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Example 26 with BranchProfileOperand

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion method threeValueLongCmp_64.

private static void threeValueLongCmp_64(Instruction s, IR ir) {
    Register res = Binary.getClearResult(s).getRegister();
    RegisterOperand one = (RegisterOperand) Binary.getClearVal1(s);
    RegisterOperand two = (RegisterOperand) Binary.getClearVal2(s);
    BasicBlock BB1 = s.getBasicBlock();
    BasicBlock BB5 = BB1.splitNodeAt(s, ir);
    s = s.remove();
    BasicBlock BB2 = BB1.createSubBlock(0, ir);
    BasicBlock BB3 = BB1.createSubBlock(0, ir);
    BasicBlock BB4 = BB1.createSubBlock(0, ir);
    RegisterOperand t = ir.regpool.makeTempInt();
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_Binary.create(PPC64_CMP, t, one, two));
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_CondBranch2.create(PPC_BCOND2, t.copyD2U(), PowerPCConditionOperand.LESS(), BB3.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand(0.49f), PowerPCConditionOperand.GREATER(), BB4.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand(0.49f)));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_LDI, I(res), IC(0)));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Branch.create(PPC_B, BB5.makeJumpTarget()));
    BB3.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_LDI, I(res), IC(-1)));
    BB3.appendInstruction(MIR_Branch.create(PPC_B, BB5.makeJumpTarget()));
    BB4.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_LDI, I(res), IC(1)));
    // fix CFG
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB1, BB2);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB2, BB3);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB3, BB4);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB4, BB5);
Also used : RegisterOperand( Register( BasicBlock( BranchProfileOperand(

Example 27 with BranchProfileOperand

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion method double_2int.

private static void double_2int(Instruction s, IR ir) {
    Register res = Unary.getResult(s).getRegister();
    Register src = ((RegisterOperand) Unary.getVal(s)).getRegister();
    Register FP = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet().getFP();
    int p = ir.stackManager.allocateSpaceForConversion();
    Register temp = ir.regpool.getDouble();
    BasicBlock BB1 = s.getBasicBlock();
    BasicBlock BB3 = BB1.splitNodeAt(s, ir);
    BasicBlock BB2 = BB1.createSubBlock(0, ir);
    RegisterOperand cond = ir.regpool.makeTempCondition();
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_Binary.create(PPC_FCMPU, cond, D(src), D(src)));
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_LDI, I(res), IC(0)));
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_CondBranch.create(PPC_BCOND, cond.copyD2U(), PowerPCConditionOperand.UNORDERED(), BB3.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_FCTIWZ, D(temp), D(src)));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Store.create(PPC_STFD, D(temp), A(FP), IC(p)));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Load.create(PPC_LInt, I(res), A(FP), IC(p + 4)));
    // fix up CFG
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB1, BB2);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB2, BB3);
Also used : RegisterOperand( Register( BasicBlock( BranchProfileOperand(

Example 28 with BranchProfileOperand

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class BURS_Helpers method ATTEMPT_INT_IFCMP.

 * This routine expands the compound pattern IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT, ZERO) into an
 * atomic compare/exchange followed by a branch on success/failure of the
 * attempted atomic compare/exchange.
 * @param mo the address at which to attempt the exchange
 * @param oldValue the old value at the address mo
 * @param newValue the new value at the address mo
 * @param cond the condition to branch on
 * @param target the branch target
 * @param bp the branch profile information
protected final void ATTEMPT_INT_IFCMP(MemoryOperand mo, Operand oldValue, Operand newValue, ConditionOperand cond, BranchOperand target, BranchProfileOperand bp) {
    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTempInt();
    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, newValue.copy()));
    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getEAX(), TypeReference.Int), oldValue.copy()));
    EMIT(MIR_CompareExchange.create(IA32_LOCK_CMPXCHG, new RegisterOperand(getEAX(), TypeReference.Int), mo, temp.copyRO()));
    EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.create(IA32_JCC, COND(cond), target.copy().asBranch(), (BranchProfileOperand) bp.copy()));
Also used : RegisterOperand( BranchProfileOperand(

Example 29 with BranchProfileOperand

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class DynamicTypeCheckExpansion method generateValueProducingTypeCheck.

