use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KeySliceQuery in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class ConsistentKeyLocker method checkSingleLock.
protected void checkSingleLock(final KeyColumn kc, final ConsistentKeyLockStatus ls, final StoreTransaction tx) throws BackendException, InterruptedException {
if (ls.isChecked())
// Sleep, if necessary
// We could be smarter about sleeping by iterating oldest -> latest...
final Instant now = times.sleepPast(ls.getWriteTimestamp().plus(lockWait));
// Slice the store
KeySliceQuery ksq = new KeySliceQuery(serializer.toLockKey(kc.getKey(), kc.getColumn()), LOCK_COL_START, LOCK_COL_END);
List<Entry> claimEntries = getSliceWithRetries(ksq, tx);
// Extract timestamp and rid from the column in each returned Entry...
final Iterable<TimestampRid> iterable = Iterables.transform(claimEntries, e -> serializer.fromLockColumn(e.getColumnAs(StaticBuffer.STATIC_FACTORY), times));
// ...and then filter out the TimestampRid objects with expired timestamps
// (This doesn't use Iterables.filter and Predicate so that we can throw a checked exception if necessary)
final List<TimestampRid> unexpiredTRs = new ArrayList<>(Iterables.size(iterable));
final Instant cutoffTime = now.minus(lockExpire);
for (TimestampRid tr : iterable) {
if (tr.getTimestamp().isBefore(cutoffTime)) {
log.warn("Discarded expired claim on {} with timestamp {}", kc, tr.getTimestamp());
if (null != cleanerService)
cleanerService.clean(kc, cutoffTime, tx);
// but also throw a descriptive exception
if (rid.equals(tr.getRid()) && ls.getWriteTimestamp().equals(tr.getTimestamp())) {
throw new ExpiredLockException("Expired lock on " + kc + ": lock timestamp " + tr.getTimestamp() + " " + times.getUnit() + " is older than " + ConfigElement.getPath(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.LOCK_EXPIRE) + "=" + lockExpire);
// Really shouldn't refer to GDC.LOCK_EXPIRE here,
// but this will typically be accurate in a real use case
checkSeniority(kc, ls, unexpiredTRs);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KeySliceQuery in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class ExpectedValueCheckingTransaction method checkSingleExpectedValueUnsafe.
private void checkSingleExpectedValueUnsafe(final KeyColumn kc, final StaticBuffer ev, final ExpectedValueCheckingStore store) throws BackendException {
final StaticBuffer nextBuf = BufferUtil.nextBiggerBuffer(kc.getColumn());
KeySliceQuery ksq = new KeySliceQuery(kc.getKey(), kc.getColumn(), nextBuf);
// Call getSlice on the wrapped store using the quorum+ consistency tx
Iterable<Entry> actualEntries = store.getBackingStore().getSlice(ksq, strongConsistentTx);
if (null == actualEntries)
actualEntries = Collections.emptyList();
* Discard any columns which do not exactly match kc.getColumn().
* For example, it's possible that the slice returned columns which for
* which kc.getColumn() is a prefix.
actualEntries = Iterables.filter(actualEntries, input -> {
if (!input.getColumn().equals(kc.getColumn())) {
log.debug("Dropping entry {} (only accepting column {})", input, kc.getColumn());
return false;
log.debug("Accepting entry {}", input);
return true;
// Extract values from remaining Entry instances
final Iterable<StaticBuffer> actualValues = Iterables.transform(actualEntries, e -> {
final StaticBuffer actualCol = e.getColumnAs(StaticBuffer.STATIC_FACTORY);
assert null != actualCol;
assert null != kc.getColumn();
assert 0 >= kc.getColumn().compareTo(actualCol);
assert 0 > actualCol.compareTo(nextBuf);
return e.getValueAs(StaticBuffer.STATIC_FACTORY);
final Iterable<StaticBuffer> expectedValues;
if (null == ev) {
expectedValues = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
expectedValues = Collections.singletonList(ev);
if (!Iterables.elementsEqual(expectedValues, actualValues)) {
throw new PermanentLockingException("Expected value mismatch for " + kc + ": expected=" + expectedValues + " vs actual=" + actualValues + " (store=" + store.getName() + ")");
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KeySliceQuery in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class StandardLockCleanerRunnable method runWithExceptions.
private void runWithExceptions() throws BackendException {
StaticBuffer lockKey = serializer.toLockKey(target.getKey(), target.getColumn());
// TODO reduce LOCK_COL_END based on cutoff
List<Entry> locks = store.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(lockKey, LOCK_COL_START, LOCK_COL_END), tx);
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = new LinkedList<>();
for (Entry lc : locks) {
TimestampRid tr = serializer.fromLockColumn(lc.getColumn(), times);
if (tr.getTimestamp().isBefore(cutoff)) {"Deleting expired lock on {} by rid {} with timestamp {} (before or at cutoff {})", target, tr.getRid(), tr.getTimestamp(), cutoff);
} else {
log.debug("Ignoring lock on {} by rid {} with timestamp {} (timestamp is after cutoff {})", target, tr.getRid(), tr.getTimestamp(), cutoff);
deletions = Collections.unmodifiableList(deletions);
if (!deletions.isEmpty()) {
store.mutate(lockKey, Collections.emptyList(), deletions, tx);"Deleted {} expired locks (before or at cutoff {})", deletions.size(), cutoff);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KeySliceQuery in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class ExpectedValueCheckingTest method testMutateManyWithLockUsesConsistentTx.
public void testMutateManyWithLockUsesConsistentTx() throws BackendException {
final ImmutableList<Entry> adds = ImmutableList.of(StaticArrayEntry.of(DATA_COL, DATA_VAL));
final ImmutableList<StaticBuffer> deletions = ImmutableList.of();
Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> mutations = ImmutableMap.of(STORE_NAME, ImmutableMap.of(DATA_KEY, new KCVMutation(adds, deletions)));
final KeyColumn kc = new KeyColumn(LOCK_KEY, LOCK_COL);
// Acquire a lock
backingLocker.writeLock(kc, consistentTx);
// 2. Run mutateMany
// 2.1. Check locks & expected values before mutating data
StaticBuffer nextBuf = BufferUtil.nextBiggerBuffer(kc.getColumn());
KeySliceQuery expectedValueQuery = new KeySliceQuery(kc.getKey(), kc.getColumn(), nextBuf);
// expected value read must use strong consistency
expect(backingStore.getSlice(expectedValueQuery, consistentTx)).andReturn(StaticArrayEntryList.of(StaticArrayEntry.of(LOCK_COL, LOCK_VAL)));
// 2.2. Run mutateMany on backing manager to modify data
// writes by txs with locks must use strong consistency
backingManager.mutateMany(mutations, consistentTx);
// Lock acquisition
expectStore.acquireLock(LOCK_KEY, LOCK_COL, LOCK_VAL, expectTx);
// Mutate
expectManager.mutateMany(mutations, expectTx);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.KeySliceQuery in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class KCVSCacheTest method testSmallCache.
public void testSmallCache() throws Exception {
// numCols must be greater than or equal to 10 as it is assumed below
final int numKeys = 100, numCols = 10;
final int repeats = 100, clearEvery = 20, numMulti = 10;
loadStore(numKeys, numCols);
// Repeatedly read from cache and clear in between
int calls = 0;
assertEquals(calls, store.getSliceCalls());
for (int t = 0; t < repeats; t++) {
if (t % clearEvery == 0) {
calls += numKeys * 2 + 1;
CacheTransaction tx = getCacheTx();
for (int i = 1; i <= numKeys; i++) {
assertEquals(10, cache.getSlice(getQuery(i, 0, numCols + 1).setLimit(10), tx).size());
assertEquals(3, cache.getSlice(getQuery(i, 2, 5), tx).size());
// Multi-query
final List<StaticBuffer> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 10; i < 10 + numMulti; i++) keys.add(BufferUtil.getIntBuffer(i));
Map<StaticBuffer, EntryList> result = cache.getSlice(keys, getQuery(4, 9), tx);
assertEquals(keys.size(), result.size());
for (StaticBuffer key : keys) assertTrue(result.containsKey(key));
for (EntryList r : result.values()) {
assertEquals(5, r.size());
assertEquals(calls, store.getSliceCalls());
// Check invalidation
StaticBuffer key = BufferUtil.getIntBuffer(23);
final List<StaticBuffer> keys = new ArrayList<>();
// Read
CacheTransaction tx = getCacheTx();
assertEquals(numCols, cache.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(key, getQuery(0, numCols + 1)), tx).size());
Map<StaticBuffer, EntryList> result = cache.getSlice(keys, getQuery(2, 8), tx);
assertEquals(keys.size(), result.size());
assertEquals(6, result.get(key).size());
// Update
final List<Entry> deletions = new ArrayList<>(numCols / 2);
for (int j = 1; j <= numCols; j = j + 2) deletions.add(getEntry(j, j));
cache.mutateEntries(key, KeyColumnValueStore.NO_ADDITIONS, deletions, tx);
assertEquals(2, store.getSliceCalls());
// Ensure updates are correctly read
tx = getCacheTx();
assertEquals(numCols / 2, cache.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(key, getQuery(0, numCols + 1)), tx).size());
result = cache.getSlice(keys, getQuery(2, 8), tx);
assertEquals(keys.size(), result.size());
assertEquals(3, result.get(key).size());
assertEquals(4, store.getSliceCalls());