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Example 1 with Info

use of org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class CourseAssessmentWebService method importTestItems.

private void importTestItems(ICourse course, String nodeKey, Identity identity, AssessableResultsVO resultsVO) {
    try {
        IQManager iqManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(IQManager.class);
        // load the course and the course node
        CourseNode courseNode = getParentNode(course, nodeKey);
        ModuleConfiguration modConfig = courseNode.getModuleConfiguration();
        // check if the result set is already saved
        QTIResultSet set = iqManager.getLastResultSet(identity, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent());
        if (set == null) {
            String resourcePathInfo = course.getResourceableId() + File.separator + courseNode.getIdent();
            // The use of these classes AssessmentInstance, AssessmentContext and
            // Navigator
            // allow the use of the persistence mechanism of OLAT without
            // duplicating the code.
            // The consequence is that we must loop on section and items and set the
            // navigator on
            // the right position before submitting the inputs.
            AssessmentInstance ai = AssessmentFactory.createAssessmentInstance(identity, "", modConfig, false, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent(), resourcePathInfo, null);
            Navigator navigator = ai.getNavigator();
            // The type of the navigator depends on the setting of the course node
            boolean perItem = (navigator instanceof MenuItemNavigator);
            Map<String, ItemInput> datas = convertToHttpItemInput(resultsVO.getResults());
            AssessmentContext ac = ai.getAssessmentContext();
            int sectioncnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
            // loop on the sections
            for (int i = 0; i < sectioncnt; i++) {
                SectionContext sc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
                ItemsInput iips = new ItemsInput();
                int itemcnt = sc.getItemContextCount();
                // loop on the items
                for (int j = 0; j < itemcnt; j++) {
                    ItemContext it = sc.getItemContext(j);
                    if (datas.containsKey(it.getIdent())) {
                        if (perItem) {
                            // save the datas on a per item base
                            navigator.goToItem(i, j);
                            // the navigator can give informations on its current status
                            Info info = navigator.getInfo();
                            if (info.containsError()) {
                            // some items cannot processed twice
                            } else {
                                iips = new ItemsInput();
                        } else {
                            // put for a section
                if (!perItem) {
                    // save the inputs of the section. In a section based navigation,
                    // we must saved the inputs of the whole section at once
            // persist the QTIResultSet (o_qtiresultset and o_qtiresult) on the
            // database
            // TODO iqManager.persistResults(ai, course.getResourceableId(),
            // courseNode.getIdent(), identity, "");
            // write the reporting file on the file system
            // The path is <olatdata> / resreporting / <username> / Assessment /
            // <assessId>.xml
            // TODO Document docResReporting = iqManager.getResultsReporting(ai,
            // identity, Locale.getDefault());
            // TODO FilePersister.createResultsReporting(docResReporting, identity,
            // ai.getFormattedType(), ai.getAssessID());
            // prepare all instances needed to save the score at the course node
            // level
            CourseEnvironment cenv = course.getCourseEnvironment();
            IdentityEnvironment identEnv = new IdentityEnvironment();
            UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identEnv, cenv);
            // update scoring overview for the user in the current course
            Float score = ac.getScore();
            Boolean passed = ac.isPassed();
            // perhaps don't pass this key directly
            ScoreEvaluation sceval = new ScoreEvaluation(score, passed, passed, new Long(nodeKey));
            AssessableCourseNode acn = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode;
            // assessment nodes are assessable
            boolean incrementUserAttempts = true;
            acn.updateUserScoreEvaluation(sceval, userCourseEnv, identity, incrementUserAttempts,;
        } else {
            log.error("Result set already saved");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("", e);
Also used : SectionContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.SectionContext) ScoreEvaluation( HttpItemInput(org.olat.ims.qti.container.HttpItemInput) ItemInput(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput) ItemsInput(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemsInput) AssessableCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode) AssessmentInstance(org.olat.ims.qti.process.AssessmentInstance) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode) AssessableCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode) IQTESTCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.IQTESTCourseNode) IdentityEnvironment( IQManager( ModuleConfiguration(org.olat.modules.ModuleConfiguration) UserCourseEnvironment( CourseEnvironment( UserCourseEnvironment( Navigator(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Navigator) MenuItemNavigator(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.MenuItemNavigator) Info(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info) WebApplicationException( QTIResultSet(org.olat.ims.qti.QTIResultSet) MenuItemNavigator(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.MenuItemNavigator) AssessmentContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.AssessmentContext) ItemContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemContext) UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(

Example 2 with Info

use of org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class IQComponentRenderer method buildForm.

