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Example 11 with Entry

use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.

the class StandardLockCleanerRunnable method runWithExceptions.

private void runWithExceptions() throws BackendException {
    StaticBuffer lockKey = serializer.toLockKey(target.getKey(), target.getColumn());
    // TODO reduce LOCK_COL_END based on cutoff
    List<Entry> locks = store.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(lockKey, LOCK_COL_START, LOCK_COL_END), tx);
    ImmutableList.Builder<StaticBuffer> b = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (Entry lc : locks) {
        TimestampRid tr = serializer.fromLockColumn(lc.getColumn(), times);
        if (tr.getTimestamp().isBefore(cutoff)) {
  "Deleting expired lock on {} by rid {} with timestamp {} (before or at cutoff {})", target, tr.getRid(), tr.getTimestamp(), cutoff);
        } else {
            log.debug("Ignoring lock on {} by rid {} with timestamp {} (timestamp is after cutoff {})", target, tr.getRid(), tr.getTimestamp(), cutoff);
    List<StaticBuffer> deletions =;
    if (!deletions.isEmpty()) {
        store.mutate(lockKey, ImmutableList.of(), deletions, tx);"Deleted {} expired locks (before or at cutoff {})", deletions.size(), cutoff);
Also used : Entry(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry) ImmutableList( StaticBuffer(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer) KeySliceQuery(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KeySliceQuery)

Example 12 with Entry

use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.

the class AstyanaxStoreManager method mutateMany.

public void mutateMany(Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> batch, StoreTransaction txh) throws BackendException {
    MutationBatch m = keyspaceContext.getClient().prepareMutationBatch().withAtomicBatch(atomicBatch).setConsistencyLevel(getTx(txh).getWriteConsistencyLevel().getAstyanax()).withRetryPolicy(retryPolicy.duplicate());
    final MaskedTimestamp commitTime = new MaskedTimestamp(txh);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> batchentry : batch.entrySet()) {
        String storeName = batchentry.getKey();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(openStores.containsKey(storeName), "Store cannot be found: " + storeName);
        ColumnFamily<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> columnFamily = openStores.get(storeName).getColumnFamily();
        Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> mutations = batchentry.getValue();
        for (Map.Entry<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> ent : mutations.entrySet()) {
            // The CLMs for additions and deletions are separated because
            // Astyanax's operation timestamp cannot be set on a per-delete
            // or per-addition basis.
            KCVMutation janusgraphMutation = ent.getValue();
            ByteBuffer key = ent.getKey().asByteBuffer();
            if (janusgraphMutation.hasDeletions()) {
                ColumnListMutation<ByteBuffer> deletions = m.withRow(columnFamily, key);
                for (StaticBuffer b : janusgraphMutation.getDeletions()) deletions.deleteColumn(;
            if (janusgraphMutation.hasAdditions()) {
                ColumnListMutation<ByteBuffer> updates = m.withRow(columnFamily, key);
                for (Entry e : janusgraphMutation.getAdditions()) {
                    Integer ttl = (Integer) e.getMetaData().get(EntryMetaData.TTL);
                    if (null != ttl && ttl > 0) {
                        updates.putColumn(e.getColumnAs(StaticBuffer.BB_FACTORY), e.getValueAs(StaticBuffer.BB_FACTORY), ttl);
                    } else {
                        updates.putColumn(e.getColumnAs(StaticBuffer.BB_FACTORY), e.getValueAs(StaticBuffer.BB_FACTORY));
    try {
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {
        throw new TemporaryBackendException(e);
    sleepAfterWrite(txh, commitTime);
Also used : ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) KCVMutation(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KCVMutation) Entry(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry) TemporaryBackendException(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.TemporaryBackendException) MutationBatch( StaticBuffer(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer) Map(java.util.Map) ImmutableMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConnectionException(

Example 13 with Entry

use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.

the class ModificationDeserializer method parseRelation.

public static InternalRelation parseRelation(TransactionLogHeader.Modification modification, StandardJanusGraphTx tx) {
    Change state = modification.state;
    assert state.isProper();
    long outVertexId = modification.outVertexId;
    Entry relEntry = modification.relationEntry;
    InternalVertex outVertex = tx.getInternalVertex(outVertexId);
    // Special relation parsing, compare to {@link RelationConstructor}
    RelationCache relCache = tx.getEdgeSerializer().readRelation(relEntry, false, tx);
    assert relCache.direction == Direction.OUT;
    InternalRelationType type = (InternalRelationType) tx.getExistingRelationType(relCache.typeId);
    assert type.getBaseType() == null;
    InternalRelation rel;
    if (type.isPropertyKey()) {
        if (state == Change.REMOVED) {
            rel = new StandardVertexProperty(relCache.relationId, (PropertyKey) type, outVertex, relCache.getValue(), ElementLifeCycle.Removed);
        } else {
            rel = new CacheVertexProperty(relCache.relationId, (PropertyKey) type, outVertex, relCache.getValue(), relEntry);
    } else {
        assert type.isEdgeLabel();
        InternalVertex otherVertex = tx.getInternalVertex(relCache.getOtherVertexId());
        if (state == Change.REMOVED) {
            rel = new StandardEdge(relCache.relationId, (EdgeLabel) type, outVertex, otherVertex, ElementLifeCycle.Removed);
        } else {
            rel = new CacheEdge(relCache.relationId, (EdgeLabel) type, outVertex, otherVertex, relEntry);
    if (state == Change.REMOVED && relCache.hasProperties()) {
        // copy over properties
        for (LongObjectCursor<Object> entry : relCache) {
            rel.setPropertyDirect(tx.getExistingPropertyKey(entry.key), entry.value);
    return rel;
Also used : EdgeLabel(org.janusgraph.core.EdgeLabel) Change(org.janusgraph.core.log.Change) InternalRelation(org.janusgraph.graphdb.internal.InternalRelation) Entry(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry) InternalVertex(org.janusgraph.graphdb.internal.InternalVertex) InternalRelationType(org.janusgraph.graphdb.internal.InternalRelationType) PropertyKey(org.janusgraph.core.PropertyKey)

