use of org.joml.Vector3fc in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class VertexGLAttributeTest method testVector3fBinding.
public void testVector3fBinding() {
VertexResourceBuilder builder = new VertexResourceBuilder();
VertexAttributeBinding<Vector3fc, Vector3f> a1 = builder.add(0, GLAttributes.VECTOR_3_F_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE);
VertexResource resource =;
a1.put(new Vector3f(10, 150, 1.5f));
a1.put(new Vector3f(15.1f, 15.04f, 15.5f));
a1.put(new Vector3f(16f, 150, 31.5f));
assertEquals(3, a1.getPosition());
int stride = Float.BYTES * 3;
resource.writeBuffer(buffer -> {
assertEquals(3 * 3 * Float.BYTES, buffer.limit());
assertEquals(10, buffer.getFloat(Float.BYTES * 0), 0.001f);
assertEquals(150, buffer.getFloat(Float.BYTES * 1), 0.001f);
assertEquals(1.5f, buffer.getFloat(Float.BYTES * 2), 0.001f);
assertEquals(15.1f, buffer.getFloat((stride) + Float.BYTES * 0), 0.001f);
assertEquals(15.04f, buffer.getFloat((stride) + Float.BYTES * 1), 0.001f);
assertEquals(15.5f, buffer.getFloat((stride) + Float.BYTES * 2), 0.001f);
assertEquals(16f, buffer.getFloat((stride * 2) + Float.BYTES * 0), 0.001f);
assertEquals(150f, buffer.getFloat((stride * 2) + Float.BYTES * 1), 0.001f);
assertEquals(31.5f, buffer.getFloat((stride * 2) + Float.BYTES * 2), 0.001f);
use of org.joml.Vector3fc in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class BulletPhysics method getShapeFor.
* Returns the shape belonging to the given entity. It currently knows 4 different shapes: Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder
* or arbitrary. The shape is determined based on the shape component of the given entity. If the entity has somehow
* got multiple shapes, only one is picked. The order of priority is: Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, arbitrary.
* <br><br>
* TODO: Flyweight this (take scale as parameter)
* @param entityRef the entity to get the shape of.
* @return the shape of the entity, ready to be used by Bullet.
private btCollisionShape getShapeFor(EntityRef entityRef) {
BoxShapeComponent box = entityRef.getComponent(BoxShapeComponent.class);
if (box != null) {
Vector3f halfExtents = new Vector3f(box.extents);
return new btBoxShape(halfExtents.mul(.5f));
SphereShapeComponent sphere = entityRef.getComponent(SphereShapeComponent.class);
if (sphere != null) {
return new btSphereShape(sphere.radius);
CapsuleShapeComponent capsule = entityRef.getComponent(CapsuleShapeComponent.class);
if (capsule != null) {
return new btCapsuleShape(capsule.radius, capsule.height);
CylinderShapeComponent cylinder = entityRef.getComponent(CylinderShapeComponent.class);
if (cylinder != null) {
return new btCylinderShape(new Vector3f(cylinder.radius, 0.5f * cylinder.height, cylinder.radius));
HullShapeComponent hull = entityRef.getComponent(HullShapeComponent.class);
if (hull != null) {
VertexAttributeBinding<Vector3fc, Vector3f> positions = hull.sourceMesh.vertices();
final int numVertices = hull.sourceMesh.elementCount();
FloatBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(numVertices * 3);
Vector3f pos = new Vector3f();
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
positions.get(i, pos);
return new btConvexHullShape(buffer, numVertices, 3 * Float.BYTES);
CharacterMovementComponent characterMovementComponent = entityRef.getComponent(CharacterMovementComponent.class);
if (characterMovementComponent != null) {
return new btCapsuleShape(characterMovementComponent.pickupRadius, characterMovementComponent.height - 2 * characterMovementComponent.radius);
logger.error("Creating physics object that requires a ShapeComponent or CharacterMovementComponent, but has " + "neither. Entity: {}", entityRef);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Creating physics object that requires a ShapeComponent or " + "CharacterMovementComponent, but has neither. Entity: " + entityRef);
use of org.joml.Vector3fc in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class SkeletonRenderer method renderOpaque.
