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Example 41 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class AttributeSelectionPanel method loadSettingsFrom.

 * Load settings from config <b>cfg</b>
 * @param inSpec
 * @param cfg
 * @throws NotConfigurableException
public void loadSettingsFrom(final DataTableSpec inSpec, final TreeEnsembleLearnerConfiguration cfg) throws NotConfigurableException {
    // disabled automatic propagation of table specs
    m_lastTableSpec = null;
    int nrNominalCols = 0;
    int nrNumericCols = 0;
    for (DataColumnSpec col : inSpec) {
        DataType type = col.getType();
        if (type.isCompatible(NominalValue.class)) {
            nrNominalCols += 1;
        } else if (type.isCompatible(DoubleValue.class)) {
            nrNumericCols += 1;
    boolean hasOrdinaryColumnsInInput = nrNominalCols > 1 || nrNumericCols > 0;
    boolean hasFPColumnInInput = inSpec.containsCompatibleType(BitVectorValue.class) || inSpec.containsCompatibleType(ByteVectorValue.class) || inSpec.containsCompatibleType(DoubleVectorValue.class);
    m_targetColumnBox.update(inSpec, cfg.getTargetColumn());
    DataTableSpec attSpec = removeColumn(inSpec, m_targetColumnBox.getSelectedColumn());
    String fpColumn = cfg.getFingerprintColumn();
    // default, fix later
    if (hasOrdinaryColumnsInInput) {
        m_includeColumnsFilterPanel2.loadConfiguration(cfg.getColumnFilterConfig(), attSpec);
    } else {
        m_includeColumnsFilterPanel2.loadConfiguration(cfg.getColumnFilterConfig(), NO_VALID_INPUT_SPEC);
    if (hasFPColumnInInput) {
        m_fingerprintColumnBox.update(inSpec, fpColumn);
    } else {
        m_fingerprintColumnBox.update(NO_VALID_INPUT_SPEC, "");
        fpColumn = null;
    if (fpColumn != null || !hasOrdinaryColumnsInInput) {
    } else {
    boolean ignoreColsNoDomain = cfg.isIgnoreColumnsWithoutDomain();
    int hiliteCount = cfg.getNrHilitePatterns();
    if (hiliteCount > 0) {
    } else {
    m_lastTableSpec = inSpec;
Also used : DoubleVectorValue( DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpec( DoubleValue( DataType(

Example 42 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class AttributeSelectionPanel method getMissingColSpecName.

private static String getMissingColSpecName(final DataTableSpec spec, final String[] includedNames, final String[] excludedNames) {
    ColumnRearranger r = new ColumnRearranger(spec);
    // remove columns we know from the include list
    for (String colName : includedNames) {
        if (spec.containsName(colName)) {
    // remove columns we know from the exclude list
    for (String colName : excludedNames) {
        if (spec.containsName(colName)) {
    DataTableSpec tableSpecWithMissing = r.createSpec();
    DataColumnSpec formerTargetSpec = null;
    // were either in the include or exclude list
    for (DataColumnSpec colSpec : tableSpecWithMissing) {
        DataType colType = colSpec.getType();
        if (colType.isCompatible(NominalValue.class) || colType.isCompatible(DoubleValue.class)) {
            formerTargetSpec = colSpec;
    assert formerTargetSpec != null : "The former target spec is no longer part of the table, please check.";
    return formerTargetSpec.getName();
Also used : DataTableSpec( ColumnRearranger( DataColumnSpec( DoubleValue( NominalValue( DataType(

Example 43 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class TreeEnsembleClassificationPredictorCellFactory2 method createFactory.

 * Creates a TreeEnsembleClassificationPredictorCellFactory from the provided <b>predictor</b>
 * @param predictor
 * @return an instance of TreeEnsembleClassificationPredictorCellFactory configured according to the settings of the provided
 * <b>predictor<b>
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException
public static TreeEnsembleClassificationPredictorCellFactory2 createFactory(final TreeEnsemblePredictor predictor) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    DataTableSpec testDataSpec = predictor.getDataSpec();
    TreeEnsembleModelPortObjectSpec modelSpec = predictor.getModelSpec();
    TreeEnsembleModelPortObject modelObject = predictor.getModelObject();
    TreeEnsemblePredictorConfiguration configuration = predictor.getConfiguration();
    UniqueNameGenerator nameGen = new UniqueNameGenerator(testDataSpec);
    Map<String, DataCell> targetValueMap = modelSpec.getTargetColumnPossibleValueMap();
    List<DataColumnSpec> newColsList = new ArrayList<DataColumnSpec>();
    DataType targetColType = modelSpec.getTargetColumn().getType();
    String targetColName = configuration.getPredictionColumnName();
    DataColumnSpec targetCol = nameGen.newColumn(targetColName, targetColType);
    if (configuration.isAppendPredictionConfidence()) {
        newColsList.add(nameGen.newColumn(targetCol.getName() + " (Confidence)", DoubleCell.TYPE));
    if (configuration.isAppendClassConfidences()) {
        // and this class is not called)
        assert targetValueMap != null : "Target column has no possible values";
        for (String v : targetValueMap.keySet()) {
            newColsList.add(nameGen.newColumn(v, DoubleCell.TYPE));
    if (configuration.isAppendModelCount()) {
        newColsList.add(nameGen.newColumn("model count", IntCell.TYPE));
    // assigned
    assert modelObject == null || targetValueMap != null : "Target values must be known during execution";
    DataColumnSpec[] newCols = newColsList.toArray(new DataColumnSpec[newColsList.size()]);
    int[] learnColumnInRealDataIndices = modelSpec.calculateFilterIndices(testDataSpec);
    return new TreeEnsembleClassificationPredictorCellFactory2(predictor, targetValueMap, newCols, learnColumnInRealDataIndices);
Also used : DataTableSpec( TreeEnsembleModelPortObjectSpec(org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.model.TreeEnsembleModelPortObjectSpec) TreeEnsemblePredictorConfiguration(org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.node.predictor.TreeEnsemblePredictorConfiguration) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UniqueNameGenerator(org.knime.core.util.UniqueNameGenerator) TreeEnsembleModelPortObject(org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.model.TreeEnsembleModelPortObject) DataColumnSpec( DataCell( DataType(

