use of in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddXTCEHandler method addCommand.
* Add a command metadata set to the command metadata
* @param spaceSystem
* space system
* @param commandName
* command name
* @param commandCode
* command code
* @param isCmdHeader
* true if this table represents the CCSDS command header
* @param argumentNames
* list of command argument names
* @param argArraySizes
* list of of command argument array sizes; the list item is null or blank if the
* corresponding argument isn't an array
* @param description
* description of the command
private void addCommand(SpaceSystemType spaceSystem, String commandName, String commandCode, boolean isCmdHeader, String applicationID, List<String> argumentNames, List<String> argArraySizes, String description) {
MetaCommandSet commandSet = spaceSystem.getCommandMetaData().getMetaCommandSet();
MetaCommandType command = factory.createMetaCommandType();
// Set the command name attribute
// Check is a command description exists
if (description != null && !description.isEmpty()) {
// Set the command description attribute
// Check if the command has any arguments
if (!argumentNames.isEmpty()) {
int index = 0;
ArgumentList argList = factory.createMetaCommandTypeArgumentList();
CommandContainerType cmdContainer = factory.createCommandContainerType();
CommandContainerEntryListType entryList = factory.createCommandContainerEntryListType();
// Step through each argument
for (String argumentName : argumentNames) {
// Set the flag to indicate that the argument is an array
boolean isArray = argArraySizes.get(index) != null && !argArraySizes.get(index).isEmpty();
// Add the argument to the the command's argument list
Argument arg = new Argument();
arg.setArgumentTypeRef(argumentName + (isArray ? ARRAY : TYPE));
// Store the argument reference in the list
ArgumentRefEntry argumentRef = factory.createCommandContainerEntryListTypeArgumentRefEntry();
JAXBElement<ArgumentRefEntry> argumentRefElem = factory.createCommandContainerEntryListTypeArgumentRefEntry(argumentRef);
// Check if the command argument is an array
if (isArray) {
DimensionList dimList = factory.createArrayParameterRefEntryTypeDimensionList();
// Set the array dimension start index (always 0)
IntegerValueType startVal = factory.createIntegerValueType();
// Step through each array dimension
for (int arrayDim : ArrayVariable.getArrayIndexFromSize(argArraySizes.get(index))) {
// Create the dimension and set the start and end indices (the end index is
// the number of elements in this array dimension)
Dimension dim = factory.createArrayParameterRefEntryTypeDimensionListDimension();
IntegerValueType endVal = factory.createIntegerValueType();
// Store the array parameter array reference in the list
ArrayParameterRefEntryType arrayRef = factory.createArrayParameterRefEntryType();
JAXBElement<ArrayParameterRefEntryType> arrayRefElem = factory.createCommandContainerEntryListTypeArrayArgumentRefEntry(arrayRef);
// Check if this table represents the CCSDS command header
if (isCmdHeader) {
} else // Not the command header. Check if the command ID is provided
if (!isCmdHeader && applicationID != null && !applicationID.isEmpty() && cmdHeaderTable != null && !cmdHeaderTable.isEmpty()) {
// Create the reference to the base meta-command and set it to the empty base, in
// case no command header is defined
BaseMetaCommand baseCmd = factory.createMetaCommandTypeBaseMetaCommand();
baseCmd.setMetaCommandRef("/" + project.getValue().getName() + (cmdHeaderPath == null || cmdHeaderPath.isEmpty() ? "" : "/" + cmdHeaderPath) + "/" + cmdHeaderTable + "/" + cmdHeaderTable);
// Create the argument assignment list and store the application ID
ArgumentAssignmentList argAssnList = factory.createMetaCommandTypeBaseMetaCommandArgumentAssignmentList();
ArgumentAssignment argAssn = factory.createMetaCommandTypeBaseMetaCommandArgumentAssignmentListArgumentAssignment();
// Check if a command code is provided
if (commandCode != null && !commandCode.isEmpty()) {
// Store the command code
argAssn = factory.createMetaCommandTypeBaseMetaCommandArgumentAssignmentListArgumentAssignment();
use of in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddXTCEHandler method importCommandTable.
* Build a command table from the specified command metadata
* @param system
* space system
* @param cmdMetaData
* reference to the command metadata from which to build the command table
* @param table
* name table name, including the full system path
* @throws CCDDException
* If an input error is detected
private void importCommandTable(SpaceSystemType system, CommandMetaDataType cmdMetaData, String tableName) throws CCDDException {
// Create a table definition for this command table. If the name space also includes a
// telemetry metadata (which creates a structure table) then ensure the two tables have
// different names
TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition(tableName + (system.getTelemetryMetaData() == null ? "" : "_cmd"), system.getLongDescription());
// Check if a description exists for this command table
if (system.getLongDescription() != null && !system.getLongDescription().isEmpty()) {
// Store the table's description
// Set the new command table's table type name
// Check if the description column belongs to a command argument
if (commandArguments.size() != 0 && cmdDescriptionIndex > commandArguments.get(0).getName()) {
// Reset the command description index to indicate no description exists
cmdDescriptionIndex = -1;
// Get the command set information
MetaCommandSet metaCmdSet = cmdMetaData.getMetaCommandSet();
// Check if the command set information exists
if (metaCmdSet != null) {
// Get the command argument information
ArgumentTypeSetType argTypeSetType = cmdMetaData.getArgumentTypeSet();
List<NameDescriptionType> argTypeSet = null;
// Check if there are any arguments for this command
if (argTypeSetType != null) {
// Get the list of this command's argument data types
argTypeSet = argTypeSetType.getStringArgumentTypeOrEnumeratedArgumentTypeOrIntegerArgumentType();
// Step through each command set
for (Object cmd : metaCmdSet.getMetaCommandOrMetaCommandRefOrBlockMetaCommand()) {
// Check if the command represents a meta command type (all of these should)
if (cmd instanceof MetaCommandType) {
// Get the command type as a meta command type to shorten subsequent calls
MetaCommandType metaCmd = (MetaCommandType) cmd;
// Create a new row of data in the table definition to contain this command's
// information. Initialize all columns to blanks except for the command name
String[] newRow = new String[numCommandColumns];
Arrays.fill(newRow, null);
newRow[commandNameIndex] = metaCmd.getName();
// Get the base meta-command reference
BaseMetaCommand baseMetaCmd = metaCmd.getBaseMetaCommand();
// Check if the base meta-command exists
if (baseMetaCmd != null) {
// Step through each argument assignment
for (ArgumentAssignment argAssn : baseMetaCmd.getArgumentAssignmentList().getArgumentAssignment()) {
// column name
if (argAssn.getArgumentName().equals(ccsdsAppID)) {
boolean isExists = false;
// Step through the data fields already added to this table
for (String[] fieldInfo : tableDefn.getDataFields()) {
// subsequent ones are ignored to prevent duplicates
if (fieldInfo[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal()].equals(argAssn.getArgumentName())) {
// Set the flag indicating the field already exists and
// stop searching
isExists = true;
// Check if the application ID data field doesn't exist
if (!isExists) {
// Create a data field for the table containing the application
// ID and stop searching
tableDefn.addDataField(new String[] { tableName, argAssn.getArgumentName(), "Message ID", String.valueOf(argAssn.getArgumentValue().length()), InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID.getInputName(), String.valueOf(false), ApplicabilityType.ALL.getApplicabilityName(), argAssn.getArgumentValue() });
} else // argument column name
if (argAssn.getArgumentName().equals(ccsdsFuncCode)) {
// Store the command function code and stop searching
newRow[commandCodeIndex] = argAssn.getArgumentValue();
// exists in the table type definition
if (metaCmd.getLongDescription() != null && cmdDescriptionIndex != -1) {
// Store the command description in the row's description column
newRow[cmdDescriptionIndex] = metaCmd.getLongDescription();
