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Example 1 with Delay

use of org.lflang.lf.Delay in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class GeneratorBase method doGenerate.

 * Generate code from the Lingua Franca model contained by the specified resource.
 * This is the main entry point for code generation. This base class finds all
 * reactor class definitions, including any reactors defined in imported .lf files
 * (except any main reactors in those imported files), and adds them to the
 * {@link #GeneratorBase.reactors reactors} list. If errors occur during
 * generation, then a subsequent call to errorsOccurred() will return true.
 * @param resource The resource containing the source code.
 * @param context Context relating to invocation of the code generator.
 * In stand alone mode, this object is also used to relay CLI arguments.
public void doGenerate(Resource resource, LFGeneratorContext context) {
    GeneratorUtils.setTargetConfig(context, GeneratorUtils.findTarget(fileConfig.resource), targetConfig, errorReporter);
    // Markers mark problems in the Eclipse IDE when running in integrated mode.
    if (errorReporter instanceof EclipseErrorReporter) {
        ((EclipseErrorReporter) errorReporter).clearMarkers();
    // Check if there are any conflicting main reactors elsewhere in the package.
    if (Objects.equal(context.getMode(), LFGeneratorContext.Mode.STANDALONE) && mainDef != null) {
        for (String conflict : new MainConflictChecker(fileConfig).conflicts) {
            errorReporter.reportError(this.mainDef.getReactorClass(), "Conflicting main reactor in " + conflict);
    // Configure the command factory
    if (Objects.equal(context.getMode(), LFGeneratorContext.Mode.STANDALONE) && context.getArgs().containsKey("quiet")) {
    // This must be done before desugaring delays below.
    // Process target files. Copy each of them into the src-gen dir.
    // FIXME: Should we do this here? This doesn't make sense for federates the way it is
    // done here.
    copyUserFiles(this.targetConfig, this.fileConfig);
    // Collect reactors and create an instantiation graph.
    // These are needed to figure out which resources we need
    // to validate, which happens in setResources().
    GeneratorUtils.validate(context, fileConfig, instantiationGraph, errorReporter);
    List<Resource> allResources = GeneratorUtils.getResources(reactors);
    resources.addAll(// FIXME: This filter reproduces the behavior of the method it replaces. But why must it be so complicated? Why are we worried about weird corner cases like this? -> !Objects.equal(it, fileConfig.resource) || mainDef != null && it == mainDef.getReactorClass().eResource()).map(it -> GeneratorUtils.getLFResource(it, fileConfig.getSrcGenBasePath(), context, errorReporter)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
    GeneratorUtils.accommodatePhysicalActionsIfPresent(allResources, getTarget().setsKeepAliveOptionAutomatically(), targetConfig, errorReporter);
    // FIXME: Should the GeneratorBase pull in `files` from imported
    // resources?
    // Reroute connections that have delays associated with them via
    // generated delay reactors.
    // Transform connections that reside in mutually exclusive modes and are otherwise conflicting
    // This should be done before creating the instantiation graph
    // Invoke these functions a second time because transformations
    // may have introduced new reactors!
    // Check for existence and support of modes
    hasModalReactors = IterableExtensions.exists(reactors, it -> !it.getModes().isEmpty());
Also used : SupportedSerializers(org.lflang.federated.serialization.SupportedSerializers) Delay(org.lflang.lf.Delay) FedASTUtils(org.lflang.federated.FedASTUtils) Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) InferredType(org.lflang.InferredType) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Map(java.util.Map) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation) Objects( Path(java.nio.file.Path) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) MainConflictChecker(org.lflang.MainConflictChecker) TargetConfig(org.lflang.TargetConfig) Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) Collectors( Parameter(org.lflang.lf.Parameter) List(java.util.List) Value(org.lflang.lf.Value) CollectionLiterals(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.CollectionLiterals) Target(org.lflang.Target) Resource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Pair(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Pair) FileConfig(org.lflang.FileConfig) ASTUtils(org.lflang.ASTUtils) FederateInstance(org.lflang.federated.FederateInstance) Iterables( LfFactory(org.lflang.lf.LfFactory) ErrorReporter(org.lflang.ErrorReporter) AbstractLFValidator(org.lflang.validation.AbstractLFValidator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) CancelIndicator(org.eclipse.xtext.util.CancelIndicator) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) TimeUnit(org.lflang.TimeUnit) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) IMarker(org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker) InstantiationGraph(org.lflang.graph.InstantiationGraph) CoordinationType(org.lflang.TargetProperty.CoordinationType) Model(org.lflang.lf.Model) IOException( Time(org.lflang.lf.Time) File( IteratorExtensions(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IteratorExtensions) IterableExtensions(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions) Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) MainConflictChecker(org.lflang.MainConflictChecker) Resource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource)

