use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class MaterializedViewProcessor method findBestMatchIndexForMatviewMinOrMax.
// if the materialized view has MIN / MAX, try to find an index defined on the source table
// covering all group by cols / exprs to avoid expensive tablescan.
// For now, the only acceptable index is defined exactly on the group by columns IN ORDER.
// This allows the same key to be used to do lookups on the grouped table index and the
// base table index.
// TODO: More flexible (but usually less optimal*) indexes may be allowed here and supported
// in the EE in the future including:
// -- *indexes on the group keys listed out of order
// -- *indexes on the group keys as a prefix before other indexed values.
// -- (ENG-6511) indexes on the group keys PLUS the MIN/MAX argument value (to eliminate post-filtering)
// This function is mostly re-written for the fix of ENG-6511. --yzhang
private static Index findBestMatchIndexForMatviewMinOrMax(MaterializedViewInfo matviewinfo, Table srcTable, List<AbstractExpression> groupbyExprs, AbstractExpression minMaxAggExpr) {
CatalogMap<Index> allIndexes = srcTable.getIndexes();
StmtTableScan tableScan = new StmtTargetTableScan(srcTable);
// Candidate index. If we can find an index covering both group-by columns and aggExpr (optimal) then we will
// return immediately.
// If the index found covers only group-by columns (sub-optimal), we will first cache it here.
Index candidate = null;
for (Index index : allIndexes) {
// indexOptimalForMinMax == true if the index covered both the group-by columns and the min/max aggExpr.
boolean indexOptimalForMinMax = false;
// If minMaxAggExpr is not null, the diff can be zero or one.
// Otherwise, for a usable index, its number of columns must agree with that of the group-by columns.
final int diffAllowance = minMaxAggExpr == null ? 0 : 1;
// Get all indexed exprs if there is any.
String expressionjson = index.getExpressionsjson();
List<AbstractExpression> indexedExprs = null;
if (!expressionjson.isEmpty()) {
try {
indexedExprs = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(expressionjson, tableScan);
} catch (JSONException e) {
assert (false);
return null;
// Get source table columns.
List<Column> srcColumnArray = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(srcTable.getColumns(), "index");
MatViewIndexMatchingGroupby matchingCase = null;
if (groupbyExprs == null) {
// This means group-by columns are all simple columns.
// It also means we can only access the group-by columns by colref.
List<ColumnRef> groupbyColRefs = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(matviewinfo.getGroupbycols(), "index");
if (indexedExprs == null) {
matchingCase = MatViewIndexMatchingGroupby.GB_COL_IDX_COL;
// All the columns in the index are also simple columns, EASY! colref vs. colref
List<ColumnRef> indexedColRefs = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(index.getColumns(), "index");
// indexedColRefs.size() == groupbyColRefs.size() + 1 (optimal, diffAllowance == 1)
if (isInvalidIndexCandidate(indexedColRefs.size(), groupbyColRefs.size(), diffAllowance)) {
if (!isGroupbyMatchingIndex(matchingCase, groupbyColRefs, null, indexedColRefs, null, null)) {
if (isValidIndexCandidateForMinMax(indexedColRefs.size(), groupbyColRefs.size(), diffAllowance)) {
if (!isIndexOptimalForMinMax(matchingCase, minMaxAggExpr, indexedColRefs, null, srcColumnArray)) {
indexOptimalForMinMax = true;
} else {
matchingCase = MatViewIndexMatchingGroupby.GB_COL_IDX_EXP;
// for index columns: convert tve => col
if (isInvalidIndexCandidate(indexedExprs.size(), groupbyColRefs.size(), diffAllowance)) {
if (!isGroupbyMatchingIndex(matchingCase, groupbyColRefs, null, null, indexedExprs, srcColumnArray)) {
if (isValidIndexCandidateForMinMax(indexedExprs.size(), groupbyColRefs.size(), diffAllowance)) {
if (!isIndexOptimalForMinMax(matchingCase, minMaxAggExpr, null, indexedExprs, null)) {
indexOptimalForMinMax = true;
} else {
matchingCase = MatViewIndexMatchingGroupby.GB_EXP_IDX_EXP;
// AND, indexedExprs must not be null in this case. (yeah!)
if (indexedExprs == null) {
if (isInvalidIndexCandidate(indexedExprs.size(), groupbyExprs.size(), diffAllowance)) {
if (!isGroupbyMatchingIndex(matchingCase, null, groupbyExprs, null, indexedExprs, null)) {
if (isValidIndexCandidateForMinMax(indexedExprs.size(), groupbyExprs.size(), diffAllowance)) {
if (!isIndexOptimalForMinMax(matchingCase, minMaxAggExpr, null, indexedExprs, null)) {
indexOptimalForMinMax = true;
// NOW index at least covered all group-by columns (sub-optimal candidate)
if (!index.getPredicatejson().isEmpty()) {
// Additional check for partial indexes to make sure matview WHERE clause
// covers the partial index predicate
List<AbstractExpression> coveringExprs = new ArrayList<>();
List<AbstractExpression> exactMatchCoveringExprs = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String encodedPredicate = matviewinfo.getPredicate();
if (!encodedPredicate.isEmpty()) {
String predicate = Encoder.hexDecodeToString(encodedPredicate);
AbstractExpression matViewPredicate = AbstractExpression.fromJSONString(predicate, tableScan);
} catch (JSONException e) {
assert (false);
return null;
String predicatejson = index.getPredicatejson();
if (!predicatejson.isEmpty() && !SubPlanAssembler.isPartialIndexPredicateCovered(tableScan, coveringExprs, predicatejson, exactMatchCoveringExprs)) {
// where clause -- give up on this index
// it is already the best index we can get, return immediately.
if (indexOptimalForMinMax) {
return index;
// otherwise wait to see if we can find something better!
candidate = index;
return candidate;
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class MaterializedViewProcessor method setGroupedTablePartitionColumn.
private void setGroupedTablePartitionColumn(MaterializedViewInfo mvi, Column partitionColumn) throws VoltCompilerException {
// A view of a replicated table is replicated.
// A view of a partitioned table is partitioned -- regardless of whether it has a partition key
// -- it certainly isn't replicated!
// If the partitioning column is grouped, its counterpart is the partitioning column of the view table.
// Otherwise, the view table just doesn't have a partitioning column
// -- it is seemingly randomly distributed,
// and its grouped columns are only locally unique but not globally unique.
Table destTable = mvi.getDest();
// Get the grouped columns in "index" order.
// This order corresponds to the iteration order of the MaterializedViewInfo's group by columns.
List<Column> destColumnArray = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(destTable.getColumns(), "index");
// Note getTypeName gets the column name -- go figure.
String partitionColName = partitionColumn.getTypeName();
if (mvi.getGroupbycols().size() > 0) {
int index = 0;
for (ColumnRef cref : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(mvi.getGroupbycols(), "index")) {
Column srcCol = cref.getColumn();
if (srcCol.getName().equals(partitionColName)) {
Column destCol = destColumnArray.get(index);
} else {
String complexGroupbyJson = mvi.getGroupbyexpressionsjson();
if (complexGroupbyJson.length() > 0) {
int partitionColIndex = partitionColumn.getIndex();
List<AbstractExpression> mvComplexGroupbyCols = null;
try {
mvComplexGroupbyCols = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(complexGroupbyJson, null);
} catch (JSONException e) {
int index = 0;
for (AbstractExpression expr : mvComplexGroupbyCols) {
if (expr instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) expr;
if (tve.getColumnIndex() == partitionColIndex) {
Column destCol = destColumnArray.get(index);
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class Distributer method updateProcedurePartitioning.
