use of org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class ResultsBuilder method getResDoc.
* Method getResDoc.
* @param ai The assessment instance
* @param locale The users locale
* @param identity
* @return Document The XML document
public Document getResDoc(AssessmentInstance ai, Locale locale, Identity identity) {
AssessmentContext ac = ai.getAssessmentContext();
DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
Document res_doc = df.createDocument();
Element root = df.createElement("qti_result_report");
Element result = root.addElement("result");
Element extension_result = result.addElement("extension_result");
String baseUrl = ai.getResolver().getStaticsBaseURI() + "/";
// extension_result.
for (int i = 0; i < ac.getSectionContextCount(); i++) {
SectionContext sectionCtx = ac.getSectionContext(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sectionCtx.getItemContextCount(); j++) {
// OO-148
// on some occasions this did throw an IllegalAddException
// because el_item had already a parent.
// make a clone for adding to extension_result
Element el_item = (Element) sectionCtx.getItemContext(j).getEl_item().clone();
recurseMattextForMediaURLFiltering(baseUrl, el_item);
// add ims cp id for any media references
addStaticsPath(extension_result, ai);
// add assessment_result
// Add User information
Element context = result.addElement("context");
User user = identity.getUser();
String name = user.getProperty(UserConstants.FIRSTNAME, locale) + " " + user.getProperty(UserConstants.LASTNAME, locale);
String instId = user.getProperty(UserConstants.INSTITUTIONALUSERIDENTIFIER, locale);
String instName = user.getProperty(UserConstants.INSTITUTIONALNAME, locale);
if (instId == null)
instId = "N/A";
String institution;
if (instName == null) {
institution = "N/A";
} else {
institution = instName;
// Add institutional identifier (e.g. Matrikelnummer)
Element generic_identifier = context.addElement("generic_identifier");
// Add start and stop date formatted as datetime
Element beginDate = context.addElement("date");
beginDate.addElement("datetime").addText(Formatter.formatDatetime(new Date(ac.getTimeOfStart())));
Element stopDate = context.addElement("date");
stopDate.addElement("datetime").addText(Formatter.formatDatetime(new Date(ac.getTimeOfStop())));
Element ares = result.addElement("assessment_result");
ares.addAttribute("ident_ref", ac.getIdent());
if (ac.getTitle() != null) {
ares.addAttribute("asi_title", ac.getTitle());
// process assessment score
Element a_score = ares.addElement("outcomes").addElement("score");
a_score.addAttribute("varname", "SCORE");
String strVal = StringHelper.formatFloat(ac.getScore(), 2);
strVal = ac.getMaxScore() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : StringHelper.formatFloat(ac.getMaxScore(), 2);
strVal = ac.getCutvalue() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : StringHelper.formatFloat(ac.getCutvalue(), 2);
addElementText(ares, "duration", QTIHelper.getISODuration(ac.getDuration()));
addElementText(ares, "num_sections", "" + ac.getSectionContextCount());
addElementText(ares, "num_sections_presented", "0");
addElementText(ares, "num_items", "" + ac.getItemContextCount());
addElementText(ares, "num_items_presented", "" + ac.getItemsPresentedCount());
addElementText(ares, "num_items_attempted", "" + ac.getItemsAttemptedCount());
// add section_result
int secnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
for (int i = 0; i < secnt; i++) {
SectionContext secc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
Element secres = ares.addElement("section_result");
secres.addAttribute("ident_ref", secc.getIdent());
if (secc.getTitle() != null) {
secres.addAttribute("asi_title", secc.getTitle());
addElementText(secres, "duration", QTIHelper.getISODuration(secc.getDuration()));
addElementText(secres, "num_items", "" + secc.getItemContextCount());
addElementText(secres, "num_items_presented", "" + secc.getItemsPresentedCount());
addElementText(secres, "num_items_attempted", "" + secc.getItemsAttemptedCount());
// process section score
Element sec_score = secres.addElement("outcomes").addElement("score");
sec_score.addAttribute("varname", "SCORE");
strVal = secc.getScore() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : "" + StringHelper.formatFloat(secc.getScore(), 2);
strVal = secc.getMaxScore() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : "" + StringHelper.formatFloat(secc.getMaxScore(), 2);
strVal = secc.getCutValue() == -1 ? "N/A" : "" + secc.getCutValue();