 * Render the QTI form
 * @param comp
 * @param translator
 * @param renderer
 * @return rendered form
public StringOutput buildForm(IQComponent comp, Translator translator, Renderer renderer, URLBuilder ubu) {
    StringOutput sb = new StringOutput();
    Info info = comp.getAssessmentInstance().getNavigator().getInfo();
    AssessmentInstance ai = comp.getAssessmentInstance();
    int status = info.getStatus();
    int message = info.getMessage();
    boolean renderItems = info.isRenderItems();
    AssessmentContext act = ai.getAssessmentContext();
    // first treat messages and errors
    if (info.containsMessage()) {
        switch(message) {
            case QTIConstants.MESSAGE_ITEM_SUBMITTED:
                // item hints?
                if (info.isHint()) {
                    Hint el_hint = info.getCurrentOutput().getHint();
                    if (el_hint.getFeedbackstyle() == Hint.FEEDBACKSTYLE_INCREMENTAL) {
                        // increase the hint level so we know which hint to display
                        ItemContext itc = act.getCurrentSectionContext().getCurrentItemContext();
                        int nLevel = itc.getHintLevel() + 1;
                        int numofhints = el_hint.getChildCount();
                        if (nLevel > numofhints)
                            nLevel = numofhints;
                        // <!ELEMENT hint (qticomment? , hintmaterial+)>
                        displayFeedback(sb, (GenericQTIElement) el_hint.getChildAt(nLevel - 1), ai, translator.getLocale());
                    } else {
                        displayFeedback(sb, el_hint, ai, translator.getLocale());
                // item solution?
                if (info.isSolution()) {
                    Solution el_solution = info.getCurrentOutput().getSolution();
                    displayFeedback(sb, el_solution, ai, translator.getLocale());
                // item fb?
                renderFeedback(info, sb, ai, translator);
                if (!comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isEnabledMenu() && comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isItemPageSequence() && !info.isRenderItems()) {
                    // if item was submitted and sequence is pageSequence and menu not enabled and isRenderItems returns false show section info
                    SectionContext sc = ai.getAssessmentContext().getCurrentSectionContext();
                    displaySectionInfo(sb, sc, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
            case QTIConstants.MESSAGE_SECTION_SUBMITTED:
                // SectionContext sc = act.getCurrentSectionContext();
                if (info.isFeedback()) {
                    Output outp = info.getCurrentOutput();
                    GenericQTIElement el_feedback = outp.getEl_response();
                    if (el_feedback != null) {
                        displayFeedback(sb, el_feedback, ai, translator.getLocale());
                    } else {
                        renderFeedback(info, sb, ai, translator);
                if (!comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isEnabledMenu() && !comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isItemPageSequence()) {
                    SectionContext sc = ai.getAssessmentContext().getCurrentSectionContext();
                    displaySectionInfo(sb, sc, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
                // provide assessment feedback if enabled and existing
                if (info.isFeedback()) {
                    Output outp = info.getCurrentOutput();
                    GenericQTIElement el_feedback = outp.getEl_response();
                    if (el_feedback != null)
                        displayFeedback(sb, el_feedback, ai, translator.getLocale());
            case // for menu item navigator
                // provide some stats maybe
                SectionContext sc = ai.getAssessmentContext().getCurrentSectionContext();
                displaySectionInfo(sb, sc, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
            case // at the start of the test
                displayAssessmentInfo(sb, act, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
    if (renderItems) {
        boolean displayForm = true;
        // First check wether we need to render a form.