// Check if the command has any arguments
if (metaCmd.getArgumentList() != null && argTypeSet != null) {
int cmdArgIndex = 0;
CommandContainerType cmdContainer = metaCmd.getCommandContainer();
// Step through each of the command's arguments
for (Argument argList : metaCmd.getArgumentList().getArgument()) {
// Step through each command argument type
for (NameDescriptionType argType : argTypeSet) {
// between the two)
if (argList.getArgumentTypeRef().equals(argType.getName())) {
boolean isInteger = false;
boolean isUnsigned = false;
boolean isFloat = false;
boolean isString = false;
String dataType = null;
String arraySize = null;
BigInteger bitLength = null;
long sizeInBytes = 0;
String enumeration = null;
String description = null;
UnitSet unitSet = null;
String units = null;
String minimum = null;
String maximum = null;
// Check if the argument is an array data type
if (argType instanceof ArrayDataTypeType && metaCmd != null && cmdContainer != null) {
// set
for (JAXBElement<? extends SequenceEntryType> seqEntry : cmdContainer.getEntryList().getParameterRefEntryOrParameterSegmentRefEntryOrContainerRefEntry()) {
// reference matches the target parameter
if (seqEntry.getValue() instanceof ArrayParameterRefEntryType && argList.getName().equals(((ArrayParameterRefEntryType) seqEntry.getValue()).getParameterRef())) {
arraySize = "";
// Store the reference to the array parameter type
ArrayDataTypeType arrayType = (ArrayDataTypeType) argType;
argType = null;
// the array variable
for (Dimension dim : ((ArrayParameterRefEntryType) seqEntry.getValue()).getDimensionList().getDimension()) {
// Build the array size string
arraySize += String.valueOf(dim.getEndingIndex().getFixedValue()) + ",";
arraySize = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(arraySize, ",");
// data type entry
for (NameDescriptionType type : argTypeSet) {
// reference matches the data type name
if (arrayType.getArrayTypeRef().equals(type.getName())) {
// Store the reference to the array
// parameter's data type and stop searching
argType = type;
// individual array members)
if (argType != null) {
// Check if the argument is an integer data type
if (argType instanceof IntegerArgumentType) {
IntegerArgumentType icmd = (IntegerArgumentType) argType;
// Get the number of bits occupied by the argument
bitLength = icmd.getSizeInBits();
// Get the argument units reference
unitSet = icmd.getUnitSet();
// Check if integer encoding is set to 'unsigned'
if (icmd.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned")) {
isUnsigned = true;
// Determine the smallest integer size that contains
// the number of bits occupied by the argument
sizeInBytes = 8;
while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
sizeInBytes *= 2;
sizeInBytes /= 8;
// Get the argument alarm
IntegerArgumentType.ValidRangeSet alarmType = icmd.getValidRangeSet();
// Check if the argument has an alarm
if (alarmType != null) {
// Get the alarm range
List<IntegerRangeType> alarmRange = alarmType.getValidRange();
// Check if the alarm range exists
if (alarmRange != null) {
// Store the minimum alarm value
minimum = alarmRange.get(0).getMinInclusive();
// Store the maximum alarm value
maximum = alarmRange.get(0).getMaxInclusive();
isInteger = true;
} else // Check if the argument is a floating point data type
if (argType instanceof FloatArgumentType) {
// Get the float argument attributes
FloatArgumentType fcmd = (FloatArgumentType) argType;
sizeInBytes = fcmd.getSizeInBits().longValue() / 8;
unitSet = fcmd.getUnitSet();
// Get the argument alarm
FloatArgumentType.ValidRangeSet alarmType = fcmd.getValidRangeSet();
// Check if the argument has an alarm
if (alarmType != null) {
// Get the alarm range
List<FloatRangeType> alarmRange = alarmType.getValidRange();
// Check if the alarm range exists
if (alarmRange != null) {
// Get the minimum value
Double min = alarmRange.get(0).getMinInclusive();
// Check if a minimum value exists
if (min != null) {
// Get the minimum alarm value
minimum = String.valueOf(min);
// Get the maximum value
Double max = alarmRange.get(0).getMaxInclusive();