Example 14 with Entry

use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.

the class IndexRemoveJob method process.

public void process(StaticBuffer key, Map<SliceQuery, EntryList> entries, ScanMetrics metrics) {
    // The queries are already tailored enough => everything should be removed
    try {
        BackendTransaction mutator = writeTx.getTxHandle();
        final List<Entry> deletions;
        if (entries.size() == 1)
            deletions = Iterables.getOnlyElement(entries.values());
        else {
            final int size =, (x, y) -> x + y);
            deletions = new ArrayList<>(size);
        metrics.incrementCustom(DELETED_RECORDS_COUNT, deletions.size());
        if (isRelationTypeIndex()) {
            mutator.mutateEdges(key, KCVSCache.NO_ADDITIONS, deletions);
        } else {
            mutator.mutateIndex(key, KCVSCache.NO_ADDITIONS, deletions);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new JanusGraphException(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : Entry(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry) JanusGraphException(org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraphException) BackendTransaction(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.BackendTransaction) JanusGraphException(org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraphException)

Example 15 with Entry

use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.

the class ColumnValueStore method mutate.

synchronized void mutate(List<Entry> additions, List<StaticBuffer> deletions, StoreTransaction txh) {
    // Prepare data
    Entry[] add;
    if (!additions.isEmpty()) {
        add = new Entry[additions.size()];
        int pos = 0;
        for (Entry e : additions) {
            add[pos] = e;
    } else
        add = new Entry[0];
    // Filter out deletions that are also added
    Entry[] del;
    if (!deletions.isEmpty()) {
        del = new Entry[deletions.size()];
        int pos = 0;
        for (StaticBuffer deletion : deletions) {
            Entry delEntry = StaticArrayEntry.of(deletion);
            if (Arrays.binarySearch(add, delEntry) >= 0)
            del[pos++] = delEntry;
        if (pos < deletions.size())
            del = Arrays.copyOf(del, pos);
    } else
        del = new Entry[0];
    Lock lock = getLock(txh);
    try {
        Entry[] oldData = data.array;
        int oldSize = data.size;
        Entry[] newData = new Entry[oldSize + add.length];
        // Merge sort
        int i = 0, indexOld = 0, indexAdd = 0, indexDelete = 0;
        while (indexOld < oldSize) {
            Entry e = oldData[indexOld];
            // Compare with additions
            if (indexAdd < add.length) {
                int compare = e.compareTo(add[indexAdd]);
                if (compare >= 0) {
                    e = add[indexAdd];
                    // Skip duplicates
                    while (indexAdd < add.length && e.equals(add[indexAdd])) indexAdd++;
                if (compare > 0)
            // Compare with deletions
            if (indexDelete < del.length) {
                int compare = e.compareTo(del[indexDelete]);
                if (compare == 0)
                    e = null;
                if (compare >= 0)
            if (e != null) {
                newData[i] = e;
        while (indexAdd < add.length) {
            newData[i] = add[indexAdd];
        if (i * 1.0 / newData.length < SIZE_THRESHOLD) {
            // shrink array to free space
            Entry[] tempData = newData;
            newData = new Entry[i];
            System.arraycopy(tempData, 0, newData, 0, i);
        data = new Data(newData, i);
    } finally {
Also used : StaticArrayEntry(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry) Entry(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry) StaticBuffer(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer) ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) NoLock(org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.NoLock) Lock(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock)


Entry (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.Entry)24 StaticBuffer (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer)13 Test (org.junit.Test)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 Map (java.util.Map)5 StaticArrayEntry (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util.StaticArrayEntry)5 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 ResultSet (com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet)3 Row (com.datastax.driver.core.Row)3 ImmutableList ( ImmutableMap ( Instant (java.time.Instant)3 List (java.util.List)3 EntryList (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.EntryList)3 Function1 (io.vavr.Function1)2 Tuple (io.vavr.Tuple)2 Tuple2 (io.vavr.Tuple2)2 Array (io.vavr.collection.Array)2 Iterator (io.vavr.collection.Iterator)2