use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.outcome.ShipCommand in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class LeaderTest method leaderShouldRespondToSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingFollowerWithJustWhatItsMissing.
public void leaderShouldRespondToSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingFollowerWithJustWhatItsMissing() throws Exception {
// given
* A leader who
* - has an append index of 100
* - knows about instance 2
* - assumes that instance 2 is at an index less than 100 -say 50
Leader leader = new Leader();
MemberId instance2 = member(2);
FollowerState instance2State = createArtificialFollowerState(50);
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
FollowerStates<MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates<>();
followerState = new FollowerStates<>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);
ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(ReadableRaftLog.class);
// with commit requests in this test
// both leader and follower are in the same term
// when that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is still
// missing things
RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response response = appendEntriesResponse().success().matchIndex(89).term(231).from(instance2).build();
Outcome outcome = leader.handle(response, state, mock(Log.class));
// then
int matchCount = 0;
for (ShipCommand shipCommand : outcome.getShipCommands()) {
if (shipCommand instanceof ShipCommand.Match) {
assertThat(matchCount, greaterThan(0));
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.outcome.ShipCommand in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class LeaderTest method leaderShouldDecideToAppendToItsLogAndSendAppendEntriesMessageOnReceiptOfClientProposal.
public void leaderShouldDecideToAppendToItsLogAndSendAppendEntriesMessageOnReceiptOfClientProposal() throws Exception {
// given
RaftState state = raftState().votingMembers(asSet(myself, member1, member2)).build();
Leader leader = new Leader();
RaftMessages.NewEntry.Request newEntryRequest = new RaftMessages.NewEntry.Request(member(9), CONTENT);
// when
Outcome outcome = leader.handle(newEntryRequest, state, log());
//state.update( outcome );
// then
AppendLogEntry logCommand = (AppendLogEntry) single(outcome.getLogCommands());
assertEquals(0, logCommand.index);
assertEquals(0, logCommand.entry.term());
ShipCommand.NewEntries shipCommand = (ShipCommand.NewEntries) single(outcome.getShipCommands());
assertEquals(shipCommand, new ShipCommand.NewEntries(-1, -1, new RaftLogEntry[] { new RaftLogEntry(0, CONTENT) }));
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.outcome.ShipCommand in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class LeaderTest method leaderShouldHandleBatch.
public void leaderShouldHandleBatch() throws Exception {
// given
RaftState state = raftState().votingMembers(asSet(myself, member1, member2)).build();
Leader leader = new Leader();
int BATCH_SIZE = 3;
RaftMessages.NewEntry.BatchRequest batchRequest = new RaftMessages.NewEntry.BatchRequest(BATCH_SIZE);
// when
Outcome outcome = leader.handle(batchRequest, state, log());
// then
BatchAppendLogEntries logCommand = (BatchAppendLogEntries) single(outcome.getLogCommands());
assertEquals(0, logCommand.baseIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < BATCH_SIZE; i++) {
assertEquals(0, logCommand.entries[i].term());
assertEquals(i, ((ReplicatedInteger) logCommand.entries[i].content()).get());
ShipCommand.NewEntries shipCommand = (ShipCommand.NewEntries) single(outcome.getShipCommands());
assertEquals(shipCommand, new ShipCommand.NewEntries(-1, -1, new RaftLogEntry[] { new RaftLogEntry(0, valueOf(0)), new RaftLogEntry(0, valueOf(1)), new RaftLogEntry(0, valueOf(2)) }));
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.outcome.ShipCommand in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class LeaderTest method leaderShouldSpawnMismatchCommandOnFailure.
// TODO: rethink this test, it does too much
public void leaderShouldSpawnMismatchCommandOnFailure() throws Exception {
// given
* A leader who
* - has an append index of 100
* - knows about instance 2
* - assumes that instance 2 is fully caught up
Leader leader = new Leader();
MemberId instance2 = member(2);
FollowerState instance2State = createArtificialFollowerState(100);
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
FollowerStates<MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates<>();
followerState = new FollowerStates<>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);
RaftLog log = new InMemoryRaftLog();
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
log.append(new RaftLogEntry(0, valueOf(i)));
// both leader and follower are in the same term
// when
// that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is still missing
// things
RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response response = appendEntriesResponse().failure().appendIndex(0).matchIndex(-1).term(4).from(instance2).build();
Outcome outcome = leader.handle(response, state, mock(Log.class));
// then
int mismatchCount = 0;
for (ShipCommand shipCommand : outcome.getShipCommands()) {
if (shipCommand instanceof ShipCommand.Mismatch) {
assertThat(mismatchCount, greaterThan(0));