// Check if a maximum value exists
if (max != null) {
// Get the maximum alarm value
maximum = String.valueOf(max);
isFloat = true;
} else // Check if the argument is a string data type
if (argType instanceof StringDataType) {
// Get the string argument attributes
StringDataType scmd = (StringDataType) argType;
sizeInBytes = scmd.getCharacterWidth().longValue();
unitSet = scmd.getUnitSet();
isString = true;
} else // Check if the argument is an enumerated data type
if (argType instanceof EnumeratedDataType) {
EnumeratedDataType ecmd = (EnumeratedDataType) argType;
EnumerationList enumList = ecmd.getEnumerationList();
// Check if any enumeration parameters are defined
if (enumList != null) {
// Step through each enumeration parameter
for (ValueEnumerationType enumType : enumList.getEnumeration()) {
// Check if this is the first parameter
if (enumeration == null) {
// Initialize the enumeration string
enumeration = "";
} else // Not the first parameter
// Add the separator for the
// enumerations
enumeration += ", ";
// Begin building this enumeration
enumeration += enumType.getValue() + " | " + enumType.getLabel();
bitLength = ecmd.getIntegerDataEncoding().getSizeInBits();
unitSet = ecmd.getUnitSet();
// 'unsigned'
if (ecmd.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned")) {
isUnsigned = true;
// Determine the smallest integer size that
// contains the number of bits occupied by the
// argument
sizeInBytes = 8;
while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
sizeInBytes *= 2;
sizeInBytes /= 8;
isInteger = true;
// Get the name of the data type from the data type table
// that matches the base type and size of the parameter
dataType = getDataType(dataTypeHandler, sizeInBytes, isInteger, isUnsigned, isFloat, isString);
// Check if the description exists
if (argType.getLongDescription() != null) {
// Store the description
description = argType.getLongDescription();
// Check if the units exists
if (unitSet != null) {
List<UnitType> unitType = unitSet.getUnit();
// Check if the units is set
if (!unitType.isEmpty()) {
// Store the units
units = unitType.get(0).getContent();
// dictated by the table type definition
if (cmdArgIndex < commandArguments.size()) {
// Get the command argument reference
AssociatedColumns acmdArg = commandArguments.get(cmdArgIndex);
// Check if the command argument name is present
if (acmdArg.getName() != -1) {
// Store the command argument name
newRow[acmdArg.getName()] = argList.getName();
// Check if the command argument data type is present
if (acmdArg.getDataType() != -1 && dataType != null) {
// Store the command argument data type
newRow[acmdArg.getDataType()] = dataType;
// Check if the command argument array size is present
if (acmdArg.getArraySize() != -1 && arraySize != null) {
// Store the command argument array size
newRow[acmdArg.getArraySize()] = arraySize;
// Check if the command argument bit length is present
if (acmdArg.getBitLength() != -1 && bitLength != null) {
// Store the command argument bit length
newRow[acmdArg.getBitLength()] = bitLength.toString();
// Check if the command argument enumeration is present
if (acmdArg.getEnumeration() != -1 && enumeration != null) {
// Store the command argument enumeration
newRow[acmdArg.getEnumeration()] = enumeration;
// Check if the command argument description is present
if (acmdArg.getDescription() != -1 && description != null) {
// Store the command argument description
newRow[acmdArg.getDescription()] = description;
// Check if the command argument units is present
if (acmdArg.getUnits() != -1 && units != null) {
// Store the command argument units
newRow[acmdArg.getUnits()] = units;
// Check if the command argument minimum is present
if (acmdArg.getMinimum() != -1 && minimum != null) {
// Store the command argument minimum
newRow[acmdArg.getMinimum()] = minimum;
// Check if the command argument maximum is present
if (acmdArg.getMaximum() != -1 && maximum != null) {
// Store the command argument maximum
newRow[acmdArg.getMaximum()] = maximum;
// Increment the argument index
// Add the new row to the table definition
// Add the command table definition to the list