use of org.omg.CORBA.Any in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class CSIv2Util method decodeInitialContextToken.
* <p>
* Decodes an ASN.1-encoded {@code InitialContextToken}. See {@code encodeInitialContextToken} for a description of
* the encoded token format.
* </p>
* @param encodedToken the encoded token.
* @param codec the {@code Codec} used to decode the token.
* @return the decoded {@code InitialContextToken} instance.
* @see #encodeInitialContextToken(org.omg.GSSUP.InitialContextToken, org.omg.IOP.Codec)
public static InitialContextToken decodeInitialContextToken(byte[] encodedToken, Codec codec) {
if (encodedToken[0] != 0x60)
return null;
int encodedLength = 0;
int n = 0;
if (encodedToken[1] >= 0)
encodedLength = encodedToken[1];
else {
n = encodedToken[1] & 0x7F;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
encodedLength += (encodedToken[1 + i] & 0xFF) << (n - i) * 8;
int length = encodedLength - gssUpMechOidArray.length;
byte[] encodedInitialContextToken = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(encodedToken, 2 + n + gssUpMechOidArray.length, encodedInitialContextToken, 0, length);
Any any;
try {
any = codec.decode_value(encodedInitialContextToken, InitialContextTokenHelper.type());
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return InitialContextTokenHelper.extract(any);
use of org.omg.CORBA.Any in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class CSIv2Util method createSSLTaggedComponent.
* <p>
* Return a top-level {@code IOP::TaggedComponent} to be stuffed into an IOR, containing a structure
* {@code SSLIOP::SSL}, tagged as {@code TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS}.
* </p>
* <p>
* Should be called with non-null metadata, in which case we probably don't want to include security info in the IOR.
* </p>
* @param metadata the metadata object that contains the SSL configuration info.
* @param codec the {@code Codec} used to encode the SSL component.
* @param sslPort an {@code int} representing the SSL port.
* @param orb a reference to the running {@code ORB}.
* @return a {@code TaggedComponent} representing the encoded SSL component.
public static TaggedComponent createSSLTaggedComponent(IORSecurityConfigMetaData metadata, Codec codec, int sslPort, ORB orb) {
if (metadata == null) {
IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Method createSSLTaggedComponent() called with null metadata");
return null;
if (sslPort == 0) {
// no support for transport security.
return null;
TaggedComponent tc;
try {
int supports = createTargetSupports(metadata.getTransportConfig());
int requires = createTargetRequires(metadata.getTransportConfig());
SSL ssl = new SSL((short) supports, (short) requires, (short) sslPort);
Any any = orb.create_any();
SSLHelper.insert(any, ssl);
byte[] componentData = codec.encode_value(any);
tc = new TaggedComponent(TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS.value, componentData);
} catch (InvalidTypeForEncoding e) {
throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unexpectedException(e);
return tc;
use of org.omg.CORBA.Any in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class CSIv2Util method createSecurityTaggedComponent.
* <p>
* Return a top-level {@code IOP:TaggedComponent} to be stuffed into an IOR, containing a {@code org.omg.CSIIOP}.
* {@code CompoundSecMechList}, tagged as {@code TAG_CSI_SEC_MECH_LIST}. Only one such component can exist inside
* an IOR.
* </p>
* <p>
* Should be called with non-null metadata, in which case we probably don't want to include security info in the IOR.
* </p>
* @param metadata the metadata object that contains the CSIv2 security configuration info.
* @param codec the {@code Codec} used to encode the CSIv2 security component.
* @param sslPort an {@code int} representing the SSL port.
* @param orb a reference to the running {@code ORB}.
* @return a {@code TaggedComponent} representing the encoded CSIv2 security component.
public static TaggedComponent createSecurityTaggedComponent(IORSecurityConfigMetaData metadata, Codec codec, int sslPort, ORB orb) {
if (metadata == null) {
IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Method createSecurityTaggedComponent() called with null metadata");
return null;
TaggedComponent tc;
// get the the supported security mechanisms.
