Search in sources :

Example 1 with DetectionCreatorFactory

use of org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectionCreatorFactory in project mastodon-tracking by mastodon-sc.

the class SemiAutomaticTracker method compute.

public void compute(final Collection<Spot> input, final Map<String, Object> settings, final Model model) {
    if (null == log)
        log = logService;
    if (null == input || input.isEmpty()) {"Spot collection to track is empty. Stopping.");
    final List<SourceAndConverter<?>> sources = data.getSources();
    final ModelGraph graph = model.getGraph();
    final SpatioTemporalIndex<Spot> spatioTemporalIndex = model.getSpatioTemporalIndex();
    if (null != selectionModel)
		 * Quality and link-cost features. If they do not exist, create them and
		 * register them.
    final DetectionQualityFeature qualityFeature = DetectionQualityFeature.getOrRegister(model.getFeatureModel(), graph.vertices().getRefPool());
    final LinkCostFeature linkCostFeature = LinkCostFeature.getOrRegister(model.getFeatureModel(), graph.edges().getRefPool());
		 * Check settings map.
    ok = false;
    final StringBuilder errorHandler = new StringBuilder();
    if (!checkSettingsValidity(settings, errorHandler)) {
        errorMessage = errorHandler.toString();
		 * Extract parameters from map.
    final int setup = (int) settings.get(KEY_SETUP_ID);
    final double qualityFactor = (double) settings.get(KEY_QUALITY_FACTOR);
    final double distanceFactor = (double) settings.get(KEY_DISTANCE_FACTOR);
    final boolean forward = (boolean) settings.get(KEY_FORWARD_IN_TIME);
    final int nTimepoints = (int) settings.get(KEY_N_TIMEPOINTS);
    final boolean allowLinkingToExisting = (boolean) settings.get(KEY_ALLOW_LINKING_TO_EXISTING);
    final boolean allowLinkingIfIncoming = (boolean) settings.get(KEY_ALLOW_LINKING_IF_HAS_INCOMING);
    final boolean allowLinkingIfOutgoing = (boolean) settings.get(KEY_ALLOW_LINKING_IF_HAS_OUTGOING);
    final boolean continueIfLinkExists = (boolean) settings.get(KEY_CONTINUE_IF_LINK_EXISTS);
    final double neighborhoodFactor = Math.max(NEIGHBORHOOD_FACTOR, distanceFactor + 1.);
    final boolean detectSpots = (boolean) settings.get(KEY_DETECT_SPOT);
		 * Units.
    final String units = sources.get(setup).getSpimSource().getVoxelDimensions().unit();
		 * First and last time-points.
    final int minTimepoint = 0;
    final int maxTimepoint = data.getNumTimepoints() - 1;
		 * Loop over each spot input.
    final double[][] cov = new double[3][3];
    INPUT: for (final Spot first : input) {
			 * Initialize motion-model for this spot.
        final MotionModel motionModel = initializeMotionModel(first, graph);
			 * Loop over time.
        final int firstTimepoint = first.getTimepoint();
        int tp = firstTimepoint;
        final Spot source = model.getGraph().vertexRef();
        source.refTo(first);"Semi-automatic tracking from spot " + first.getLabel() + ", going " + (forward ? "forward" : "backward") + " in time.");
        TIME: while (Math.abs(tp - firstTimepoint) < nTimepoints && (forward ? tp < maxTimepoint : tp > minTimepoint)) {
            // Are we canceled?
            if (isCanceled()) {
                log.warn("Canceled: " + getCancelReason());
            tp = (forward ? tp + 1 : tp - 1);
            // Check if there is some data at this timepoint.
            if (!DetectionUtil.isPresent(sources, setup, tp))
                continue TIME;
            // Best radius is smallest radius of ellipse.
            final double[] eigVals = eig.getRealEigenvalues();
            double minEig = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            for (int k = 0; k < eigVals.length; k++) minEig = Math.min(minEig, eigVals[k]);
            final double radius = Math.sqrt(minEig);
            // Does the source have a quality value?
            final double threshold;
            if (qualityFeature.isSet(source))
                threshold = qualityFeature.value(source) * qualityFactor;
                threshold = 0.;
				 * Predict around what position to look for a candidate.
            final RealLocalizable predict = motionModel.predict();
				 * Do we have an existing spot around this location, and do we
				 * have the right to link to it?
            Spot target = null;
            final double distance;
            try {
                final SpatialIndex<Spot> spatialIndex = spatioTemporalIndex.getSpatialIndex(tp);
                final NearestNeighborSearch<Spot> nn = spatialIndex.getNearestNeighborSearch();
                target = nn.getSampler().get();
                distance = nn.getDistance();
            } finally {
            final double[] pos = new double[3];
