use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SubPlanAssembler method isPartialIndexPredicateCovered.
* Split the index WHERE clause into a list of sub-expressions and process
* each expression separately searching the query (or matview) for a
* covering expression for each of these expressions.
* All index WHERE sub-expressions must be covered to enable the index.
* Collect the query expressions that EXACTLY match the index expression.
* They can be eliminated from the post-filters as an optimization.
* @param tableScan The source table.
* @param coveringExprs The set of query predicate expressions.
* @param index The partial index to cover.
* @param exactMatchCoveringExprs The output subset of the query predicates that EXACTLY match the
* index predicate expression(s)
* @return TRUE if the index has a predicate that is completely covered by the query expressions.
public static boolean isPartialIndexPredicateCovered(StmtTableScan tableScan, List<AbstractExpression> coveringExprs, String predicatejson, List<AbstractExpression> exactMatchCoveringExprs) {
assert (!predicatejson.isEmpty());
AbstractExpression indexPredicate = null;
try {
indexPredicate = AbstractExpression.fromJSONString(predicatejson, tableScan);
} catch (JSONException e) {
assert (false);
return false;
List<AbstractExpression> exprsToCover = ExpressionUtil.uncombinePredicate(indexPredicate);
for (AbstractExpression coveringExpr : coveringExprs) {
if (exprsToCover.isEmpty()) {
// We are done there. All the index predicate expressions are covered.
// Each covering expression and its reversed copy need to be tested for the index expression coverage.
AbstractExpression reversedCoveringExpr = null;
ExpressionType reverseCoveringType = ComparisonExpression.reverses.get(coveringExpr.getExpressionType());
if (reverseCoveringType != null) {
// reverse the expression
reversedCoveringExpr = new ComparisonExpression(reverseCoveringType, coveringExpr.getRight(), coveringExpr.getLeft());
// Exact match first.
if (removeExactMatchCoveredExpressions(coveringExpr, exprsToCover)) {
// Try the reversed expression for the exact match
if (reversedCoveringExpr != null && removeExactMatchCoveredExpressions(reversedCoveringExpr, exprsToCover)) {
// It is the original expression that we need to remember
// Handle the remaining NOT NULL index predicate expressions that can be covered by NULL rejecting expressions
exprsToCover = removeNotNullCoveredExpressions(tableScan, coveringExprs, exprsToCover);
// All index predicate expressions must be covered for index to be selected
return exprsToCover.isEmpty();
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SystemInformation method populateOverviewTable.
* Accumulate per-host information and return as a table.
* This function does the real work. Everything else is
* boilerplate sysproc stuff.
public static VoltTable populateOverviewTable() {
VoltTable vt = constructOverviewTable();
int hostId = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getHostId();
// try to get the external interface first, if none was set, use local addresses
InetAddress addr = null;
String clientInterface = null;
int clientPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_PORT;
String adminInterface = null;
int adminPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT;
String httpInterface = null;
int httpPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
String internalInterface = null;
int internalPort = Constants.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT;
String zkInterface = null;
int zkPort = Constants.DEFAULT_ZK_PORT;
String drInterface = null;
int drPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_DR_PORT;
String publicInterface = null;
try {
String localMetadata = VoltDB.instance().getLocalMetadata();
JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(localMetadata);
JSONArray interfaces = jsObj.getJSONArray("interfaces");
String iface = interfaces.getString(0);
addr = InetAddress.getByName(iface);
clientPort = jsObj.getInt("clientPort");
clientInterface = jsObj.getString("clientInterface");
adminPort = jsObj.getInt("adminPort");
adminInterface = jsObj.getString("adminInterface");
httpPort = jsObj.getInt("httpPort");
httpInterface = jsObj.getString("httpInterface");
internalPort = jsObj.getInt("internalPort");
internalInterface = jsObj.getString("internalInterface");
zkPort = jsObj.getInt("zkPort");
zkInterface = jsObj.getString("zkInterface");
drPort = jsObj.getInt("drPort");
drInterface = jsObj.getString("drInterface");
publicInterface = jsObj.getString("publicInterface");
} catch (JSONException e) {"Failed to get local metadata, falling back to first resolvable IP address.");
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {"Failed to determine hostname, falling back to first resolvable IP address.");
// host name and IP address.
