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Example 16 with MetaborgRuntimeException

use of org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class LanguageComponent method facet.

public <T extends IFacet> T facet(Class<T> type) {
    // GTODO: code duplication with LanguageComponent, use default interface implementation in Java 8.
    final Iterable<T> facets = facets(type);
    final int size = Iterables.size(facets);
    if (size == 0) {
        return null;
    } else if (size > 1) {
        throw new MetaborgRuntimeException("Multiple facets of type " + type + " found, while only a single facet is supported");
    return Iterables.get(facets, 0);
Also used : MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException)

Example 17 with MetaborgRuntimeException

use of org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class LanguageComponent method facetContribution.

public <T extends IFacet> FacetContribution<T> facetContribution(Class<T> type) {
    // GTODO: code duplication with LanguageComponent, use default interface implementation in Java 8.
    final Iterable<FacetContribution<T>> facetContributions = facetContributions(type);
    final int size = Iterables.size(facetContributions);
    if (size == 0) {
        return null;
    } else if (size > 1) {
        throw new MetaborgRuntimeException("Multiple facets of type " + type + " found, while only a single facet is supported");
    return Iterables.get(facetContributions, 0);
Also used : MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException)

Example 18 with MetaborgRuntimeException

use of org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class LanguageImplementation method facetContribution.

public <T extends IFacet> FacetContribution<T> facetContribution(Class<T> type) {
    // GTODO: code duplication with LanguageComponent, use default interface implementation in Java 8.
    final Iterable<FacetContribution<T>> facetContributions = facetContributions(type);
    final int size = Iterables.size(facetContributions);
    if (size == 0) {
        return null;
    } else if (size > 1) {
        throw new MetaborgRuntimeException("Multiple facets of type " + type + " found, while only a single facet is supported");
    return Iterables.get(facetContributions, 0);
Also used : MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException)

Example 19 with MetaborgRuntimeException

use of org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class LanguageImplementation method facet.

public <T extends IFacet> T facet(Class<T> type) {
    // GTODO: code duplication with LanguageComponent, use default interface implementation in Java 8.
    final Iterable<T> facets = facets(type);
    final int size = Iterables.size(facets);
    if (size == 0) {
        return null;
    } else if (size > 1) {
        throw new MetaborgRuntimeException("Multiple facets of type " + type + " found, while only a single facet is supported");
    return Iterables.get(facets, 0);
Also used : MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException)

Example 20 with MetaborgRuntimeException

use of org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class AnalysisResultProcessor method request.

public Observable<A> request(final I input, final IContext context) {
    if (input.detached()) {
        throw new MetaborgRuntimeException("Cannot request updates for detached (no source) units");
    final FileObject resource = input.source();
    return Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<A>() {

        public void call(Subscriber<? super A> observer) {
            if (observer.isUnsubscribed()) {
                logger.trace("Unsubscribed from analysis result request for {}", resource);
            final BehaviorSubject<AnalysisChange<A>> updates = getUpdates(input, context);
            final AnalysisChange<A> update = updates.toBlocking().first(new Func1<AnalysisChange<A>, Boolean>() {

                public Boolean call(AnalysisChange<A> updateToFilter) {
                    final UpdateKind kind = updateToFilter.kind;
                    return kind != UpdateKind.Invalidate;
            if (observer.isUnsubscribed()) {
                logger.trace("Unsubscribed from analysis result request for {}", resource);
            switch(update.kind) {
                case Update:
                    logger.trace("Returning cached analysis result for {}", resource);
                case Error:
                    logger.trace("Returning analysis error for {}", resource);
                case Remove:
                        final String message = String.format("Analysis result for %s was removed unexpectedly", resource);
                        observer.onError(new AnalysisException(context, message));
                        final String message = String.format("Unexpected analysis update kind %s for %s", update.kind, resource);
                        observer.onError(new MetaborgRuntimeException(message));
Also used : MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException) BehaviorSubject(rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject) UpdateKind( AnalysisException(org.metaborg.core.analysis.AnalysisException) FileObject(org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject) Func1(rx.functions.Func1)


MetaborgRuntimeException (org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException)26 FileObject (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject)16 ILanguageImpl (org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl)9 MetaborgException (org.metaborg.core.MetaborgException)7 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)6 IStrategoTerm (org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm)6 FileSystemException (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException)4 IContext (org.metaborg.core.context.IContext)4 ILanguageComponent (org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageComponent)4 IStrategoString (org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoString)4 File ( IOException ( ContextException (org.metaborg.core.context.ContextException)3 ILanguage (org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage)3 IdentifiedDialect (org.metaborg.core.language.dialect.IdentifiedDialect)3 IMessage (org.metaborg.core.messages.IMessage)3 IProject (org.metaborg.core.project.IProject)3 ISpoofaxParseUnit (org.metaborg.spoofax.core.unit.ISpoofaxParseUnit)3 FileName (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileName)2 LocalFile (org.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.local.LocalFile)2