use of in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddXTCEHandler method setArgumentDataType.
* Set the command argument data type and set the specified attributes
* @param spaceSystem
* space system
* @param commandName
* command name
* @param argumentName
* command argument name; null to not specify
* @param dataType
* command argument data type; null to not specify
* @param arraySize
* command argument array size; null or blank if the argument isn't an array
* @param bitLength
* command argument bit length
* @param enumeration
* command argument enumeration in the format <enum label>|<enum value>[|...][,...];
* null to not specify
* @param units
* command argument units; null to not specify
* @param minimum
* minimum parameter value; null to not specify
* @param maximum
* maximum parameter value; null to not specify
* @param description
* command argument description ; null to not specify
* @param stringSize
* string size in bytes; ignored if the command argument does not have a string data
* type
* @return Command description of the type corresponding to the primitive data type with the
* specified attributes set
* @param uniqueID
* text used to uniquely identify data types with the same name; blank if the data
* type has no name conflict
private NameDescriptionType setArgumentDataType(SpaceSystemType spaceSystem, String commandName, String argumentName, String dataType, String arraySize, String bitLength, String enumeration, String units, String minimum, String maximum, String description, int stringSize, String uniqueID) {
BaseDataType commandDescription = null;
// Check if the argument is an array
if (arraySize != null && !arraySize.isEmpty()) {
// Create an array type and set its attributes
ArrayDataTypeType arrayType = factory.createArrayDataTypeType();
arrayType.setName(argumentName + ARRAY);
arrayType.setArrayTypeRef(argumentName + TYPE);
// Set the argument's array information
// Get the XTCE data type corresponding to the primitive data type
XTCEDataType xtceDataType = getXTCEDataType(dataType);
// Check if the a corresponding XTCE data type exists
if (xtceDataType != null) {
UnitSet unitSet = null;
// Check if units is provided
if (units != null && !units.isEmpty()) {
// Set the command units
unitSet = createUnitSet(units);
// Check if enumeration parameters are provided
if (enumeration != null && !enumeration.isEmpty()) {
// Create an enumeration type and enumeration list, and add any extra enumeration
// parameters as column data
EnumeratedDataType enumType = factory.createEnumeratedDataType();
EnumerationList enumList = createEnumerationList(spaceSystem, enumeration);
// Set the integer encoding (the only encoding available for an enumeration) and
// the size in bits
IntegerDataEncodingType intEncodingType = factory.createIntegerDataEncodingType();
// Check if the parameter has a bit length
if (bitLength != null && !bitLength.isEmpty()) {
// Set the size in bits to the value supplied
} else // Not a bit-wise parameter
// Set the size in bits to the full size of the data type
// Set the enumeration list and units attributes
// Check if the data type is an unsigned integer
if (dataTypeHandler.isUnsignedInt(dataType)) {
// Set the encoding type to indicate an unsigned integer
// Set the bit order
intEncodingType.setBitOrder(endianess == EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN ? "mostSignificantBitFirst" : "leastSignificantBitFirst");
commandDescription = enumType;
} else // This is not an enumerated command argument
switch(xtceDataType) {
// Create an integer command argument and set its attributes
IntegerArgumentType integerType = factory.createArgumentTypeSetTypeIntegerArgumentType();
IntegerDataEncodingType intEncodingType = factory.createIntegerDataEncodingType();
// Check if the parameter has a bit length
if (bitLength != null && !bitLength.isEmpty()) {
// Set the size in bits to the value supplied
} else // Not a bit-wise parameter
// Set the size in bits to the full size of the data type
// Check if the data type is an unsigned integer
if (dataTypeHandler.isUnsignedInt(dataType)) {
// Set the encoding type to indicate an unsigned integer
// Set the bit order
intEncodingType.setBitOrder(endianess == EndianType.BIG_ENDIAN ? "mostSignificantBitFirst" : "leastSignificantBitFirst");
// Check if a minimum or maximum value is specified
if ((minimum != null && !minimum.isEmpty()) || (maximum != null && !maximum.isEmpty())) {
IntegerArgumentType.ValidRangeSet validRange = factory.createArgumentTypeSetTypeIntegerArgumentTypeValidRangeSet();
IntegerRangeType range = new IntegerRangeType();
// Check if a minimum value is specified
if (minimum != null && !minimum.isEmpty()) {
// Set the minimum value
