Search in sources :

Example 71 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class BibtexParser method parseEntry.

private BibEntry parseEntry(String entryType) throws IOException {
    BibEntry result = new BibEntry(entryType);
    consume('{', '(');
    int character = peek();
    if ((character != '\n') && (character != '\r')) {
    String key = parseKey();
    while (true) {
        character = peek();
        if ((character == '}') || (character == ')')) {
        if (character == ',') {
        character = peek();
        if ((character == '}') || (character == ')')) {
    consume('}', ')');
    // Consume new line which signals end of entry
    return result;
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) BibtexString(org.jabref.model.entry.BibtexString)

Example 72 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class CopacImporter method importDatabase.

public ParserResult importDatabase(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
    List<String> entries = new LinkedList<>();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    // Preprocess entries
    String str;
    while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        if (str.length() < 4) {
        String code = str.substring(0, 4);
        if ("    ".equals(code)) {
            sb.append(' ').append(str.trim());
        } else {
            // begining of a new item
            if ("TI- ".equals(str.substring(0, 4))) {
                if (sb.length() > 0) {
                sb = new StringBuilder();
    if (sb.length() > 0) {
    List<BibEntry> results = new LinkedList<>();
    for (String entry : entries) {
        // Copac does not contain enough information on the type of the
        // document. A book is assumed.
        BibEntry b = new BibEntry("book");
        String[] lines = entry.split("\n");
        for (String line1 : lines) {
            String line = line1.trim();
            if (line.length() < 4) {
            String code = line.substring(0, 4);
            if ("TI- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.TITLE, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("AU- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.AUTHOR, line.substring(4).trim(), " and ");
            } else if ("PY- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.YEAR, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("PU- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.PUBLISHER, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("SE- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.SERIES, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("IS- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.ISBN, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("KW- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.KEYWORDS, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("NT- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, FieldName.NOTE, line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("PD- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, "physicaldimensions", line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else if ("DT- ".equals(code)) {
                setOrAppend(b, "documenttype", line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
            } else {
                setOrAppend(b, code.substring(0, 2), line.substring(4).trim(), ", ");
    return new ParserResult(results);
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) ParserResult(org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 73 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class EndnoteImporter method importDatabase.

public ParserResult importDatabase(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
    List<BibEntry> bibitems = new ArrayList<>();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String str;
    boolean first = true;
    while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        str = str.trim();
        if (str.indexOf("%0") == 0) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
        } else {
    String[] entries = sb.toString().split(ENDOFRECORD);
    Map<String, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
    String author;
    String type;
    String editor;
    String artnum;
    for (String entry : entries) {
        author = "";
        type = BibEntry.DEFAULT_TYPE;
        editor = "";
        artnum = "";
        boolean isEditedBook = false;
        String[] fields = entry.trim().substring(1).split("\n%");
        for (String field : fields) {
            if (field.length() < 3) {
                 * Details of Refer format for Journal Article and Book:
                 * Generic Ref Journal Article Book Code Author %A Author Author Year %D
                 * Year Year Title %T Title Title Secondary Author %E Series Editor
                 * Secondary Title %B Journal Series Title Place Published %C City
                 * Publisher %I Publisher Volume %V Volume Volume Number of Volumes %6
                 * Number of Volumes Number %N Issue Pages %P Pages Number of Pages
                 * Edition %7 Edition Subsidiary Author %? Translator Alternate Title %J
                 * Alternate Journal Label %F Label Label Keywords %K Keywords Keywords
                 * Abstract %X Abstract Abstract Notes %O Notes Notes
            String prefix = field.substring(0, 1);
            String val = field.substring(2);
            if ("A".equals(prefix)) {
                if ("".equals(author)) {
                    author = val;
                } else {
                    author += " and " + val;
            } else if ("E".equals(prefix)) {
                if ("".equals(editor)) {
                    editor = val;
                } else {
                    editor += " and " + val;
            } else if ("T".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.TITLE, val);
            } else if ("0".equals(prefix)) {
                if (val.indexOf("Journal") == 0) {
                    type = "article";
                } else if (val.indexOf("Book Section") == 0) {
                    type = "incollection";
                } else if (val.indexOf("Book") == 0) {
                    type = "book";
                } else if (val.indexOf("Edited Book") == 0) {
                    type = "book";
                    isEditedBook = true;
                } else if (val.indexOf("Conference") == 0) {
                    type = "inproceedings";
                } else if (val.indexOf("Report") == 0) {
                    type = "techreport";
                } else if (val.indexOf("Review") == 0) {
                    type = "article";
                } else if (val.indexOf("Thesis") == 0) {
                    type = "phdthesis";
                } else {
                    type = BibEntry.DEFAULT_TYPE;
            } else if ("7".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.EDITION, val);
            } else if ("C".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.ADDRESS, val);
            } else if ("D".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.YEAR, val);
            } else if ("8".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.DATE, val);
            } else if ("J".equals(prefix)) {
                // "Alternate journal. Let's set it only if no journal
                // has been set with %B.
                hm.putIfAbsent(FieldName.JOURNAL, val);
            } else if ("B".equals(prefix)) {
                // "series" in a book entry.
                if ("article".equals(type)) {
                    hm.put(FieldName.JOURNAL, val);
                } else if ("book".equals(type) || "inbook".equals(type)) {
                    hm.put(FieldName.SERIES, val);
                } else {
                    /* type = inproceedings */
                    hm.put(FieldName.BOOKTITLE, val);
            } else if ("I".equals(prefix)) {
                if ("phdthesis".equals(type)) {
                    hm.put(FieldName.SCHOOL, val);
                } else {
                    hm.put(FieldName.PUBLISHER, val);
            } else // replace single dash page ranges (23-45) with double dashes (23--45):
            if ("P".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.PAGES, val.replaceAll("([0-9]) *- *([0-9])", "$1--$2"));
            } else if ("V".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.VOLUME, val);
            } else if ("N".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.NUMBER, val);
            } else if ("U".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.URL, val);
            } else if ("R".equals(prefix)) {
                String doi = val;
                if (doi.startsWith("doi:")) {
                    doi = doi.substring(4);
                hm.put(FieldName.DOI, doi);
            } else if ("O".equals(prefix)) {
                // Notes may contain Article number
                if (val.startsWith("Artn")) {
                    String[] tokens = val.split("\\s");
                    artnum = tokens[1];
                } else {
                    hm.put(FieldName.NOTE, val);
            } else if ("K".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.KEYWORDS, val);
            } else if ("X".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(FieldName.ABSTRACT, val);
            } else if ("9".equals(prefix)) {
                if (val.indexOf("Ph.D.") == 0) {
                    type = "phdthesis";
                if (val.indexOf("Masters") == 0) {
                    type = "mastersthesis";
            } else if ("F".equals(prefix)) {
                hm.put(BibEntry.KEY_FIELD, BibtexKeyPatternUtil.checkLegalKey(val, preferences.getBibtexKeyPatternPreferences().isEnforceLegalKey()));
        // We want them in the editor field so that bibtex knows it's an edited book
        if (isEditedBook && "".equals(editor)) {
            editor = author;
            author = "";
        if (!"".equals(author)) {
            hm.put(FieldName.AUTHOR, fixAuthor(author));
        if (!"".equals(editor)) {
            hm.put(FieldName.EDITOR, fixAuthor(editor));
        //if pages missing and article number given, use the article number
        if (((hm.get(FieldName.PAGES) == null) || "-".equals(hm.get(FieldName.PAGES))) && !"".equals(artnum)) {
            hm.put(FieldName.PAGES, artnum);
        BibEntry b = new BibEntry(type);
        if (!b.getFieldNames().isEmpty()) {
    return new ParserResult(bibitems);
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) ParserResult(org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 74 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class BibtexParser method parseAndAddEntry.

private void parseAndAddEntry(String type) {
         * Morten Alver 13 Aug 2006: Trying to make the parser more
         * robust. If an exception is thrown when parsing an entry,
         * drop the entry and try to resume parsing. Add a warning
         * for the user.
    try {
        // collect all comments and the entry type definition in front of the actual entry
        // this is at least `@Type`
        String commentsAndEntryTypeDefinition = dumpTextReadSoFarToString();
        BibEntry entry = parseEntry(type);
        // store comments collected without type definition
        entry.setCommentsBeforeEntry(commentsAndEntryTypeDefinition.substring(0, commentsAndEntryTypeDefinition.lastIndexOf('@')));
        // store complete parsed serialization (comments, type definition + type contents)
        entry.setParsedSerialization(commentsAndEntryTypeDefinition + dumpTextReadSoFarToString());
        boolean duplicateKey = database.insertEntry(entry);
        if (duplicateKey) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        LOGGER.debug("Could not parse entry", ex);
        parserResult.addWarning(Localization.lang("Error occurred when parsing entry") + ": '" + ex.getMessage() + "'. " + Localization.lang("Skipped entry."));
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) BibtexString(org.jabref.model.entry.BibtexString) IOException(

Example 75 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class MedlineFetcher method fetchMedline.

     * Fetch and parse an medline item from
     * The E-utilities generate a huge XML file containing all entries for the ids
     * @param ids A list of IDs to search for.
     * @return Will return an empty list on error.
private List<BibEntry> fetchMedline(List<String> ids) throws FetcherException {
    try {
        //Separate the IDs with a comma to search multiple entries
        URL fetchURL = getURLForID(String.join(",", ids));
        URLConnection data = fetchURL.openConnection();
        ParserResult result = new MedlineImporter().importDatabase(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(data.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
        if (result.hasWarnings()) {
        List<BibEntry> resultList = result.getDatabase().getEntries();
        return resultList;
    } catch (URISyntaxException | MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new FetcherException("Error while generating fetch URL", Localization.lang("Error while generating fetch URL"), e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new FetcherException("Error while fetching from Medline", Localization.lang("Error while fetching from %0", "Medline"), e);
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) MalformedURLException( InputStreamReader( URISyntaxException( IOException( URL( URLConnection( ParserResult(org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult) FetcherException(org.jabref.logic.importer.FetcherException) BufferedReader( MedlineImporter(org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.MedlineImporter)


BibEntry (org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry)716 Test (org.junit.Test)466 ParserResult (org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult)131 StringReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)75 BibDatabase (org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabase)63 Path (java.nio.file.Path)52 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)37 Before (org.junit.Before)36 NamedCompound (org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound)30 BibtexParser (org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.BibtexParser)28 BibtexString (org.jabref.model.entry.BibtexString)28 List (java.util.List)23 File ( StringWriter ( Optional (java.util.Optional)19 BasePanel (org.jabref.gui.BasePanel)19 FieldChange (org.jabref.model.FieldChange)18 InputStream (