for the item"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Definition"), translate("sd.hint", "Minimum and Maximum # of times the the itemcan appear in the instance"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Answer"), translate("sd.hint", "The type of the item"), null, 0));
boolean hasExt = false;
// first we add a root for the questionaire itself
Row row = addTreeRoot(gen, model.getRows(), qr);
List<BaseWrapper> items = qr.children("item");
for (BaseWrapper i : items) {
hasExt = renderTreeItem(gen, row.getSubRows(), qr, i) || hasExt;
XhtmlNode xn = gen.generate(model, context.getLocalPrefix(), 1, null);
return hasExt;