use of org.knime.core.node.web.ValidationError in project knime-core by knime.
the class TestSubnodeView method testSubnodeViewableModel.
* Creates and tests the {@link SubnodeViewableModel}
* @throws Exception
public void testSubnodeViewableModel() throws Exception {
SubNodeContainer snc = getManager().getNodeContainer(m_subnodeID, SubNodeContainer.class, true);
SubnodeViewableModel svm = new SubnodeViewableModel(snc, "testView");
JSONWebNodePage page = svm.getViewRepresentation();
SubnodeViewValue viewValue = svm.getViewValue();
assertNotNull("Combined view value should exist", viewValue);
assertNotNull("Combined view value map should exist", viewValue.getViewValues());
assertEquals("Combined view value should contain three entries", 3, viewValue.getViewValues().size());
Map<String, String> changedValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(3);
changedValueMap = changeStringInputTo("foo", changedValueMap);
SubnodeViewValue newViewValue = new SubnodeViewValue();
ValidationError validationError = svm.validateViewValue(newViewValue);
assertTrue("Validation error should be instance of CollectionValidationError", validationError instanceof CollectionValidationError);
Map<String, String> errorMap = ((CollectionValidationError) validationError).getErrorMap();
assertNotNull("Error map should exist", errorMap);
changeStringInputTo(CHANGED_URL, changedValueMap);
validationError = svm.validateViewValue(newViewValue);
assertNull("There should not be any validation errors", validationError);
svm.loadViewValue(newViewValue, false);
assertTrue("Subnode should be executed.", getManager().getNodeContainer(m_subnodeID).getNodeContainerState().isExecuted());
assertNull("Page should be null after reset", svm.getViewRepresentation());
assertNull("View value should be null after reset", svm.getViewValue());
use of org.knime.core.node.web.ValidationError in project knime-core by knime.
the class AbstractWizardNodeView method applyTriggered.
* @param useAsDefault true if changed values are supposed to be applied as new node default, false otherwise
* @return true if apply was successful, false otherwise
* @since 3.4
protected boolean applyTriggered(final boolean useAsDefault) {
if (!viewInteractionPossible() || !checkSettingsChanged()) {
return true;
boolean valid = validateCurrentValueInView();
if (valid) {
String jsonString = retrieveCurrentValueFromView();
// compare to not existing or default value @see use of WizardNodeView.EMPTY_OBJECT_STRING
if (jsonString == null || jsonString.equals("{}")) {
return false;
try {
VAL viewValue = getModel().createEmptyViewValue();
viewValue.loadFromStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonString.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))));
ValidationError error = getModel().validateViewValue(viewValue);
if (error != null) {
return false;
if (getModel() instanceof NodeModel) {
triggerReExecution(viewValue, useAsDefault, new DefaultReexecutionCallback());
} else {
getModel().loadViewValue(viewValue, useAsDefault);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not set error message or trigger re-execution: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
} else {
return false;
use of org.knime.core.node.web.ValidationError in project knime-core by knime.
the class TestWizardExec_LoadValuesInSubnode method testWizardStepThroughWithSeveralLoopIterations.
public void testWizardStepThroughWithSeveralLoopIterations() throws Exception {
final int numLoops = 3;
final WorkflowManager wfm = getManager();
assertTrue("Should have new wizard execution", WebResourceController.hasWizardExecution(wfm));
checkState(m_filterSubnode, InternalNodeContainerState.CONFIGURED);
WizardExecutionController wizardController = wfm.getWizardExecutionController();
waitWhile(wfm, new WizardHold(), -1);
assertTrue("Should have steps", wizardController.hasCurrentWizardPage());
checkState(m_colFilterInFilterSubnode, InternalNodeContainerState.EXECUTED);
WizardPage currentWizardPage = wizardController.getCurrentWizardPage();
// don't load anything here, just execute to next subnode (all columns included)
waitWhile(wfm, new WizardHold(), -1);
checkState(m_noClustersSubnode, InternalNodeContainerState.EXECUTED);
currentWizardPage = wizardController.getCurrentWizardPage();
Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// setting number of clusters to be found (and loop iterations)
String intInputID = m_noClustersSubnode.getIndex() + ":0:" + m_intInputInNoClusterSubnode.getIndex();
valueMap.put(intInputID, "{\"integer\":" + numLoops + "}");
Map<String, ValidationError> errorMap = wizardController.loadValuesIntoCurrentPage(valueMap);
assertEquals("Loading number of clusters should not have caused errors", 0, errorMap.size());
// looping over clusters
for (int curLoop = 1; curLoop <= numLoops; curLoop++) {