CompoundSecMech[] mechList = createCompoundSecMechanisms(metadata, codec, sslPort, orb);
// the above is wrapped into a org.omg.CSIIOP.CompoundSecMechList structure, which is NOT a CompoundSecMech[].
// we don't support stateful/reusable security contexts (false).
CompoundSecMechList csmList = new CompoundSecMechList(false, mechList);
// finally, the CompoundSecMechList must be encoded as a TaggedComponent
try {
Any any = orb.create_any();
CompoundSecMechListHelper.insert(any, csmList);
byte[] b = codec.encode_value(any);
tc = new TaggedComponent(TAG_CSI_SEC_MECH_LIST.value, b);
} catch (InvalidTypeForEncoding e) {
throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unexpectedException(e);
return tc;
use of org.omg.CORBA.Any in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class CSIv2Util method encodeInitialContextToken.
* <p>
* ASN.1-encode an {@code InitialContextToken} as defined in RFC 2743, Section 3.1, "Mechanism-Independent Token
* Format", pp. 81-82. The encoded token contains the ASN.1 tag 0x60, followed by a token length (which is itself
* stored in a variable-length format and takes 1 to 5 bytes), the GSSUP mechanism identifier, and a mechanism-specific
* token, which in this case is a CDR encapsulation of the GSSUP {@code InitialContextToken} in the {@code authToken}
* parameter.
* </p>
* @param authToken the {@code InitialContextToken} to be encoded.
* @param codec the {@code Codec} used to encode the token.
* @return a {@code byte[]} representing the encoded token.
public static byte[] encodeInitialContextToken(InitialContextToken authToken, Codec codec) {
byte[] out;
Any any = ORB.init().create_any();
InitialContextTokenHelper.insert(any, authToken);
try {
out = codec.encode_value(any);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new byte[0];
int length = out.length + gssUpMechOidArray.length;
int n;
if (length < (1 << 7)) {
n = 0;
} else if (length < (1 << 8)) {
n = 1;
} else if (length < (1 << 16)) {
n = 2;
} else if (length < (1 << 24)) {
n = 3;
} else {
// if (length < (1 << 32))
n = 4;
byte[] encodedToken = new byte[2 + n + length];
encodedToken[0] = 0x60;
if (n == 0) {
encodedToken[1] = (byte) length;
} else {
encodedToken[1] = (byte) (n | 0x80);
switch(n) {
case 1:
encodedToken[2] = (byte) length;
case 2:
encodedToken[2] = (byte) (length >> 8);
encodedToken[3] = (byte) length;
case 3:
encodedToken[2] = (byte) (length >> 16);
encodedToken[3] = (byte) (length >> 8);
encodedToken[4] = (byte) length;
// case 4:
encodedToken[2] = (byte) (length >> 24);
encodedToken[3] = (byte) (length >> 16);
encodedToken[4] = (byte) (length >> 8);
encodedToken[5] = (byte) length;
System.arraycopy(gssUpMechOidArray, 0, encodedToken, 2 + n, gssUpMechOidArray.length);
System.arraycopy(out, 0, encodedToken, 2 + n + gssUpMechOidArray.length, out.length);
return encodedToken;
use of org.omg.CORBA.Any in project wildfly by wildfly.
the class ElytronSASClientInterceptor method receive_exception.
public void receive_exception(ClientRequestInfo ri) throws ForwardRequest {
try {
ServiceContext sc = ri.get_reply_service_context(SAS_CONTEXT_ID);
Any msg = codec.decode_value(sc.context_data, SASContextBodyHelper.type());
SASContextBody contextBody = SASContextBodyHelper.extract(msg);
// At this point contextBody may contain either a CompleteEstablishContext message or a ContextError message.
// Neither message requires any treatment. We decoded the context body just to check that it contains
// a well-formed message.
IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.tracef("receive_exception: got SAS reply, type %d", contextBody.discriminator());
} catch (BAD_PARAM e) {
// no service context with sasContextId: do nothing.
} catch (FormatMismatch | TypeMismatch e) {
throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.errorParsingSASReply(e, 0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE);