use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.state.ReadableRaftState in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class AppendingTest method shouldNotAllowTruncationAtCommit.
public void shouldNotAllowTruncationAtCommit() throws Exception {
// given
long commitIndex = 5;
long localTermForAllEntries = 1L;
Outcome outcome = mock(Outcome.class);
ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(ReadableRaftLog.class);
// for simplicity, all entries are at term 1
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
// when - then
try {
Appending.handleAppendEntriesRequest(state, outcome, new RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request(aMember, localTermForAllEntries, commitIndex - 1, localTermForAllEntries, new RaftLogEntry[] { new RaftLogEntry(localTermForAllEntries + 1, ReplicatedInteger.valueOf(2)) }, commitIndex + 3), NullLog.getInstance());
fail("Appending should not allow truncation at or before the commit index");
} catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
// ok
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.state.ReadableRaftState in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class AppendingTest method shouldPerformTruncation.
public void shouldPerformTruncation() throws Exception {
// when
// we have a log appended up to appendIndex, and committed somewhere before that
long appendIndex = 5;
long localTermForAllEntries = 1L;
Outcome outcome = mock(Outcome.class);
ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(ReadableRaftLog.class);
// for simplicity, all entries are at term 1
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
when(state.commitIndex()).thenReturn(appendIndex - 3);
// when
// the leader asks to append after the commit index an entry that mismatches on term
Appending.handleAppendEntriesRequest(state, outcome, new RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request(aMember, localTermForAllEntries, appendIndex - 2, localTermForAllEntries, new RaftLogEntry[] { new RaftLogEntry(localTermForAllEntries + 1, ReplicatedInteger.valueOf(2)) }, appendIndex + 3), NullLog.getInstance());
// then
// we must produce a TruncateLogCommand at the earliest mismatching index
verify(outcome, times(1)).addLogCommand(argThat(new LogCommandMatcher(appendIndex - 1)));
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.state.ReadableRaftState in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class AppendingTest method shouldNotAllowTruncationBeforeCommit.
public void shouldNotAllowTruncationBeforeCommit() throws Exception {
// given
long commitIndex = 5;
long localTermForAllEntries = 1L;
Outcome outcome = mock(Outcome.class);
ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(ReadableRaftLog.class);
// for simplicity, all entries are at term 1
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
// when - then
try {
Appending.handleAppendEntriesRequest(state, outcome, new RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request(aMember, localTermForAllEntries, commitIndex - 2, localTermForAllEntries, new RaftLogEntry[] { new RaftLogEntry(localTermForAllEntries + 1, ReplicatedInteger.valueOf(2)) }, commitIndex + 3), NullLog.getInstance());
fail("Appending should not allow truncation at or before the commit index");
} catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
// fine
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.state.ReadableRaftState in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class AppendingTest method shouldNotAttemptToTruncateAtIndexBeforeTheLogPrevIndex.
public void shouldNotAttemptToTruncateAtIndexBeforeTheLogPrevIndex() throws Exception {
// given
// a log with prevIndex and prevTerm set
ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(ReadableRaftLog.class);
long prevIndex = 5;
long prevTerm = 5;
// and which also properly returns -1 as the term for an unknown entry, in this case prevIndex - 2
when(logMock.readEntryTerm(prevIndex - 2)).thenReturn(-1L);
// also, a state with a given commitIndex, obviously ahead of prevIndex
long commitIndex = 10;
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
// which is also the append index
// when
// an appendEntriesRequest arrives for appending entries before the prevIndex (for whatever reason)
Outcome outcome = mock(Outcome.class);
Appending.handleAppendEntriesRequest(state, outcome, new RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request(aMember, prevTerm, prevIndex - 2, prevTerm, new RaftLogEntry[] { new RaftLogEntry(prevTerm, ReplicatedInteger.valueOf(2)) }, commitIndex + 3), NullLog.getInstance());
// then
// there should be no truncate commands. Actually, the whole thing should be a no op
verify(outcome, times(0)).addLogCommand(any());
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.state.ReadableRaftState in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class LeaderTest method leaderShouldIgnoreSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingWhileLocalStateIndicatesFollowerIsCaughtUp.
public void leaderShouldIgnoreSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingWhileLocalStateIndicatesFollowerIsCaughtUp() throws Exception {
// given
* A leader who
* - has an append index of 100
* - knows about instance 2
* - assumes that instance 2 is fully caught up
Leader leader = new Leader();
MemberId instance2 = member(2);
int j = 100;
FollowerState instance2State = createArtificialFollowerState(j);
ReadableRaftState state = mock(ReadableRaftState.class);
FollowerStates<MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates<>();
followerState = new FollowerStates<>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);
ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(ReadableRaftLog.class);
// with commit requests in this test
// both leader and follower are in the same term
// when that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is still
// missing things
RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response response = appendEntriesResponse().success().matchIndex(80).term(4).from(instance2).build();
Outcome outcome = leader.handle(response, state, mock(Log.class));
// then the leader should not send anything, since this is a delayed, out of order response to a previous append
// request
// The follower state should not be touched
FollowerStates<MemberId> updatedFollowerStates = outcome.getFollowerStates();
assertEquals(100, updatedFollowerStates.get(instance2).getMatchIndex());