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Example 86 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class OOBibStyle method getCitationMarker.

     * Format the marker for the in-text citation according to this BIB style. Uniquefier letters are added as
     * provided by the uniquefiers argument. If successive entries within the citation are uniquefied from each other,
     * this method will perform a grouping of these entries.
     * @param entries       The list of JabRef BibEntry providing the data.
     * @param database      A map of BibEntry-BibDatabase pairs.
     * @param inParenthesis Signals whether a parenthesized citation or an in-text citation is wanted.
     * @param uniquefiers   Strings to add behind the year for each entry in case it's needed to separate similar
     *                      entries.
     * @param unlimAuthors  Boolean for each entry. If true, we should not use "et al" formatting regardless
     *                      of the number of authors. Can be null to indicate that no entries should have unlimited names.
     * @return The formatted citation.
public String getCitationMarker(List<BibEntry> entries, Map<BibEntry, BibDatabase> database, boolean inParenthesis, String[] uniquefiers, int[] unlimAuthors) {
    // Look for groups of uniquefied entries that should be combined in the output.
    // E.g. (Olsen, 2005a, b) should be output instead of (Olsen, 2005a; Olsen, 2005b).
    int piv = -1;
    String tmpMarker = null;
    if (uniquefiers != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < uniquefiers.length; i++) {
            if ((uniquefiers[i] == null) || uniquefiers[i].isEmpty()) {
                // Check if we just passed a group of more than one entry with uniquefier:
                if ((piv > -1) && (i > (piv + 1))) {
                    // Do the grouping:
                    group(entries, uniquefiers, piv, i - 1);
                piv = -1;
            } else {
                BibEntry currentEntry = entries.get(i);
                if (piv == -1) {
                    piv = i;
                    tmpMarker = getAuthorYearParenthesisMarker(Collections.singletonList(currentEntry), database, null, unlimAuthors);
                } else {
                    // See if this entry can go into a group with the previous one:
                    String thisMarker = getAuthorYearParenthesisMarker(Collections.singletonList(currentEntry), database, null, unlimAuthors);
                    String authorField = getStringCitProperty(AUTHOR_FIELD);
                    int maxAuthors = getIntCitProperty(MAX_AUTHORS);
                    String author = getCitationMarkerField(currentEntry, database.get(currentEntry), authorField);
                    AuthorList al = AuthorList.parse(author);
                    // i always at least 1 here
                    int prevALim = unlimAuthors[i - 1];
                    if (!thisMarker.equals(tmpMarker) || ((al.getNumberOfAuthors() > maxAuthors) && (unlimAuthors[i] != prevALim))) {
                        // previous entry was part of a group:
                        if ((piv > -1) && (i > (piv + 1))) {
                            // Do the grouping:
                            group(entries, uniquefiers, piv, i - 1);
                        tmpMarker = thisMarker;
                        piv = i;
        // Finished with the loop. See if the last entries form a group:
        if (piv >= 0) {
            // Do the grouping:
            group(entries, uniquefiers, piv, uniquefiers.length - 1);
    if (inParenthesis) {
        return getAuthorYearParenthesisMarker(entries, database, uniquefiers, unlimAuthors);
    } else {
        return getAuthorYearInTextMarker(entries, database, uniquefiers, unlimAuthors);
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) AuthorList(org.jabref.model.entry.AuthorList)

Example 87 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class EntryTypeFormatter method format.

     * Input: entry type as a string
public String format(String entryType) {
    BibEntry entry = new BibEntry();
    TypedBibEntry typedEntry = new TypedBibEntry(entry, BibDatabaseMode.BIBLATEX);
    return typedEntry.getTypeForDisplay();
Also used : TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry) BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry)

Example 88 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class XMPUtil method writeDocumentInformation.

     * Try to write the given BibTexEntry in the Document Information (the
     * properties of the pdf).
     * Existing fields values are overriden if the bibtex entry has the
     * corresponding value set.
     * @param document The pdf document to write to.
     * @param entry    The Bibtex entry that is written into the PDF properties. *
     * @param database maybenull An optional database which the given bibtex entries belong to, which will be used to
     *                 resolve strings. If the database is null the strings will not be resolved.
private static void writeDocumentInformation(PDDocument document, BibEntry entry, BibDatabase database, XMPPreferences xmpPreferences) {
    PDDocumentInformation di = document.getDocumentInformation();
    BibEntry resolvedEntry;
    if (database == null) {
        resolvedEntry = entry;
    } else {
        resolvedEntry = database.resolveForStrings(entry, false);
    // Query privacy filter settings
    boolean useXmpPrivacyFilter = xmpPreferences.isUseXMPPrivacyFilter();
    // Fields for which not to write XMP data later on:
    Set<String> filters = new TreeSet<>(xmpPreferences.getXmpPrivacyFilter());
    // Set all the values including key and entryType
    for (Entry<String, String> field : resolvedEntry.getFieldMap().entrySet()) {
        String fieldName = field.getKey();
        String fieldContent = field.getValue();
        if (useXmpPrivacyFilter && filters.contains(fieldName)) {
            // erase field instead of adding it
            if (FieldName.AUTHOR.equals(fieldName)) {
            } else if (FieldName.TITLE.equals(fieldName)) {
            } else if (FieldName.KEYWORDS.equals(fieldName)) {
            } else if (FieldName.ABSTRACT.equals(fieldName)) {
            } else {
                di.setCustomMetadataValue("bibtex/" + fieldName, null);
        if (FieldName.AUTHOR.equals(fieldName)) {
        } else if (FieldName.TITLE.equals(fieldName)) {
        } else if (FieldName.KEYWORDS.equals(fieldName)) {
        } else if (FieldName.ABSTRACT.equals(fieldName)) {
        } else {
            di.setCustomMetadataValue("bibtex/" + fieldName, fieldContent);
    di.setCustomMetadataValue("bibtex/entrytype", StringUtil.capitalizeFirst(resolvedEntry.getType()));
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) PDDocumentInformation(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentInformation)

Example 89 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class XMPUtil method writeToDCSchema.

private static void writeToDCSchema(XMPSchemaDublinCore dcSchema, BibEntry entry, BibDatabase database, XMPPreferences xmpPreferences) {
    BibEntry resolvedEntry;
    if (database == null) {
        resolvedEntry = entry;
    } else {
        resolvedEntry = database.resolveForStrings(entry, false);
    // Query privacy filter settings
    boolean useXmpPrivacyFilter = xmpPreferences.isUseXMPPrivacyFilter();
    // Fields for which not to write XMP data later on:
    Set<String> filters = new TreeSet<>(xmpPreferences.getXmpPrivacyFilter());
    for (Entry<String, String> field : resolvedEntry.getFieldMap().entrySet()) {
        if (useXmpPrivacyFilter && filters.contains(field.getKey())) {
        if (FieldName.EDITOR.equals(field.getKey())) {
            String authors = field.getValue();
                 * Editor -> Contributor
                 * Field: dc:contributor
                 * Type: bag ProperName
                 * Category: External
                 * Description: Contributors to the resource (other than the
                 * authors).
                 * Bibtex-Fields used: editor
            AuthorList list = AuthorList.parse(authors);
            for (Author author : list.getAuthors()) {
             * ? -> Coverage
             * Unmapped
             * dc:coverage Text External The extent or scope of the resource.
             * Author -> Creator
             * Field: dc:creator
             * Type: seq ProperName
             * Category: External
             * Description: The authors of the resource (listed in order of
             * precedence, if significant).
             * Bibtex-Fields used: author
        if (FieldName.AUTHOR.equals(field.getKey())) {
            String authors = field.getValue();
            AuthorList list = AuthorList.parse(authors);
            for (Author author : list.getAuthors()) {
        if (FieldName.MONTH.equals(field.getKey())) {
            // Dealt with in year
        if (FieldName.YEAR.equals(field.getKey())) {
                 * Year + Month -> Date
                 * Field: dc:date
                 * Type: seq Date
                 * Category: External
                 * Description: Date(s) that something interesting happened to
                 * the resource.
                 * Bibtex-Fields used: year, month
            entry.getPublicationDate().ifPresent(publicationDate -> dcSchema.addSequenceValue("dc:date", publicationDate));
             * Abstract -> Description
             * Field: dc:description
             * Type: Lang Alt
             * Category: External
             * Description: A textual description of the content of the
             * resource. Multiple values may be present for different languages.
             * Bibtex-Fields used: abstract
        if (FieldName.ABSTRACT.equals(field.getKey())) {
             * DOI -> identifier
             * Field: dc:identifier
             * Type: Text
             * Category: External
             * Description: Unique identifier of the resource.
             * Bibtex-Fields used: doi
        if (FieldName.DOI.equals(field.getKey())) {
             * Publisher -> Publisher
             * Field: dc:publisher
             * Type: bag ProperName
             * Category: External
             * Description: Publishers.
             * Bibtex-Fields used: doi
        if (FieldName.PUBLISHER.equals(field.getKey())) {
             * Keywords -> Subject
             * Field: dc:subject
             * Type: bag Text
             * Category: External
             * Description: An unordered array of descriptive phrases or
             * keywords that specify the topic of the content of the resource.
             * Bibtex-Fields used: doi
        if (FieldName.KEYWORDS.equals(field.getKey())) {
            String o = field.getValue();
            String[] keywords = o.split(",");
            for (String keyword : keywords) {
             * Title -> Title
             * Field: dc:title
             * Type: Lang Alt
             * Category: External
             * Description: The title of the document, or the name given to the
             * resource. Typically, it will be a name by which the resource is
             * formally known.
             * Bibtex-Fields used: title
        if (FieldName.TITLE.equals(field.getKey())) {
             * All others (including the bibtex key) get packaged in the
             * relation attribute
        String o = field.getValue();
        dcSchema.addRelation("bibtex/" + field.getKey() + '/' + o);
         * ? -> Format
         * Unmapped
         * dc:format MIMEType Internal The file format used when saving the
         * resource. Tools and applications should set this property to the save
         * format of the data. It may include appropriate qualifiers.
         * entrytype -> Type
         * Field: dc:type
         * Type: bag open Choice
         * Category: External
         * Description: A document type; for example, novel, poem, or working
         * paper.
         * Bibtex-Fields used: entrytype
    TypedBibEntry typedEntry = new TypedBibEntry(entry, BibDatabaseMode.BIBTEX);
    String o = typedEntry.getTypeForDisplay();
    if (!o.isEmpty()) {
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) AuthorList(org.jabref.model.entry.AuthorList) Author(org.jabref.model.entry.Author) TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry)