// iterate over all items in this section context
List<ItemContext> itemsc = secc.getSectionItemContexts();
for (Iterator<ItemContext> it_it = itemsc.iterator(); it_it.hasNext(); ) {
ItemContext itemc =;
Element itres = secres.addElement("item_result");
itres.addAttribute("ident_ref", itemc.getIdent());
itres.addAttribute("asi_title", itemc.getEl_item().attributeValue("title"));
Element it_duration = itres.addElement("duration");
// process item score
DecimalVariable scoreVar = (DecimalVariable) (itemc.getVariables().getSCOREVariable());
Element it_score = itres.addElement("outcomes").addElement("score");
it_score.addAttribute("varname", "SCORE");
it_score.addElement("score_value").addText(StringHelper.formatFloat(scoreVar.getTruncatedValue(), 2));
strVal = scoreVar.hasMinValue() ? "" + scoreVar.getMinValue() : "0.0";
strVal = scoreVar.hasMaxValue() ? "" + scoreVar.getMaxValue() : "N/A";
strVal = scoreVar.hasCutValue() ? "" + scoreVar.getCutValue() : "N/A";
Element el_item = itemc.getEl_item();
Map<String, Element> res_responsehash = new HashMap<>(3);
// iterate over all responses of this item
List resps = el_item.selectNodes(".//response_lid|.//response_xy|.//response_str|.//response_num|.//response_grp");
for (Iterator it_resp = resps.iterator(); it_resp.hasNext(); ) {
Element resp = (Element);
String ident = resp.attributeValue("ident");
String rcardinality = resp.attributeValue("rcardinality");
String rtiming = resp.attributeValue("rtiming");
// add new response
Element res_response = itres.addElement("response");
res_response.addAttribute("ident_ref", ident);
// enable lookup of
res_responsehash.put(ident, res_response);
// @identref of <response>
// (needed with <varequal>
// elements
// add new response_form
// <response_lid ident="MR01" rcardinality="Multiple" rtiming="No">
Element res_responseform = res_response.addElement("response_form");
res_responseform.addAttribute("cardinality", rcardinality);
res_responseform.addAttribute("timing", rtiming);
String respName = resp.getName();
String type = respName.substring(respName.indexOf("_") + 1);
res_responseform.addAttribute("response_type", type);
// add user answer
ItemInput itemInp = itemc.getItemInput();
Translator trans = Util.createPackageTranslator(QTIModule.class, locale);
if (itemInp == null) {
// user did not answer this question at all
} else {
List<String> userAnswer = itemInp.getAsList(ident);
if (userAnswer == null) {
// user did not answer this question at
// all
} else {
// simply click send)
for (Iterator<String> it_ans = userAnswer.iterator(); it_ans.hasNext(); ) {
* The simple element correct_response can only list correct elements,
* that is, no "or" or "and" elements may be in the conditionvar.
* Pragmatic solution: if condition has ors or ands, then put whole
* conditionvar into <extension_response> (proprietary), and for easier
* cases (just "varequal" "not" elements) use correct_response.
// keys: respIdents, values: HashSet
Map<String, Set<String>> corr_answers = new HashMap<>();
// of correct answers for this
// respIdent
List respconds = el_item.selectNodes(".//respcondition");
for (Iterator it_respc = respconds.iterator(); it_respc.hasNext(); ) {
Element el_respc = (Element);
// check for add/set in setvar elements (check for single instance
// only -> spec allows for multiple instances)
Element el_setvar = (Element) el_respc.selectSingleNode(".//setvar");
if (el_setvar == null)
if (el_setvar.attributeValue("action").equals("Add") || el_setvar.attributeValue("action").equals("Set")) {
// This resrocessing gives points -> assume correct answer
float numPoints = 0;
try {
numPoints = Float.parseFloat(el_setvar.getTextTrim());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (numPoints <= 0)
Element conditionvar = (Element) el_respc.selectSingleNode(".//conditionvar");
// there is an evaluation defined (a "resprocessing" element exists)
// if (xpath(count(.//varequal) + count(.//not) = count(.//*)) is
// true, then there are only "not" and "varequal" elements
XPath xCanHandle = DocumentHelper.createXPath("count(.//varequal) + count(.//not) = count(.//*)");
boolean canHandle = xCanHandle.matches(conditionvar);
if (!canHandle) {
// maybe we have <condvar> <and> <...>, try again
Element el_and = (Element) conditionvar.selectSingleNode("and");
if (el_and != null) {
canHandle = xCanHandle.matches(el_and);
if (canHandle) {
// simultate the el_and to be the conditionvar
conditionvar = el_and;
} else {
// and finally, maybe we have an <or> element ..
