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Example 11 with JSONException

use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SnapshotDaemon method initiateSnapshotSave.

private void initiateSnapshotSave(final long handle, final Object[] params, boolean blocking) {
    boolean success = true;
    VoltTable checkResult = SnapshotUtil.constructNodeResultsTable();
    final String jsString = String.class.cast(params[0]);
    if (m_lastInitiationTs != null) {
        final long elapsedMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - m_lastInitiationTs.getFirst();
        // Blocking snapshot may take a long time to finish, don't time it out if it's blocking
        if (!m_lastInitiationTs.getSecond() && elapsedMs > INITIATION_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS) {
            SNAP_LOG.warn(String.format("A snapshot was initiated %d minutes ago and hasn't received a response yet.", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(elapsedMs)));
            m_lastInitiationTs = null;
        } else {
            checkResult.addRow(CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(m_mb.getHSId()), CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress(), null, "FAILURE", "SNAPSHOT IN PROGRESS");
            success = false;
    if (success) {
        try {
            final JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(jsString);
            boolean initiateSnapshot;
            // Do scan work on all known live hosts
            VoltMessage msg = new SnapshotCheckRequestMessage(jsString);
            SnapshotPathType pathType = SnapshotPathType.valueOf(jsObj.getString(SnapshotUtil.JSON_PATH_TYPE));
            Set<Integer> liveHosts = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getLiveHostIds();
            for (int hostId : liveHosts) {
                m_mb.send(CoreUtils.getHSIdFromHostAndSite(hostId, HostMessenger.SNAPSHOT_IO_AGENT_ID), msg);
            // Wait for responses from all hosts for a certain amount of time
            Map<Integer, VoltTable> responses = Maps.newHashMap();
            // 10s timeout
            final long timeoutMs = 10 * 1000;
            final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
            SnapshotCheckResponseMessage response;
            while ((response = (SnapshotCheckResponseMessage) m_mb.recvBlocking(timeoutMs)) != null) {
                final String nonce = jsObj.getString(SnapshotUtil.JSON_NONCE);
                boolean nonceFound = false;
                if (pathType == SnapshotPathType.SNAP_PATH) {
                    // If request was explicitely PATH check path too.
                    if (nonce.equals(response.getNonce()) && response.getPath().equals(jsObj.getString(SnapshotUtil.JSON_PATH))) {
                        nonceFound = true;
                } else {
                    // If request is with type other than path just check type.
                    if (nonce.equals(response.getNonce()) && response.getSnapshotPathType() == pathType) {
                        nonceFound = true;
                if (nonceFound) {
                    responses.put(CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(response.m_sourceHSId), response.getResponse());
                if (responses.size() == liveHosts.size() || System.currentTimeMillis() > endTime) {
            if (responses.size() != liveHosts.size()) {
                checkResult.addRow(CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(m_mb.getHSId()), CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress(), null, "FAILURE", "TIMED OUT CHECKING SNAPSHOT FEASIBILITY");
                success = false;
            if (success) {
                // TRAIL [TruncSnap:12] all participating nodes have initiated successfully
                // Call @SnapshotSave if check passed, return the failure otherwise
                checkResult = VoltTableUtil.unionTables(responses.values());
                initiateSnapshot = SnapshotUtil.didSnapshotRequestSucceed(new VoltTable[] { checkResult });
                if (initiateSnapshot) {
                    m_lastInitiationTs = Pair.of(System.currentTimeMillis(), blocking);
                    m_initiator.initiateSnapshotDaemonWork("@SnapshotSave", handle, params);
                } else {
                    success = false;
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            success = false;
            checkResult.addRow(CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(m_mb.getHSId()), CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress(), null, "FAILURE", "ERROR PARSING JSON");
            SNAP_LOG.warn("Error parsing JSON string: " + jsString, e);
    if (!success) {
        final ClientResponseImpl failureResponse = new ClientResponseImpl(ClientResponseImpl.SUCCESS, new VoltTable[] { checkResult }, null);
Also used : JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) SnapshotCheckRequestMessage(org.voltdb.messaging.SnapshotCheckRequestMessage) SnapshotPathType(org.voltdb.sysprocs.saverestore.SnapshotPathType) VoltMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.VoltMessage) SnapshotCheckResponseMessage(org.voltdb.messaging.SnapshotCheckResponseMessage) JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject)

Example 12 with JSONException

use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class RestoreAgent method generatePlans.

     * Generate restore and replay plans.
     * @return The snapshot to restore, or null if there is none.
     * @throws Exception
     *             If any exception is thrown, it means that the plan generation
     *             has failed. Should crash the cluster.
SnapshotInfo generatePlans() throws Exception {
    Map<String, Snapshot> snapshots = new HashMap<String, SnapshotUtil.Snapshot>();
    // Only scan if startup might require a snapshot restore.
    if (m_action.doesRecover()) {
        snapshots = getSnapshots();
    final Long maxLastSeenTxn = m_replayAgent.getMaxLastSeenTxn();
    Set<SnapshotInfo> snapshotInfos = new HashSet<SnapshotInfo>();
    for (Snapshot e : snapshots.values()) {
        SnapshotInfo info = checkSnapshotIsComplete(e.getTxnId(), e);
        // if the cluster instance IDs in the snapshot and command log don't match, just move along
        if (m_replayAgent.getInstanceId() != null && info != null && !m_replayAgent.getInstanceId().equals(info.instanceId)) {
            // Exceptions are not well tolerated here, so don't throw over something
            // as trivial as error message formatting.
            String agentIdString;
            String infoIdString;
            try {
                agentIdString = m_replayAgent.getInstanceId().serializeToJSONObject().toString();
            } catch (JSONException e1) {
                agentIdString = "<failed to serialize id>";
            try {
                infoIdString = info.instanceId.serializeToJSONObject().toString();
            } catch (JSONException e1) {
                infoIdString = "<failed to serialize id>";
            m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ").append(info.nonce).append(" due to mismatching instance IDs.").append(" Command log ID: ").append(agentIdString).append(" Snapshot ID: ").append(infoIdString);
        if (info != null) {
            final Map<Integer, Long> cmdlogmap = m_replayAgent.getMaxLastSeenTxnByPartition();
            final Map<Integer, Long> snapmap = info.partitionToTxnId;
            // don't do any TXN ID consistency checking between command log and snapshot
            if (cmdlogmap != null) {
                for (Integer cmdpart : cmdlogmap.keySet()) {
                    Long snaptxnId = snapmap.get(cmdpart);
                    if (snaptxnId == null) {
                        m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ").append(info.nonce).append(" due to missing partition: ").append(cmdpart);
                        info = null;
                    } else if (snaptxnId < cmdlogmap.get(cmdpart)) {
                        m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ").append(info.nonce).append(" because it does not overlap the command log").append(" for partition: ").append(cmdpart).append(" command log txn ID: ").append(cmdlogmap.get(cmdpart)).append(" snapshot txn ID: ").append(snaptxnId);
                        info = null;
        if (info != null) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Gathered " + snapshotInfos.size() + " snapshot information");
    sendLocalRestoreInformation(maxLastSeenTxn, snapshotInfos);
    // Negotiate with other hosts about which snapshot to restore
    SnapshotInfo infoWithMinHostId = getRestorePlan();
    if (infoWithMinHostId != null && infoWithMinHostId.nonce.equals(m_terminusNonce)) {
        m_planned = true;
        return infoWithMinHostId;
         * Generate the replay plan here so that we don't have to wait until the
         * snapshot restore finishes.
    if (m_action.doesRecover()) {
        if (infoWithMinHostId != null) {
            // The expected partition count could be determined by the new partition count recorded
            // in the truncation snapshot. Truncation snapshot taken at the end of the join process
            // actually records the new partition count in the digest.
            m_replayAgent.generateReplayPlan(infoWithMinHostId.instanceId.getTimestamp(), infoWithMinHostId.txnId, infoWithMinHostId.newPartitionCount, m_isLeader);
    m_planned = true;
    return infoWithMinHostId;
Also used : SnapshotUtil(org.voltdb.sysprocs.saverestore.SnapshotUtil) Snapshot(org.voltdb.sysprocs.saverestore.SnapshotUtil.Snapshot) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 13 with JSONException

use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class RestoreAgent method serializeRestoreInformation.

     * @param max
     * @param snapshots
     * @return
private String serializeRestoreInformation(Long max, Set<SnapshotInfo> snapshots) {
    try {
        JSONStringer stringer = new JSONStringer();
        // optional max value.
        if (max != null) {
            stringer.keySymbolValuePair("max", max);
        // 1 means recover, 0 means to create new DB
        stringer.keySymbolValuePair("action", m_action.ordinal());
        for (SnapshotInfo snapshot : snapshots) {
        return stringer.toString();
    } catch (JSONException je) {
        VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error exchanging snapshot info", true, je);
    throw new RuntimeException("impossible codepath.");
Also used : JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) JSONStringer(org.json_voltpatches.JSONStringer)

Example 14 with JSONException

use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class RestoreAgent method fetchSnapshotTxnId.

