use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.EntryList in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class LockCleanerRunnableTest method testDeleteSingleLock.
* Simplest case test of the lock cleaner.
public void testDeleteSingleLock() throws BackendException {
Instant now = Instant.ofEpochMilli(1L);
Entry expiredLockCol = StaticArrayEntry.of(codec.toLockCol(now, defaultLockRid, TimestampProviders.MILLI), BufferUtil.getIntBuffer(0));
EntryList expiredSingleton = StaticArrayEntryList.of(expiredLockCol);
now = now.plusMillis(1);
del = new StandardLockCleanerRunnable(store, kc, tx, codec, now, TimestampProviders.MILLI);
expect(store.getSlice(eq(ksq), eq(tx))).andReturn(expiredSingleton);
store.mutate(eq(key), eq(ImmutableList.of()), eq(ImmutableList.of(expiredLockCol.getColumn())), anyObject(StoreTransaction.class));
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.EntryList in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class LockCleanerRunnableTest method testDeletionWithExpiredAndValidLocks.
* Test the cleaner against a set of locks where some locks have timestamps
* before the cutoff and others have timestamps after the cutoff. One lock
* has a timestamp equal to the cutoff.
public void testDeletionWithExpiredAndValidLocks() throws BackendException {
final int lockCount = 10;
final int expiredCount = 3;
assertTrue(expiredCount + 2 <= lockCount);
final long timeIncremement = 1L;
final Instant timeStart = Instant.EPOCH;
final Instant timeCutoff = timeStart.plusMillis(expiredCount * timeIncremement);
ImmutableList.Builder<Entry> locksBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
ImmutableList.Builder<Entry> deletionBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < lockCount; i++) {
final Instant ts = timeStart.plusMillis(timeIncremement * i);
Entry lock = StaticArrayEntry.of(codec.toLockCol(ts, defaultLockRid, TimestampProviders.MILLI), BufferUtil.getIntBuffer(0));
if (ts.isBefore(timeCutoff)) {
EntryList locks = StaticArrayEntryList.of(;
EntryList deletions = StaticArrayEntryList.of(;
assertTrue(expiredCount == deletions.size());
del = new StandardLockCleanerRunnable(store, kc, tx, codec, timeCutoff, TimestampProviders.MILLI);
expect(store.getSlice(eq(ksq), eq(tx))).andReturn(locks);
store.mutate(eq(key), eq(ImmutableList.of()), eq(columnsOf(deletions)), anyObject(StoreTransaction.class));
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.EntryList in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class KCVSCacheTest method testSmallCache.
public void testSmallCache() throws Exception {
// numCols must be greater than or equal to 10 as it is assummed below
final int numKeys = 100, numCols = 10;
final int repeats = 100, clearEvery = 20, numMulti = 10;
loadStore(numKeys, numCols);
// Repeatedly read from cache and clear in between
int calls = 0;
assertEquals(calls, store.getSliceCalls());
for (int t = 0; t < repeats; t++) {
if (t % clearEvery == 0) {
calls += numKeys * 2 + 1;
CacheTransaction tx = getCacheTx();
for (int i = 1; i <= numKeys; i++) {
assertEquals(10, cache.getSlice(getQuery(i, 0, numCols + 1).setLimit(10), tx).size());
assertEquals(3, cache.getSlice(getQuery(i, 2, 5), tx).size());
// Multi-query
final List<StaticBuffer> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 10; i < 10 + numMulti; i++) keys.add(BufferUtil.getIntBuffer(i));
Map<StaticBuffer, EntryList> result = cache.getSlice(keys, getQuery(4, 9), tx);
assertEquals(keys.size(), result.size());
for (StaticBuffer key : keys) assertTrue(result.containsKey(key));
for (EntryList r : result.values()) {
assertEquals(5, r.size());
assertEquals(calls, store.getSliceCalls());
// Check invalidation
StaticBuffer key = BufferUtil.getIntBuffer(23);
final List<StaticBuffer> keys = new ArrayList<>();
// Read
CacheTransaction tx = getCacheTx();
assertEquals(numCols, cache.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(key, getQuery(0, numCols + 1)), tx).size());
Map<StaticBuffer, EntryList> result = cache.getSlice(keys, getQuery(2, 8), tx);
assertEquals(keys.size(), result.size());
assertEquals(6, result.get(key).size());
// Update
final List<Entry> deletions = new ArrayList<>(numCols / 2);
for (int j = 1; j <= numCols; j = j + 2) deletions.add(getEntry(j, j));
cache.mutateEntries(key, KeyColumnValueStore.NO_ADDITIONS, deletions, tx);
assertEquals(2, store.getSliceCalls());
// Ensure updates are correctly read
tx = getCacheTx();
assertEquals(numCols / 2, cache.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(key, getQuery(0, numCols + 1)), tx).size());
result = cache.getSlice(keys, getQuery(2, 8), tx);
assertEquals(keys.size(), result.size());
assertEquals(3, result.get(key).size());
assertEquals(4, store.getSliceCalls());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.EntryList in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class HadoopScanMapper method map.
protected void map(StaticBuffer key, Iterable<Entry> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
EntryArrayList al = EntryArrayList.of(values);
// KeyFilter check
if (!keyFilter.test(key)) {
log.debug("Skipping key {} based on KeyFilter", key);
// InitialQuery check (at least one match is required or else the key is ignored)
EntryList initialQueryMatches = findEntriesMatchingQuery(initialQuery, al);
if (0 == initialQueryMatches.size()) {
log.debug("Skipping key {} based on InitialQuery ({}) match failure", key, initialQuery);
// Both conditions (KeyFilter && InitialQuery) for invoking process are satisfied
// Create an entries parameter to be passed into the process method
Map<SliceQuery, EntryList> matches = new HashMap<>();
matches.put(initialQuery, initialQueryMatches);
// Find matches (if any are present) for subsequent queries
for (SliceQuery sq : subsequentQueries) {
matches.put(sq, findEntriesMatchingQuery(sq, al));
// Process
job.process(key, matches, metrics);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.EntryList in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class VertexJobConverter method process.
public void process(StaticBuffer key, Map<SliceQuery, EntryList> entries, ScanMetrics metrics) {
long vertexId = getVertexId(key);
assert entries.get(VERTEX_EXISTS_QUERY) != null;
if (isGhostVertex(vertexId, entries.get(VERTEX_EXISTS_QUERY))) {
JanusGraphVertex vertex = tx.getInternalVertex(vertexId);
Preconditions.checkArgument(vertex instanceof PreloadedVertex, "The bounding transaction is not configured correctly");
PreloadedVertex v = (PreloadedVertex) vertex;
for (Map.Entry<SliceQuery, EntryList> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
SliceQuery sq = entry.getKey();
if (sq.equals(VERTEX_EXISTS_QUERY))
EntryList entryList = entry.getValue();
if (entryList.size() >= sq.getLimit())
v.addToQueryCache(sq.updateLimit(Query.NO_LIMIT), entryList);
job.process(v, metrics);