Example 44 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class MissingValueHandling2ColSetting method loadSettings.

 * Loads settings from a NodeSettings object, used in
 * {@link org.knime.core.node.NodeModel}.
 * @param settings the (sub-) config to load from
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException if any setting is missing
protected void loadSettings(final NodeSettingsRO settings) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    // may be null to indicate meta config
    String[] names = null;
    if (settings.containsKey(CFG_COLNAME)) {
        try {
            names = settings.getStringArray(CFG_COLNAME);
        } catch (InvalidSettingsException ise) {
            // fallback to be compatible with <2.5
            String name = settings.getString(CFG_COLNAME);
            if (name != null) {
                names = new String[] { name };
    int method = settings.getInt(CFG_METHOD);
    int type = settings.getInt(CFG_TYPE);
    DataCell fixVal = null;
    switch(method) {
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_NO_HANDLING:
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_IGNORE_ROWS:
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_MEAN:
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_MIN:
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_MAX:
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_MOST_FREQUENT:
        case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.METHOD_FIX_VAL:
            DataType superType;
            String errorType;
            switch(type) {
                case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.TYPE_DOUBLE:
                    fixVal = settings.getDataCell(CFG_FIXVAL);
                    superType = DoubleCell.TYPE;
                    errorType = "Type Double";
                case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.TYPE_INT:
                    fixVal = settings.getDataCell(CFG_FIXVAL);
                    superType = IntCell.TYPE;
                    errorType = "Type Int";
                case MissingValueHandling2ColSetting.TYPE_STRING:
                    superType = StringCell.TYPE;
                    fixVal = settings.getDataCell(CFG_FIXVAL);
                    errorType = "Type String";
                    throw new InvalidSettingsException("Unable to define fix value for unknown type");
            if (fixVal == null) {
                throw new InvalidSettingsException("No replacement value for column: " + (isMetaConfig() ? "meta" : Arrays.toString(m_names)) + "(" + errorType + ")");
            if (!superType.isASuperTypeOf(fixVal.getType())) {
                throw new InvalidSettingsException("Wrong type of replacement value for column: " + (isMetaConfig() ? "meta" : Arrays.toString(m_names)) + "(" + errorType + "): " + fixVal.getType());
            throw new InvalidSettingsException("Unknown method: " + method);
    m_names = names;
    m_method = method;
    m_type = type;
    m_fixCell = fixVal;
Also used : InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataCell( DataType(

Example 45 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class CollectionSplitNodeModel method getColSpecsByElementNames.

 * Get new column specs as inferred from the element names in the
 * collection column.
private DataColumnSpec[] getColSpecsByElementNames(final DataTableSpec spec) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    int colIndex = getTargetColIndex(spec);
    DataColumnSpec colSpec = spec.getColumnSpec(colIndex);
    List<String> elementNames = colSpec.getElementNames();
    if (elementNames.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Input column \"" + colSpec.getName() + "\" does not provide element names; " + "consider to change option in dialog or make sure that" + "the input table contains the necessary information.");
    DataType type = colSpec.getType().getCollectionElementType();
    HashSet<String> hashNames = new HashSet<String>();
    for (DataColumnSpec s : spec) {
    if (m_settings.isReplaceInputColumn()) {
    DataColumnSpec[] newColSpec = new DataColumnSpec[elementNames.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < newColSpec.length; i++) {
        String baseName = elementNames.get(i);
        int uniquifier = 1;
        while (!hashNames.add(baseName)) {
            baseName = elementNames.get(i) + "(#" + (uniquifier++) + ")";
        newColSpec[i] = new DataColumnSpecCreator(baseName, type).createSpec();
    return newColSpec;
Also used : DataColumnSpec( DataColumnSpecCreator( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataType( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


DataType ( DataColumnSpec ( DataTableSpec ( DataCell ( InvalidSettingsException (org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException)95 DataColumnSpecCreator ( DoubleValue ( DataRow ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)55 SettingsModelString (org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString)34 ColumnRearranger ( DefaultRow ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)20 StringCell ( NominalValue ( DoubleCell ( IntCell ( BitVectorValue ( ByteVectorValue (