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Example 1 with ExecutionState

use of org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class BaselineExecutionStateExtractor method extractState.

 * Implements ExecutionStateExtractor.extractState.
 * @param thread : the suspended thread, the registers and stack frames are used.
 * @param osrFPoff : the osr method's stack frame offset
 * @param methFPoff : the real method's stack frame offset
 * @param cmid   : the top application method ( system calls are unwounded ).
 * return a ExecutionStateExtractor object.
public ExecutionState extractState(RVMThread thread, Offset osrFPoff, Offset methFPoff, int cmid) {
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
        VM.sysWriteln("BASE execStateExtractor starting ...");
    byte[] stack = thread.getStack();
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
        int fooCmid = Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack,;
        if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
            VM.sysWriteln("fooCmid = " + fooCmid);
            VM.sysWriteln("   cmid = " + cmid);
        VM._assert(fooCmid == cmid);
    ArchBaselineCompiledMethod fooCM = (ArchBaselineCompiledMethod) CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid);
    NormalMethod fooM = (NormalMethod) fooCM.getMethod();
    Address rowIP = Magic.objectAsAddress(stack).loadAddress(;
    Offset ipOffset = fooCM.getInstructionOffset(rowIP);
    // CAUTION: IP Offset should point to next instruction
    int bcIndex = fooCM.findBytecodeIndexForInstruction(;
    // assertions
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
        if (bcIndex == -1) {
            VM.sysWriteln("osrFPoff = ", osrFPoff);
            VM.sysWriteln("instr_beg = ", Magic.objectAsAddress(fooCM.getEntryCodeArray()));
            for (int i = (osrFPoff.toInt()) - 10; i < (osrFPoff.toInt()) + 10; i++) {
                VM.sysWriteln("  stack[" + i + "] = " + stack[i]);
            Offset ipIndex = ipOffset.toWord().rsha(LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH).toOffset();
            VM.sysWriteln("ipIndex : ", ipIndex);
            VM.sysWriteln("bcIndex : " + bcIndex);
        VM._assert(bcIndex != -1);
    // create execution state object
    ExecutionState state = new ExecutionState(thread, methFPoff, cmid, bcIndex, osrFPoff);
    /* extract values for local and stack, but first of all
     * we need to get type information for current PC.
    BytecodeTraverser typer = new BytecodeTraverser();
    typer.computeLocalStackTypes(fooM, bcIndex);
    byte[] localTypes = typer.getLocalTypes();
    byte[] stackTypes = typer.getStackTypes();
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
        VM.sysWriteln("BC Index : " + bcIndex);
        VM.sysWrite("Local Types :");
        for (byte localType : localTypes) {
            VM.sysWrite(" " + (char) localType);
        VM.sysWrite("Stack Types :");
        for (byte stackType : stackTypes) {
            VM.sysWrite(" " + (char) stackType);
    // type. We should remove non-reference type
    for (int i = 0, n = localTypes.length; i < n; i++) {
        // then set the localType to uninitialized, see VM spec, bytecode verifier
        if (localTypes[i] == ClassTypeCode) {
            if (!fooCM.referenceMaps.isLocalRefType(fooM, << LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH), i)) {
                localTypes[i] = VoidTypeCode;
                if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
                    VM.sysWriteln("GC maps disagrees with type matcher at " + i + "th local");
    // go through the stack frame and extract values
    // In the variable value list, we keep the order as follows:
    // L0, L1, ..., S0, S1, ....
    // adjust local offset and stack offset
    // NOTE: do not call BaselineCompilerImpl.getFirstLocalOffset(method)
    Offset startLocalOffset =;
    Offset stackOffset =;
    // for locals
    getVariableValue(stack, startLocalOffset, localTypes, fooCM, LOCAL, state);
    // for stacks
    getVariableValue(stack, stackOffset, stackTypes, fooCM, STACK, state);
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
        VM.sysWriteln("BASE executionStateExtractor done ");
    return state;
Also used : ArchBaselineCompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32.ArchBaselineCompiledMethod) ExecutionState(org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState) Address(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address) NormalMethod(org.jikesrvm.classloader.NormalMethod) BytecodeTraverser(org.jikesrvm.osr.BytecodeTraverser) Offset(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset)