        // No form is needed if the current item has a matapplet object to be displayed.
        // Matapplets will send their response back directly.
        SectionContext sct = act.getCurrentSectionContext();
        ItemContext itc = null;
        if (sct != null && !ai.isSectionPage()) {
            itc = sct.getCurrentItemContext();
            if (itc != null) {
                Item item = itc.getQtiItem();
                if (item.getQTIIdent().startsWith("QTIEDIT:FLA:"))
                    displayForm = false;
        // do not display form with button in case no more item is open
        if (sct != null && ai.isSectionPage()) {
            displayForm = sct.getItemsOpenCount() > 0;
        sb.append("<form action=\"");
        ubu.buildURI(sb, new String[] { VelocityContainer.COMMAND_ID }, new String[] { "sitse" });
        sb.append("\" id=\"ofo_iq_item\" method=\"post\">");
        String memoId = null;
        String memoTx = "";
        boolean memo = comp.provideMemoField();
        if (!ai.isSectionPage()) {
            if (itc != null) {
                displayItem(sb, renderer, ubu, itc, ai);
                if (memo) {
                    memoId = itc.getIdent();
                    memoTx = ai.getMemo(memoId);
        } else {
            if (sct != null && sct.getItemContextCount() != 0) {
                displayItems(sb, renderer, ubu, sct, ai);
                if (memo) {
                    memoId = sct.getIdent();
                    memoTx = ai.getMemo(memoId);
        boolean isDefaultMemo = false;
        if (memo) {
            if (memoTx == null) {
                isDefaultMemo = true;
                memoTx = translator.translate("qti.memofield.text");
        sb.append("<div class=\"row\">");
        sb.append("<div class='o_button_group'>");
        sb.append("<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" name=\"olat_fosm\" value=\"");
        if (ai.isSectionPage())
        if (!displayForm)
            sb.append(" style=\"display: none;\"");
        sb.append(" />").append("</div><div class='col-md-10'>");
        if (memo && memoId != null) {
            sb.append("<div class=\"o_qti_item_note_box\">");
            sb.append("<label class=\"control-label\" for=\"o_qti_item_note\">").append(translator.translate("qti.memofield")).append("</label>");
            sb.append("<textarea id=\"o_qti_item_note\" class=\"form-control\" rows=\"4\" spellcheck=\"false\" onchange=\"memo('");
            sb.append("', this.value);\" onkeyup=\"resize(this);\" onmouseup=\"resize(this);\"");
            if (isDefaultMemo) {
                sb.append(" onfocus=\"clrMemo(this);\"");
        // end memo
        sb.append("</div>").append(// end row
    if (status == QTIConstants.ASSESSMENT_FINISHED) {
        if (info.isFeedback()) {
            Output outp = info.getCurrentOutput();
            GenericQTIElement el_feedback = outp.getEl_response();
            if (el_feedback != null) {
                displayFeedback(sb, el_feedback, ai, null);
            } else {
                renderFeedback(info, sb, ai, translator);
                // add the next button
                sb.append("<a class=\"btn btn-primary\" onclick=\"return o2cl()\" href=\"");
                ubu.buildURI(sb, new String[] { VelocityContainer.COMMAND_ID }, new String[] { "sitsec" });
                String title = translator.translate("next");
                sb.append("\" title=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(title) + "\">");
    return sb;
Also used : SectionContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.SectionContext) Hint(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Hint) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) Info(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info) Hint(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Hint) AssessmentContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.AssessmentContext) ItemContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemContext) Item(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Item) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) Output(org.olat.ims.qti.container.Output) GenericQTIElement(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.GenericQTIElement) AssessmentInstance(org.olat.ims.qti.process.AssessmentInstance) Solution(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Solution)

Example 3 with Info

use of org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info in project openolat by klemens.

the class IQComponentRenderer method buildForm.

 * Render the QTI form
 * @param comp
 * @param translator
 * @param renderer
 * @return rendered form
public StringOutput buildForm(IQComponent comp, Translator translator, Renderer renderer, URLBuilder ubu) {
    StringOutput sb = new StringOutput();
    Info info = comp.getAssessmentInstance().getNavigator().getInfo();
    AssessmentInstance ai = comp.getAssessmentInstance();
    int status = info.getStatus();
    int message = info.getMessage();
    boolean renderItems = info.isRenderItems();
    AssessmentContext act = ai.getAssessmentContext();
    // first treat messages and errors
    if (info.containsMessage()) {
        switch(message) {
            case QTIConstants.MESSAGE_ITEM_SUBMITTED:
                // item hints?
                if (info.isHint()) {
                    Hint el_hint = info.getCurrentOutput().getHint();
                    if (el_hint.getFeedbackstyle() == Hint.FEEDBACKSTYLE_INCREMENTAL) {
                        // increase the hint level so we know which hint to display
                        ItemContext itc = act.getCurrentSectionContext().getCurrentItemContext();
                        int nLevel = itc.getHintLevel() + 1;
                        int numofhints = el_hint.getChildCount();
                        if (nLevel > numofhints)
                            nLevel = numofhints;
                        // <!ELEMENT hint (qticomment? , hintmaterial+)>
                        displayFeedback(sb, (GenericQTIElement) el_hint.getChildAt(nLevel - 1), ai, translator.getLocale());
                    } else {
                        displayFeedback(sb, el_hint, ai, translator.getLocale());
                // item solution?
                if (info.isSolution()) {
                    Solution el_solution = info.getCurrentOutput().getSolution();
                    displayFeedback(sb, el_solution, ai, translator.getLocale());
                // item fb?
                renderFeedback(info, sb, ai, translator);
                if (!comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isEnabledMenu() && comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isItemPageSequence() && !info.isRenderItems()) {
                    // if item was submitted and sequence is pageSequence and menu not enabled and isRenderItems returns false show section info
                    SectionContext sc = ai.getAssessmentContext().getCurrentSectionContext();
                    displaySectionInfo(sb, sc, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
            case QTIConstants.MESSAGE_SECTION_SUBMITTED:
                // SectionContext sc = act.getCurrentSectionContext();
                if (info.isFeedback()) {
                    Output outp = info.getCurrentOutput();
                    GenericQTIElement el_feedback = outp.getEl_response();
                    if (el_feedback != null) {
                        displayFeedback(sb, el_feedback, ai, translator.getLocale());
                    } else {
                        renderFeedback(info, sb, ai, translator);
                if (!comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isEnabledMenu() && !comp.getMenuDisplayConf().isItemPageSequence()) {
                    SectionContext sc = ai.getAssessmentContext().getCurrentSectionContext();
                    displaySectionInfo(sb, sc, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
                // provide assessment feedback if enabled and existing
                if (info.isFeedback()) {
                    Output outp = info.getCurrentOutput();
                    GenericQTIElement el_feedback = outp.getEl_response();
                    if (el_feedback != null)
                        displayFeedback(sb, el_feedback, ai, translator.getLocale());
            case // for menu item navigator
                // provide some stats maybe
                SectionContext sc = ai.getAssessmentContext().getCurrentSectionContext();
                displaySectionInfo(sb, sc, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
            case // at the start of the test
                displayAssessmentInfo(sb, act, ai, comp, ubu, translator);
    if (renderItems) {
        boolean displayForm = true;
        // First check wether we need to render a form.