Example 2 with Delay

use of org.lflang.lf.Delay in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class FedASTUtils method addNetworkOutputControlReaction.

 * Add a network control reaction for a given output port 'source' to
 * source's parent reactor. This reaction will send a port absent
 * message if the status of the output port is absent.
 * @note Used in federated execution
 * @param source The output port of the source federate
 * @param instance The federate instance is used to keep track of all
 *  network reactions and some relevant triggers
 * @param receivingPortID The ID of the receiving port
 * @param channelIndex The channel index of the sending port, if it is a multiport.
 * @param bankIndex The bank index of the sending federate, if it is a bank.
 * @param receivingFedID The ID of destination federate.
 * @param generator The GeneratorBase instance used to perform some target-specific actions
 * @param delay The delay value imposed on the connection using after
private static void addNetworkOutputControlReaction(PortInstance source, FederateInstance instance, int receivingPortID, int bankIndex, int channelIndex, int receivingFedID, GeneratorBase generator, Delay delay) {
    LfFactory factory = LfFactory.eINSTANCE;
    Reaction reaction = factory.createReaction();
    // Top-level reactor.
    Reactor top = source.getParent().getParent().reactorDefinition;
    // If the sender or receiver is in a bank of reactors, then we want
    // these reactions to appear only in the federate whose bank ID matches.
    generator.setReactionBankIndex(reaction, bankIndex);
    // Add the output from the contained reactor as a source to
    // the reaction to preserve precedence order.
    VarRef newPortRef = factory.createVarRef();
    // Check whether the action already has been created.
    if (instance.networkOutputControlReactionsTrigger == null) {
        // The port has not been created.
        String triggerName = "outputControlReactionTrigger";
        // Find the trigger definition in the reactor definition, which could have been
        // generated for another federate instance if there are multiple instances
        // of the same reactor that are each distinct federates.
        Optional<Action> optTriggerInput = top.getActions().stream().filter(I -> I.getName().equals(triggerName)).findFirst();
        if (optTriggerInput.isEmpty()) {
            // If no trigger with the name "outputControlReactionTrigger" is
            // already added to the reactor definition, we need to create it
            // for the first time. The trigger is a logical action.
            Action newTriggerForControlReactionVariable = factory.createAction();
            // Now that the variable is created, store it in the federate instance
            instance.networkOutputControlReactionsTrigger = newTriggerForControlReactionVariable;
        } else {
            // If the "outputControlReactionTrigger" trigger is already
            // there, we can re-use it for this new reaction since a single trigger
            // will trigger
            // all network output control reactions.
            instance.networkOutputControlReactionsTrigger = optTriggerInput.get();
    // Add the trigger for all output control reactions to the list of triggers
    VarRef triggerRef = factory.createVarRef();
    // Generate the code
    reaction.getCode().setBody(generator.generateNetworkOutputControlReactionBody(newPortRef, receivingPortID, receivingFedID, bankIndex, channelIndex, delay));
    // Make the reaction unordered w.r.t. other reactions in the top level.
    // Insert the newly generated reaction after the generated sender and
    // receiver top-level reactions.
    // Add the network output control reaction to the federate instance's list
    // of network reactions
Also used : VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) Variable(org.lflang.lf.Variable) SupportedSerializers(org.lflang.federated.serialization.SupportedSerializers) Delay(org.lflang.lf.Delay) LfFactory(org.lflang.lf.LfFactory) Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InferredType(org.lflang.InferredType) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) TimeValue(org.lflang.TimeValue) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) Type(org.lflang.lf.Type) GeneratorBase(org.lflang.generator.GeneratorBase) CoordinationType(org.lflang.TargetProperty.CoordinationType) EcoreUtil(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil) PortInstance(org.lflang.generator.PortInstance) Collectors( Objects(java.util.Objects) Parameter(org.lflang.lf.Parameter) List(java.util.List) Value(org.lflang.lf.Value) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) ActionOrigin(org.lflang.lf.ActionOrigin) Optional(java.util.Optional) VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) Collections(java.util.Collections) ASTUtils(org.lflang.ASTUtils) Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) LfFactory(org.lflang.lf.LfFactory) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor)

