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Example 96 with NodeSettingsRO

use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO in project knime-core by knime.

the class MissingCellHandler method fromPMMLExtension.

 * Creates a missing cell handler from an extension that is inside of a PMML derived field.
 * @param column the column this handler is used for
 * @param manager missing value factory manager
 * @param ext the extension containing the necessary information
 * @return a missing cell handler that was initialized from the extension
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException if the the factory from the extension is not applicable for the column
protected static MissingCellHandler fromPMMLExtension(final DataColumnSpec column, final MissingCellHandlerFactoryManager manager, final Extension ext) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    String factoryID = ext.getValue();
    MissingCellHandlerFactory fac = manager.getFactoryByID(factoryID);
    if (fac == null) {
        LOGGER.error("Unknown missing cell handler " + factoryID + ".");
        final String[] parts = factoryID.split("\\.");
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Unknown missing cell handler " + parts[parts.length - 1] + ".");
    if (!fac.isApplicable(column.getType())) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Missing cell handler " + fac.getDisplayName() + " is not applicable for columns of type " + column.getType().toString() + ".");
    // Create document from empty node settings
    NodeSettings nodeSettings = new NodeSettings("");
    MissingCellHandler handler = fac.createHandler(column);
    // Without a panel, the handler has no settings and we can return it
    if (!fac.hasSettingsPanel()) {
        return handler;
    // Load settings from the panel
    try {
        // Create an XML document from empty settings
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Document doc = javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
        // Remove original settings
        // And plug in those from the PMML
        doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(ext.getDomNode().getFirstChild(), true));
        // Now write it to a stream and create new node settings
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(bos);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
        ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
        NodeSettingsRO settings = NodeSettings.loadFromXML(bis);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOGGER.error("An error occurred while loading settings for a MissingCellHandler from PMML.\n" + ex.getMessage());
    return handler;
Also used : DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) TransformerFactory(javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory) Transformer(javax.xml.transform.Transformer) StreamResult( ByteArrayOutputStream( Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) NodeSettings(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings) InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) ByteArrayInputStream( NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO)

Example 97 with NodeSettingsRO

use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO in project knime-core by knime.

the class RenameNodeDialogPane method loadSettingsFrom.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void loadSettingsFrom(final NodeSettingsRO settings, final DataTableSpec[] specs) throws NotConfigurableException {
    DataTableSpec spec = specs[0];
    if (spec.getNumColumns() == 0) {
        throw new NotConfigurableException("No columns at input.");
    m_orgTableSpec = specs[0];
    m_searchableListModifier = m_searchableListPanel.update(spec);
    NodeSettingsRO subSettings;
    try {
        // this node settings object must contain only entry of type
        // NodeSetting
        subSettings = settings.getNodeSettings(RenameNodeModel.CFG_SUB_CONFIG);
    } catch (InvalidSettingsException ise) {
        subSettings = null;
    if (subSettings != null) {
        // process settings for individual column
        for (String id : subSettings) {
            NodeSettingsRO idSettings;
            String nameForSettings;
            try {
                // idSettigs address the settings for one particular column
                idSettings = subSettings.getNodeSettings(id);
                // the name of the column - must match
                nameForSettings = idSettings.getString(RenameColumnSetting.CFG_OLD_COLNAME);
            } catch (InvalidSettingsException is) {
            final DataColumnSpec orgSpec = m_orgTableSpec.getColumnSpec(nameForSettings);
            final RenameColumnSetting renameColumnSetting = orgSpec == null ? new RenameColumnSetting(nameForSettings) : new RenameColumnSetting(orgSpec);
            if (orgSpec == null) {
                DataColumnSpec invalidSpec = createInvalidSpec(nameForSettings);
                m_columnToSettings.put(invalidSpec, renameColumnSetting);
            } else {
                m_columnToSettings.put(orgSpec, renameColumnSetting);
    // add for each setting a panel in the individual panel
    for (Map.Entry<DataColumnSpec, RenameColumnSetting> entries : m_columnToSettings.entrySet()) {
        addToIndividualPanel(new RenameColumnPanel(entries.getValue(), entries.getKey(), m_hideColumnType));
Also used : NotConfigurableException(org.knime.core.node.NotConfigurableException) DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpec( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 98 with NodeSettingsRO

use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO in project knime-core by knime.

the class RowFilterNodeModel method loadOrValidateSettingsFrom.

private void loadOrValidateSettingsFrom(final NodeSettingsRO settings, final boolean verifyOnly) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    IRowFilter tmpFilter = null;
    if (settings.containsKey(CFGFILTER)) {
        NodeSettingsRO filterCfg = settings.getNodeSettings(CFGFILTER);
        // because we don't know what type of filter is in the config we
        // must ask the factory to figure it out for us (actually the type
        // is also saved in a valid config). When we save row filters they
        // will (hopefully!!) add their type to the config.
        tmpFilter = RowFilterFactory.createRowFilter(filterCfg);
    } else {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Row Filter config contains no" + " row filter.");
    // if we got so far settings are valid.
    if (verifyOnly) {
    // take over settings
    m_rowFilter = tmpFilter;
Also used : InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO) IRowFilter(org.knime.base.node.preproc.filter.row.rowfilter.IRowFilter)

Example 99 with NodeSettingsRO

use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO in project knime-core by knime.

the class InteractiveHiLiteCollectorNodeModel method loadInternals.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void loadInternals(final File nodeInternDir, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws IOException, CanceledExecutionException {
    File f = new File(nodeInternDir, KEY_ANNOTATIONS);
    NodeSettingsRO sett = NodeSettings.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(f));
    RowKey[] rowKeys = sett.getRowKeyArray("row_keys", (RowKey[]) null);
    if (rowKeys != null) {
        for (RowKey key : rowKeys) {
            try {
                NodeSettingsRO subSett = sett.getNodeSettings(key.toString());
                Map<Integer, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();
                for (String i : subSett.keySet()) {
                    try {
                        int idx = Integer.parseInt(i);
                        m_lastIndex = (m_lastIndex == null ? idx : Math.max(m_lastIndex, idx));
                        map.put(idx, subSett.getString(i));
                    } catch (InvalidSettingsException ise) {
                    // ignored
                m_annotationMap.put(key, map);
            } catch (InvalidSettingsException ise) {
            // ignored
Also used : RowKey( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO) File( FileInputStream( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 100 with NodeSettingsRO

use of org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO in project knime-core by knime.

the class AndRowFilter method loadSettingsFrom.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void loadSettingsFrom(final NodeSettingsRO cfg) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    NodeSettingsRO cfg1 = cfg.getNodeSettings(CFG_FILTER1);
    NodeSettingsRO cfg2 = cfg.getNodeSettings(CFG_FILTER2);
    m_in1 = RowFilterFactory.createRowFilter(cfg1);
    m_in2 = RowFilterFactory.createRowFilter(cfg2);
Also used : NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO)


NodeSettingsRO (org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO)208 InvalidSettingsException (org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException)125 File ( FileInputStream ( IOException ( InputStream ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)20 NodeSettings (org.knime.core.node.NodeSettings)20 BufferedInputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 GZIPInputStream ( DataTableSpec ( Map (java.util.Map)11 ReferencedFile (org.knime.core.internal.ReferencedFile)11 BufferedDataTable (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)9 DataColumnSpec ( RowKey ( DataType ( CanceledExecutionException (org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException)8