// Check if a maximum value is specified
if (maximum != null && !maximum.isEmpty()) {
// Set the maximum value
commandDescription = integerType;
case FLOAT:
// Create a float command argument and set its attributes
FloatArgumentType floatType = factory.createArgumentTypeSetTypeFloatArgumentType();
FloatDataEncodingType floatEncodingType = factory.createFloatDataEncodingType();
// Check if a minimum or maximum value is specified
if ((minimum != null && !minimum.isEmpty()) || (maximum != null && !maximum.isEmpty())) {
FloatArgumentType.ValidRangeSet validRange = factory.createArgumentTypeSetTypeFloatArgumentTypeValidRangeSet();
FloatRangeType range = new FloatRangeType();
// Check if a minimum value is specified
if (minimum != null && !minimum.isEmpty()) {
// Set the minimum value
// Check if a maximum value is specified
if (maximum != null && !maximum.isEmpty()) {
// Set the maximum value
commandDescription = floatType;
case STRING:
// Create a string command argument and set its attributes
StringDataType stringType = factory.createStringDataType();
StringDataEncodingType stringEncodingType = factory.createStringDataEncodingType();
// Set the string's size in bits based on the number of characters in the
// string with each character occupying a single byte
IntegerValueType intValType = new IntegerValueType();
intValType.setFixedValue(String.valueOf(stringSize * 8));
SizeInBits sizeInBits = new SizeInBits();
commandDescription = stringType;
// Set the command name and argument name attributes
commandDescription.setName(argumentName + TYPE + uniqueID);
// Check is a description exists
if (description != null && !description.isEmpty()) {
// Set the command description attribute
return commandDescription;
use of in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddXTCEHandler method importCommandTable.
* Build a command table from the specified command metadata
* @param system
* space system
* @param cmdMetaData
* reference to the command metadata from which to build the command table
* @param table
* name table name, including the full system path
* @throws CCDDException
* If an input error is detected
private void importCommandTable(SpaceSystemType system, CommandMetaDataType cmdMetaData, String tableName) throws CCDDException {
// Create a table definition for this command table. If the name space also includes a
// telemetry metadata (which creates a structure table) then ensure the two tables have
// different names
TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition(tableName + (system.getTelemetryMetaData() == null ? "" : "_cmd"), system.getLongDescription());
// Check if a description exists for this command table
if (system.getLongDescription() != null && !system.getLongDescription().isEmpty()) {
// Store the table's description
// Set the new command table's table type name
// Check if the description column belongs to a command argument
if (commandArguments.size() != 0 && cmdDescriptionIndex > commandArguments.get(0).getName()) {
// Reset the command description index to indicate no description exists
cmdDescriptionIndex = -1;
// Get the command set information
MetaCommandSet metaCmdSet = cmdMetaData.getMetaCommandSet();
// Check if the command set information exists
if (metaCmdSet != null) {
// Get the command argument information
ArgumentTypeSetType argTypeSetType = cmdMetaData.getArgumentTypeSet();
List<NameDescriptionType> argTypeSet = null;
// Check if there are any arguments for this command
if (argTypeSetType != null) {
// Get the list of this command's argument data types
argTypeSet = argTypeSetType.getStringArgumentTypeOrEnumeratedArgumentTypeOrIntegerArgumentType();
// Step through each command set
for (Object cmd : metaCmdSet.getMetaCommandOrMetaCommandRefOrBlockMetaCommand()) {
// Check if the command represents a meta command type (all of these should)
if (cmd instanceof MetaCommandType) {
// Get the command type as a meta command type to shorten subsequent calls
MetaCommandType metaCmd = (MetaCommandType) cmd;
// Create a new row of data in the table definition to contain this command's
// information. Initialize all columns to blanks except for the command name
String[] newRow = new String[numCommandColumns];
Arrays.fill(newRow, null);
newRow[commandNameIndex] = metaCmd.getName();
// Get the base meta-command reference
BaseMetaCommand baseMetaCmd = metaCmd.getBaseMetaCommand();
// Check if the base meta-command exists
if (baseMetaCmd != null) {
// Step through each argument assignment
for (ArgumentAssignment argAssn : baseMetaCmd.getArgumentAssignmentList().getArgumentAssignment()) {
// column name
if (argAssn.getArgumentName().equals(ccsdsAppID)) {
boolean isExists = false;
// Step through the data fields already added to this table