Example 3 with Delay

use of org.lflang.lf.Delay in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class ASTUtils method getDelayInstance.

 * Create a new instance delay instances using the given reactor class.
 * The supplied time value is used to override the default interval (which
 * is zero).
 * If the target supports parametric polymorphism, then a single class may
 * be used for each instantiation, in which case a non-empty string must
 * be supplied to parameterize the instance.
 * A default name ("delay") is assigned to the instantiation, but this
 * name must be overridden at the call site, where checks can be done to
 * avoid name collisions in the container in which the instantiation is
 * to be placed. Such checks (or modifications of the AST) are not
 * performed in this method in order to avoid causing concurrent
 * modification exceptions.
 * @param delayClass The class to create an instantiation for
 * @param connection The connection to create a delay instantiation foe
 * @param generic A string that denotes the appropriate type parameter,
 *  which should be null or empty if the target does not support generics.
 * @param defineWidthFromConnection If this is true and if the connection
 *  is a wide connection, then instantiate a bank of delays where the width
 *  is given by ports involved in the connection. Otherwise, the width will
 *  be  unspecified indicating a variable length.
private static Instantiation getDelayInstance(Reactor delayClass, Connection connection, String generic, Boolean defineWidthFromConnection) {
    Delay delay = connection.getDelay();
    Instantiation delayInstance = factory.createInstantiation();
    if (!StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty(generic)) {
        TypeParm typeParm = factory.createTypeParm();
    if (hasMultipleConnections(connection)) {
        WidthSpec widthSpec = factory.createWidthSpec();
        if (defineWidthFromConnection) {
            // to delay the ports first, and then broadcast the output of the delays.
            for (VarRef port : connection.getLeftPorts()) {
                WidthTerm term = factory.createWidthTerm();
        } else {
    Assignment assignment = factory.createAssignment();
    Value value = factory.createValue();
    if (delay.getParameter() != null) {
    } else {
    // This has to be overridden.
    return delayInstance;
Also used : VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) Assignment(org.lflang.lf.Assignment) Value(org.lflang.lf.Value) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation) WidthTerm(org.lflang.lf.WidthTerm) Delay(org.lflang.lf.Delay) TypeParm(org.lflang.lf.TypeParm) WidthSpec(org.lflang.lf.WidthSpec)

Example 4 with Delay

use of org.lflang.lf.Delay in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class ASTUtils method insertGeneratedDelays.