private void updateProcedurePartitioning(VoltTable vt) {
Map<String, Procedure> procs = Maps.newHashMap();
while (vt.advanceRow()) {
try {
//Data embedded in JSON object in remarks column
String jsString = vt.getString(6);
String procedureName = vt.getString(2);
JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(jsString);
boolean readOnly = jsObj.getBoolean(Constants.JSON_READ_ONLY);
if (jsObj.getBoolean(Constants.JSON_SINGLE_PARTITION)) {
int partitionParameter = jsObj.getInt(Constants.JSON_PARTITION_PARAMETER);
int partitionParameterType = jsObj.getInt(Constants.JSON_PARTITION_PARAMETER_TYPE);
procs.put(procedureName, new Procedure(false, readOnly, partitionParameter, partitionParameterType));
} else {
// Multi Part procedure JSON descriptors omit the partitionParameter
procs.put(procedureName, new Procedure(true, readOnly, Procedure.PARAMETER_NONE, Procedure.PARAMETER_NONE));
} catch (JSONException e) {
ImmutableSortedMap<String, Procedure> oldProcs = m_procedureInfo.get();
m_procedureInfo.compareAndSet(oldProcs, ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(procs));
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class LeaderAppointer method assignLeader.
private long assignLeader(int partitionId, List<Long> children) {
// We used masterHostId = -1 as a way to force the leader choice to be
// the first replica in the list, if we don't have some other mechanism
// which has successfully overridden it.
int masterHostId = -1;
if (m_state.get() == AppointerState.CLUSTER_START) {
try {
// find master in topo
JSONArray parts = m_topo.getJSONArray(AbstractTopology.TOPO_PARTITIONS);
for (int p = 0; p < parts.length(); p++) {
JSONObject aPartition = parts.getJSONObject(p);
int pid = aPartition.getInt(AbstractTopology.TOPO_PARTITION_ID);
if (pid == partitionId) {
masterHostId = aPartition.getInt(AbstractTopology.TOPO_MASTER);
} catch (JSONException jse) {
tmLog.error("Failed to find master for partition " + partitionId + ", defaulting to 0");
// stupid default
masterHostId = -1;
} else {
// For now, if we're appointing a new leader as a result of a
// failure, just pick the first replica in the children list.
// Could eventually do something more complex here to try to keep a
// semi-balance, but it's unclear that this has much utility until
// we add rebalancing on rejoin as well.
masterHostId = -1;
long masterHSId = children.get(0);
for (Long child : children) {
if (CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(child) == masterHostId) {
masterHSId = child;
}"Appointing HSId " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(masterHSId) + " as leader for partition " + partitionId);
try {
m_iv2appointees.put(partitionId, masterHSId);
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to appoint new master for partition " + partitionId, true, e);
return masterHSId;
use of org.json_voltpatches.JSONException in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class MaterializedViewFixInfo method processMVBasedQueryFix.
* Check whether the results from a materialized view need to be
* re-aggregated on the coordinator by the view's GROUP BY columns
* prior to any of the processing specified by the query.
* This is normally the case when a mat view's source table is partitioned
* and the view's GROUP BY does not include the partition key.
* There is a special edge case where the query already contains the exact
* reaggregations that the added-cost fix would introduce, so the fix can
* be skipped as an optimization.
* Set the m_needed flag to true, only if the reaggregation fix is needed.
* @return The value of m_needed
public boolean processMVBasedQueryFix(StmtTableScan mvTableScan, Set<SchemaColumn> scanColumns, JoinNode joinTree, List<ParsedColInfo> displayColumns, List<ParsedColInfo> groupByColumns) {
if (!(mvTableScan instanceof StmtTargetTableScan)) {
return false;
Table table = ((StmtTargetTableScan) mvTableScan).getTargetTable();
assert (table != null);
String mvTableName = table.getTypeName();
Table srcTable = table.getMaterializer();
if (srcTable == null) {
return false;
if (table.getIsreplicated()) {
return false;
// Justify whether partition column is in group by column list or not
if (table.getPartitioncolumn() != null) {
return false;
m_mvTableScan = mvTableScan;
Set<String> mvDDLGroupbyColumnNames = new HashSet<>();
List<Column> mvColumnArray = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(table.getColumns(), "index");
String mvTableAlias = getMVTableAlias();
// Get the number of group-by columns.