public void renderOpaque() {
Vector3fc cameraPosition = worldRenderer.getActiveCamera().getPosition();
Quaternionf worldRot = new Quaternionf();
Vector3f worldPos = new Vector3f();
Quaternionf inverseWorldRot = new Quaternionf();
FloatBuffer tempMatrixBuffer44 = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16);
FloatBuffer tempMatrixBuffer33 = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(12);
for (EntityRef entity : entityManager.getEntitiesWith(SkeletalMeshComponent.class, LocationComponent.class)) {
SkeletalMeshComponent skeletalMesh = entity.getComponent(SkeletalMeshComponent.class);
if (skeletalMesh.mesh == null || skeletalMesh.material == null || skeletalMesh.boneEntities == null || !skeletalMesh.material.isRenderable()) {
AABBf aabb;
MeshAnimation animation = skeletalMesh.animation;
if (animation != null) {
aabb = animation.getAabb();
} else {
aabb = skeletalMesh.mesh.getStaticAabb();
LocationComponent location = entity.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
float worldScale = location.getWorldScale();
aabb = aabb.transform(new Matrix4f().translationRotateScale(worldPos, worldRot, worldScale), new AABBf());
// Scale bounding box for skeletalMesh.
Vector3f scale = skeletalMesh.scale;
Vector3f aabbCenter = Vector3f());
Vector3f scaledExtents = aabb.extent(new Vector3f()).mul(scale.x(), scale.y(), scale.z());
aabb = new AABBf(aabbCenter, aabbCenter).expand(scaledExtents);
if (!worldRenderer.getActiveCamera().hasInSight(aabb)) {
skeletalMesh.material.setFloat("sunlight", 1.0f, true);
skeletalMesh.material.setFloat("blockLight", 1.0f, true);
skeletalMesh.material.setFloat3("colorOffset", skeletalMesh.color.rf(),,, true);
skeletalMesh.material.setMatrix4("projectionMatrix", worldRenderer.getActiveCamera().getProjectionMatrix());
Vector3f worldPositionCameraSpace = new Vector3f();
worldPos.sub(cameraPosition, worldPositionCameraSpace);
worldPositionCameraSpace.y += skeletalMesh.heightOffset;
Matrix4f matrixCameraSpace = new Matrix4f().translationRotateScale(worldPositionCameraSpace, worldRot, worldScale);
Matrix4f modelViewMatrix = worldRenderer.getActiveCamera().getViewMatrix().mul(matrixCameraSpace, new Matrix4f());
skeletalMesh.material.setMatrix4("modelViewMatrix", tempMatrixBuffer44, true);
modelViewMatrix.normal(new Matrix3f()).get(tempMatrixBuffer33);
skeletalMesh.material.setMatrix3("normalMatrix", tempMatrixBuffer33, true);
skeletalMesh.material.setFloat("sunlight", worldRenderer.getMainLightIntensityAt(worldPos), true);
skeletalMesh.material.setFloat("blockLight", worldRenderer.getBlockLightIntensityAt(worldPos), true);
Matrix4f[] boneTransforms = new Matrix4f[skeletalMesh.mesh.getBones().size()];
for (Bone bone : skeletalMesh.mesh.getBones()) {
EntityRef boneEntity = skeletalMesh.boneEntities.get(bone.getName());
if (boneEntity == null) {
boneEntity = EntityRef.NULL;
LocationComponent boneLocation = boneEntity.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
if (boneLocation != null) {
Matrix4f boneTransform = new Matrix4f();
boneLocation.getRelativeTransform(boneTransform, entity);
boneTransforms[bone.getIndex()] = boneTransform.transpose();
} else {
logger.warn("Unable to resolve bone \"{}\"", bone.getName());
boneTransforms[bone.getIndex()] = new Matrix4f();
((OpenGLSkeletalMesh) skeletalMesh.mesh).setScaleTranslate(skeletalMesh.scale, skeletalMesh.translate);
((OpenGLSkeletalMesh) skeletalMesh.mesh).render(Arrays.asList(boneTransforms));
use of org.joml.Vector3fc in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class Tessellator method addMeshPart.
private void addMeshPart(BlockMeshPart part, boolean doubleSided) {
for (int i = 0; i < part.size(); ++i) {
Vector3fc vertex = part.getVertex(i);
for (int i = 0; i < part.indicesSize(); ++i) {
meshData.indices.put(nextIndex + part.getIndex(i));
if (doubleSided) {
for (int i = 0; i < part.indicesSize(); i += 3) {
meshData.indices.put(nextIndex + part.getIndex(i + 1));
meshData.indices.put(nextIndex + part.getIndex(i));
meshData.indices.put(nextIndex + part.getIndex(i + 2));
nextIndex += part.size();
use of org.joml.Vector3fc in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class MeshBuilder method addPoly.
* @param v1
* @param v2
* @param v3
* @param vn
* @return
public MeshBuilder addPoly(Vector3fc v1, Vector3fc v2, Vector3fc v3, Vector3fc... vn) {
for (int i = 0; i < vn.length + 1; i++) {
addIndices(vertexCount, vertexCount + i + 2, vertexCount + i + 1);
for (Vector3fc v : vn) {
return this;