 * Generate a value-producing dynamic type check.
 * This routine assumes that the CFG and code order are
 * already correctly established.
 * This routine must either remove s or mutuate it.
 * @param s        The Instruction that is to be replaced by
 *                  a value producing type check
 * @param ir       The IR containing the instruction to be expanded.
 * @param RHSobj   The RegisterOperand containing the rhs object.
 * @param LHStype  The RVMType to be tested against.
 * @param RHStib   The Operand containing the TIB of the rhs.
 * @param result   The RegisterOperand that the result of dynamic
 *                 type check is to be stored in.
 * @return the opt instruction immediately before the
 *         instruction to continue expansion.
private static Instruction generateValueProducingTypeCheck(Instruction s, IR ir, Operand RHSobj, TypeReference LHStype, Operand RHStib, RegisterOperand result) {
    // Is LHStype a class?
    if (LHStype.isClassType()) {
        RVMClass LHSclass = (RVMClass) LHStype.peekType();
        if (LHSclass != null && LHSclass.isResolved()) {
            // resolved class or interface
            if (LHSclass.isInterface()) {
                // A resolved interface (case 4)
                int interfaceIndex = LHSclass.getDoesImplementIndex();
                int interfaceMask = LHSclass.getDoesImplementBitMask();
                RegisterOperand doesImpl = InsertUnary(s, ir, GET_DOES_IMPLEMENT_FROM_TIB, TypeReference.IntArray, RHStib);
                RegisterOperand entry = InsertLoadOffset(s, ir, INT_LOAD, TypeReference.Int, doesImpl, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(interfaceIndex << 2), new LocationOperand(TypeReference.Int), TG());
                RegisterOperand bit = insertBinary(s, ir, INT_AND, TypeReference.Int, entry, IC(interfaceMask));
                // save to use the cheaper ADDR version of BOOLEAN_CMP
                s.insertBefore(BooleanCmp.create(BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR, result, bit, AC(, ConditionOperand.NOT_EQUAL(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
                if (DynamicTypeCheck.MIN_DOES_IMPLEMENT_SIZE <= interfaceIndex) {
                    RegisterOperand doesImplLength = InsertGuardedUnary(s, ir, ARRAYLENGTH, TypeReference.Int, doesImpl.copy(), TG());
                    RegisterOperand boundscheck = ir.regpool.makeTempInt();
                    // save to use the cheaper ADDR version of BOOLEAN_CMP
                    s.insertBefore(BooleanCmp.create(BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR, boundscheck, doesImplLength, AC(Address.fromIntSignExtend(interfaceIndex)), ConditionOperand.GREATER(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
                    s.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_AND, result.copyD2D(), result.copyD2U(), boundscheck.copyD2U()));
                Instruction continueAt = s.prevInstructionInCodeOrder();
                return continueAt;
            } else {
                // A resolved class (cases 5 and 6 in DynamicTypeCheck)
                if (LHSclass.isFinal()) {
                    // For a final class, we can do a PTR compare of
                    // rhsTIB and the TIB of the class
                    Operand classTIB = getTIB(s, ir, LHSclass);
                    BooleanCmp.mutate(s, BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR, result, RHStib, classTIB, ConditionOperand.EQUAL(), new BranchProfileOperand());
                    return s.prevInstructionInCodeOrder();
                } else {
                    // Do the full blown case 5 or 6 typecheck.
                    int LHSDepth = LHSclass.getTypeDepth();
