use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings in project knime-core by knime.
the class TreeEnsembleClassificationLearnerNodeModel method saveInternals.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void saveInternals(final File nodeInternDir, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws IOException, CanceledExecutionException {
File file;
ExecutionMonitor sub;
if (m_oldStyleEnsembleModel_deprecated != null) {
// old workflow (<2.10) loaded and saved ...
file = new File(nodeInternDir, INTERNAL_TREES_FILE);
OutputStream out = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
sub = exec.createSubProgress(0.2);, sub);
if (m_hiliteRowSample != null) {
file = new File(nodeInternDir, INTERNAL_DATASAMPLE_FILE);
sub = exec.createSubProgress(0.2);
DataContainer.writeToZip(m_hiliteRowSample, file, sub);
if (m_viewMessage != null) {
file = new File(nodeInternDir, INTERNAL_INFO_FILE);
NodeSettings sets = new NodeSettings("ensembleData");
sets.addString("view_warning", m_viewMessage);
sets.saveToXML(new FileOutputStream(file));
use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings in project knime-core by knime.
the class PolyRegLearnerNodeModel method saveInternals.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void saveInternals(final File nodeInternDir, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws IOException, CanceledExecutionException {
if (m_viewData != null) {
NodeSettings internals = new NodeSettings("internals");
internals.addDoubleArray("betas", m_viewData.betas);
internals.addStringArray("columnNames", m_viewData.columnNames);
internals.addDouble("squaredError", m_viewData.squaredError);
internals.addDoubleArray("meanValues", m_viewData.meanValues);
internals.saveToXML(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(nodeInternDir, "internals.xml"))));
File dataFile = new File(nodeInternDir, "");
DataContainer.writeToZip(m_rowContainer, dataFile, exec);
use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings in project knime-core by knime.
the class PMMLPortObjectSpec method saveTo.
* @param out zipped stream to write the entries to
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
public void saveTo(final PortObjectSpecZipOutputStream out) throws IOException {
NodeSettings settings = new NodeSettings(DTS_KEY);;
NonClosableOutputStream noCloseOut = new NonClosableOutputStream(out);
out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(DTS_FILE));
NodeSettings miningSchema = new NodeSettings(MINING_SCHEMA_KEY);
miningSchema.addStringArray(LEARNING_KEY, m_learningFields.toArray(new String[0]));
miningSchema.addStringArray(TARGET_KEY, m_predictedFields.toArray(new String[0]));
out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(MINING_SCHEMA_FILE));
out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(PREPROC_COL_FILE));
NodeSettings preprocessing = new NodeSettings(PREPROC_KEY);
preprocessing.addStringArray(PREPROC_COL_KEY, m_preprocFields.toArray(new String[0]));
use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings in project knime-core by knime.
the class SandboxedNodeCreator method createSandbox.
* Creates that temporary mini workflow that is executed remotely on the cluster/stream executor.
* The returned value should be {@link SandboxedNode#close()} when done (using try-with-resources). After this
* method is called no other set-method should be called.
* @param exec for progress/cancelation
* @return the index of the node that represents this node (the node to execute) in the temporary mini workflow
* @throws InvalidSettingsException
* @throws IOException
* @throws CanceledExecutionException
* @throws LockFailedException
* @throws InterruptedException
public SandboxedNode createSandbox(final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws InvalidSettingsException, IOException, CanceledExecutionException, LockFailedException, InterruptedException {
exec.setMessage("Creating virtual workflow");
final WorkflowManager parent = m_nc.getParent();
// derive workflow context via NodeContext as the parent could only a be a metanode in a metanode...
