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Example 1 with ILanguage

use of org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class DialectIdentifier method identify.

public IdentifiedDialect identify(FileObject resource) throws MetaborgException {
    final ILanguage strategoLanguage = languageService.getLanguage(SpoofaxConstants.LANG_STRATEGO_NAME);
    if (strategoLanguage == null) {
        final String message = logger.format("Could not find Stratego language, Stratego dialects cannot be identified for resource: {}", resource);
        throw new MetaborgRuntimeException(message);
    // GTODO: use identifier service instead, but that introduces a cyclic dependency. Could use a provider.
    final ILanguageImpl strategoImpl = strategoLanguage.activeImpl();
    if (strategoImpl == null) {
        return null;
    // HACK: assuming single identification facet
    final IdentificationFacet facet = strategoImpl.facet(IdentificationFacet.class);
    if (facet == null || !facet.identify(resource)) {
        return null;
    try {
        final FileObject metaResource = metaResource(resource);
        if (metaResource == null) {
            return null;
        final TermReader termReader = new TermReader(termFactoryService.getGeneric());
        final IStrategoTerm term = termReader.parseFromStream(metaResource.getContent().getInputStream());
        final String name = getSyntaxName(term.getSubterm(0));
        if (name == null) {
            return null;
        final ILanguageImpl dialect = dialectService.getDialect(name);
        if (dialect == null) {
            final String message = String.format("Resource %s requires dialect %s, but that dialect does not exist", resource, name);
            throw new MetaborgException(message);
        final ILanguageImpl base = dialectService.getBase(dialect);
        return new IdentifiedDialect(dialect, base);
    } catch (ParseError | IOException e) {
        throw new MetaborgException("Unable to open or parse .meta file", e);
Also used : MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException) IStrategoTerm(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm) IdentificationFacet(org.metaborg.core.language.IdentificationFacet) MetaborgException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgException) IOException( ILanguage(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage) ILanguageImpl(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl) ParseError(org.spoofax.terms.ParseError) FileObject(org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject) IdentifiedDialect(org.metaborg.core.language.dialect.IdentifiedDialect) TermReader(

Example 2 with ILanguage

use of org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class DialectProcessor method update.

public void update(FileObject location, Iterable<ResourceChange> changes) {
    final int numChanges = Iterables.size(changes);
    if (numChanges == 0) {
    final ILanguage strategoLanguage = languageService.getLanguage(SpoofaxConstants.LANG_STRATEGO_NAME);
    if (strategoLanguage == null) {
        logger.debug("Could not find Stratego language, Stratego dialects cannot be updated");
    final ILanguageImpl strategoImpl = strategoLanguage.activeImpl();
    if (strategoImpl == null) {
        logger.debug("Could not find active Stratego language implementation, " + "Stratego dialects cannot be updated");
    logger.debug("Processing dialect updates for {}", location);
    // HACK: assuming single syntax facet
    final SyntaxFacet baseFacet = strategoImpl.facet(SyntaxFacet.class);
    if (baseFacet == null) {
        logger.debug("Active Stratego language implementation has no syntax facet, " + "Stratego dialects cannot be updated");
    for (ResourceChange change : changes) {
        final FileObject resource = change.resource;
        try {
            if (!FileSelectorUtils.include(selector, resource, location)) {
        } catch (FileSystemException e) {
        final String fileName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(resource.getName().getBaseName());
        final SyntaxFacet newFacet = new SyntaxFacet(resource, baseFacet.completionParseTable, baseFacet.startSymbols, baseFacet.singleLineCommentPrefixes, baseFacet.multiLineCommentCharacters, baseFacet.fenceCharacters);
        final ResourceChangeKind changeKind = change.kind;
        try {
            switch(changeKind) {
                case Create:
                    add(fileName, resource, strategoImpl, newFacet);
                case Delete:
                    remove(fileName, resource);
                case Modify:
                    update(fileName, resource, newFacet);
                case Rename:
                    if (change.from != null) {
                        remove(fileName, resource);
                    if ( != null) {
                        add(fileName, resource, strategoImpl, newFacet);
                case Copy:
                    if ( != null) {
                        add(fileName, resource, strategoImpl, newFacet);
                    logger.error("Unhandled resource change kind {}", changeKind);
        } catch (MetaborgRuntimeException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to update dialect", e);
Also used : ILanguage(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage) MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException) SyntaxFacet(org.metaborg.spoofax.core.syntax.SyntaxFacet) FileSystemException(org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException) ILanguageImpl(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl) ResourceChangeKind(org.metaborg.core.resource.ResourceChangeKind) FileObject(org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject) ResourceChange(org.metaborg.core.resource.ResourceChange)

Example 3 with ILanguage

use of org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class LanguageIncludeFilesPrimitive method call.

protected IStrategoTerm call(IStrategoTerm current, Strategy[] svars, IStrategoTerm[] tvars, ITermFactory factory, IContext context) throws MetaborgException {
    if (!Tools.isTermString(tvars[0])) {
        return null;
    final IProject project = projectService.get(context.location());
    if (project == null) {
        return factory.makeList();
    // GTODO: require language identifier instead of language name
    final String languageName = Tools.asJavaString(tvars[0]);
    final ILanguage language = languageService.getLanguage(languageName);
    if (language == null) {
        final String message = String.format("Getting include files for %s failed, language could not be found", languageName);
        throw new MetaborgException(message);
    final ILanguageImpl impl = language.activeImpl();
    if (impl == null) {
        final String message = String.format("Getting include files for %s failed, no active language implementation could be found", languageName);
        throw new MetaborgException(message);
    final Iterable<IdentifiedResource> includeFiles = languagePathService.includeFiles(project, impl);
    final List<IStrategoTerm> terms = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (IdentifiedResource includeFile : includeFiles) {
    return factory.makeList(terms);
Also used : ILanguage(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage) IStrategoTerm(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm) ILanguageImpl(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl) MetaborgException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgException) IdentifiedResource(org.metaborg.core.language.IdentifiedResource) IProject(org.metaborg.core.project.IProject)

Example 4 with ILanguage

use of org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class ParsePrimitive method call.