Example 90 with BibEntry

use of org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry in project jabref by JabRef.

the class XMPUtil method getBibtexEntryFromDocumentInformation.

     * Helper function for retrieving a BibEntry from the
     * PDDocumentInformation in a PDF file.
     * To understand how to get hold of a PDDocumentInformation have a look in
     * the test cases for XMPUtil.
     * The BibEntry is build by mapping individual fields in the document
     * information (like author, title, keywords) to fields in a bibtex entry.
     * @param di The document information from which to build a BibEntry.
     * @return The bibtex entry found in the document information.
public static Optional<BibEntry> getBibtexEntryFromDocumentInformation(PDDocumentInformation di) {
    BibEntry entry = new BibEntry();
    String s = di.getAuthor();
    if (s != null) {
        entry.setField(FieldName.AUTHOR, s);
    s = di.getTitle();
    if (s != null) {
        entry.setField(FieldName.TITLE, s);
    s = di.getKeywords();
    if (s != null) {
        entry.setField(FieldName.KEYWORDS, s);
    s = di.getSubject();
    if (s != null) {
        entry.setField(FieldName.ABSTRACT, s);
    COSDictionary dict = di.getDictionary();
    for (Map.Entry<COSName, COSBase> o : dict.entrySet()) {
        String key = o.getKey().getName();
        if (key.startsWith("bibtex/")) {
            String value = dict.getString(key);
            key = key.substring("bibtex/".length());
            if (BibEntry.TYPE_HEADER.equals(key)) {
            } else {
                entry.setField(key, value);
    // Return empty Optional if no values were found
    return entry.getFieldNames().isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(entry);
Also used : BibEntry(org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry) TypedBibEntry(org.jabref.logic.TypedBibEntry) COSDictionary(org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary) COSName(org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName) COSBase(org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase) Map(java.util.Map)


BibEntry (org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry)716 Test (org.junit.Test)466 ParserResult (org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult)131 StringReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)75 BibDatabase (org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabase)63 Path (java.nio.file.Path)52 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)37 Before (org.junit.Before)36 NamedCompound (org.jabref.gui.undo.NamedCompound)30 BibtexParser (org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.BibtexParser)28 BibtexString (org.jabref.model.entry.BibtexString)28 List (java.util.List)23 File ( StringWriter ( Optional (java.util.Optional)19 BasePanel (org.jabref.gui.BasePanel)19 FieldChange (org.jabref.model.FieldChange)18 InputStream (