Example 2 with ExecutionState

use of org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class OptExecutionStateExtractor method getExecStateSequence.

private ExecutionState getExecStateSequence(RVMThread thread, byte[] stack, Offset ipOffset, Offset fpOffset, int cmid, Offset tsFPOffset, TempRegisters registers, EncodedOSRMap osrmap) {
    // go through the stack frame and extract values
    // In the variable value list, we keep the order as follows:
    // L0, L1, ..., S0, S1, ....
    /* go over osr map element, build list of VariableElement.
    * assuming iterator has ordered element as
    *     L0, L1, ..., S0, S1, ...
    *     ThreadSwitch
    *     threadSwitchFromOsr
    *     FOO                                        <-- fpOffset
    * Also, all registers saved by threadSwitchFromDeopt method
    * is restored in "registers", address for object is converted
    * back to object references.
    * This method should be called in non-GC critical section since
    * it allocates many objects.
    // for 64-bit type values which have two int parts.
    // this holds the high part.
    int lvalue_one = 0;
    int lvtype_one = 0;
    // now recover execution states
    OSRMapIterator iterator = osrmap.getOsrMapIteratorForMCOffset(ipOffset);
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
        VM._assert(iterator != null);
    ExecutionState state = new ExecutionState(thread, fpOffset, cmid, iterator.getBcIndex(), tsFPOffset);
    MethodReference mref = MemberReference.getMethodRef(iterator.getMethodId());
    state.setMethod((NormalMethod) mref.peekResolvedMethod());
    // this is not caller, but the callee, reverse it when outside
    // of this function.
    state.callerState = null;
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
        VM.sysWriteln("osr map table of " + state.meth.toString());
    while (iterator.hasMore()) {
        if (iterator.getMethodId() != state.meth.getId()) {
            ExecutionState newstate = new ExecutionState(thread, fpOffset, cmid, iterator.getBcIndex(), tsFPOffset);
            mref = MemberReference.getMethodRef(iterator.getMethodId());
            newstate.setMethod((NormalMethod) mref.peekResolvedMethod());
            // this is not caller, but the callee, reverse it when outside
            // of this function.
            newstate.callerState = state;
            state = newstate;
            if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
                VM.sysWriteln("osr map table of " + state.meth.toString());
        // create a VariableElement for it.
        boolean kind = iterator.getKind();
        char num = iterator.getNumber();
        byte tcode = iterator.getTypeCode();
        byte vtype = iterator.getValueType();
        int value = iterator.getValue();
        if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
            VM.sysWrite((kind == LOCAL) ? "L" : "S");
            VM.sysWrite((int) num);
            VM.sysWrite(" , ");
            if (vtype == ICONST) {
                VM.sysWrite("ICONST ");
            } else if (vtype == PHYREG) {
                VM.sysWrite("PHYREG ");
            } else if (vtype == SPILL) {
                VM.sysWrite("SPILL  ");
        switch(tcode) {
            case INT:
                    int ibits = getIntBitsFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, ibits));
            case FLOAT:
                    float fv = (float) getDoubleFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    int ibits = Magic.floatAsIntBits(fv);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, ibits));
            case HIGH_64BIT:
                    lvalue_one = value;
                    lvtype_one = vtype;
            case LONG:
                    long lbits = getLongBitsFrom(lvtype_one, lvalue_one, vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    lvalue_one = 0;
                    lvtype_one = 0;
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, LONG, lbits));
            case DOUBLE:
                    double dv = getDoubleFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    long lbits = Magic.doubleAsLongBits(dv);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, lbits));
            // To be VERIFIED.
            case RET_ADDR:
                    int bcIndex = getIntBitsFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, bcIndex));
            case WORD:
                    // KV:TODO
                    if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) {
                        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
                        } else {
                            VM.sysFail("Case not yet implemented for 64-bit addresssing.");
                    int word = getIntBitsFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, word));
            case REF:
                    Object ref = getObjectFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, ref));
                if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
    // switch
    return state;
Also used : ExecutionState(org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState) MethodReference(org.jikesrvm.classloader.MethodReference) OSRMapIterator(org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRMapIterator) VariableElement(org.jikesrvm.osr.VariableElement)