 * Find connections in the given resource that have a delay associated with them,
 * and reroute them via a generated delay reactor.
 * @param resource The AST.
 * @param generator A code generator.
public static void insertGeneratedDelays(Resource resource, GeneratorBase generator) {
    // The resulting changes to the AST are performed _after_ iterating
    // in order to avoid concurrent modification problems.
    List<Connection> oldConnections = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<EObject, List<Connection>> newConnections = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Map<EObject, List<Instantiation>> delayInstances = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Iterable<Reactor> containers = Iterables.filter(IteratorExtensions.toIterable(resource.getAllContents()), Reactor.class);
    // Iterate over the connections in the tree.
    for (Reactor container : containers) {
        for (Connection connection : allConnections(container)) {
            if (connection.getDelay() != null) {
                EObject parent = connection.eContainer();
                // Assume all the types are the same, so just use the first on the right.
                Type type = ((Port) connection.getRightPorts().get(0).getVariable()).getType();
                Reactor delayClass = getDelayClass(type, generator);
                String generic = generator.getTargetTypes().supportsGenerics() ? generator.getTargetTypes().getTargetType(InferredType.fromAST(type)) : "";
                Instantiation delayInstance = getDelayInstance(delayClass, connection, generic, !generator.generateAfterDelaysWithVariableWidth());
                // Stage the new connections for insertion into the tree.
                List<Connection> connections = convertToEmptyListIfNull(newConnections.get(parent));
                connections.addAll(rerouteViaDelay(connection, delayInstance));
                newConnections.put(parent, connections);
                // Stage the original connection for deletion from the tree.
                // Stage the newly created delay reactor instance for insertion
                List<Instantiation> instances = convertToEmptyListIfNull(delayInstances.get(parent));
                delayInstances.put(parent, instances);
    // Remove old connections; insert new ones.
    oldConnections.forEach(connection -> {
        var container = connection.eContainer();
        if (container instanceof Reactor) {
            ((Reactor) container).getConnections().remove(connection);
        } else if (container instanceof Mode) {
            ((Mode) container).getConnections().remove(connection);
    newConnections.forEach((container, connections) -> {
        if (container instanceof Reactor) {
            ((Reactor) container).getConnections().addAll(connections);
        } else if (container instanceof Mode) {
            ((Mode) container).getConnections().addAll(connections);
    // Finally, insert the instances and, before doing so, assign them a unique name.
    delayInstances.forEach((container, instantiations) -> instantiations.forEach(instantiation -> {
        if (container instanceof Reactor) {
            instantiation.setName(getUniqueIdentifier((Reactor) container, "delay"));
            ((Reactor) container).getInstantiations().add(instantiation);
        } else if (container instanceof Mode) {
            instantiation.setName(getUniqueIdentifier((Reactor) container.eContainer(), "delay"));
            ((Mode) container).getInstantiations().add(instantiation);
Also used : Code(org.lflang.lf.Code) LfPackage(org.lflang.lf.LfPackage) Delay(org.lflang.lf.Delay) WidthSpec(org.lflang.lf.WidthSpec) EStructuralFeature(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature) Action(org.lflang.lf.Action) Input(org.lflang.lf.Input) ILeafNode(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.ILeafNode) StateVar(org.lflang.lf.StateVar) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) HashMultimap( Port(org.lflang.lf.Port) Map(java.util.Map) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation) INode(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) GeneratorBase(org.lflang.generator.GeneratorBase) Element(org.lflang.lf.Element) TypeParm(org.lflang.lf.TypeParm) Collection(java.util.Collection) CompositeNode(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.impl.CompositeNode) Set(java.util.Set) InvalidSourceException(org.lflang.generator.InvalidSourceException) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) ICompositeNode(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.ICompositeNode) ArraySpec(org.lflang.lf.ArraySpec) Mode(org.lflang.lf.Mode) Parameter(org.lflang.lf.Parameter) List(java.util.List) Value(org.lflang.lf.Value) CodeMap(org.lflang.generator.CodeMap) WidthTerm(org.lflang.lf.WidthTerm) Assignment(org.lflang.lf.Assignment) Resource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource) ActionOrigin(org.lflang.lf.ActionOrigin) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) StringExtensions(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.StringExtensions) Output(org.lflang.lf.Output) Variable(org.lflang.lf.Variable) Iterables( LfFactory(org.lflang.lf.LfFactory) NodeModelUtils(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.util.NodeModelUtils) ImportedReactor(org.lflang.lf.ImportedReactor) Iterators( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Pair(org.eclipse.xtext.util.Pair) TargetDecl(org.lflang.lf.TargetDecl) StringUtil(org.lflang.util.StringUtil) Reaction(org.lflang.lf.Reaction) KeyValuePair(org.lflang.lf.KeyValuePair) Type(org.lflang.lf.Type) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Tuples(org.eclipse.xtext.util.Tuples) XtextResource(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource) HiddenLeafNode(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.impl.HiddenLeafNode) Model(org.lflang.lf.Model) ReactorDecl(org.lflang.lf.ReactorDecl) EcoreUtil(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil) Time(org.lflang.lf.Time) EList(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) IteratorExtensions(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IteratorExtensions) IterableExtensions(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions) TerminalRule(org.eclipse.xtext.TerminalRule) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) VarRef(org.lflang.lf.VarRef) Timer(org.lflang.lf.Timer) Port(org.lflang.lf.Port) Mode(org.lflang.lf.Mode) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Type(org.lflang.lf.Type) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EList(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) ImportedReactor(org.lflang.lf.ImportedReactor) Reactor(org.lflang.lf.Reactor) Instantiation(org.lflang.lf.Instantiation)