                    int LHSId = LHSclass.getId();
                    RegisterOperand superclassIds = InsertUnary(s, ir, GET_SUPERCLASS_IDS_FROM_TIB, TypeReference.ShortArray, RHStib);
                    RegisterOperand refCandidate = InsertLoadOffset(s, ir, USHORT_LOAD, TypeReference.Short, superclassIds, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(LHSDepth << 1), new LocationOperand(TypeReference.Short), TG());
                    // save to use the cheaper ADDR version of BOOLEAN_CMP
                    s.insertBefore(BooleanCmp.create(BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR, result, refCandidate, AC(Address.fromIntZeroExtend(LHSId)), ConditionOperand.EQUAL(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
                    if (DynamicTypeCheck.MIN_SUPERCLASS_IDS_SIZE <= LHSDepth) {
                        RegisterOperand superclassIdsLength = InsertGuardedUnary(s, ir, ARRAYLENGTH, TypeReference.Int, superclassIds.copyD2U(), TG());
                        RegisterOperand boundscheck = ir.regpool.makeTempInt();
                        // save to use the cheaper ADDR version of BOOLEAN_CMP
                        s.insertBefore(BooleanCmp.create(BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR, boundscheck, superclassIdsLength, AC(Address.fromIntSignExtend(LHSDepth)), ConditionOperand.GREATER(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
                        s.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_AND, result.copyD2D(), result.copyD2U(), boundscheck.copyD2U()));
                    Instruction continueAt = s.prevInstructionInCodeOrder();
                    return continueAt;
        } else {
            // A non-resolved class or interface.
            // We expect these to be extremely uncommon in opt code in AOS.
            // Mutate s into a call to RuntimeEntrypoints.instanceOf
            RVMMethod target = Entrypoints.instanceOfMethod;
            Call.mutate2(s, CALL, result, AC(target.getOffset()), MethodOperand.STATIC(target), RHSobj, IC(LHStype.getId()));
            return callHelper(s, ir);
    if (LHStype.isArrayType()) {
        // Case 2 of DynamicTypeCheck: LHS is an array.
        RVMArray LHSArray = (RVMArray) LHStype.peekType();
        if (LHSArray != null) {
            RVMType innermostElementType = LHSArray.getInnermostElementType();
            if (innermostElementType.isPrimitiveType() || innermostElementType.isUnboxedType() || (innermostElementType.asClass().isResolved() && innermostElementType.asClass().isFinal())) {
                // [^k of primitive or [^k of final class. Just like final classes,
                // a PTR compare of rhsTIB and the TIB of the class gives the answer.
                Operand classTIB = getTIB(s, ir, LHSArray);
                BooleanCmp.mutate(s, BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR, result, RHStib, classTIB, ConditionOperand.EQUAL(), new BranchProfileOperand());
                return s;
        // and do the real work there.
        return convertToBranchingTypeCheck(s, ir, RHSobj, LHStype, RHStib, result);
    return null;
Also used : RVMMethod(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod) LocationOperand( RegisterOperand( MethodOperand( RegisterOperand( TrueGuardOperand( ConditionOperand( Operand( NullConstantOperand( BranchProfileOperand( TrapCodeOperand( LocationOperand( IntConstantOperand( RVMArray(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMArray) RVMType(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType) BranchProfileOperand( Instruction( RVMClass(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass)

Example 30 with BranchProfileOperand

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class DynamicTypeCheckExpansion method arrayStoreCheck.

 * Expand an object array store check into the LIR sequence that
 * implements it.
 * @param s an OBJARRAY_STORE_CHECK instruction to expand
 * @param ir the enclosing IR
 * @param couldBeNull is it possible that the element being stored is null?
 * @return the last Instruction in the generated LIR sequence.
static Instruction arrayStoreCheck(Instruction s, IR ir, boolean couldBeNull) {
    RegisterOperand guardResult = StoreCheck.getGuardResult(s);
    Operand arrayRef = StoreCheck.getClearRef(s);
    Operand elemRef = StoreCheck.getClearVal(s);
    Operand guard = StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s);
    if (elemRef instanceof NullConstantOperand) {
        Instruction continueAt = s.prevInstructionInCodeOrder();
        return continueAt;
    BasicBlock myBlock = s.getBasicBlock();
    BasicBlock contBlock = myBlock.splitNodeAt(s, ir);
    BasicBlock trapBlock = myBlock.createSubBlock(s.getBytecodeIndex(), ir, .0001f);
    BasicBlock curBlock = myBlock;
    Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, guardResult, new TrueGuardOperand());
    // Set up a block with a trap instruction that we can jump to if the
    // store check fails
    Instruction trap = Trap.create(TRAP, null, TrapCodeOperand.StoreCheck());
    Operand rhsGuard = guard;
    if (couldBeNull) {
        // if rhs is null, then the checkcast succeeds
        rhsGuard = ir.regpool.makeTempValidation();
        contBlock.prependInstruction(Binary.create(GUARD_COMBINE, guardResult.copyRO(), guardResult.copyRO(), rhsGuard.copy()));
        curBlock.appendInstruction(IfCmp.create(REF_IFCMP, rhsGuard.asRegister(), elemRef, new NullConstantOperand(), ConditionOperand.EQUAL(), contBlock.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
        curBlock = advanceBlock(s.getBytecodeIndex(), curBlock, ir);
    // Find out what we think the compile time type of the lhs is.
    // Based on this, we can do one of several things:
    // (1) If the compile time element type is a final proper class, then a
    // TIB comparision of the runtime elemRef type and the
    // compile time element type is definitive.
    // (2) If the compile time type is known to be the declared type,
    // then inject a short-circuit test to see if the
    // runtime lhs type is the same as the compile-time lhs type.
    // (3) If the compile time element type is a proper class other than
    // java.lang.Object, then a subclass test of the runtime LHS elem type
    // and the runtime elemRef type is definitive.  Note: we must exclude
    // java.lang.Object because if the compile time element type is
    // java.lang.Object, then the runtime-element type might actually be
    // an interface (ie not a proper class), and we won't be testing the right thing!
    // If we think the compile time type is JavaLangObjectType then
    // we lost type information due to unloaded classes causing
    // imprecise meets.  This should only happen once in a blue moon,
    // so don't bother trying anything clever when it does.
    RVMType compType = arrayRef.getType().peekType();
    if (compType != null && !compType.isJavaLangObjectType()) {
        // optionally (1) from above
        if (compType.getDimensionality() == 1) {
            RVMClass etc = (RVMClass) compType.asArray().getElementType();
            if (etc.isResolved() && etc.isFinal()) {
                if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
                Operand rhsTIB = getTIB(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, elemRef.copy(), rhsGuard.copy());
                Operand etTIB = getTIB(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, etc);
                curBlock.appendInstruction(IfCmp.create(REF_IFCMP, guardResult.copyRO(), rhsTIB, etTIB, ConditionOperand.NOT_EQUAL(), trapBlock.makeJumpTarget(), BranchProfileOperand.never()));
                ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(curBlock, contBlock);
                return curBlock.lastInstruction();
        // optionally (2) from above
        Operand lhsTIB = getTIB(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, arrayRef, guard);
        if (((arrayRef instanceof RegisterOperand) && ((RegisterOperand) arrayRef).isDeclaredType()) || compType == RVMType.JavaLangObjectArrayType) {
            Operand declTIB = getTIB(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, compType);
            curBlock.appendInstruction(IfCmp.create(REF_IFCMP, guardResult.copyRO(), declTIB, lhsTIB, ConditionOperand.EQUAL(), contBlock.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
            curBlock = advanceBlock(s.getBytecodeIndex(), curBlock, ir);