Example 3 with ExecutionState

use of org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class OptExecutionStateExtractor method extractState.

public ExecutionState extractState(RVMThread thread, Offset osrFPoff, Offset methFPoff, int cmid) {
    /* perform machine and compiler dependent operations here
    * osrFPoff is the fp offset of
    * OptSaveVolatile.threadSwithFrom<...>
    *  (stack grows downward)
    *          foo
    *     |->     <-- methFPoff
    *     |
    *     |    <tsfrom>
    *     |--     <-- osrFPoff
    * The <tsfrom> saves all volatiles, nonvolatiles, and scratch
    * registers. All register values for 'foo' can be obtained from
    * the register save area of '<tsfrom>' method.
    byte[] stack = thread.getStack();
    // get registers for the caller ( real method )
    TempRegisters registers = new TempRegisters(thread.getContextRegisters());
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
        int foocmid = Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack,;
        if (foocmid != cmid) {
            for (Offset o = osrFPoff; o.sGE(methFPoff.minus(2 * BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); o = o.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)) {
                VM.sysWrite(" : ");
                VM.sysWriteHex(Magic.getWordAtOffset(stack, o).toAddress());
            CompiledMethod cm = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid);
            VM.sysWriteln("unmatch method, it should be " + cm.getMethod());
            CompiledMethod foo = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(foocmid);
            VM.sysWriteln("but now it is " + foo.getMethod());
            walkOnStack(stack, osrFPoff);
        VM._assert(foocmid == cmid);
    OptCompiledMethod fooCM = (OptCompiledMethod) CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid);
    /* Following code get the machine code offset to the
     * next instruction. All operation of the stack frame
     * are kept in GC critical section.
     * All code in the section should not cause any GC
     * activities, and avoid lazy compilation.
    // get the next machine code offset of the real method
    Address methFP = Magic.objectAsAddress(stack).plus(methFPoff);
    Address nextIP = Magic.getNextInstructionAddress(methFP);
    Offset ipOffset = fooCM.getInstructionOffset(nextIP);
    EncodedOSRMap fooOSRMap = fooCM.getOSRMap();
    /* get register reference map from OSR map
     * we are using this map to convert addresses to objects,
     * thus we can operate objects out of GC section.
    int regmap = fooOSRMap.getRegisterMapForMCOffset(ipOffset);
        int bufCMID = Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack,;
        CompiledMethod bufCM = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(bufCMID);
        // SaveVolatile can only be compiled by OPT compiler
        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
            VM._assert(bufCM instanceof OptCompiledMethod);
        restoreValuesFromOptSaveVolatile(stack, osrFPoff, registers, regmap, bufCM);
    // return a list of states: from caller to callee
    // if the osr happens in an inlined method, the state is
    // a chain of recoverd methods.
    ExecutionState state = getExecStateSequence(thread, stack, ipOffset, methFPoff, cmid, osrFPoff, registers, fooOSRMap);
    // reverse callerState points
    ExecutionState prevState = null;
    ExecutionState nextState = state;
    while (nextState != null) {
        // 1. current node
        state = nextState;
        // 1. hold the next state first
        nextState = nextState.callerState;
        // 2. redirect pointer
        state.callerState = prevState;
        // 3. move prev to current
        prevState = state;
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
        VM.sysWriteln("OptExecutionState : recovered states");
        ExecutionState temp = state;
        while (temp != null) {
            temp = temp.callerState;
    return state;
Also used : OptCompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod) ExecutionState(org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState) Address(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address) EncodedOSRMap(org.jikesrvm.osr.EncodedOSRMap) OptCompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod) CompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod) Offset(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset)

Example 4 with ExecutionState

use of org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class OptExecutionStateExtractor method getExecStateSequence.