for (String[] fieldInfo : tableDefn.getDataFields()) {
// subsequent ones are ignored to prevent duplicates
if (fieldInfo[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal()].equals(argAssn.getArgumentName())) {
// Set the flag indicating the field already exists and
// stop searching
isExists = true;
// Check if the application ID data field doesn't exist
if (!isExists) {
// Create a data field for the table containing the application
// ID and stop searching
tableDefn.addDataField(new String[] { tableName, argAssn.getArgumentName(), "Message ID", String.valueOf(argAssn.getArgumentValue().length()), InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID.getInputName(), String.valueOf(false), ApplicabilityType.ALL.getApplicabilityName(), argAssn.getArgumentValue() });
} else // argument column name
if (argAssn.getArgumentName().equals(ccsdsFuncCode)) {
// Store the command function code and stop searching
newRow[commandCodeIndex] = argAssn.getArgumentValue();
// exists in the table type definition
if (metaCmd.getLongDescription() != null && cmdDescriptionIndex != -1) {
// Store the command description in the row's description column
newRow[cmdDescriptionIndex] = metaCmd.getLongDescription();
// Check if the command has any arguments
if (metaCmd.getArgumentList() != null && argTypeSet != null) {
int cmdArgIndex = 0;
CommandContainerType cmdContainer = metaCmd.getCommandContainer();
// Step through each of the command's arguments
for (Argument argList : metaCmd.getArgumentList().getArgument()) {
// Step through each command argument type
for (NameDescriptionType argType : argTypeSet) {
// between the two)
if (argList.getArgumentTypeRef().equals(argType.getName())) {
boolean isInteger = false;
boolean isUnsigned = false;
boolean isFloat = false;
boolean isString = false;
String dataType = null;
String arraySize = null;
BigInteger bitLength = null;
long sizeInBytes = 0;
String enumeration = null;
String description = null;
UnitSet unitSet = null;
String units = null;
String minimum = null;
String maximum = null;
// Check if the argument is an array data type
if (argType instanceof ArrayDataTypeType && metaCmd != null && cmdContainer != null) {
// set
for (JAXBElement<? extends SequenceEntryType> seqEntry : cmdContainer.getEntryList().getParameterRefEntryOrParameterSegmentRefEntryOrContainerRefEntry()) {
// reference matches the target parameter
if (seqEntry.getValue() instanceof ArrayParameterRefEntryType && argList.getName().equals(((ArrayParameterRefEntryType) seqEntry.getValue()).getParameterRef())) {
arraySize = "";
// Store the reference to the array parameter type
ArrayDataTypeType arrayType = (ArrayDataTypeType) argType;
argType = null;
// the array variable
for (Dimension dim : ((ArrayParameterRefEntryType) seqEntry.getValue()).getDimensionList().getDimension()) {
// Build the array size string
arraySize += String.valueOf(dim.getEndingIndex().getFixedValue()) + ",";
arraySize = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(arraySize, ",");
// data type entry
for (NameDescriptionType type : argTypeSet) {
// reference matches the data type name
if (arrayType.getArrayTypeRef().equals(type.getName())) {
// Store the reference to the array
// parameter's data type and stop searching
argType = type;
// individual array members)
if (argType != null) {
// Check if the argument is an integer data type
if (argType instanceof IntegerArgumentType) {
IntegerArgumentType icmd = (IntegerArgumentType) argType;
// Get the number of bits occupied by the argument
bitLength = icmd.getSizeInBits();
// Get the argument units reference
unitSet = icmd.getUnitSet();
// Check if integer encoding is set to 'unsigned'
if (icmd.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned")) {
isUnsigned = true;
// Determine the smallest integer size that contains
// the number of bits occupied by the argument
sizeInBytes = 8;
while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
sizeInBytes *= 2;
sizeInBytes /= 8;
// Get the argument alarm
IntegerArgumentType.ValidRangeSet alarmType = icmd.getValidRangeSet();
// Check if the argument has an alarm
if (alarmType != null) {
// Get the alarm range
List<IntegerRangeType> alarmRange = alarmType.getValidRange();
// Check if the alarm range exists
if (alarmRange != null) {
// Store the minimum alarm value
minimum = alarmRange.get(0).getMinInclusive();
// Store the maximum alarm value
maximum = alarmRange.get(0).getMaxInclusive();
isInteger = true;
} else // Check if the argument is a floating point data type
if (argType instanceof FloatArgumentType) {
// Get the float argument attributes
FloatArgumentType fcmd = (FloatArgumentType) argType;
sizeInBytes = fcmd.getSizeInBits().longValue() / 8;