     * Get the txnId of the snapshot the cluster is restoring from from ZK.
     * NOTE that the barrier for this is now completely contained
     * in run() in the restorePlanner thread; nobody gets out of there until
     * someone wins the leader election and successfully writes the VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id
     * node, so we just need to read it here.
private void fetchSnapshotTxnId() {
    try {
        byte[] data = m_zk.getData(VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id, false, null);
        String jsonData = new String(data, Constants.UTF8ENCODING);
        if (!jsonData.equals("{}")) {
            m_hasRestored = true;
            JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(jsonData);
            SnapshotInfo info = new SnapshotInfo(jo);
        } else {
            m_hasRestored = false;
    } catch (KeeperException e2) {
        VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB(e2.getMessage(), false, e2);
    } catch (InterruptedException e2) {
    } catch (JSONException je) {
        VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(je.getMessage(), true, je);
Also used : JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) KeeperException(org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException)

Example 15 with JSONException

use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class DDLCompiler method addIndexToCatalog.

private static void addIndexToCatalog(Database db, Table table, VoltXMLElement node, Map<String, String> indexReplacementMap, HashMap<String, Index> indexMap, HashMap<String, Column> columnMap, VoltCompiler compiler) throws VoltCompilerException {
    String name = node.attributes.get("name");
    boolean unique = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.attributes.get("unique"));
    boolean assumeUnique = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.attributes.get("assumeunique"));
    AbstractParsedStmt dummy = new ParsedSelectStmt(null, db);
    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(String.format("Index \"%s\" ", name));
    // "parse" the expression trees for an expression-based index (vs. a simple column value index)
    List<AbstractExpression> exprs = null;
    // "parse" the WHERE expression for partial index if any
    AbstractExpression predicate = null;
    // Some expressions have special validation in indices.  Not all the expression
    // can be indexed. We scan for result type at first here and block those which
    // can't be indexed like boolean, geo ... We gather rest of expression into
    // checkExpressions list.  We will check on them all at once.
    List<AbstractExpression> checkExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
    for (VoltXMLElement subNode : node.children) {
        if ("exprs")) {
            exprs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (VoltXMLElement exprNode : subNode.children) {
                AbstractExpression expr = dummy.parseExpressionTree(exprNode);
                // string will be populated with an expression's details when
                // its value type is not indexable
                StringBuffer exprMsg = new StringBuffer();
                if (!expr.isValueTypeIndexable(exprMsg)) {
                    // indexing on expression with boolean result is not supported.
                    throw VoltCompilerException("Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because it contains " + exprMsg + ", which is not supported.");
                if ((unique || assumeUnique) && !expr.isValueTypeUniqueIndexable(exprMsg)) {
                    // indexing on expression with boolean result is not supported.
                    throw VoltCompilerException("Cannot create unique index \"" + name + "\" because it contains " + exprMsg + ", which is not supported.");
                // rest of the validity guards will be evaluated after collecting all the expressions.
        } else if ("predicate")) {
            assert (subNode.children.size() == 1);
            VoltXMLElement predicateXML = subNode.children.get(0);
            assert (predicateXML != null);
            predicate = buildPartialIndexPredicate(dummy, name, predicateXML, table, compiler);
    // Check all the subexpressions we gathered up.
    if (!AbstractExpression.validateExprsForIndexesAndMVs(checkExpressions, msg)) {
        // The error message will be in the StringBuffer msg.
        throw VoltCompilerException(msg.toString());
    String colList = node.attributes.get("columns");
    String[] colNames = colList.split(",");
    Column[] columns = new Column[colNames.length];
    boolean has_nonint_col = false;
    boolean has_geo_col = false;
    String nonint_col_name = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
        columns[i] = columnMap.get(colNames[i]);
        if (columns[i] == null) {
    UnsafeOperatorsForDDL unsafeOps = new UnsafeOperatorsForDDL();
    if (exprs == null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
            VoltType colType = VoltType.get((byte) columns[i].getType());
            if (!colType.isIndexable()) {
                String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values are not currently supported as index keys: \"" + colNames[i] + "\"";
                throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
            if ((unique || assumeUnique) && !colType.isUniqueIndexable()) {
                String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values are not currently supported as unique index keys: \"" + colNames[i] + "\"";
                throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
            if (!colType.isBackendIntegerType()) {
                has_nonint_col = true;
                nonint_col_name = colNames[i];
                has_geo_col = colType.equals(VoltType.GEOGRAPHY);
                if (has_geo_col && colNames.length > 1) {
                    String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values must be the only component of an index key: \"" + nonint_col_name + "\"";