private ExecutionState getExecStateSequence(RVMThread thread, byte[] stack, Offset ipOffset, Offset fpOffset, int cmid, Offset tsFPOffset, TempRegisters registers, EncodedOSRMap osrmap) {
    // go through the stack frame and extract values
    // In the variable value list, we keep the order as follows:
    // L0, L1, ..., S0, S1, ....
    /* go over osr map element, build list of VariableElement.
    * assuming iterator has ordered element as
    *     L0, L1, ..., S0, S1, ...
    *     RVMThread.ThreadSwitch
    *     OptSaveVolatile.threadSwitchFromDeopt
    *     FOO                                        <-- fpOffset
    * Also, all registers saved by threadSwitchFromDeopt method
    * is restored in "registers", address for object is converted
    * back to object references.
    * This method should be called in non-GC critical section since
    * it allocates many objects.
    // for 64-bit type values which have two int parts.
    // this holds the high part.
    int lpart_one = 0;
    // now recover execution states
    OSRMapIterator iterator = osrmap.getOsrMapIteratorForMCOffset(ipOffset);
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
        VM._assert(iterator != null);
    ExecutionState state = new ExecutionState(thread, fpOffset, cmid, iterator.getBcIndex(), tsFPOffset);
    MethodReference mref = MemberReference.getMethodRef(iterator.getMethodId());
    state.setMethod((NormalMethod) mref.peekResolvedMethod());
    state.callerState = null;
    while (iterator.hasMore()) {
        if (iterator.getMethodId() != state.meth.getId()) {
            ExecutionState newstate = new ExecutionState(thread, fpOffset, cmid, iterator.getBcIndex(), tsFPOffset);
            mref = MemberReference.getMethodRef(iterator.getMethodId());
            newstate.setMethod((NormalMethod) mref.peekResolvedMethod());
            // this is not caller, but the callee, reverse it when outside
            // of this function.
            newstate.callerState = state;
            state = newstate;
        // create a VariableElement for it.
        boolean kind = iterator.getKind();
        int num = iterator.getNumber();
        byte tcode = iterator.getTypeCode();
        byte vtype = iterator.getValueType();
        int value = iterator.getValue();
        switch(tcode) {
            case INT:
                    int ibits = getIntBitsFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, ibits));
            case FLOAT:
                    float fv = (float) getDoubleFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    int ibits = Magic.floatAsIntBits(fv);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, ibits));
            case HIGH_64BIT:
                    lpart_one = value;
            case LONG:
                    long lbits = getLongBitsFrom(vtype, lpart_one, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    lpart_one = 0;
                    state.add(new // not use LONG2,
                    VariableElement(// not use LONG2,
                    kind, // not use LONG2,
                    num, // not use LONG2,
                    LONG, lbits));
            case DOUBLE:
                    double dv = getDoubleFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    long lbits = Magic.doubleAsLongBits(dv);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, lbits));
            // To be VERIFIED.
            case RET_ADDR:
                    int bcIndex = getIntBitsFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, bcIndex));
            case REF:
                    Object ref = getObjectFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                    state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, ref));
            case WORD:
                    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) {
                        int word = getIntBitsFrom(vtype, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                        state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, word));
                    } else {
                        long word = getLongBitsFrom(vtype, lpart_one, value, stack, fpOffset, registers);
                        lpart_one = 0;
                        state.add(new VariableElement(kind, num, tcode, word));
                if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
    // switch
    return state;
Also used : ExecutionState(org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState) MethodReference(org.jikesrvm.classloader.MethodReference) OSRMapIterator(org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRMapIterator) VariableElement(org.jikesrvm.osr.VariableElement)

Example 5 with ExecutionState

use of org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class OptExecutionStateExtractor method extractState.