if (addr == null) {
addr = org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils.getLocalAddress();
vt.addRow(hostId, "IPADDRESS", addr.getHostAddress());
vt.addRow(hostId, "HOSTNAME", CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress());
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLIENTINTERFACE", clientInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLIENTPORT", Integer.toString(clientPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "ADMININTERFACE", adminInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "ADMINPORT", Integer.toString(adminPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "HTTPINTERFACE", httpInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "HTTPPORT", Integer.toString(httpPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "INTERNALINTERFACE", internalInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "INTERNALPORT", Integer.toString(internalPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "ZKINTERFACE", zkInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "ZKPORT", Integer.toString(zkPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "DRINTERFACE", drInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "DRPORT", Integer.toString(drPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "PUBLICINTERFACE", publicInterface);
// build string
vt.addRow(hostId, "BUILDSTRING", VoltDB.instance().getBuildString());
// version
vt.addRow(hostId, "VERSION", VoltDB.instance().getVersionString());
// catalog path
String path = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_pathToCatalog;
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("http"))
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
vt.addRow(hostId, "CATALOG", path);
// deployment path
path = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_pathToDeployment;
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("http"))
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
vt.addRow(hostId, "DEPLOYMENT", path);
String cluster_state = VoltDB.instance().getMode().toString();
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLUSTERSTATE", cluster_state);
// INITIALIZED, used by VEM to determine the spinny icon state.
org.voltdb.OperationMode mode = VoltDB.instance().getMode();
String areInitialized = Boolean.toString(!VoltDB.instance().rejoining() && (mode == org.voltdb.OperationMode.RUNNING || mode == org.voltdb.OperationMode.PAUSED));
vt.addRow(hostId, "INITIALIZED", areInitialized);
String replication_role = VoltDB.instance().getReplicationRole().toString();
vt.addRow(hostId, "REPLICATIONROLE", replication_role);
vt.addRow(hostId, "LASTCATALOGUPDATETXNID", Long.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().m_transactionId));
vt.addRow(hostId, "CATALOGCRC", Long.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getCatalogCRC()));
vt.addRow(hostId, "IV2ENABLED", "true");
long startTimeMs = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getInstanceId().getTimestamp();
vt.addRow(hostId, "STARTTIME", Long.toString(startTimeMs));
vt.addRow(hostId, "UPTIME", MiscUtils.formatUptime(VoltDB.instance().getClusterUptime()));
SocketHubAppender hubAppender = (SocketHubAppender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAppender("hub");
int port = 0;
if (hubAppender != null)
port = hubAppender.getPort();
vt.addRow(hostId, "LOG4JPORT", Integer.toString(port));
//Add license information
if (MiscUtils.isPro()) {
vt.addRow(hostId, "LICENSE", VoltDB.instance().getLicenseInformation());
populatePartitionGroups(hostId, vt);
// root path
vt.addRow(hostId, "VOLTDBROOT", VoltDB.instance().getVoltDBRootPath());
vt.addRow(hostId, "FULLCLUSTERSIZE", Integer.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getClusterSettings().hostcount()));
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLUSTERID", Integer.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getCluster().getDrclusterid()));
return vt;
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class CatalogSchemaTools method toSchema.
* Convert a Table catalog object into the proper SQL DDL, including all indexes,
* constraints, and foreign key references.
* Also returns just the CREATE TABLE statement, since, like all good methods,
* it should have two purposes....
* It would be nice to have a separate method to just generate the CREATE TABLE,
* but we use that pass to also figure out what separate constraint and index
* SQL DDL needs to be generated, so instead, we opt to build the CREATE TABLE DDL
* separately as we go here, and then fill it in to the StringBuilder being used
* to construct the full canonical DDL at the appropriate time.
* @param sb - the schema being built
* @param catalog_tbl - object to be analyzed
* @param viewQuery - the Query if this Table is a View
* @param isExportOnly Is this a export table.
* @param streamPartitionColumn stream partition column
* @param streamTarget - true if this Table is an Export Table
* @return SQL Schema text representing the CREATE TABLE statement to generate the table
public static String toSchema(StringBuilder sb, Table catalog_tbl, String viewQuery, boolean isExportOnly, String streamPartitionColumn, String streamTarget) {
assert (!catalog_tbl.getColumns().isEmpty());
boolean tableIsView = (viewQuery != null);
// We need the intermediate results of building the table schema string so that
// we can return the full CREATE TABLE statement, so accumulate it separately
final StringBuilder table_sb = new StringBuilder();
final Set<Index> skip_indexes = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Constraint> skip_constraints = new HashSet<>();
if (tableIsView) {
table_sb.append("CREATE VIEW ").append(catalog_tbl.getTypeName()).append(" (");
} else {
if (isExportOnly) {
table_sb.append("CREATE STREAM ").append(catalog_tbl.getTypeName());
if (streamPartitionColumn != null && viewQuery == null) {
table_sb.append(" PARTITION ON COLUMN ").append(streamPartitionColumn);
//Default target means no target.
if (streamTarget != null && !streamTarget.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.DEFAULT_EXPORT_CONNECTOR_NAME)) {
table_sb.append(" EXPORT TO TARGET ").append(streamTarget);
} else {
table_sb.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(catalog_tbl.getTypeName());
table_sb.append(" (");
// Columns
String add = "\n";
for (Column catalog_col : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(catalog_tbl.getColumns(), "index")) {
VoltType col_type = VoltType.get((byte) catalog_col.getType());
if (tableIsView) {
add = ",\n";
table_sb.append(add).append(spacer).append(catalog_col.getTypeName()).append(" ").append(col_type.toSQLString()).append(col_type.isVariableLength() && catalog_col.getSize() > 0 ? "(" + catalog_col.getSize() + (catalog_col.getInbytes() ? " BYTES" : "") + ")" : "");
// Default value
String defaultvalue = catalog_col.getDefaultvalue();
//VoltType defaulttype = VoltType.get((byte)catalog_col.getDefaulttype());
boolean nullable = catalog_col.getNullable();
// TODO: Shouldn't have to check whether the string contains "null"
if (defaultvalue == null) {
} else if (defaultvalue.toLowerCase().equals("null") && nullable) {
defaultvalue = null;
} else {
if (col_type == VoltType.TIMESTAMP) {
if (defaultvalue.startsWith("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")) {
defaultvalue = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
} else {
assert (defaultvalue.matches("[0-9]+"));
long epoch = Long.parseLong(defaultvalue);
Date d = new Date(epoch / 1000);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
defaultvalue = "\'" + sdf.format(d) + "." + StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(epoch % 1000000), 6, "0") + "\'";
} else {
// XXX: if (defaulttype != VoltType.VOLTFUNCTION) {
// TODO: Escape strings properly
defaultvalue = defaultvalue.replace("\'", "\'\'");
defaultvalue = "'" + defaultvalue + "'";
if (defaultvalue == null) {
table_sb.append((!nullable ? " NOT NULL" : ""));
} else {
table_sb.append(" DEFAULT ").append(defaultvalue != null ? defaultvalue : "NULL").append(!nullable ? " NOT NULL" : "");
// Single-column constraints
for (ConstraintRef catalog_const_ref : catalog_col.getConstraints()) {
Constraint catalog_const = catalog_const_ref.getConstraint();
ConstraintType const_type = ConstraintType.get(catalog_const.getType());
// Check if there is another column in our table with the same constraint
// If there is, then we need to add it to the end of the table definition
boolean found = false;
for (Column catalog_other_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) {
if (catalog_other_col.equals(catalog_col))
if (catalog_other_col.getConstraints().getIgnoreCase(catalog_const.getTypeName()) != null) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
switch(const_type) {
Table catalog_fkey_tbl = catalog_const.getForeignkeytable();
Column catalog_fkey_col = null;
for (ColumnRef ref : catalog_const.getForeignkeycols()) {
catalog_fkey_col = ref.getColumn();
// Nasty hack to get first item
assert (catalog_fkey_col != null);
table_sb.append(" REFERENCES ").append(catalog_fkey_tbl.getTypeName()).append(" (").append(catalog_fkey_col.getTypeName()).append(")");
add = ",\n";
// Constraints
for (Constraint catalog_const : catalog_tbl.getConstraints()) {
if (skip_constraints.contains(catalog_const))
ConstraintType const_type = ConstraintType.get(catalog_const.getType());
// Primary Keys / Unique Constraints
if (const_type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY || const_type == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) {
Index catalog_idx = catalog_const.getIndex();
if (!tableIsView) {
// Get the ConstraintType.