            if (target != null && (distance < distanceFactor * radius)) {
                // Select it.
                if (null != selectionModel)
                    selectionModel.setSelected(target, true);
      " - Found an exising spot at t=%d for spot %s close to candidate: %s.", tp, source.getLabel(), target.getLabel()));
                if (!allowLinkingToExisting) {
          " - Stopping semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
                    continue INPUT;
                // Are they connected?
                final Link eref = graph.edgeRef();
                final boolean connected = forward ? graph.getEdge(source, target, eref) != null : graph.getEdge(target, source, eref) != null;
                if (!connected) {
                    // Should we link them?
                    if (!allowLinkingIfIncoming && !target.incomingEdges().isEmpty()) {
              " - Existing spot has incoming links. Stopping semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
                        continue INPUT;
                    if (!allowLinkingIfOutgoing && !target.outgoingEdges().isEmpty()) {
              " - Existing spot has outgoing links. Stopping semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
                        continue INPUT;
                    // Yes.
                    final Link edge;
                    try {
                        if (forward)
                            edge = graph.addEdge(source, target, eref).init();
                            edge = graph.addEdge(target, source, eref).init();
                    } finally {
                    final double cost = motionModel.costTo(target);
          " - Linking spot %s at t=%d to spot %s at t=%d with linking cost %.1f.", source.getLabel(), source.getTimepoint(), target.getLabel(), target.getTimepoint(), cost));
                    linkCostFeature.set(edge, cost);
                    if (null != navigationHandler)
                    if (null != focusModel)
                } else {
                    // They are connected.
          " - Spots %s at t=%d and %s at t=%d are already linked.", source.getLabel(), source.getTimepoint(), target.getLabel(), target.getTimepoint()));
                    if (!continueIfLinkExists) {
              " - Stopping semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
                        continue INPUT;
                // Update tracker with the new target.
                // Deselect source spot.
                if (null != selectionModel)
                    selectionModel.setSelected(source, false);
                // Select, focus and navigate to new spot.
                if (null != navigationHandler)
                if (null != selectionModel)
                    selectionModel.setSelected(target, true);
                if (null != focusModel)
                // Target becomes source and we loop over next time-point.
                continue TIME;
            } else if (detectSpots) {
					 * There is no candidate around the predicted position, or
					 * we do not have the right to link to it. We therefore have
					 * to search for candidates from the image.
					 * Build ROI to process.
                final AffineTransform3D transform = DetectionUtil.getTransform(sources, tp, setup, 0);
                final Point center = new Point(3);
                transform.applyInverse(new Round<>(center), predict);
                final long x = center.getLongPosition(0);
                final long y = center.getLongPosition(1);
                final long rx = (long) Math.ceil(neighborhoodFactor * radius);
                final long ry = (long) Math.ceil(neighborhoodFactor * radius);
                final FinalInterval roi;
                if (DetectionUtil.numDimensions(sources, setup, tp) == 3) {
                    final long z = center.getLongPosition(2);
                    final long rz = (long) Math.ceil(neighborhoodFactor * radius);
                    final long[] min = new long[] { x - rx, y - ry, z - rz };
                    final long[] max = new long[] { x + rx, y + ry, z + rz };
                    roi = new FinalInterval(min, max);
                } else {
                    final long[] min = new long[] { x - rx, y - ry };
                    final long[] max = new long[] { x + rx, y + ry };
                    roi = new FinalInterval(min, max);
					 * User built-in detector.
                final List<Detection> detections = new ArrayList<>();
                final DetectionCreatorFactory detectionCreator = createDetectionCreatorFactoryFor(detections);
                // Configure detector.
                final Map<String, Object> detectorSettings = DetectionUtil.getDefaultDetectorSettingsMap();
