use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseAssessmentWebService method getRootResult.
private AssessableResultsVO getRootResult(Identity identity, ICourse course, CourseNode courseNode) {
AssessableResultsVO results = new AssessableResultsVO();
// create an identenv with no roles, no attributes, no locale
IdentityEnvironment ienv = new IdentityEnvironment();
UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnvironment = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(ienv, course.getCourseEnvironment());
// Fetch all score and passed and calculate score accounting for the entire course
ScoreAccounting scoreAccounting = userCourseEnvironment.getScoreAccounting();
if (courseNode instanceof AssessableCourseNode) {
AssessableCourseNode assessableRootNode = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode;
ScoreEvaluation scoreEval = scoreAccounting.evalCourseNode(assessableRootNode);
results.setLastModifiedDate(getLastModificationDate(identity, course, courseNode));
return results;
use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseAssessmentWebService method importTestItems.
private void importTestItems(ICourse course, String nodeKey, Identity identity, AssessableResultsVO resultsVO) {
try {
IQManager iqManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(IQManager.class);
// load the course and the course node
CourseNode courseNode = getParentNode(course, nodeKey);
ModuleConfiguration modConfig = courseNode.getModuleConfiguration();
// check if the result set is already saved
QTIResultSet set = iqManager.getLastResultSet(identity, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent());
if (set == null) {
String resourcePathInfo = course.getResourceableId() + File.separator + courseNode.getIdent();
// The use of these classes AssessmentInstance, AssessmentContext and
// Navigator
// allow the use of the persistence mechanism of OLAT without
// duplicating the code.
// The consequence is that we must loop on section and items and set the
// navigator on
// the right position before submitting the inputs.
AssessmentInstance ai = AssessmentFactory.createAssessmentInstance(identity, "", modConfig, false, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent(), resourcePathInfo, null);
Navigator navigator = ai.getNavigator();
// The type of the navigator depends on the setting of the course node
boolean perItem = (navigator instanceof MenuItemNavigator);
Map<String, ItemInput> datas = convertToHttpItemInput(resultsVO.getResults());
AssessmentContext ac = ai.getAssessmentContext();
int sectioncnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
// loop on the sections
for (int i = 0; i < sectioncnt; i++) {
SectionContext sc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
ItemsInput iips = new ItemsInput();
int itemcnt = sc.getItemContextCount();
// loop on the items
for (int j = 0; j < itemcnt; j++) {
ItemContext it = sc.getItemContext(j);
if (datas.containsKey(it.getIdent())) {
if (perItem) {
// save the datas on a per item base
navigator.goToItem(i, j);
// the navigator can give informations on its current status
Info info = navigator.getInfo();
if (info.containsError()) {
// some items cannot processed twice
} else {
iips = new ItemsInput();
} else {
// put for a section
if (!perItem) {
// save the inputs of the section. In a section based navigation,
// we must saved the inputs of the whole section at once
// persist the QTIResultSet (o_qtiresultset and o_qtiresult) on the
// database
// TODO iqManager.persistResults(ai, course.getResourceableId(),
// courseNode.getIdent(), identity, "");
// write the reporting file on the file system
// The path is <olatdata> / resreporting / <username> / Assessment /
// <assessId>.xml
// TODO Document docResReporting = iqManager.getResultsReporting(ai,
// identity, Locale.getDefault());
// TODO FilePersister.createResultsReporting(docResReporting, identity,
// ai.getFormattedType(), ai.getAssessID());
// prepare all instances needed to save the score at the course node
// level
CourseEnvironment cenv = course.getCourseEnvironment();
IdentityEnvironment identEnv = new IdentityEnvironment();
UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identEnv, cenv);
// update scoring overview for the user in the current course
Float score = ac.getScore();
Boolean passed = ac.isPassed();
// perhaps don't pass this key directly
ScoreEvaluation sceval = new ScoreEvaluation(score, passed, passed, new Long(nodeKey));
AssessableCourseNode acn = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode;
// assessment nodes are assessable
boolean incrementUserAttempts = true;
acn.updateUserScoreEvaluation(sceval, userCourseEnv, identity, incrementUserAttempts,;
} else {
log.error("Result set already saved");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("", e);
use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseAssessmentWebService method attachAssessableResults.
private void attachAssessableResults(Long courseResourceableId, String nodeKey, Identity requestIdentity, AssessableResultsVO resultsVO) {
try {
ICourse course = CourseFactory.openCourseEditSession(courseResourceableId);
CourseNode node = getParentNode(course, nodeKey);
if (!(node instanceof AssessableCourseNode)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The supplied node key does not refer to an AssessableCourseNode");
BaseSecurity securityManager = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
Identity userIdentity = securityManager.loadIdentityByKey(resultsVO.getIdentityKey());
// create an identenv with no roles, no attributes, no locale
IdentityEnvironment ienv = new IdentityEnvironment();
UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnvironment = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(ienv, course.getCourseEnvironment());
// Fetch all score and passed and calculate score accounting for the
// entire course
if (node instanceof IQTESTCourseNode) {
importTestItems(course, nodeKey, requestIdentity, resultsVO);
} else {
AssessableCourseNode assessableNode = (AssessableCourseNode) node;
// not directly pass this key
ScoreEvaluation scoreEval = new ScoreEvaluation(resultsVO.getScore(), Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, new Long(nodeKey));
assessableNode.updateUserScoreEvaluation(scoreEval, userCourseEnvironment, requestIdentity, true,;
CourseFactory.closeCourseEditSession(course.getResourceableId(), true);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseWebService method getCourseCalendarWebService.
public CalWebService getCourseCalendarWebService(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
CalendarModule calendarModule = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(CalendarModule.class);
if (calendarModule.isEnabled() && (calendarModule.isEnableCourseToolCalendar() || calendarModule.isEnableCourseElementCalendar()) && course.getCourseConfig().isCalendarEnabled()) {
UserRequest ureq = getUserRequest(request);
IdentityEnvironment ienv = new IdentityEnvironment();
UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(ienv, course.getCourseEnvironment());
KalendarRenderWrapper wrapper = CourseCalendars.getCourseCalendarWrapper(ureq, userCourseEnv, null);
return new CalWebService(wrapper);
return null;
use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseNodeOutcomeMapper method getUserCourseEnvironment.
private UserCourseEnvironment getUserCourseEnvironment(ICourse course) {
IdentityEnvironment identityEnvironment = new IdentityEnvironment();
UserCourseEnvironmentImpl userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identityEnvironment, course.getCourseEnvironment());
return userCourseEnv;