        // No form is needed if the current item has a matapplet object to be displayed.
        // Matapplets will send their response back directly.
        SectionContext sct = act.getCurrentSectionContext();
        ItemContext itc = null;
        if (sct != null && !ai.isSectionPage()) {
            itc = sct.getCurrentItemContext();
            if (itc != null) {
                Item item = itc.getQtiItem();
                if (item.getQTIIdent().startsWith("QTIEDIT:FLA:"))
                    displayForm = false;
        // do not display form with button in case no more item is open
        if (sct != null && ai.isSectionPage()) {
            displayForm = sct.getItemsOpenCount() > 0;
        sb.append("<form action=\"");
        ubu.buildURI(sb, new String[] { VelocityContainer.COMMAND_ID }, new String[] { "sitse" });
        sb.append("\" id=\"ofo_iq_item\" method=\"post\">");
        String memoId = null;
        String memoTx = "";
        boolean memo = comp.provideMemoField();
        if (!ai.isSectionPage()) {
            if (itc != null) {
                displayItem(sb, renderer, ubu, itc, ai);
                if (memo) {
                    memoId = itc.getIdent();
                    memoTx = ai.getMemo(memoId);
        } else {
            if (sct != null && sct.getItemContextCount() != 0) {
                displayItems(sb, renderer, ubu, sct, ai);
                if (memo) {
                    memoId = sct.getIdent();
                    memoTx = ai.getMemo(memoId);
        boolean isDefaultMemo = false;
        if (memo) {
            if (memoTx == null) {
                isDefaultMemo = true;
                memoTx = translator.translate("qti.memofield.text");
        sb.append("<div class=\"row\">");
        sb.append("<div class='o_button_group'>");
        sb.append("<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" name=\"olat_fosm\" value=\"");
        if (ai.isSectionPage())
        if (!displayForm)
            sb.append(" style=\"display: none;\"");
        sb.append(" />").append("</div><div class='col-md-10'>");
        if (memo && memoId != null) {
            sb.append("<div class=\"o_qti_item_note_box\">");
            sb.append("<label class=\"control-label\" for=\"o_qti_item_note\">").append(translator.translate("qti.memofield")).append("</label>");
            sb.append("<textarea id=\"o_qti_item_note\" class=\"form-control\" rows=\"4\" spellcheck=\"false\" onchange=\"memo('");
            sb.append("', this.value);\" onkeyup=\"resize(this);\" onmouseup=\"resize(this);\"");
            if (isDefaultMemo) {
                sb.append(" onfocus=\"clrMemo(this);\"");
        // end memo
        sb.append("</div>").append(// end row
    if (status == QTIConstants.ASSESSMENT_FINISHED) {
        if (info.isFeedback()) {
            Output outp = info.getCurrentOutput();
            GenericQTIElement el_feedback = outp.getEl_response();
            if (el_feedback != null) {
                displayFeedback(sb, el_feedback, ai, null);
            } else {
                renderFeedback(info, sb, ai, translator);
                // add the next button
                sb.append("<a class=\"btn btn-primary\" onclick=\"return o2cl()\" href=\"");
                ubu.buildURI(sb, new String[] { VelocityContainer.COMMAND_ID }, new String[] { "sitsec" });
                String title = translator.translate("next");
                sb.append("\" title=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(title) + "\">");
    return sb;
Also used : SectionContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.SectionContext) Hint(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Hint) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) Info(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info) Hint(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Hint) AssessmentContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.AssessmentContext) ItemContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemContext) Item(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Item) StringOutput(org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput) Output(org.olat.ims.qti.container.Output) GenericQTIElement(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.GenericQTIElement) AssessmentInstance(org.olat.ims.qti.process.AssessmentInstance) Solution(org.olat.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Solution)