String stringInputID = m_labelClustersSubnode.getIndex() + ":0:" + m_stringInputInLabelClustersSubnode.getIndex();
waitWhile(wfm, new WizardHold(), -1);
checkState(m_labelClustersSubnode, InternalNodeContainerState.EXECUTED);
checkState(m_loopEndNode, InternalNodeContainerState.CONFIGURED_MARKEDFOREXEC);
currentWizardPage = wizardController.getCurrentWizardPage();
assertEquals("Labeling page should have 3 components", 3, currentWizardPage.getPageMap().size());
assertNotNull("Labeling page should contain string input", currentWizardPage.getPageMap().get(NodeIDSuffix.fromString(stringInputID)));
// label for cluster
valueMap.put(stringInputID, "{\"string\":\"Cluster " + curLoop + "\"}");
errorMap = wizardController.loadValuesIntoCurrentPage(valueMap);
assertEquals("Loading cluster label should not have caused errors", 0, errorMap.size());
// display result of labeling
waitWhile(wfm, new WizardHold(), -1);
checkState(m_showClustersSubnode, InternalNodeContainerState.EXECUTED);
currentWizardPage = wizardController.getCurrentWizardPage();
assertEquals("Result page should have 2 components", 2, currentWizardPage.getPageMap().size());
// finish execute
waitWhile(wfm, new WizardHold(), -1);
assertFalse("Should have no more pages", wizardController.hasCurrentWizardPage());
checkState(wfm, InternalNodeContainerState.EXECUTED);
use of org.knime.core.node.web.ValidationError in project knime-core by knime.
the class WebResourceController method validateViewValuesInternal.
* Validates a given set of serialized view values for a given subnode.
* @param viewValues the values to validate
* @param subnodeID the id of the subnode containing the appropriate view nodes
* @param wizardNodeSet the set of view nodes that the view values correspond to.
* @return an empty map if validation succeeds, map of errors otherwise
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided subnode id is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalStateException if there are no nodes with the provided id prefixes in the page or the provided
* wizard-node-set doesn't contain the required wizard nodes
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
protected Map<String, ValidationError> validateViewValuesInternal(final Map<String, String> viewValues, final NodeID subnodeID, final Map<NodeID, NativeNodeContainer> wizardNodeSet) {
if (subnodeID == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No node ID supplied for validating view values of wizard page");
WorkflowManager manager = m_manager;
assert manager.isLockedByCurrentThread();
Map<String, ValidationError> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : viewValues.entrySet()) {
NodeID.NodeIDSuffix suffix = NodeID.NodeIDSuffix.fromString(entry.getKey());
NodeID id = suffix.prependParent(manager.getProjectWFM().getID());
CheckUtils.checkState(id.hasPrefix(subnodeID), "The wizard page content for ID %s (suffix %s) does not belong to the current Component (ID %s)", id, entry.getKey(), subnodeID);
NativeNodeContainer wizardNode = wizardNodeSet.get(id);
CheckUtils.checkState(wizardNode != null, "No wizard node with ID %s in Component, valid IDs are: " + "%s", id, ConvenienceMethods.getShortStringFrom(wizardNodeSet.entrySet(), 10));
ValidationError validationError = null;
try {
if (wizardNode.getNodeModel() instanceof WizardNode) {
validationError = validateViewValueForWizardNode((WizardNode) wizardNode.getNodeModel(), entry.getValue());
} else if (wizardNode.getNode().getFactory() instanceof WizardPageContribution) {
validationError = ((WizardPageContribution) wizardNode.getNode().getFactory()).validateViewValue(wizardNode, entry.getValue()).map(ValidationError::new).orElse(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
validationError = new ValidationError("An unexpected error occurred while validating the view value: " + entry.getValue() + ": \n" + e.getMessage());
if (validationError != null) {
resultMap.put(entry.getKey(), validationError);
if (!resultMap.isEmpty()) {
return resultMap;
return Collections.emptyMap();
use of org.knime.core.node.web.ValidationError in project knime-core by knime.
the class TestSubnodeView method testValidationError.
* Tests if changing the value of one of the nodes to an invalid string causes the correct validation error
* @throws Exception
public void testValidationError() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> valueMap = changeStringInputTo("foo", buildValueMap());
Map<String, ValidationError> errorMap = m_spm.validateViewValues(valueMap, m_subnodeID);
assertNotNull("Error map should exist", errorMap);
assertEquals("Error map should contain one entry", 1, errorMap.size());
ValidationError error = errorMap.get(m_stringInputID.toString());
assertNotNull("Error for string input should exist", error);
assertEquals("Error for string input incorrect", "The given input 'foo' is not a valid URL", error.getError());