int numOfGroupByColumns;
MaterializedViewInfo mvInfo = srcTable.getViews().get(mvTableName);
if (mvInfo != null) {
// single table view
String complexGroupbyJson = mvInfo.getGroupbyexpressionsjson();
if (complexGroupbyJson.length() > 0) {
List<AbstractExpression> mvComplexGroupbyCols = null;
try {
mvComplexGroupbyCols = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(complexGroupbyJson, null);
} catch (JSONException e) {
numOfGroupByColumns = mvComplexGroupbyCols.size();
} else {
numOfGroupByColumns = mvInfo.getGroupbycols().size();
} else {
// joined table view
MaterializedViewHandlerInfo mvHandlerInfo = table.getMvhandlerinfo().get("mvHandlerInfo");
numOfGroupByColumns = mvHandlerInfo.getGroupbycolumncount();
if (scanColumns.isEmpty() && numOfGroupByColumns == 0) {
// This is an edge case that can happen if the view
// has no group by keys, and we are just
// doing a count(*) on the output of the view.
// Having no GB keys or scan columns would cause us to
// produce plan nodes that have a 0-column output schema.
// We can't handle this in several places, so add the
// count(*) column from the view to the scan columns.
// this is the "count(*)" column.
Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(0);
TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, mvCol, 0);
String colName = mvCol.getName();
SchemaColumn scol = new SchemaColumn(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, colName, colName, tve);
// Start to do real materialized view processing to fix the duplicates problem.
// (1) construct new projection columns for scan plan node.
Set<SchemaColumn> mvDDLGroupbyColumns = new HashSet<>();
NodeSchema inlineProjSchema = new NodeSchema();
for (SchemaColumn scol : scanColumns) {
for (int i = 0; i < numOfGroupByColumns; i++) {
Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
String colName = mvCol.getName();
TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, mvCol, i);
SchemaColumn scol = new SchemaColumn(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, colName, colName, tve);
if (!scanColumns.contains(scol)) {
// construct new projection columns for scan plan node.
// Record the re-aggregation type for each scan columns.
Map<String, ExpressionType> mvColumnReAggType = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = numOfGroupByColumns; i < mvColumnArray.size(); i++) {
Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
ExpressionType reAggType = ExpressionType.get(mvCol.getAggregatetype());
if (reAggType == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT_STAR || reAggType == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT) {
reAggType = ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM;
mvColumnReAggType.put(mvCol.getName(), reAggType);
assert (inlineProjSchema.size() > 0);
m_scanInlinedProjectionNode = new ProjectionPlanNode(inlineProjSchema);
// (2) Construct the reAggregation Node.
// Construct the reAggregation plan node's aggSchema
m_reAggNode = new HashAggregatePlanNode();
int outputColumnIndex = 0;
// inlineProjSchema contains the group by columns, while aggSchema may do not.
NodeSchema aggSchema = new NodeSchema();
// Construct reAggregation node's aggregation and group by list.
for (SchemaColumn scol : inlineProjSchema.getColumns()) {
if (mvDDLGroupbyColumns.contains(scol)) {
// Add group by expression.
} else {
ExpressionType reAggType = mvColumnReAggType.get(scol.getColumnName());
assert (reAggType != null);
AbstractExpression agg_input_expr = scol.getExpression();
assert (agg_input_expr instanceof TupleValueExpression);
// Add aggregation information.
m_reAggNode.addAggregate(reAggType, false, outputColumnIndex, agg_input_expr);
assert (aggSchema.size() > 0);
// Collect all TVEs that need to be do re-aggregation in coordinator.
List<TupleValueExpression> needReAggTVEs = new ArrayList<>();
List<AbstractExpression> aggPostExprs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = numOfGroupByColumns; i < mvColumnArray.size(); i++) {
Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(mvTableName, mvTableAlias, mvCol, -1);
collectReAggNodePostExpressions(joinTree, needReAggTVEs, aggPostExprs);
AbstractExpression aggPostExpr = ExpressionUtil.combinePredicates(aggPostExprs);
// Add post filters for the reAggregation node.
// ENG-5386
if (m_edgeCaseQueryNoFixNeeded && edgeCaseQueryNoFixNeeded(mvDDLGroupbyColumnNames, mvColumnReAggType, displayColumns, groupByColumns)) {
return false;
m_needed = true;
return true;