final WorkflowContext origContext = NodeContext.getContext().getWorkflowManager().getContext();
WorkflowContext.Factory ctxFactory;
// (specifically reading knime://knime.workflow files)
if (!m_copyDataIntoNewContext) {
ctxFactory = new WorkflowContext.Factory(origContext);
if (m_localWorkflowDir != null) {
} else if (m_localWorkflowDir != null) {
ctxFactory = new WorkflowContext.Factory(m_localWorkflowDir);
} else {
ctxFactory = new WorkflowContext.Factory(FileUtil.createTempDir("sandbox-" + m_nc.getNameWithID()));
// We have to use the same location for the temporary files
origContext.getMountpointURI().ifPresent(u -> ctxFactory.setMountpointURI(u));
WorkflowCreationHelper creationHelper = new WorkflowCreationHelper();
if (!m_copyDataIntoNewContext) {
creationHelper.setDataHandlers(parent.getGlobalTableRepository(), parent.getFileStoreHandlerRepository());
WorkflowManager tempWFM = m_rootWFM.createAndAddProject("Sandbox Exec on " + m_nc.getNameWithID(), creationHelper);
// Add the workflow variables
List<FlowVariable> workflowVariables = parent.getProjectWFM().getWorkflowVariables();
tempWFM.addWorkflowVariables(true, workflowVariables.toArray(new FlowVariable[workflowVariables.size()]));
// update credentials store of the workflow
CredentialsStore cs = tempWFM.getCredentialsStore(); -> f.getType().equals(FlowVariable.Type.CREDENTIALS)).filter(f -> !cs.contains(f.getName())).forEach(cs::addFromFlowVariable);
final int inCnt = m_inData.length;
// port object IDs in static port object map, one entry for
// each connected input (no value for unconnected optional inputs)
List<Integer> portObjectRepositoryIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(inCnt);
try {
NodeID[] ins = new NodeID[inCnt];
for (int i = 0; i < inCnt; i++) {
final PortObject in = m_inData[i];
final NodeInPort inPort = m_nc.getInPort(i);
final PortType portType = inPort.getPortType();
if (in == null) {
// unconnected optional input
CheckUtils.checkState(portType.isOptional(), "No data at port %d, although port is mandatory (port type %s)", i, portType.getName());
int portObjectRepositoryID = PortObjectRepository.add(in);
boolean isTable = BufferedDataTable.TYPE.equals(portType);
NodeSettings s = new NodeSettings("temp_data_in");
tempWFM.saveNodeSettings(inID, s);
List<FlowVariable> flowVars = getFlowVariablesOnPort(i);
PortObjectInNodeModel.setInputNodeSettings(s, portObjectRepositoryID, flowVars, m_copyDataIntoNewContext);
// update credentials store of the workflow -> f.getType().equals(FlowVariable.Type.CREDENTIALS)).filter(f -> !cs.contains(f.getName())).forEach(cs::addFromFlowVariable);
tempWFM.loadNodeSettings(inID, s);
ins[i] = inID;
// execute inPort object nodes to store the input data in them
if (ins.length > 0 && !tempWFM.executeAllAndWaitUntilDoneInterruptibly()) {
String error = "Unable to execute virtual workflow, status sent to log facilities";
LOGGER.debug(error + ":");
throw new RuntimeException(error);
// add the target node to the workflow
WorkflowCopyContent.Builder content = WorkflowCopyContent.builder();
final NodeID targetNodeID = tempWFM.copyFromAndPasteHere(parent,[0];
NodeContainer targetNode = tempWFM.getNodeContainer(targetNodeID);
// connect target node to inPort object nodes, skipping unconnected (optional) inputs
IntStream.range(0, inCnt).filter(i -> ins[i] != null).forEach(i -> tempWFM.addConnection(ins[i], 1, targetNodeID, i));
if (m_forwardConnectionProgressEvents) {
setupConnectionProgressEventListeners(m_nc, targetNode);
// copy the existing tables into the (meta) node (e.g. an executed file reader that's necessary
// for other nodes to execute)
exec.setMessage("Copying tables into temp flow");
NodeContainerExecutionResult origResult = m_nc.createExecutionResult(exec);
ExecutionMonitor copyExec = exec.createSubProgress(0.0);
copyExistingTablesIntoSandboxContainer(origResult, m_nc, targetNode, copyExec, m_copyDataIntoNewContext);
CopyContentIntoTempFlowNodeExecutionJobManager copyDataIntoTmpFlow = new CopyContentIntoTempFlowNodeExecutionJobManager(origResult);
NodeExecutionJobManager oldJobManager = targetNode.getJobManager();
tempWFM.setJobManager(targetNodeID, copyDataIntoTmpFlow);
tempWFM.setJobManager(targetNodeID, oldJobManager);
// do not use the cluster executor on the cluster...
tempWFM.setJobManager(targetNodeID, NodeExecutionJobManagerPool.getDefaultJobManagerFactory().getInstance());
if (!m_copyDataIntoNewContext) {
copyFileStoreHandlerReference(targetNode, parent, false);
// save workflow in the local job dir
if (m_localWorkflowDir != null) {, exec, true);
deepCopyFilesInWorkflowDir(m_nc, tempWFM);
return new SandboxedNode(tempWFM, targetNodeID);
} finally {;
use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings in project knime-core by knime.
the class MissingNodeDialog method loadSettingsFrom.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void loadSettingsFrom(final NodeSettingsRO settings, final PortObjectSpec[] specs) throws NotConfigurableException {
m_settings = new NodeSettings("ignored");
m_tree.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(settings));
for (int i = m_tree.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {