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Example 1 with TimeValue

use of org.lflang.TimeValue in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class FedASTUtils method findMaxSTP.

 * Find the maximum STP offset for the given 'port'.
 * An STP offset predicate can be nested in contained reactors in
 * the federate.
 * @param port The port to generate the STP list for.
 * @param generator The GeneratorBase instance used to perform some target-specific actions
 * @param reactor The top-level reactor (not the federate reactor)
 * @return The maximum STP as a TimeValue
private static TimeValue findMaxSTP(Variable port, FederateInstance instance, GeneratorBase generator, Reactor reactor) {
    // Find a list of STP offsets (if any exists)
    List<Value> STPList = new LinkedList<>();
    // First, check if there are any connections to contained reactors that
    // need to be handled
    List<Connection> connectionsWithPort = ASTUtils.allConnections(reactor).stream().filter(c -> c.getLeftPorts().stream().anyMatch((VarRef v) -> v.getVariable().equals(port))).collect(Collectors.toList());
    // Find the list of reactions that have the port as trigger or source
    // (could be a variable name)
    List<Reaction> reactionsWithPort = ASTUtils.allReactions(reactor).stream().filter(r -> {
        // Check the triggers of reaction r first
        return r.getTriggers().stream().anyMatch(t -> {
            if (t instanceof VarRef) {
                // Check if the variables match
                return ((VarRef) t).getVariable() == port;
            } else {
                // Not a network port (startup or shutdown)
                return false;
        }) || // Then check the sources of reaction r
        r.getSources().stream().anyMatch(s -> s.getVariable() == port);
    // Find a list of STP offsets (if any exists)
    if (generator.isFederatedAndDecentralized()) {
        for (Reaction r : safe(reactionsWithPort)) {
            if (!instance.contains(r)) {
            // If not, assume it is zero
            if (r.getStp() != null) {
                if (r.getStp().getValue().getParameter() != null) {
                    List<Instantiation> instantList = new ArrayList<>();
                    STPList.addAll(ASTUtils.initialValue(r.getStp().getValue().getParameter(), instantList));
                } else {
        // Check the children for STPs as well
        for (Connection c : safe(connectionsWithPort)) {
            VarRef childPort = c.getRightPorts().get(0);
            Reactor childReactor = (Reactor) childPort.getVariable().eContainer();
            // Find the list of reactions that have the port as trigger or
            // source (could be a variable name)
            List<Reaction> childReactionsWithPort = ASTUtils.allReactions(childReactor).stream().filter(r -> r.getTriggers().stream().anyMatch(t -> {
                if (t instanceof VarRef) {
                    // Check if the variables match
                    return ((VarRef) t).getVariable() == childPort.getVariable();
                } else {
                    // Not a network port (startup or shutdown)
                    return false;
            }) || r.getSources().stream().anyMatch(s -> s.getVariable() == childPort.getVariable())).collect(Collectors.toList());
            for (Reaction r : safe(childReactionsWithPort)) {
                if (!instance.contains(r)) {
                // If not, assume it is zero
                if (r.getStp() != null) {
                    if (r.getStp().getValue() instanceof Parameter) {
                        List<Instantiation> instantList = new ArrayList<>();
                        STPList.addAll(ASTUtils.initialValue(r.getStp().getValue().getParameter(), instantList));
                    } else {
    return, TimeValue::max);
Also used : Variable(org.lflang.lf.Variable) SupportedSerializers(org.lflang.federated.serialization.SupportedSerializers) Delay(org.lflang.lf.Delay) LfFactory(org.lflang.lf.LfFactory) Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InferredType(org.lflang.InferredType) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) Type(org.lflang.lf.Type) GeneratorBase(org.lflang.generator.GeneratorBase) CoordinationType(org.lflang.TargetProperty.CoordinationType) EcoreUtil(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil) PortInstance(org.lflang.generator.PortInstance) Collectors( Objects(java.util.Objects) Parameter(org.lflang.lf.Parameter) List(java.util.List) Value(org.lflang.lf.Value) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) ActionOrigin(org.lflang.lf.ActionOrigin) Optional(java.util.Optional) VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) Collections(java.util.Collections) ASTUtils(org.lflang.ASTUtils) VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) ASTUtils(org.lflang.ASTUtils) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue) Value(org.lflang.lf.Value) Parameter(org.lflang.lf.Parameter) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue)

Example 2 with TimeValue

use of org.lflang.TimeValue in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class FedASTUtils method addNetworkInputControlReaction.