protected IStrategoTerm call(IStrategoTerm current, Strategy[] svars, IStrategoTerm[] tvars, ITermFactory factory, org.spoofax.interpreter.core.IContext strategoContext) throws MetaborgException, IOException {
    // Determine what to parse.
    if (!(current instanceof IStrategoString)) {
        throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, input string or file " + current + " is not a string");
    final String stringOrFile = ((IStrategoString) current).stringValue();
    final String text;
    @Nullable final FileObject file;
    final IStrategoTerm isFileTerm = tvars[0];
    if (!(isFileTerm instanceof IStrategoInt)) {
        throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, input kind " + isFileTerm + " is not an integer");
    if (((IStrategoInt) isFileTerm).intValue() == 1) {
        file = resourceService.resolve(stringOrFile);
        if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, input file " + file + " does not exist or is not a file");
        text = sourceTextService.text(file);
    } else {
        file = null;
        text = stringOrFile;
    // Determine which language to parse it with.
    final ILanguageImpl langImpl;
    final IStrategoTerm nameOrGroupIdTerm = tvars[1];
    final IStrategoTerm idTerm = tvars[2];
    final IStrategoTerm versionTerm = tvars[3];
    if (nameOrGroupIdTerm instanceof IStrategoTuple) {
        // No name, groupId, id, and version was set, auto detect language to parse with.
        if (file == null) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse a string, no language to parse it with was given");
        final IContext context = metaborgContext(strategoContext);
        if (context != null) {
            langImpl = languageIdentifierService.identify(file, context.project());
        } else {
            langImpl = languageIdentifierService.identify(file);
        if (langImpl == null) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language for " + file + " could not be identified");
    } else if (idTerm instanceof IStrategoTuple) {
        // No id was set, name is set.
        if (!(nameOrGroupIdTerm instanceof IStrategoString)) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language name " + nameOrGroupIdTerm + " is not a string");
        final String name = ((IStrategoString) nameOrGroupIdTerm).stringValue();
        final ILanguage lang = languageService.getLanguage(name);
        if (lang == null) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language " + nameOrGroupIdTerm + " does not exist");
        langImpl = lang.activeImpl();
        if (langImpl == null) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language " + lang + " has no implementation loaded");
    } else {
        // A groupId, id, and version is set.
        if (!(nameOrGroupIdTerm instanceof IStrategoString)) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language groupId " + nameOrGroupIdTerm + " is not a string");
        final String groupId = ((IStrategoString) nameOrGroupIdTerm).stringValue();
        if (!(idTerm instanceof IStrategoString)) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language id " + idTerm + " is not a string");
        final String id = ((IStrategoString) idTerm).stringValue();
        if (!(versionTerm instanceof IStrategoString)) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language version " + versionTerm + " is not a string");
        final String versionStr = ((IStrategoString) versionTerm).stringValue();
        final LanguageVersion version = LanguageVersion.parse(versionStr);
        final LanguageIdentifier langId = new LanguageIdentifier(groupId, id, version);
        langImpl = languageService.getImpl(langId);
        if (langImpl == null) {
            throw new MetaborgException("Cannot parse, language implementation " + langId + " does not exist");
    // Parse the text.
    final ISpoofaxInputUnit input;
    if (file != null) {
        @Nullable ILanguageImpl dialect;
        try {
            final IdentifiedDialect identifierDialect = dialectIdentifier.identify(file);
            if (identifierDialect != null) {
                dialect = identifierDialect.dialect;
            } else {
                dialect = null;
        } catch (MetaborgException | MetaborgRuntimeException e) {
            // Ignore
            dialect = null;
        input = unitService.inputUnit(file, text, langImpl, dialect);
    } else {
        input = unitService.inputUnit(text, langImpl, null);
    final ISpoofaxParseUnit result = syntaxService.parse(input);
    if (result.valid() && result.success()) {
        return result.ast();
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : ISpoofaxParseUnit(org.metaborg.spoofax.core.unit.ISpoofaxParseUnit) MetaborgRuntimeException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException) IStrategoTerm(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm) IContext(org.metaborg.core.context.IContext) MetaborgException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgException) IStrategoString(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoString) IStrategoTuple(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTuple) IStrategoString(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoString) IStrategoInt(org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoInt) ILanguage(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage) LanguageIdentifier(org.metaborg.core.language.LanguageIdentifier) ILanguageImpl(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl) ISpoofaxInputUnit(org.metaborg.spoofax.core.unit.ISpoofaxInputUnit) LanguageVersion(org.metaborg.core.language.LanguageVersion) FileObject(org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject) IdentifiedDialect(org.metaborg.core.language.dialect.IdentifiedDialect) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 5 with ILanguage

use of org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage in project spoofax by metaborg.

the class CLIUtils method getLanguage.

 * Get a already loaded language by language name
public ILanguageImpl getLanguage(String languageName) throws MetaborgException {
    final ILanguage lang = spoofax.languageService.getLanguage(languageName);
    if (lang == null) {
        throw new MetaborgException("Cannot find language " + languageName);
    final ILanguageImpl langImpl = lang.activeImpl();
    if (langImpl == null) {
        throw new MetaborgException("Language " + languageName + " has no active implementation");
    return langImpl;
Also used : ILanguage(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage) ILanguageImpl(org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl) MetaborgException(org.metaborg.core.MetaborgException)


ILanguage (org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguage)14 ILanguageImpl (org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageImpl)14 FileObject (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject)10 Test (org.junit.Test)7 ILanguageComponent (org.metaborg.core.language.ILanguageComponent)7 LanguageVersion (org.metaborg.core.language.LanguageVersion)7 MetaborgException (org.metaborg.core.MetaborgException)6 LanguageIdentifier (org.metaborg.core.language.LanguageIdentifier)6 MetaborgTest (org.metaborg.core.test.MetaborgTest)6 IStrategoTerm (org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm)4 MetaborgRuntimeException (org.metaborg.core.MetaborgRuntimeException)3 IProject (org.metaborg.core.project.IProject)3 IContext (org.metaborg.core.context.IContext)2 IdentificationFacet (org.metaborg.core.language.IdentificationFacet)2 IdentifiedResource (org.metaborg.core.language.IdentifiedResource)2 IdentifiedDialect (org.metaborg.core.language.dialect.IdentifiedDialect)2 SyntaxFacet (org.metaborg.spoofax.core.syntax.SyntaxFacet)2 IOException ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1 FileSystemException (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException)1