public ExecutionState extractState(RVMThread thread, Offset osrFPoff, Offset methFPoff, int cmid) {
    /* perform machine and compiler dependent operations here
    * osrFPoff is the fp offset of
    * OptSaveVolatile.threadSwithFrom<...>
    *  (stack grows downward)
    *          foo
    *     |->     <-- methFPoff
    *     |
    *     |    <tsfrom>
    *     |--     <-- osrFPoff
    * The threadSwitchFrom method saves all volatiles, nonvolatiles, and
    * scratch registers. All register values for 'foo' can be obtained
    * from the register save area of '<tsfrom>' method.
    byte[] stack = thread.getStack();
    // get registers for the caller ( real method )
    TempRegisters registers = new TempRegisters(thread.getContextRegisters());
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
        int foocmid = Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack,;
        if (foocmid != cmid) {
            CompiledMethod cm = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid);
            VM.sysWriteln("unmatch method, it should be " + cm.getMethod());
            CompiledMethod foo = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(foocmid);
            VM.sysWriteln("but now it is " + foo.getMethod());
            walkOnStack(stack, osrFPoff);
        VM._assert(foocmid == cmid);
    OptCompiledMethod fooCM = (OptCompiledMethod) CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid);
    /* Following code get the machine code offset to the
     * next instruction. All operation of the stack frame
     * are kept in GC critical section.
     * All code in the section should not cause any GC
     * activities, and avoid lazy compilation.
    /* Following code is architecture dependent. In IA32, the return address
     * saved in caller stack frames, so use osrFP to get the next instruction
     * address of foo
    // get the next machine code offset of the real method
    Address osrFP = Magic.objectAsAddress(stack).plus(osrFPoff);
    Address nextIP = Magic.getReturnAddressUnchecked(osrFP);
    Offset ipOffset = fooCM.getInstructionOffset(nextIP);
    EncodedOSRMap fooOSRMap = fooCM.getOSRMap();
    /* get register reference map from OSR map
     * we are using this map to convert addresses to objects,
     * thus we can operate objects out of GC section.
    int regmap = fooOSRMap.getRegisterMapForMCOffset(ipOffset);
        int bufCMID = Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack,;
        CompiledMethod bufCM = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(bufCMID);
        // SaveVolatile can only be compiled by OPT compiler
        if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
            VM._assert(bufCM instanceof OptCompiledMethod);
        restoreValuesFromOptSaveVolatile(stack, osrFPoff, registers, regmap, bufCM);
    // return a list of states: from caller to callee
    // if the osr happens in an inlined method, the state is
    // a chain of recoverd methods.
    ExecutionState state = getExecStateSequence(thread, stack, ipOffset, methFPoff, cmid, osrFPoff, registers, fooOSRMap);
    // reverse callerState points, it becomes callee -> caller
    ExecutionState prevState = null;
    ExecutionState nextState = state;
    while (nextState != null) {
        // 1. current node
        state = nextState;
        // 1. hold the next state first
        nextState = nextState.callerState;
        // 2. redirect pointer
        state.callerState = prevState;
        // 3. move prev to current
        prevState = state;
    if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) {
        VM.sysWriteln("OptExecState : recovered states " + thread.toString());
        ExecutionState temp = state;
        do {
            temp = temp.callerState;
        } while (temp != null);
    return state;
Also used : OptCompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod) ExecutionState(org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState) Address(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address) EncodedOSRMap(org.jikesrvm.osr.EncodedOSRMap) OptCompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod) CompiledMethod(org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod) Offset(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset)


ExecutionState (org.jikesrvm.osr.ExecutionState)6 Address (org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address)4 Offset (org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset)4 CompiledMethod (org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod)3 OptCompiledMethod (org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod)3 MethodReference (org.jikesrvm.classloader.MethodReference)2 NormalMethod (org.jikesrvm.classloader.NormalMethod)2 BytecodeTraverser (org.jikesrvm.osr.BytecodeTraverser)2 EncodedOSRMap (org.jikesrvm.osr.EncodedOSRMap)2 OSRMapIterator (org.jikesrvm.osr.OSRMapIterator)2 VariableElement (org.jikesrvm.osr.VariableElement)2 AbstractRegisters (org.jikesrvm.architecture.AbstractRegisters)1 ArchBaselineCompiledMethod (org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ia32.ArchBaselineCompiledMethod)1 ArchBaselineCompiledMethod (org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ppc.ArchBaselineCompiledMethod)1 Word (org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word)1 WordArray (org.vmmagic.unboxed.WordArray)1