                detectorSettings.put(KEY_RADIUS, Double.valueOf(radius));
                detectorSettings.put(KEY_THRESHOLD, Double.valueOf(threshold));
                detectorSettings.put(KEY_SETUP_ID, Integer.valueOf(setup));
                detectorSettings.put(KEY_MIN_TIMEPOINT, Integer.valueOf(tp));
                detectorSettings.put(KEY_MAX_TIMEPOINT, Integer.valueOf(tp));
                detectorSettings.put(KEY_ROI, roi);
                final DetectorOp detector = (DetectorOp) Inplaces.binary1(ops(), DoGDetectorOp.class, detectionCreator, sources, detectorSettings);
                detector.mutate1(detectionCreator, sources);
                if (detections.isEmpty()) {
          " - No target spot found at t=%d for spot %s above desired quality threshold.", tp, source.getLabel()));
                    continue INPUT;
					 * Find a suitable candidate with largest quality.
                // Sort peaks by quality.
                boolean found = false;
                Detection candidate = null;
                double sqDist = 0.;
                for (final Detection p : detections) {
                    // Compute square distance.
                    sqDist = 0.;
                    for (int d = 0; d < source.numDimensions(); d++) {
                        final double dx = p.getDoublePosition(d) - source.getDoublePosition(d);
                        sqDist += dx * dx;
                    if (sqDist < distanceFactor * distanceFactor * radius * radius) {
                        found = true;
                        candidate = p;
                if (!found) {
          " - Suitable spot found at t=%d, but outside the tolerance radius for spot %s (at a distance of %.1f %s).", tp, source.getLabel(), Math.sqrt(sqDist), units));
          " - Stopping semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
                    continue INPUT;
					 * Let's keep this candidate.
                final Link eref = graph.edgeRef();
                final Spot vref = graph.vertexRef();
                final Link edge;
                try {
                    target = graph.addVertex(vref).init(tp, pos, radius);
                    if (forward)
                        edge = graph.addEdge(source, target, eref).init();
                        edge = graph.addEdge(target, source, eref).init();
                } finally {
                final double cost = motionModel.costTo(target);
                final double quality = candidate.quality;
      " - Linking spot %s at t=%d to spot %s at t=%d with linking cost %.1f.", source.getLabel(), source.getTimepoint(), target.getLabel(), target.getTimepoint(), cost));
                linkCostFeature.set(edge, cost);
                qualityFeature.set(target, quality);
                // Update tracker with the new target.
                // Deselect source spot.
                if (null != selectionModel)
                    selectionModel.setSelected(source, false);
                // Select, focus and navigate to new spot.
                if (null != navigationHandler)
                if (null != selectionModel)
                    selectionModel.setSelected(target, true);
                if (null != focusModel)
            } else {
					 * Could not find an existing spot and cannot create new
					 * one. We have to stop.
      " - No spot to link to. Stopping semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
                continue INPUT;
        }" - Finished semi-automatic tracking for spot " + first.getLabel() + ".");
		 * Return.
    ok = true;
Also used : RealLocalizable(net.imglib2.RealLocalizable) DetectorOp(org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectorOp) DoGDetectorOp(org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DoGDetectorOp) Spot(org.mastodon.mamut.model.Spot) RandomMotionModel(org.mastodon.tracking.linking.motionmodel.RandomMotionModel) MotionModel(org.mastodon.tracking.linking.motionmodel.MotionModel) DetectionCreatorFactory(org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectionCreatorFactory) LinkCostFeature(org.mastodon.tracking.mamut.linking.LinkCostFeature) SourceAndConverter(bdv.viewer.SourceAndConverter) Round(net.imglib2.position.transform.Round) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AffineTransform3D(net.imglib2.realtransform.AffineTransform3D) Point(net.imglib2.Point) RealPoint(net.imglib2.RealPoint) Point(net.imglib2.Point) RealPoint(net.imglib2.RealPoint) ModelGraph(org.mastodon.mamut.model.ModelGraph) DetectionQualityFeature(org.mastodon.tracking.mamut.detection.DetectionQualityFeature) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) Map(java.util.Map) Link(org.mastodon.mamut.model.Link)