 * Add a network control reaction for a given input port 'destination' to
 * destination's parent reactor. This reaction will block for
 * any valid logical time until it is known whether the trigger for the
 * action corresponding to the given port is present or absent.
 * @note Used in federated execution
 * @param source The output port of the source federate reactor.
 *  Added as a trigger to the network control reaction to preserve the
 *  overall dependency structure of the program across federates.
 * @param destination The input port of the destination federate reactor.
 * @param recevingPortID The ID of the receiving port
 * @param bankIndex The bank index of the receiving federate, or -1 if not in a bank.
 * @param instance The federate instance is used to keep track of all
 *  network input ports globally
 * @param generator The GeneratorBase instance used to perform some target-specific actions
private static void addNetworkInputControlReaction(PortInstance source, PortInstance destination, int recevingPortID, int bankIndex, FederateInstance instance, GeneratorBase generator) {
    LfFactory factory = LfFactory.eINSTANCE;
    Reaction reaction = factory.createReaction();
    VarRef sourceRef = factory.createVarRef();
    VarRef destRef = factory.createVarRef();
    // If the sender or receiver is in a bank of reactors, then we want
    // these reactions to appear only in the federate whose bank ID matches.
    generator.setReactionBankIndex(reaction, bankIndex);
    // Create a new action that will be used to trigger the
    // input control reactions.
    Action newTriggerForControlReactionInput = factory.createAction();
    // Set the container and variable according to the network port
    Reactor top = destination.getParent().getParent().reactorDefinition;
    newTriggerForControlReactionInput.setName(ASTUtils.getUniqueIdentifier(top, "inputControlReactionTrigger"));
    // Add the newly created Action to the action list of the federated reactor.
    // Create the trigger for the reaction
    VarRef newTriggerForControlReaction = factory.createVarRef();
    // Add the appropriate triggers to the list of triggers of the reaction
    // Add the original output port of the source federate
    // as a trigger to keep the overall dependency structure.
    // This is useful when assigning levels.
    // Add this trigger to the list of disconnected network reaction triggers
    // Add the destination port as an effect of the reaction
    // Generate code for the network input control reaction
    TimeValue maxSTP = findMaxSTP(destination.getDefinition(), instance, generator, destination.getParent().reactorDefinition);
    reaction.getCode().setBody(generator.generateNetworkInputControlReactionBody(recevingPortID, maxSTP));
    // Insert the reaction
    // Add the trigger for this reaction to the list of triggers, used to actually
    // trigger the reaction at the beginning of each logical time.
    // Add the network input control reaction to the federate instance's list
    // of network reactions
Also used : VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) LfFactory(org.lflang.lf.LfFactory) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue)

Example 3 with TimeValue

use of org.lflang.TimeValue in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class FederateInstance method findNearestPhysicalActionTrigger.

