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Example 11 with MutableInteger

use of org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger in project knime-core by knime.

the class UniqueConcatenateWithCountOperator method computeInternal.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected boolean computeInternal(final DataCell cell) {
    if (cell.isMissing()) {
        return false;
    final String val = cell.toString();
    final MutableInteger counter = m_vals.get(val);
    if (counter != null) {;
        return false;
    // before adding a new value
    if (m_vals.size() >= getMaxUniqueValues()) {
        return true;
    m_vals.put(val, new MutableInteger(1));
    return false;
Also used : MutableInteger(org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger)

Example 12 with MutableInteger

use of org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger in project knime-core by knime.

the class ColumnAggregator method loadColumnAggregators.

 * Creates a {@link List} with all {@link ColumnAggregator}s that were
 * stored in the settings.
 * @param settings the settings object to read from
 * @param key the unique settings key or <code>null</code> if the default should be used
 * @param spec {@link DataTableSpec} of the input table if available
 * @return {@link List} with the {@link ColumnAggregator}s
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException if the settings are invalid
 * @since 2.11
public static List<ColumnAggregator> loadColumnAggregators(final NodeSettingsRO settings, final String key, final DataTableSpec spec) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    final Config cnfg;
    if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) {
        cnfg = settings.getConfig(CNFG_AGGR_COL_SECTION);
    } else {
        cnfg = settings.getConfig(key);
    final String[] colNames = cnfg.getStringArray(CNFG_COL_NAMES);
    final DataType[] colTypes = cnfg.getDataTypeArray(CNFG_COL_TYPES);
    final String[] aggrMethods = cnfg.getStringArray(CNFG_AGGR_METHODS);
    boolean[] inclMissingVals = null;
    try {
        inclMissingVals = cnfg.getBooleanArray(CNFG_INCL_MISSING_VALS);
    } catch (final InvalidSettingsException e) {
    // be compatible to version 2.3 and earlier
    final List<ColumnAggregator> colAggrList = new LinkedList<>();
    if (aggrMethods.length != colNames.length) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Column name array and aggregation method array should be of equal size");
    final NodeSettingsRO operatorSettings;
    if (settings.containsKey(CNFG_OPERATOR_SETTINGS)) {
        operatorSettings = settings.getNodeSettings(CNFG_OPERATOR_SETTINGS);
    } else {
        operatorSettings = settings;
    final Map<String, MutableInteger> idMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0, length = aggrMethods.length; i < length; i++) {
        final AggregationMethod method = AggregationMethods.getMethod4Id(aggrMethods[i]);
        final boolean inclMissingVal;
        if (inclMissingVals != null) {
            inclMissingVal = inclMissingVals[i];
        } else {
            // get the default behavior of the method
            inclMissingVal = method.inclMissingCells();
        final DataColumnSpec resultSpec = new DataColumnSpecCreator(colNames[i], colTypes[i]).createSpec();
        final ColumnAggregator aggrCol = new ColumnAggregator(resultSpec, method, inclMissingVal);
        if (aggrCol.hasOptionalSettings()) {
            try {
                // TK_TODO: We should use a settings key but a running number to allow the user to change the columns
                // to aggregate via flow variables. However we cannot do this now because of backward compatibility
                NodeSettingsRO operatorSetting = operatorSettings.getNodeSettings(createSettingsKey(idMap, aggrCol));
                if (spec != null) {
                    // this method is called from the dialog
                    aggrCol.loadSettingsFrom(operatorSetting, spec);
                } else {
                    // this method is called from the node model where we do not
                    // have the DataTableSpec
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Exception while loading settings for aggreation operator '" + aggrCol.getId() + "', reason: " + e.getMessage());
    return colAggrList;
Also used : DataColumnSpecCreator( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Config(org.knime.core.node.config.Config) MutableInteger(org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataColumnSpec( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataType( NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO)

Example 13 with MutableInteger

use of org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger in project knime-core by knime.

the class UniqueConcatenateWithCountOperator method computeInternal.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected boolean computeInternal(final DataCell cell) {
    final MutableInteger counter = m_vals.get(cell);
    if (counter != null) {;
        return false;
    // before adding a new value
    if (m_vals.size() >= getMaxUniqueValues()) {
        setSkipMessage("Group contains too many unique values");
        return true;
    m_vals.put(cell, new MutableInteger(1));
    return false;
Also used : MutableInteger(org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger)

Example 14 with MutableInteger

use of org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger in project knime-core by knime.