Element el_or = (Element) conditionvar.selectSingleNode("or");
if (el_or != null) {
canHandle = xCanHandle.matches(el_or);
if (canHandle) {
// simultate the el_and to be the conditionvar
conditionvar = el_or;
if (!canHandle) {
// qti res 1.2.1 can't handle it
Element condcopy = conditionvar.createCopy();
} else {
* easy case: get all varequal directly under the conditionvar
* element and assume the "not" elements do not contain "not"
* elements again... <!ELEMENT response (qti_comment? ,
* response_form? , num_attempts? , response_value* ,
* extension_response?)> <!ELEMENT response_form
* (correct_response* , extension_responseform?)> <!ELEMENT
* correct_response (#PCDATA)>
List vareqs = conditionvar.selectNodes("./varequal");
for (Iterator it_vareq = vareqs.iterator(); it_vareq.hasNext(); ) {
* get the identifier of the response, so that we can attach the
* <correct_response> to the right <response> element quote: ims
* qti asi xml binding : <varequal> Element: respident
* (required). The identifier of the corresponding
* <response_lid>, <response_xy>, etc. element (this was
* assigned using its ident attribute).
Element vareq = (Element);
String respIdent = vareq.attributeValue("respident");
Set<String> respIdent_corr_answers = corr_answers.get(respIdent);
if (respIdent_corr_answers == null)
respIdent_corr_answers = new HashSet<String>(3);
corr_answers.put(respIdent, respIdent_corr_answers);
// for varequal
// else varequal
// add/set setvar
// for resprocessing
Set<String> resp_ids = corr_answers.keySet();
for (Iterator<String> idents = resp_ids.iterator(); idents.hasNext(); ) {
String respIdent =;
Set<String> respIdent_corr_answers = corr_answers.get(respIdent);
Element res_response = res_responsehash.get(respIdent);
Element res_respform = res_response.element("response_form");
for (Iterator<String> iter = respIdent_corr_answers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String answer =;
// for response_xy
return res_doc;
use of org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseAssessmentWebService method importTestItems.
private void importTestItems(ICourse course, String nodeKey, Identity identity, AssessableResultsVO resultsVO) {
try {
IQManager iqManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(IQManager.class);
// load the course and the course node
CourseNode courseNode = getParentNode(course, nodeKey);
ModuleConfiguration modConfig = courseNode.getModuleConfiguration();
// check if the result set is already saved
QTIResultSet set = iqManager.getLastResultSet(identity, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent());
if (set == null) {
String resourcePathInfo = course.getResourceableId() + File.separator + courseNode.getIdent();
// The use of these classes AssessmentInstance, AssessmentContext and
// Navigator
// allow the use of the persistence mechanism of OLAT without
// duplicating the code.
// The consequence is that we must loop on section and items and set the
// navigator on
// the right position before submitting the inputs.