                    throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
    } else {
        for (AbstractExpression expression : exprs) {
            VoltType colType = expression.getValueType();
            if (!colType.isIndexable()) {
                String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " valued expressions are not currently supported as index keys.";
                throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
            if ((unique || assumeUnique) && !colType.isUniqueIndexable()) {
                String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " valued expressions are not currently supported as unique index keys.";
                throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
            if (!colType.isBackendIntegerType()) {
                has_nonint_col = true;
                nonint_col_name = "<expression>";
                has_geo_col = colType.equals(VoltType.GEOGRAPHY);
                if (has_geo_col) {
                    if (exprs.size() > 1) {
                        String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values must be the only component of an index key.";
                        throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
                    } else if (!(expression instanceof TupleValueExpression)) {
                        String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " expressions must be simple column expressions.";
                        throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
    Index index = table.getIndexes().add(name);
    // Set the index type.  It will be one of:
    // - Covering cell index (geo index for CONTAINS predicates)
    // - HASH index (set in HSQL because "hash" is in the name of the
    //   constraint or the index
    // - TREE index, which is the default
    boolean isHashIndex = node.attributes.get("ishashindex").equals("true");
    if (has_geo_col) {
    } else if (isHashIndex) {
        // warn user that hash index will be deprecated
        compiler.addWarn("Hash indexes are deprecated. In a future release, VoltDB will only support tree indexes, even if the index name contains the string \"hash\"");
        // make the index a hash.
        if (has_nonint_col) {
            String emsg = "Index " + name + " in table " + table.getTypeName() + " uses a non-hashable column " + nonint_col_name;
            throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
    } else {
    // but they still represent the columns that will trigger an index update when their values change.
    for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
        ColumnRef cref = index.getColumns().add(columns[i].getTypeName());
    if (exprs != null) {
        try {
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw VoltCompilerException("Unexpected error serializing non-column expressions for index '" + name + "' on type '" + table.getTypeName() + "': " + e.toString());
    if (assumeUnique) {
    if (predicate != null) {
        try {
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw VoltCompilerException("Unexpected error serializing predicate for partial index '" + name + "' on type '" + table.getTypeName() + "': " + e.toString());
    // will make two indexes different
    for (Index existingIndex : table.getIndexes()) {
        // skip thineself
        if (existingIndex == index) {
        if (indexesAreDups(existingIndex, index)) {
            // replace any constraints using one index with the other
            //for () TODO
            // get ready for replacements from constraints created later
            indexReplacementMap.put(index.getTypeName(), existingIndex.getTypeName());
            // if the index is a user-named index...
            if (index.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PREFIX) == false) {
                // on dup-detection, add a warning but don't fail
                String emsg = String.format("Dropping index %s on table %s because it duplicates index %s.", index.getTypeName(), table.getTypeName(), existingIndex.getTypeName());
            // drop the index and GTFO
    String smsg = "Created index: " + name + " on table: " + table.getTypeName() + " of type: " + IndexType.get(index.getType()).name();
    indexMap.put(name, index);
Also used : TupleValueExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) Index(org.voltdb.catalog.Index) VoltXMLElement(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.VoltXMLElement) AbstractParsedStmt(org.voltdb.planner.AbstractParsedStmt) Constraint(org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint) UnsafeOperatorsForDDL(org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression.UnsafeOperatorsForDDL) AbstractExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression) Column(org.voltdb.catalog.Column) VoltType(org.voltdb.VoltType) ParsedSelectStmt(org.voltdb.planner.ParsedSelectStmt) ColumnRef(org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef) VoltCompilerException(org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException)


JSONException (org.json_voltpatches.JSONException)76 JSONObject (org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject)36 AbstractExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression)17 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 ColumnRef (org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef)13 JSONArray (org.json_voltpatches.JSONArray)12 JSONStringer (org.json_voltpatches.JSONStringer)12 Column (org.voltdb.catalog.Column)12 KeeperException (org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException)11 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)9 Map (java.util.Map)9 File ( Constraint (org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint)8 TupleValueExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)7 Table (org.voltdb.catalog.Table)7 Index (org.voltdb.catalog.Index)6 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)5 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)5