Example 5 with Delay

use of org.lflang.lf.Delay in project lingua-franca by lf-lang.

the class GeneratorBase method replaceConnectionFromFederate.

 * Replace the connections from the specified output port for the specified federate reactor.
 * @param output The output port instance.
 * @param srcFederate The federate for which this port is an output.
 * @param federateReactor The reactor instance for that federate.
 * @param mainInstance The main reactor instance.
private void replaceConnectionFromFederate(PortInstance output, ReactorInstance federateReactor, ReactorInstance mainInstance) {
    for (SendRange srcRange : output.dependentPorts) {
        for (RuntimeRange<PortInstance> dstRange : srcRange.destinations) {
            MixedRadixInt srcID = srcRange.startMR();
            MixedRadixInt dstID = dstRange.startMR();
            int dstCount = 0;
            int srcCount = 0;
            while (dstCount++ < dstRange.width) {
                int srcChannel = srcID.getDigits().get(0);
                int srcBank = srcID.get(1);
                int dstChannel = dstID.getDigits().get(0);
                int dstBank = dstID.get(1);
                FederateInstance srcFederate = federatesByInstantiation.get(srcRange.instance.parent.definition).get(srcBank);
                FederateInstance dstFederate = federatesByInstantiation.get(dstRange.instance.parent.definition).get(dstBank);
                Connection connection = srcRange.connection;
                if (connection == null) {
                    // This should not happen.
                    errorReporter.reportError(output.definition, "Unexpected error. Cannot find output connection for port");
                } else {
                    if (srcFederate != dstFederate && !connection.isPhysical() && targetConfig.coordination != CoordinationType.DECENTRALIZED) {
                        // Map the delays on connections between federates.
                        // First see if the cache has been created.
                        Set<Delay> dependsOnDelays = dstFederate.dependsOn.get(srcFederate);
                        if (dependsOnDelays == null) {
                            // If not, create it.
                            dependsOnDelays = new LinkedHashSet<Delay>();
                            dstFederate.dependsOn.put(srcFederate, dependsOnDelays);
                        // Put the delay on the cache.
                        if (connection.getDelay() != null) {
                        } else {
                            // To indicate that at least one connection has no delay, add a null entry.
                        // Map the connections between federates.
                        Set<Delay> sendsToDelays = srcFederate.sendsTo.get(dstFederate);
                        if (sendsToDelays == null) {
                            sendsToDelays = new LinkedHashSet<Delay>();
                            srcFederate.sendsTo.put(dstFederate, sendsToDelays);
                        if (connection.getDelay() != null) {
                        } else {
                            // To indicate that at least one connection has no delay, add a null entry.
                    FedASTUtils.makeCommunication(srcRange.instance, dstRange.instance, connection, srcFederate, srcBank, srcChannel, dstFederate, dstBank, dstChannel, this, targetConfig.coordination);
                if (srcCount == srcRange.width) {
                    // Multicast. Start over.
                    srcID = srcRange.startMR();
Also used : FederateInstance(org.lflang.federated.FederateInstance) Connection(org.lflang.lf.Connection) Delay(org.lflang.lf.Delay)


Delay (org.lflang.lf.Delay)5 Connection (org.lflang.lf.Connection)4 Instantiation (org.lflang.lf.Instantiation)4 Value (org.lflang.lf.Value)4 VarRef (org.lflang.lf.VarRef)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 List (java.util.List)3 Iterables ( Collection (java.util.Collection)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Set (java.util.Set)2 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)2 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)2 Collectors ( EObject (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)2 Resource (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource)2 EcoreUtil (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil)2