use of org.nd4j.linalg.activations.IActivation in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ConvolutionLayer method activate.
public INDArray activate(boolean training) {
if (input == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No null input allowed");
INDArray z = preOutput(training);
//String afn = conf.getLayer().getActivationFunction();
IActivation afn = conf.getLayer().getActivationFn();
if (helper != null && Nd4j.dataType() != DataBuffer.Type.HALF) {
INDArray ret = helper.activate(z, conf.getLayer().getActivationFn());
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
INDArray activation = afn.getActivation(z, training);
return activation;
use of org.nd4j.linalg.activations.IActivation in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.
the class ConvolutionLayer method backpropGradient.
public Pair<Gradient, INDArray> backpropGradient(INDArray epsilon) {
INDArray weights = getParam(ConvolutionParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY);
int miniBatch = input.size(0);
int inH = input.size(2);
int inW = input.size(3);
int outDepth = weights.size(0);
int inDepth = weights.size(1);
int kH = weights.size(2);
int kW = weights.size(3);
int[] kernel = layerConf().getKernelSize();
int[] strides = layerConf().getStride();
int[] pad;
int[] outSize;
if (convolutionMode == ConvolutionMode.Same) {
//Also performs validation
outSize = ConvolutionUtils.getOutputSize(input, kernel, strides, null, convolutionMode);
pad = ConvolutionUtils.getSameModeTopLeftPadding(outSize, new int[] { inH, inW }, kernel, strides);
} else {
pad = layerConf().getPadding();
//Also performs validation
outSize = ConvolutionUtils.getOutputSize(input, kernel, strides, pad, convolutionMode);
int outH = outSize[0];
int outW = outSize[1];
INDArray biasGradView = gradientViews.get(ConvolutionParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY);
//4d, c order. Shape: [outDepth,inDepth,kH,kW]
INDArray weightGradView = gradientViews.get(ConvolutionParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY);
INDArray weightGradView2df = Shape.newShapeNoCopy(weightGradView, new int[] { outDepth, inDepth * kH * kW }, false).transpose();
INDArray delta;
IActivation afn = conf.getLayer().getActivationFn();
//TODO handle activation function params
delta = conf().getLayer().getActivationFn().backprop(preOutput4d(true), epsilon).getFirst();
if (helper != null && Nd4j.dataType() != DataBuffer.Type.HALF) {
Pair<Gradient, INDArray> ret = helper.backpropGradient(input, weights, delta, kernel, strides, pad, biasGradView, weightGradView, afn, layerConf().getCudnnAlgoMode(), convolutionMode);
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
//To shape: [outDepth,miniBatch,outH,outW]
delta = delta.permute(1, 0, 2, 3);
//Note: due to the permute in preOut, and the fact that we essentially do a preOut.muli(epsilon), this reshape
// should be zero-copy; only possible exception being sometimes with the "identity" activation case
//Shape.newShapeNoCopy(delta,new int[]{outDepth,miniBatch*outH*outW},false);
INDArray delta2d = delta.reshape('c', new int[] { outDepth, miniBatch * outH * outW });
//Do im2col, but with order [miniB,outH,outW,depthIn,kH,kW]; but need to input [miniBatch,depth,kH,kW,outH,outW] given the current im2col implementation
//To get this: create an array of the order we want, permute it to the order required by im2col implementation, and then do im2col on that
//to get old order from required order: permute(0,3,4,5,1,2)
INDArray col = Nd4j.createUninitialized(new int[] { miniBatch, outH, outW, inDepth, kH, kW }, 'c');
INDArray col2 = col.permute(0, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2);
Convolution.im2col(input, kH, kW, strides[0], strides[1], pad[0], pad[1], convolutionMode == ConvolutionMode.Same, col2);
//Shape im2col to 2d. Due to the permuting above, this should be a zero-copy reshape
INDArray im2col2d = col.reshape('c', miniBatch * outH * outW, inDepth * kH * kW);
//Calculate weight gradients, using cc->c mmul.
//weightGradView2df is f order, but this is because it's transposed from c order
//Here, we are using the fact that AB = (B^T A^T)^T; output here (post transpose) is in c order, not usual f order
Nd4j.gemm(im2col2d, delta2d, weightGradView2df, true, true, 1.0, 0.0);
//Flatten 4d weights to 2d... this again is a zero-copy op (unless weights are not originally in c order for some reason)
//Start with c order weights, switch order to f order
INDArray wPermuted = weights.permute(3, 2, 1, 0);
INDArray w2d = wPermuted.reshape('f', inDepth * kH * kW, outDepth);
//Calculate epsilons for layer below, in 2d format (note: this is in 'image patch' format before col2im reduction)
//Note: cc -> f mmul here, then reshape to 6d in f order
INDArray epsNext2d = w2d.mmul(delta2d);
INDArray eps6d = Shape.newShapeNoCopy(epsNext2d, new int[] { kW, kH, inDepth, outW, outH, miniBatch }, true);
//Calculate epsilonNext by doing im2col reduction.
//Current col2im implementation expects input with order: [miniBatch,depth,kH,kW,outH,outW]
//currently have [kH,kW,inDepth,outW,outH,miniBatch] -> permute first
eps6d = eps6d.permute(5, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3);
INDArray epsNextOrig = Nd4j.create(new int[] { inDepth, miniBatch, inH, inW }, 'c');
//Note: we are execute col2im in a way that the output array should be used in a stride 1 muli in the layer below... (same strides as zs/activations)
INDArray epsNext = epsNextOrig.permute(1, 0, 2, 3);
Convolution.col2im(eps6d, epsNext, strides[0], strides[1], pad[0], pad[1], inH, inW);
Gradient retGradient = new DefaultGradient();
INDArray biasGradTemp = delta2d.sum(1);
//TODO do this properly, without the assign
retGradient.setGradientFor(ConvolutionParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY, biasGradView);
retGradient.setGradientFor(ConvolutionParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY, weightGradView, 'c');
return new Pair<>(retGradient, epsNext);