use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class TypeFilterPanelImpl method addDataValues.
* Add data values to the selection.
* @param values The data values to add
void addDataValues(final Iterable<Class<? extends DataValue>> values) {
for (Class<? extends DataValue> value : values) {
if (isIncludedByFilter(value)) {
if (value != null && !m_selections.containsKey(value.getName())) {
UtilityFactory utilityFor = DataType.getUtilityFor(value);
if (utilityFor instanceof ExtensibleUtilityFactory) {
ExtensibleUtilityFactory eu = (ExtensibleUtilityFactory) utilityFor;
String label = eu.getName();
String key = value.getName();
JCheckBox newCheckbox = addCheckBox(label, false);
m_selections.put(key, newCheckbox);
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class DataTypeNameRenderer method getListCellRendererComponent.
* {@inheritDoc}
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(final JList list, final Object value, final int index, final boolean isSelected, final boolean cellHasFocus) {
/* Almost all has been copied from the super implementation */
if (isSelected) {
} else {
if (value instanceof Class && DataValue.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) value)) {
Class<? extends DataValue> type = (Class<? extends DataValue>) value;
String s = type.getName();
int dot = s.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot >= 0 && dot < s.length() - 1) {
s = s.substring(dot + 1);
s = s.trim();
UtilityFactory fac = DataType.getUtilityFor(type);
Icon icon = fac.getIcon();
} else {
if (value instanceof Icon) {
setIcon((Icon) value);
} else {
setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
setBorder((cellHasFocus) ? UIManager.getBorder("List.focusCellHighlightBorder") : noFocusBorder);
return this;
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class DataType method getRendererFactories.
* Returns the list of registered renderer factories, using an extension point driven mechanism to collect all
* instances registered with the implemented data value interfaces. If no renderer was declared by the
* {@link} interfaces, this method will make sure that at least a default renderer
* (using the {@link DataCell#toString()} method) is returned.
* @return an ordered, non-empty collection of factories.
* @since 2.12
public Collection<DataValueRendererFactory> getRendererFactories() {
Map<String, DataValueRendererFactory> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Collection<Class<? extends DataValue>> allValueClasses = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// first value will be the preferred one - if any
for (Class<? extends DataValue> cl : allValueClasses) {
UtilityFactory fac = getUtilityFor(cl);
if (!(fac instanceof ExtensibleUtilityFactory)) {
ExtensibleUtilityFactory efac = (ExtensibleUtilityFactory) fac;
// make sure the preferred and default renderers come first
DataValueRendererFactory prefRendererFac = efac.getPreferredRenderer();
if (prefRendererFac != null) {
map.put(prefRendererFac.getId(), prefRendererFac);
DataValueRendererFactory defaultRendererFac = efac.getDefaultRenderer();
if (defaultRendererFac != null) {
map.put(defaultRendererFac.getId(), defaultRendererFac);
for (DataValueRendererFactory rf : efac.getAvailableRenderers()) {
map.put(rf.getId(), rf);
if (map.isEmpty()) {
DefaultDataValueRenderer.Factory f = new DefaultDataValueRenderer.Factory();
map.put(f.getId(), f);
return map.values();
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class DataType method getRenderer.
* Returns a family of all renderers that are available for this <code>DataType</code>. The returned
* {@link} will contain all renderers that are supported or
* available through the compatible {@link} interfaces. If no renderer was declared by
* the {@link} interfaces, this method will make sure that at least a default renderer
* (using the {@link DataCell#toString()} method) is returned.
* <p>
* The {@link DataColumnSpec} is passed to all renderer families retrieved from the underlying
* {@link UtilityFactory}. Most of the renderer implementations won't need column domain information but some do.
* For instance a class that renders the double value in the column according to the minimum/maximum values in the
* {@link DataColumnDomain}.
* @param spec the column spec to the column for which the renderer will be used
* @return a family of all renderers that are available for this <code>DataType</code>
* @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getRendererFactories()}
public DataValueRendererFamily getRenderer(final DataColumnSpec spec) {
ArrayList<DataValueRendererFamily> list = new ArrayList<DataValueRendererFamily>();
// first add the preferred value class, if any
for (Class<? extends DataValue> cl : m_valueClasses) {
UtilityFactory fac = getUtilityFor(cl);
DataValueRendererFamily fam = fac.getRendererFamily(spec);
if (fam != null) {
for (Class<? extends DataValue> cl : m_adapterValueList) {
if (!m_valueClasses.contains(cl)) {
UtilityFactory fac = getUtilityFor(cl);
DataValueRendererFamily fam = fac.getRendererFamily(spec);
if (fam != null) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
list.add(new DefaultDataValueRendererFamily());
return new SetOfRendererFamilies(list);
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class DataType method getUtilityFor.
* Determines the <code>UtilityFactory</code> for a given
* {@link} implementation.
* This method tries to access a static field in the
* {@link} class:
* <pre>
* public static final UtilityFactory UTILITY;
* </pre>
* If no such field exists, this method returns the factory of one of the
* super interfaces. If it exists but has the wrong access scope or if it
* is not static, a warning message is logged and the member of one of the
* super interfaces is returned. If no <code>UTILITY</code> member can be
* found, finally the {@link} class returns a
* correct implementation, since it is at the top of the hierarchy.
* @param value the runtime class of the
* {@link}
* @return the <code>UtilityFactory</code> given in the cell implementation
* @throws NullPointerException if the argument or the found
* <code>UTILITY</code> member is <code>null</code>
public static UtilityFactory getUtilityFor(final Class<? extends DataValue> value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Class argument must not be null.");
UtilityFactory result = VALUE_CLASS_TO_UTILITY.get(value);
if (result == null) {
Exception exception = null;
try {
// Java will fetch a static field that is public, if you
// declare it to be non-static or give it the wrong scope, it
// automatically retrieves the static field from a super
// class/interface (from which super interface it gets it,
// depends pretty much on the order after the "extends ..."
// statement) If this field has the wrong type, a coding
// problem is reported.
Field typeField = value.getField("UTILITY");
Object typeObject = typeField.get(null);
result = (DataValue.UtilityFactory) typeObject;
if (result == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("UTILITY is null.");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
exception = nsfe;
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
exception = npe;
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
exception = iae;
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
exception = cce;
if (exception != null) {
LOGGER.coding("DataValue interface \"" + value.getSimpleName() + "\" seems to have a problem with the static field " + "\"UTILITY\"", exception);
// fall back - no meta information available
result = DataValue.UTILITY;
VALUE_CLASS_TO_UTILITY.put(value, result);
return result;