Example 4 with Info

use of org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info in project openolat by klemens.

the class CourseAssessmentWebService method importTestItems.

private void importTestItems(ICourse course, String nodeKey, Identity identity, AssessableResultsVO resultsVO) {
    try {
        IQManager iqManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(IQManager.class);
        // load the course and the course node
        CourseNode courseNode = getParentNode(course, nodeKey);
        ModuleConfiguration modConfig = courseNode.getModuleConfiguration();
        // check if the result set is already saved
        QTIResultSet set = iqManager.getLastResultSet(identity, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent());
        if (set == null) {
            String resourcePathInfo = course.getResourceableId() + File.separator + courseNode.getIdent();
            // The use of these classes AssessmentInstance, AssessmentContext and
            // Navigator
            // allow the use of the persistence mechanism of OLAT without
            // duplicating the code.
            // The consequence is that we must loop on section and items and set the
            // navigator on
            // the right position before submitting the inputs.
            AssessmentInstance ai = AssessmentFactory.createAssessmentInstance(identity, "", modConfig, false, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent(), resourcePathInfo, null);
            Navigator navigator = ai.getNavigator();
            // The type of the navigator depends on the setting of the course node
            boolean perItem = (navigator instanceof MenuItemNavigator);
            Map<String, ItemInput> datas = convertToHttpItemInput(resultsVO.getResults());
            AssessmentContext ac = ai.getAssessmentContext();
            int sectioncnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
            // loop on the sections
            for (int i = 0; i < sectioncnt; i++) {
                SectionContext sc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
                ItemsInput iips = new ItemsInput();
                int itemcnt = sc.getItemContextCount();
                // loop on the items
                for (int j = 0; j < itemcnt; j++) {
                    ItemContext it = sc.getItemContext(j);
                    if (datas.containsKey(it.getIdent())) {
                        if (perItem) {
                            // save the datas on a per item base
                            navigator.goToItem(i, j);
                            // the navigator can give informations on its current status
                            Info info = navigator.getInfo();
                            if (info.containsError()) {
                            // some items cannot processed twice
                            } else {
                                iips = new ItemsInput();
                        } else {
                            // put for a section
                if (!perItem) {
                    // save the inputs of the section. In a section based navigation,
                    // we must saved the inputs of the whole section at once
            // persist the QTIResultSet (o_qtiresultset and o_qtiresult) on the
            // database
            // TODO iqManager.persistResults(ai, course.getResourceableId(),
            // courseNode.getIdent(), identity, "");
            // write the reporting file on the file system
            // The path is <olatdata> / resreporting / <username> / Assessment /
            // <assessId>.xml
            // TODO Document docResReporting = iqManager.getResultsReporting(ai,
            // identity, Locale.getDefault());
            // TODO FilePersister.createResultsReporting(docResReporting, identity,
            // ai.getFormattedType(), ai.getAssessID());
            // prepare all instances needed to save the score at the course node
            // level
            CourseEnvironment cenv = course.getCourseEnvironment();
            IdentityEnvironment identEnv = new IdentityEnvironment();
            UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identEnv, cenv);
            // update scoring overview for the user in the current course
            Float score = ac.getScore();
            Boolean passed = ac.isPassed();
            // perhaps don't pass this key directly
            ScoreEvaluation sceval = new ScoreEvaluation(score, passed, passed, new Long(nodeKey));
            AssessableCourseNode acn = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode;
            // assessment nodes are assessable
            boolean incrementUserAttempts = true;
            acn.updateUserScoreEvaluation(sceval, userCourseEnv, identity, incrementUserAttempts,;
        } else {
            log.error("Result set already saved");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("", e);
Also used : SectionContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.SectionContext) ScoreEvaluation( HttpItemInput(org.olat.ims.qti.container.HttpItemInput) ItemInput(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput) ItemsInput(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemsInput) AssessableCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode) AssessmentInstance(org.olat.ims.qti.process.AssessmentInstance) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode) AssessableCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode) IQTESTCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.IQTESTCourseNode) IdentityEnvironment( IQManager( ModuleConfiguration(org.olat.modules.ModuleConfiguration) UserCourseEnvironment( CourseEnvironment( UserCourseEnvironment( Navigator(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Navigator) MenuItemNavigator(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.MenuItemNavigator) Info(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info) WebApplicationException( QTIResultSet(org.olat.ims.qti.QTIResultSet) MenuItemNavigator(org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.MenuItemNavigator) AssessmentContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.AssessmentContext) ItemContext(org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemContext) UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(


AssessmentContext (org.olat.ims.qti.container.AssessmentContext)4 ItemContext (org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemContext)4 SectionContext (org.olat.ims.qti.container.SectionContext)4 Info (org.olat.ims.qti.navigator.Info)4 AssessmentInstance (org.olat.ims.qti.process.AssessmentInstance)4 WebApplicationException ( StringOutput (org.olat.core.gui.render.StringOutput)2 IdentityEnvironment ( AssessableCourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode)2 CourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode)2 IQTESTCourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.IQTESTCourseNode)2 CourseEnvironment ( ScoreEvaluation ( UserCourseEnvironment ( UserCourseEnvironmentImpl ( QTIResultSet (org.olat.ims.qti.QTIResultSet)2 HttpItemInput (org.olat.ims.qti.container.HttpItemInput)2 ItemInput (org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput)2 ItemsInput (org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemsInput)2 Output (org.olat.ims.qti.container.Output)2