use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class HBaseStoreManagerMutationTest method testMutationToPutsTTL.
public void testMutationToPutsTTL() throws Exception {
final Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> storeMutationMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> rowkeyMutationMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnsWithTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> putColumnsWithTTL = new ArrayList<>();
List<Entry> additions = new ArrayList<>();
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new ArrayList<>();
StaticBuffer rowkey = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(0);
StaticBuffer col = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(1);
StaticBuffer val = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(2);
StaticArrayEntry e = (StaticArrayEntry) StaticArrayEntry.of(col, val);
// Test TTL with int max value / 1000 + 1
// When convert this value from second to millisec will over Integer limit
e.setMetaData(EntryMetaData.TTL, Integer.MAX_VALUE / 1000 + 1);
Integer ttl = (Integer) e.getMetaData().get(EntryMetaData.TTL);
// convert second to millisec with long format
expectedColumnsWithTTL.add(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis((long) ttl));
rowkeyMutationMap.put(rowkey, new KCVMutation(additions, deletions));
storeMutationMap.put("store1", rowkeyMutationMap);
HBaseStoreManager manager = new HBaseStoreManager(hBaseContainer.getModifiableConfiguration());
final Map<StaticBuffer, Pair<List<Put>, Delete>> commandsPerRowKey = manager.convertToCommands(storeMutationMap, 0L, 0L);
Pair<List<Put>, Delete> commands = commandsPerRowKey.values().iterator().next();
// Verify Put TTL
Put put = commands.getFirst().get(0);
assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnsWithTTL.toArray(), putColumnsWithTTL.toArray());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class HBaseStoreManagerMutationTest method testKCVMutationToPuts.
public void testKCVMutationToPuts() throws Exception {
final Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> storeMutationMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> rowkeyMutationMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnsWithTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnsWithoutTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> expectedColumnDelete = new ArrayList<>();
StaticArrayEntry e = null;
StaticBuffer rowkey, col, val;
// 2 rows
for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++) {
rowkey = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(row);
List<Entry> additions = new ArrayList<>();
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new ArrayList<>();
// 100 columns each row
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
col = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(i);
val = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.longToByteBuffer(i + 100);
e = (StaticArrayEntry) StaticArrayEntry.of(col, val);
// Set half of the columns with TTL, also vary the TTL values
if (i % 2 == 0) {
e.setMetaData(EntryMetaData.TTL, i % 10 + 1);
// Collect the columns with TTL. Only do this for one row
if (row == 1) {
expectedColumnsWithTTL.add((long) i);
} else {
// Collect the columns without TTL. Only do this for one row
if (row == 1) {
expectedColumnsWithoutTTL.add((long) i);
// Add one deletion to the row
if (row == 1) {
expectedColumnDelete.add((long) (i - 1));
rowkeyMutationMap.put(rowkey, new KCVMutation(additions, deletions));
storeMutationMap.put("store1", rowkeyMutationMap);
HBaseStoreManager manager = new HBaseStoreManager(hBaseContainer.getModifiableConfiguration());
final Map<StaticBuffer, Pair<List<Put>, Delete>> commandsPerRowKey = manager.convertToCommands(storeMutationMap, 0L, 0L);
// 2 rows
assertEquals(commandsPerRowKey.size(), 2);
// Verify puts
final List<Long> putColumnsWithTTL = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Long> putColumnsWithoutTTL = new ArrayList<>();
Pair<List<Put>, Delete> commands = commandsPerRowKey.values().iterator().next();
long colName;
for (Put p : commands.getFirst()) {
// In Put, Long.MAX_VALUE means no TTL
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> me : p.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
for (Cell c : me.getValue()) {
colName = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.bufferToLong(new StaticArrayBuffer(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(c)));
if (p.getTTL() < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnsWithoutTTL.toArray(), putColumnsWithoutTTL.toArray());
assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnsWithTTL.toArray(), putColumnsWithTTL.toArray());
// Verify deletes
final List<Long> deleteColumns = new ArrayList<>();
Delete d = commands.getSecond();
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> me : d.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
for (Cell c : me.getValue()) {
colName = KeyColumnValueStoreUtil.bufferToLong(new StaticArrayBuffer(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(c)));
assertArrayEquals(expectedColumnDelete.toArray(), deleteColumns.toArray());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class InMemoryColumnValueStoreTest method testMultipageDelete.
public void testMultipageDelete() throws TemporaryLockingException {
int numEntries = 1001;
StoreTransaction txh = mock(StoreTransaction.class);
BaseTransactionConfig mockConfig = mock(BaseTransactionConfig.class);
InMemoryColumnValueStore cvs = new InMemoryColumnValueStore();
// ColumnValueStore cvs = new DeflatedEntryColumnValueStore(false);
List<Entry> additions = generateEntries(0, numEntries, "orig");
cvs.mutate(additions, Collections.emptyList(), txh);
EntryList result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size(), result.size());
int windowStart = 494;
int windowEnd = 501;
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new ArrayList<>(windowEnd - windowStart);
deletions.addAll(additions.subList(windowStart, windowEnd).stream().map(Entry::getColumn).collect(Collectors.toList()));
cvs.mutate(Collections.emptyList(), deletions, txh);
result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - deletions.size(), result.size());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class InMemoryColumnValueStoreTest method testMultipageUpdateDelete.
public void testMultipageUpdateDelete() throws TemporaryLockingException {
int numEntries = 2511;
StoreTransaction txh = mock(StoreTransaction.class);
BaseTransactionConfig mockConfig = mock(BaseTransactionConfig.class);
InMemoryColumnValueStore cvs = new InMemoryColumnValueStore();
// ColumnValueStore cvs = new DeflatedEntryColumnValueStore(false);
List<Entry> additions = generateEntries(0, numEntries, "orig");
cvs.mutate(additions, Collections.emptyList(), txh);
EntryList result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size(), result.size());
int windowStart = 494;
int windowEnd = 2002;
// update
List<Entry> updates = generateEntries(windowStart, windowEnd, "updated");
cvs.mutate(updates, Collections.emptyList(), txh);
result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size(), result.size());
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
if (windowStart < i && i < windowEnd) {
assertEquals(updates.get(i - windowStart), result.get(i));
} else {
assertEquals(additions.get(i), result.get(i));
// delete
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new ArrayList<>(windowEnd - windowStart);
deletions.addAll(additions.subList(windowStart, windowEnd).stream().map(Entry::getColumn).collect(Collectors.toList()));
cvs.mutate(Collections.emptyList(), deletions, txh);
result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - deletions.size(), result.size());
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class InMemoryColumnValueStoreTest method testPagingAndFragmentation.
public void testPagingAndFragmentation() throws TemporaryLockingException {
int pageSize = InMemoryColumnValueStore.DEF_PAGE_SIZE;
StoreTransaction txh = mock(StoreTransaction.class);
BaseTransactionConfig mockConfig = mock(BaseTransactionConfig.class);
InMemoryColumnValueStore cvs = new InMemoryColumnValueStore();
List<Entry> additions = generateEntries(0, pageSize * 5 + pageSize / 2, "orig");
cvs.mutate(additions, Collections.emptyList(), txh);
// We inserted more than pagesize in one go, so the store should switch to multipage buffer - but, as currently implemented,
// this doesn't get immediately broken up into multiple pages, instead it will hold a single "oversized" page.
// The break-up will only happen if there is a consequent update
assertEquals(1, cvs.numPages(txh));
// emulate update so that the single "oversized" page will be broken up into multiple pages of correct size
cvs.mutate(additions.subList(1, 3), Collections.emptyList(), txh);
assertEquals(6, cvs.numPages(txh));
int numDeleted = 0;
int windowStart = pageSize - pageSize / 3;
int windowEnd = pageSize + pageSize / 3;
// this should remove parts of page0 and page1
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new ArrayList<>(windowEnd - windowStart);
deletions.addAll(additions.subList(windowStart, windowEnd).stream().map(Entry::getColumn).collect(Collectors.toList()));
cvs.mutate(Collections.emptyList(), deletions, txh);
numDeleted += windowEnd - windowStart;
EntryList result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - numDeleted, result.size());
SharedEntryBufferFragmentationReport report = cvs.createFragmentationReport(txh);
assertEquals(6, report.getPageCount());
assertEquals(3, report.getFragmentedPageCount());
// since only 1/3 of each page is removed, the remains won't fit into one page anyway, so not deemed compressable
assertEquals(0, report.getCompressableChunksCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getCompressablePageCount());
windowStart = pageSize * 4 - pageSize / 3;
windowEnd = pageSize * 4 + pageSize / 3;
// this should remove parts of page3 and page 4
deletions.addAll(additions.subList(windowStart, windowEnd).stream().map(Entry::getColumn).collect(Collectors.toList()));
cvs.mutate(Collections.emptyList(), deletions, txh);
numDeleted += windowEnd - windowStart;
result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - numDeleted, result.size());
report = cvs.createFragmentationReport(txh);
assertEquals(6, report.getPageCount());
assertEquals(5, report.getFragmentedPageCount());
// we now have pages 3 & 4 which are 2/3 full, PLUS page 5 which is half full => 3 pages compressable into 2
assertEquals(1, report.getCompressableChunksCount());
assertEquals(3, report.getCompressablePageCount());
assertEquals(1, report.getAchievablePageReduction());
EntryList result2 = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - numDeleted, result2.size());
for (int i = 0; i < result2.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(result.get(i), result2.get(i));
// after quick defrag, we should have 5 pages in total, page 0 & 1 still fragmented, page 4 also not full
report = cvs.createFragmentationReport(txh);
assertEquals(5, report.getPageCount());
assertEquals(3, report.getFragmentedPageCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getCompressableChunksCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getCompressablePageCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getAchievablePageReduction());
windowStart = pageSize - pageSize / 2;
windowEnd = pageSize + pageSize / 2 + 1;
// this should remove half of page0 and page1 each
deletions.addAll(additions.subList(windowStart, windowEnd).stream().map(Entry::getColumn).collect(Collectors.toList()));
cvs.mutate(Collections.emptyList(), deletions, txh);
numDeleted += (pageSize / 2 - pageSize / 3) * 2 + 1;
result = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - numDeleted, result.size());
// now two first pages should become collapsible into one
report = cvs.createFragmentationReport(txh);
assertEquals(5, report.getPageCount());
assertEquals(3, report.getFragmentedPageCount());
assertEquals(1, report.getCompressableChunksCount());
assertEquals(2, report.getCompressablePageCount());
assertEquals(1, report.getAchievablePageReduction());
result2 = cvs.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(makeStaticBuffer("someRow"), makeStaticBuffer(VERY_START), // if we pass COL_END, it doesn't get included
makeStaticBuffer(VERY_END)), txh);
assertEquals(additions.size() - numDeleted, result2.size());
for (int i = 0; i < result2.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(result.get(i), result2.get(i));
// two first pages collapsed into one which is one entry short of full
report = cvs.createFragmentationReport(txh);
assertEquals(4, report.getPageCount());
assertEquals(2, report.getFragmentedPageCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getCompressableChunksCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getCompressablePageCount());
assertEquals(0, report.getAchievablePageReduction());