the class DatabaseLoopingNodeModel method execute.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected PortObject[] execute(final PortObject[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
    final BufferedDataTable inputTable = (BufferedDataTable) inData[0];
    final long rowCount = inputTable.size();
    final String column = m_columnModel.getStringValue();
    final DataTableSpec spec = inputTable.getDataTableSpec();
    final int colIdx = spec.findColumnIndex(column);
    if (colIdx < 0) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Column " + column + " not found in input table.");
    final Set<DataCell> values = new HashSet<>();
    BufferedDataContainer buf = null;
    final String oQuery = getQuery();
    final Collection<DataCell> curSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    final DBReader load = loadConnectionSettings(inData[getNrInPorts() - 1]);
    try {
        final int noValues = m_noValues.getIntValue();
        MutableInteger rowCnt = new MutableInteger(0);
        for (Iterator<DataRow> it = inputTable.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            DataCell cell =;
            if (values.contains(cell) && !it.hasNext() && curSet.isEmpty()) {
            if (curSet.size() == noValues || !it.hasNext()) {
                StringBuilder queryValues = new StringBuilder();
                for (DataCell v : curSet) {
                    if (queryValues.length() > 0) {
                String newQuery = parseQuery(oQuery.replaceAll(IN_PLACE_HOLDER, queryValues.toString()));
                exec.setProgress(values.size() * (double) noValues / rowCount, "Selecting all values \"" + queryValues + "\"...");
                final BufferedDataTable table = getResultTable(exec, inData, load);
                if (buf == null) {
                    DataTableSpec resSpec = table.getDataTableSpec();
                    buf = exec.createDataContainer(createSpec(resSpec, spec.getColumnSpec(column)));
                if (m_aggByRow.getBooleanValue()) {
                    aggregate(table, rowCnt, buf, CollectionCellFactory.createListCell(curSet));
                } else {
                    notAggregate(table, rowCnt, buf, CollectionCellFactory.createListCell(curSet));
        if (buf == null) {
            // create empty dummy container with spec generated during #configure
            final PortObjectSpec[] inSpec;
            if ((inData.length > 1) && (inData[1] instanceof DatabaseConnectionPortObject)) {
                DatabaseConnectionPortObject dbPort = (DatabaseConnectionPortObject) inData[1];
                inSpec = new PortObjectSpec[] { inputTable.getSpec(), dbPort.getSpec() };
            } else {
                inSpec = new PortObjectSpec[] { inputTable.getSpec() };
            final String newQuery = createDummyValueQuery(spec, colIdx, oQuery);
            final DataTableSpec resultSpec = getResultSpec(inSpec);
            final DataTableSpec outSpec = createSpec(resultSpec, spec.getColumnSpec(column));
            buf = exec.createDataContainer(outSpec);
    } catch (CanceledExecutionException cee) {
        throw cee;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
        // reset query to original
    final BufferedDataTable resultTable = buf.getTable();
    return new BufferedDataTable[] { resultTable };
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) DataTableSpec( BufferedDataContainer(org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer) MutableInteger(org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger) SettingsModelString(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString) DataRow( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) CanceledExecutionException(org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) DatabaseConnectionPortObject(org.knime.core.node.port.database.DatabaseConnectionPortObject) DBReader(org.knime.core.node.port.database.reader.DBReader) InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) CanceledExecutionException(org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException) BufferedDataTable(org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable) PortObjectSpec(org.knime.core.node.port.PortObjectSpec) DatabaseConnectionPortObjectSpec(org.knime.core.node.port.database.DatabaseConnectionPortObjectSpec) DataCell( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 15 with MutableInteger

use of org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger in project knime-core by knime.

the class NominalValue method consumeRow.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void consumeRow(final DataRow dataRow) {
    int index = 0;
    for (int i : getIndices()) {
        MutableInteger mutableInt = m_nominalValues[index].get(dataRow.getCell(i));
        if (mutableInt == null) {
            if (m_nominalValues[index].size() < m_maxAmountOfCountedValues) {
                m_nominalValues[index].put(dataRow.getCell(i), new MutableInteger(1));
            } else {
                if (m_exceededColumns == null) {
                    m_exceededColumns = new HashSet<String>(5);
        } else {
Also used : MutableInteger(org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger)


MutableInteger (org.knime.core.util.MutableInteger)32 DataCell ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 DataRow ( RowKey ( BufferedDataContainer (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer)6 InvalidSettingsException (org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 DataTableSpec ( DefaultRow ( BufferedDataTable (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable)5 Set (java.util.Set)4 DataColumnSpec ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 DoubleCell ( StringCell ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2