        // On our way to doing (3) from above attempt another short-circuit.
        // If lhsElemTIB == rhsTIB, then we are done.
        Operand rhsTIB = getTIB(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, elemRef.copy(), rhsGuard.copy());
        RegisterOperand lhsElemTIB = InsertUnary(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TIB_FROM_TIB, TypeReference.TIB, lhsTIB.copy());
        curBlock.appendInstruction(IfCmp.create(REF_IFCMP, guardResult.copyRO(), rhsTIB, lhsElemTIB, ConditionOperand.EQUAL(), contBlock.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
        curBlock = advanceBlock(s.getBytecodeIndex(), curBlock, ir);
        // Optionally (3) from above
        if (compType.getDimensionality() == 1) {
            RVMClass etc = (RVMClass) compType.asArray().getElementType();
            if (etc.isResolved() && !etc.isInterface() && !etc.isJavaLangObjectType()) {
                RegisterOperand lhsElemType = InsertUnary(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, GET_TYPE_FROM_TIB, TypeReference.Type, lhsElemTIB.copyU2U());
                RegisterOperand rhsSuperclassIds = InsertUnary(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, GET_SUPERCLASS_IDS_FROM_TIB, TypeReference.ShortArray, rhsTIB.copy());
                RegisterOperand lhsElemDepth = getField(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, lhsElemType, Entrypoints.depthField, TG());
                RegisterOperand rhsSuperclassIdsLength = InsertGuardedUnary(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, ARRAYLENGTH, TypeReference.Int, rhsSuperclassIds.copyD2U(), TG());
                curBlock.appendInstruction(IfCmp.create(INT_IFCMP, guardResult.copyRO(), lhsElemDepth, rhsSuperclassIdsLength, ConditionOperand.GREATER_EQUAL(), trapBlock.makeJumpTarget(), BranchProfileOperand.never()));
                curBlock = advanceBlock(s.getBytecodeIndex(), curBlock, ir);
                RegisterOperand lhsElemId = getField(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, lhsElemType.copyD2U(), Entrypoints.idField, TG());
                RegisterOperand refCandidate = ir.regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Short);
                LocationOperand loc = new LocationOperand(TypeReference.Short);
                if (LOWER_ARRAY_ACCESS) {
                    RegisterOperand lhsDepthOffset = insertBinary(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, INT_SHL, TypeReference.Int, lhsElemDepth.copyD2U(), IC(1));
                    lhsDepthOffset = InsertUnary(curBlock.lastInstruction(), ir, INT_2ADDRZerExt, TypeReference.Offset, lhsDepthOffset.copy());
                    curBlock.appendInstruction(Load.create(USHORT_LOAD, refCandidate, rhsSuperclassIds, lhsDepthOffset, loc, TG()));
                } else {
                    curBlock.appendInstruction(ALoad.create(USHORT_ALOAD, refCandidate, rhsSuperclassIds, lhsElemDepth.copyRO(), loc, TG()));
                curBlock.appendInstruction(IfCmp.create(INT_IFCMP, guardResult.copyRO(), refCandidate.copyD2U(), lhsElemId, ConditionOperand.NOT_EQUAL(), trapBlock.makeJumpTarget(), BranchProfileOperand.never()));
                ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(curBlock, contBlock);
                return curBlock.lastInstruction();
    // Call RuntimeEntrypoints.checkstore.
    RVMMethod target = Entrypoints.checkstoreMethod;
    Instruction call = Call.create2(CALL, null, AC(target.getOffset()), MethodOperand.STATIC(target), rhsGuard.copy(), arrayRef.copy(), elemRef.copy());
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(curBlock, contBlock);
    return callHelper(call, ir);
Also used : NullConstantOperand( RVMMethod(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod) LocationOperand( RegisterOperand( MethodOperand( RegisterOperand( TrueGuardOperand( ConditionOperand( Operand( NullConstantOperand( BranchProfileOperand( TrapCodeOperand( LocationOperand( IntConstantOperand( RVMType(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType) BasicBlock( BranchProfileOperand( Instruction( TrueGuardOperand( RVMClass(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass)


BranchProfileOperand ( RegisterOperand ( BasicBlock ( IntConstantOperand ( ConditionOperand ( Operand ( LocationOperand ( Instruction ( Register ( BranchOperand ( MethodOperand ( TrapCodeOperand ( TrueGuardOperand ( NullConstantOperand ( PowerPCConditionOperand ( RVMClass (org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass)4 RVMMethod (org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod)4 RVMType (org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType)4 TypeReference (org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference)4 AddressConstantOperand (