 * Find the nearest (shortest) path to a physical action trigger from this
 * 'reaction' in terms of minimum delay.
 * @param reaction The reaction to start with
 * @return The minimum delay found to the nearest physical action and
 *  TimeValue.MAX_VALUE otherwise
public TimeValue findNearestPhysicalActionTrigger(ReactionInstance reaction) {
    TimeValue minDelay = TimeValue.MAX_VALUE;
    for (TriggerInstance<? extends Variable> trigger : reaction.triggers) {
        if (trigger.getDefinition() instanceof Action) {
            Action action = (Action) trigger.getDefinition();
            ActionInstance actionInstance = (ActionInstance) trigger;
            if (action.getOrigin() == ActionOrigin.PHYSICAL) {
                if (actionInstance.getMinDelay().isEarlierThan(minDelay)) {
                    minDelay = actionInstance.getMinDelay();
            } else if (action.getOrigin() == ActionOrigin.LOGICAL) {
                // Follow it upstream inside the reactor
                for (ReactionInstance uReaction : actionInstance.getDependsOnReactions()) {
                    // Avoid a loop
                    if (!Objects.equal(uReaction, reaction)) {
                        TimeValue uMinDelay = actionInstance.getMinDelay().add(findNearestPhysicalActionTrigger(uReaction));
                        if (uMinDelay.isEarlierThan(minDelay)) {
                            minDelay = uMinDelay;
        } else if (trigger.getDefinition() instanceof Output) {
            // Outputs of contained reactions
            PortInstance outputInstance = (PortInstance) trigger;
            for (ReactionInstance uReaction : outputInstance.getDependsOnReactions()) {
                TimeValue uMinDelay = findNearestPhysicalActionTrigger(uReaction);
                if (uMinDelay.isEarlierThan(minDelay)) {
                    minDelay = uMinDelay;
    return minDelay;
Also used : Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) PortInstance(org.lflang.generator.PortInstance) ActionInstance(org.lflang.generator.ActionInstance) ReactionInstance(org.lflang.generator.ReactionInstance) Output(org.lflang.lf.Output) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue)

Example 4 with TimeValue

use of org.lflang.TimeValue in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class CGeneratorExtension method getNetworkDelayLiteral.

 * Given a connection 'delay' predicate, return a string that represents the
 * interval_t value of the additional delay that needs to be applied to the
 * outgoing message.
 * The returned additional delay in absence of after on network connection
 * (i.e., if delay is passed as a null) is  NEVER. This has a special
 * meaning in C library functions that send network messages that carry
 * timestamps (@see send_timed_message and send_port_absent_to_federate
 * in lib/core/federate.c). In this case, the sender will send its current
 * tag as the timestamp of the outgoing message without adding a microstep delay.
 * If the user has assigned an after delay to the network connection (that
 * can be zero) either as a time value (e.g., 200 msec) or as a literal
 * (e.g., a parameter), that delay in nsec will be returned.
 * @param delay
 * @param generator
 * @return
public static String getNetworkDelayLiteral(Delay delay) {
    String additionalDelayString = "NEVER";
    if (delay != null) {
        Parameter p = delay.getParameter();
        TimeValue tv;
        if (delay.getParameter() != null) {
            // The parameter has to be parameter of the main reactor.
            // And that value has to be a Time.
            tv = ASTUtils.getDefaultAsTimeValue(p);
        } else {
            tv = ASTUtils.toTimeValue(delay.getTime());
        additionalDelayString = Long.toString(tv.toNanoSeconds());
    return additionalDelayString;
Also used : Parameter(org.lflang.lf.Parameter) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue)


TimeValue (org.lflang.TimeValue)4 Action (org.lflang.lf.Action)3 PortInstance (org.lflang.generator.PortInstance)2 LfFactory (org.lflang.lf.LfFactory)2 Parameter (org.lflang.lf.Parameter)2 Reaction (org.lflang.lf.Reaction)2 Reactor (org.lflang.lf.Reactor)2 VarRef (org.lflang.lf.VarRef)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Collections (java.util.Collections)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 List (java.util.List)1 Objects (java.util.Objects)1 Optional (java.util.Optional)1 Collectors ( EcoreUtil (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil)1 ASTUtils (org.lflang.ASTUtils)1 InferredType (org.lflang.InferredType)1 CoordinationType (org.lflang.TargetProperty.CoordinationType)1 SupportedSerializers (org.lflang.federated.serialization.SupportedSerializers)1