AssessmentInstance ai = AssessmentFactory.createAssessmentInstance(identity, "", modConfig, false, course.getResourceableId(), courseNode.getIdent(), resourcePathInfo, null);
Navigator navigator = ai.getNavigator();
// The type of the navigator depends on the setting of the course node
boolean perItem = (navigator instanceof MenuItemNavigator);
Map<String, ItemInput> datas = convertToHttpItemInput(resultsVO.getResults());
AssessmentContext ac = ai.getAssessmentContext();
int sectioncnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
// loop on the sections
for (int i = 0; i < sectioncnt; i++) {
SectionContext sc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
ItemsInput iips = new ItemsInput();
int itemcnt = sc.getItemContextCount();
// loop on the items
for (int j = 0; j < itemcnt; j++) {
ItemContext it = sc.getItemContext(j);
if (datas.containsKey(it.getIdent())) {
if (perItem) {
// save the datas on a per item base
navigator.goToItem(i, j);
// the navigator can give informations on its current status
Info info = navigator.getInfo();
if (info.containsError()) {
// some items cannot processed twice
} else {
iips = new ItemsInput();
} else {
// put for a section
if (!perItem) {
// save the inputs of the section. In a section based navigation,
// we must saved the inputs of the whole section at once
// persist the QTIResultSet (o_qtiresultset and o_qtiresult) on the
// database
// TODO iqManager.persistResults(ai, course.getResourceableId(),
// courseNode.getIdent(), identity, "");
// write the reporting file on the file system
// The path is <olatdata> / resreporting / <username> / Assessment /
// <assessId>.xml
// TODO Document docResReporting = iqManager.getResultsReporting(ai,
// identity, Locale.getDefault());
// TODO FilePersister.createResultsReporting(docResReporting, identity,
// ai.getFormattedType(), ai.getAssessID());
// prepare all instances needed to save the score at the course node
// level
CourseEnvironment cenv = course.getCourseEnvironment();
IdentityEnvironment identEnv = new IdentityEnvironment();
UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(identEnv, cenv);
// update scoring overview for the user in the current course
Float score = ac.getScore();
Boolean passed = ac.isPassed();
// perhaps don't pass this key directly
ScoreEvaluation sceval = new ScoreEvaluation(score, passed, passed, new Long(nodeKey));
AssessableCourseNode acn = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode;
// assessment nodes are assessable
boolean incrementUserAttempts = true;
acn.updateUserScoreEvaluation(sceval, userCourseEnv, identity, incrementUserAttempts,;
} else {
log.error("Result set already saved");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("", e);
use of org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseAssessmentWebService method convertToHttpItemInput.
private Map<String, ItemInput> convertToHttpItemInput(Map<Long, String> results) {
Map<String, ItemInput> datas = new HashMap<String, ItemInput>();
for (Long key : results.keySet()) {
HttpItemInput iip = new HttpItemInput(results.get(key));
iip.putSingle(key.toString(), results.get(key));
// TODO somehow obtain answer from value
datas.put(iip.getIdent(), iip);
return datas;
use of org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class DefaultNavigator method submitOneItem.
* @param curitsinp
* @return the status of the operation like success or error
public int submitOneItem(ItemsInput curitsinp) {
if (info.getStatus() != QTIConstants.ASSESSMENT_RUNNING)
throw new RuntimeException("assessment is NOT running yet or anymore");
int cnt = curitsinp.getItemCount();
if (cnt == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("program bug: not even one iteminput in the answer");
if (cnt > 1)
throw new RuntimeException("may only submit 1 item");
ItemInput itemInput = curitsinp.getItemInputIterator().next();
String ident = itemInput.getIdent();
AssessmentContext ac = getAssessmentContext();
SectionContext sc = ac.getCurrentSectionContext();
ItemContext it = sc.getCurrentItemContext();
ItemContext ict = sc.getItemContext(ident);
if (ict == null)
throw new RuntimeException("submitted item id (" + ident + ")not found in xml");
if (ict != it)
throw new RuntimeException("answering to a non-current item");
if (!ac.isOpen()) {
// assessment must also be open (=on time)
if (!sc.onTime()) {
// section of the current item must also be open (=on time)
if (!ict.isOnTime()) {
// current item must be on time
if (!ict.isUnderMaxAttempts()) {
// current item must be below maxattempts
int subres = ict.addItemInput(itemInput);
// to have an up-to-date score
return subres;
use of org.olat.ims.qti.container.ItemInput in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class QTI_vargte method eval.
* var greater than or equal
* qti ims 1.2.1
* <!ELEMENT vargte (#PCDATA)>
* <!ATTLIST vargte %I_RespIdent;
* %I_Index; >
* e.g. <vargte respident = "NUM01">3.141</vargte>
public boolean eval(Element boolElement, ItemContext userContext, EvalContext ect) {
ItemInput iinp = userContext.getItemInput();
// user has given no answer
if (iinp.isEmpty())
return false;
String respident = boolElement.attributeValue("respident");
// the answer is tested against content of elem.
String shouldVal = boolElement.getText();
String isVal = iinp.getSingle(respident);
// the isVal and shouldVal must be numeric
// we use Float so we are on the safe side, even if comparison was only Integer
shouldVal = shouldVal.trim();
isVal = isVal.trim();
float fs = Float.parseFloat(shouldVal);
float fi;
try {
fi = Float.parseFloat(isVal);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// try to replace , -> .
isVal = isVal.replace(',', '.');
try {
fi = Float.parseFloat(isVal);
} catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
// we try all what we can to understand the input value -> false
return false;
boolean ok = (fi >= fs);
return ok;