if (!catalog_const.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PREFIX)) {
table_sb.append("CONSTRAINT ").append(catalog_const.getTypeName()).append(" ");
if (const_type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY || const_type == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) {
if (const_type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY) {
table_sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (");
} else {
if (catalog_idx.getAssumeunique()) {
table_sb.append("ASSUMEUNIQUE (");
} else {
table_sb.append("UNIQUE (");
String col_add = "";
if (catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson() != null && !catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson().equals("")) {
String exprStrings = new String();
StmtTargetTableScan tableScan = new StmtTargetTableScan(catalog_tbl);
try {
List<AbstractExpression> expressions = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson(), tableScan);
String sep = "";
for (AbstractExpression expr : expressions) {
exprStrings += sep + expr.explain(catalog_tbl.getTypeName());
sep = ",";
} catch (JSONException e) {
} else {
for (ColumnRef catalog_colref : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(catalog_idx.getColumns(), "index")) {
col_add = ", ";
// FOR
if (catalog_idx.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PREFIX) || catalog_idx.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_MATVIEW)) {
// Foreign Key
} else if (const_type == ConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY) {
Table catalog_fkey_tbl = catalog_const.getForeignkeytable();
String col_add = "";
String our_columns = "";
String fkey_columns = "";
for (ColumnRef catalog_colref : catalog_const.getForeignkeycols()) {
// The name of the ColumnRef is the column in our base table
Column our_column = catalog_tbl.getColumns().getIgnoreCase(catalog_colref.getTypeName());
assert (our_column != null);
our_columns += col_add + our_column.getTypeName();
Column fkey_column = catalog_colref.getColumn();
assert (fkey_column != null);
fkey_columns += col_add + fkey_column.getTypeName();
col_add = ", ";
table_sb.append(add).append(spacer + "CONSTRAINT ").append(catalog_const.getTypeName()).append(" FOREIGN KEY (").append(our_columns).append(") REFERENCES ").append(catalog_fkey_tbl.getTypeName()).append(" (").append(fkey_columns).append(")");
if (catalog_tbl.getTuplelimit() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
table_sb.append(add).append(spacer + "LIMIT PARTITION ROWS ").append(String.valueOf(catalog_tbl.getTuplelimit()));
String deleteStmt = CatalogUtil.getLimitPartitionRowsDeleteStmt(catalog_tbl);
if (deleteStmt != null) {
if (deleteStmt.endsWith(";")) {
// StatementCompiler appends the semicolon, we don't want it here.
deleteStmt = deleteStmt.substring(0, deleteStmt.length() - 1);
table_sb.append("\n" + spacer + spacer + "EXECUTE (").append(deleteStmt).append(")");
if (viewQuery != null) {
table_sb.append("\n) AS \n");
} else {
// We've built the full CREATE TABLE statement for this table,
// Append the generated table schema to the canonical DDL StringBuilder
// Partition Table for regular tables (non-streams)
if (catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn() != null && viewQuery == null && !isExportOnly) {
sb.append("PARTITION TABLE ").append(catalog_tbl.getTypeName()).append(" ON COLUMN ").append(catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn().getTypeName()).append(";\n");
// All other Indexes
for (Index catalog_idx : catalog_tbl.getIndexes()) {
if (skip_indexes.contains(catalog_idx))
if (catalog_idx.getUnique()) {
if (catalog_idx.getAssumeunique()) {
} else {
sb.append("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ");
} else {
sb.append("CREATE INDEX ");
sb.append(catalog_idx.getTypeName()).append(" ON ").append(catalog_tbl.getTypeName()).append(" (");
add = "";
String jsonstring = catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson();
if (jsonstring.isEmpty()) {
for (ColumnRef catalog_colref : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(catalog_idx.getColumns(), "index")) {
add = ", ";
} else {
List<AbstractExpression> indexedExprs = null;
try {
indexedExprs = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(jsonstring, new StmtTargetTableScan(catalog_tbl));
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (indexedExprs != null) {
for (AbstractExpression expr : indexedExprs) {
add = ", ";
String jsonPredicate = catalog_idx.getPredicatejson();
if (!jsonPredicate.isEmpty()) {
try {
AbstractExpression predicate = AbstractExpression.fromJSONString(jsonPredicate, new StmtTargetTableScan(catalog_tbl));
sb.append(" WHERE ").append(predicate.explain(catalog_tbl.getTypeName()));
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (catalog_tbl.getIsdred()) {
sb.append("DR TABLE ").append(catalog_tbl.getTypeName()).append(";\n");
// statement to whoever might be interested (DDLCompiler, I'm looking in your direction)
return table_sb.toString();
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class AdhocDDLTestBase method isDRedTable.
protected boolean isDRedTable(String table) throws Exception {
VoltTable tableinfo = m_client.callProcedure("@SystemCatalog", "TABLES").getResults()[0];
for (int i = 0; i < tableinfo.m_rowCount; i++) {
String tablename = (String) tableinfo.get(2, VoltType.STRING);
if (tablename.equals(table)) {
try {
String remarks = (String) tableinfo.get(4, VoltType.STRING);
if (remarks == null) {
return false;
JSONObject jsEntry = new JSONObject(remarks);
return Boolean.valueOf(jsEntry.getString(JdbcDatabaseMetaDataGenerator.JSON_DRED_TABLE));
} catch (JSONException e) {
return false;
return false;
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class ClientResponseImpl method toJSONString.
public String toJSONString() {
JSONStringer js = new JSONStringer();
try {
js.keySymbolValuePair(JSON_STATUS_KEY, status);
js.keySymbolValuePair(JSON_APPSTATUS_KEY, appStatus);
js.keySymbolValuePair(JSON_STATUSSTRING_KEY, statusString);
js.keySymbolValuePair(JSON_APPSTATUSSTRING_KEY, appStatusString);
for (VoltTable o : results) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to serialize a parameter set to JSON.", e);
return js.toString();