Example 2 with DetectionCreatorFactory

use of org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectionCreatorFactory in project mastodon-tracking by mastodon-sc.

the class AbstractSpotDetectorOp method exec.

protected void exec(final List<SourceAndConverter<?>> sources, final ModelGraph graph, final Class<? extends DetectorOp> cl) {
    ok = false;
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (null == qualityFeature)
        qualityFeature = new DetectionQualityFeature(graph.vertices().getRefPool());
		 * Resolve add detection behavior.
    final DetectionCreatorFactory detectionCreator;
    if (null == sti) {
        detectionCreator = MamutDetectionCreatorFactories.getAddDetectionCreatorFactory(graph, qualityFeature);
    } else {
        DetectionBehavior detectionBehavior = DetectionBehavior.ADD;
        final String addBehavior = (String) settings.get(KEY_ADD_BEHAVIOR);
        if (null != addBehavior) {
            try {
                detectionBehavior = MamutDetectionCreatorFactories.DetectionBehavior.valueOf(addBehavior);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        detectionCreator = detectionBehavior.getFactory(graph, qualityFeature, sti);
    this.detector = (DetectorOp) Inplaces.binary1(ops(), cl, detectionCreator, sources, settings);
    try {
        detector.mutate1(detectionCreator, sources);
        ok = detector.isSuccessful();
        if (!ok)
            errorMessage = detector.getErrorMessage();
    } catch (final OutOfMemoryError oome) {
        errorMessage = "Not enough memory to process the image.";
        ok = false;
    } finally {
        final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        processingTime = end - start;
        this.detector = null;
Also used : DetectionCreatorFactory(org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectionCreatorFactory) DetectionBehavior(org.mastodon.tracking.mamut.detection.MamutDetectionCreatorFactories.DetectionBehavior)


DetectionCreatorFactory (org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectionCreatorFactory)2 SourceAndConverter (bdv.viewer.SourceAndConverter)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 FinalInterval (net.imglib2.FinalInterval)1 Point (net.imglib2.Point)1 RealLocalizable (net.imglib2.RealLocalizable)1 RealPoint (net.imglib2.RealPoint)1 Round (net.imglib2.position.transform.Round)1 AffineTransform3D (net.imglib2.realtransform.AffineTransform3D)1 Link (org.mastodon.mamut.model.Link)1 ModelGraph (org.mastodon.mamut.model.ModelGraph)1 Spot (org.mastodon.mamut.model.Spot)1 DetectorOp (org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DetectorOp)1 DoGDetectorOp (org.mastodon.tracking.detection.DoGDetectorOp)1 MotionModel (org.mastodon.tracking.linking.motionmodel.MotionModel)1 RandomMotionModel (org.mastodon.tracking.linking.motionmodel.RandomMotionModel)1 DetectionQualityFeature (org.mastodon.tracking.mamut.detection.DetectionQualityFeature)1 DetectionBehavior (org.mastodon.tracking.mamut.detection.MamutDetectionCreatorFactories.DetectionBehavior)1