unitSet = fcmd.getUnitSet();
// Get the argument alarm
FloatArgumentType.ValidRangeSet alarmType = fcmd.getValidRangeSet();
// Check if the argument has an alarm
if (alarmType != null) {
// Get the alarm range
List<FloatRangeType> alarmRange = alarmType.getValidRange();
// Check if the alarm range exists
if (alarmRange != null) {
// Get the minimum value
Double min = alarmRange.get(0).getMinInclusive();
// Check if a minimum value exists
if (min != null) {
// Get the minimum alarm value
minimum = String.valueOf(min);
// Get the maximum value
Double max = alarmRange.get(0).getMaxInclusive();
// Check if a maximum value exists
if (max != null) {
// Get the maximum alarm value
maximum = String.valueOf(max);
isFloat = true;
} else // Check if the argument is a string data type
if (argType instanceof StringDataType) {
// Get the string argument attributes
StringDataType scmd = (StringDataType) argType;
sizeInBytes = scmd.getCharacterWidth().longValue();
unitSet = scmd.getUnitSet();
isString = true;
} else // Check if the argument is an enumerated data type
if (argType instanceof EnumeratedDataType) {
EnumeratedDataType ecmd = (EnumeratedDataType) argType;
EnumerationList enumList = ecmd.getEnumerationList();
// Check if any enumeration parameters are defined
if (enumList != null) {
// Step through each enumeration parameter
for (ValueEnumerationType enumType : enumList.getEnumeration()) {
// Check if this is the first parameter
if (enumeration == null) {
// Initialize the enumeration string
enumeration = "";
} else // Not the first parameter
// Add the separator for the
// enumerations
enumeration += ", ";
// Begin building this enumeration
enumeration += enumType.getValue() + " | " + enumType.getLabel();
bitLength = ecmd.getIntegerDataEncoding().getSizeInBits();
unitSet = ecmd.getUnitSet();
// 'unsigned'
if (ecmd.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned")) {
isUnsigned = true;
// Determine the smallest integer size that
// contains the number of bits occupied by the
// argument
sizeInBytes = 8;
while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
sizeInBytes *= 2;
sizeInBytes /= 8;
isInteger = true;
// Get the name of the data type from the data type table
// that matches the base type and size of the parameter
dataType = getDataType(dataTypeHandler, sizeInBytes, isInteger, isUnsigned, isFloat, isString);
// Check if the description exists
if (argType.getLongDescription() != null) {
// Store the description
description = argType.getLongDescription();
// Check if the units exists
if (unitSet != null) {
List<UnitType> unitType = unitSet.getUnit();
// Check if the units is set
if (!unitType.isEmpty()) {
// Store the units
units = unitType.get(0).getContent();
// dictated by the table type definition
if (cmdArgIndex < commandArguments.size()) {
// Get the command argument reference
AssociatedColumns acmdArg = commandArguments.get(cmdArgIndex);
// Check if the command argument name is present
if (acmdArg.getName() != -1) {
// Store the command argument name
newRow[acmdArg.getName()] = argList.getName();
// Check if the command argument data type is present
if (acmdArg.getDataType() != -1 && dataType != null) {
// Store the command argument data type
newRow[acmdArg.getDataType()] = dataType;
// Check if the command argument array size is present
if (acmdArg.getArraySize() != -1 && arraySize != null) {
// Store the command argument array size
newRow[acmdArg.getArraySize()] = arraySize;
// Check if the command argument bit length is present
if (acmdArg.getBitLength() != -1 && bitLength != null) {
// Store the command argument bit length
newRow[acmdArg.getBitLength()] = bitLength.toString();
// Check if the command argument enumeration is present
if (acmdArg.getEnumeration() != -1 && enumeration != null) {
// Store the command argument enumeration
newRow[acmdArg.getEnumeration()] = enumeration;
// Check if the command argument description is present
if (acmdArg.getDescription() != -1 && description != null) {
// Store the command argument description
newRow[acmdArg.getDescription()] = description;
// Check if the command argument units is present
if (acmdArg.getUnits() != -1 && units != null) {
// Store the command argument units
newRow[acmdArg.getUnits()] = units;
// Check if the command argument minimum is present
if (acmdArg.getMinimum() != -1 && minimum != null) {
// Store the command argument minimum
newRow[acmdArg.getMinimum()] = minimum;
// Check if the command argument maximum is present
if (acmdArg.getMaximum() != -1 && maximum != null) {
// Store the command argument maximum
newRow[acmdArg.getMaximum()] = maximum;
// Increment the argument index
// Add the new row to the table definition
// Add the command table definition to the list