use of org.onap.aai.serialization.queryformats.FormatFactory in project aai-graphadmin by onap.
the class QueryConsumer method processExecuteQuery.
public Response processExecuteQuery(String content, @PathParam("version") String versionParam, @PathParam("uri") @Encoded String uri, @DefaultValue("graphson") @QueryParam("format") String queryFormat, @DefaultValue("no_op") @QueryParam("subgraph") String subgraph, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context UriInfo info, @Context HttpServletRequest req) {
String sourceOfTruth = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("X-FromAppId");
String queryProcessor = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("QueryProcessor");
QueryProcessorType processorType = this.processorType;
Response response = null;
TransactionalGraphEngine dbEngine = null;
try {
Format format = Format.getFormat(queryFormat);
if (queryProcessor != null) {
processorType = QueryProcessorType.valueOf(queryProcessor);
SubGraphStyle subGraphStyle = SubGraphStyle.valueOf(subgraph);
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject input = parser.parse(content).getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement gremlinElement = input.get("gremlin");
JsonElement dslElement = input.get("dsl");
String gremlin = "";
String dsl = "";
SchemaVersion version = new SchemaVersion(versionParam);
dbEngine = traversalUriHttpEntry.getDbEngine();
if (gremlinElement != null) {
gremlin = gremlinElement.getAsString();
if (dslElement != null) {
dsl = dslElement.getAsString();
GenericQueryProcessor processor;
if (!dsl.equals("")) {
processor = new GenericQueryProcessor.Builder(dbEngine).queryFrom(dsl, "dsl").queryProcessor(dslQueryProcessor).processWith(processorType).create();
} else {
processor = new GenericQueryProcessor.Builder(dbEngine).queryFrom(gremlin, "gremlin").processWith(processorType).create();
String result = "";
List<Object> vertices = processor.execute(subGraphStyle);
DBSerializer serializer = new DBSerializer(version, dbEngine, introspectorFactoryType, sourceOfTruth);
FormatFactory ff = new FormatFactory(traversalUriHttpEntry.getLoader(), serializer, schemaVersions, basePath);
Formatter formater = ff.get(format, info.getQueryParameters());
result = formater.output(vertices).toString();"Completed");
response = Response.status(Status.OK).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).entity(result).build();
} catch (AAIException e) {
response = consumerExceptionResponseGenerator(headers, info, HttpMethod.GET, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
AAIException ex = new AAIException("AAI_4000", e);
response = consumerExceptionResponseGenerator(headers, info, HttpMethod.GET, ex);
} finally {
if (dbEngine != null) {
return response;
use of org.onap.aai.serialization.queryformats.FormatFactory in project aai-aai-common by onap.
the class HttpEntry method process.
private Pair<Boolean, List<Pair<URI, Response>>> process(List<DBRequest> requests, String sourceOfTruth, Set<String> groups, boolean enableResourceVersion) throws AAIException {
DBSerializer serializer = null;
if (serverBase != null) {
serializer = new DBSerializer(version, dbEngine, introspectorFactoryType, sourceOfTruth, groups, notificationDepth, serverBase);
} else {
serializer = new DBSerializer(version, dbEngine, introspectorFactoryType, sourceOfTruth, groups, notificationDepth);
Response response;
Introspector obj;
QueryParser query;
URI uri;
String transactionId = null;
int depth;
Format format = null;
List<Pair<URI, Response>> responses = new ArrayList<>();
MultivaluedMap<String, String> params;
HttpMethod method;
String uriTemp;
boolean success = true;
QueryEngine queryEngine = dbEngine.getQueryEngine();
Set<Vertex> mainVertexesToNotifyOn = new LinkedHashSet<>();
AaiDBMetricLog metricLog = new AaiDBMetricLog(AAIConstants.AAI_RESOURCES_MS);
String outputMediaType = null;
if (requests != null && !requests.isEmpty()) {
HttpHeaders headers = requests.get(0).getHeaders();
outputMediaType = getMediaType(headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes());
for (DBRequest request : requests) {
response = null;
Status status = Status.NOT_FOUND;
method = request.getMethod();
try {
try {
obj = request.getIntrospector();
query = request.getParser();
transactionId = request.getTransactionId();
uriTemp = request.getUri().getRawPath().replaceFirst("^v\\d+/", "");
uri = UriBuilder.fromPath(uriTemp).build();
boolean groupsAvailable = serializer.getGroups() != null && !serializer.getGroups().isEmpty();
List<Vertex> queryResult = query.getQueryBuilder().toList();
List<Vertex> vertices;
if (this.isPaginated()) {
List<Vertex> vertTemp = groupsAvailable ? -> {
return OwnerCheck.isAuthorized(groups, vx);
}).collect(Collectors.toList()) : queryResult;
this.setTotalsForPaging(vertTemp.size(), this.paginationBucket);
vertices = vertTemp.subList(((this.paginationIndex - 1) * this.paginationBucket), Math.min((this.paginationBucket * this.paginationIndex), vertTemp.size()));
} else {
vertices = groupsAvailable && queryResult.size() > 1 ? -> {
return OwnerCheck.isAuthorized(groups, vx);
}).collect(Collectors.toList()) : queryResult;
boolean isNewVertex;
HttpHeaders headers = request.getHeaders();
outputMediaType = getMediaType(headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes());
String result = null;
params = request.getInfo().getQueryParameters(false);
depth = setDepth(obj, params.getFirst("depth"));
if (params.containsKey("format")) {
format = Format.getFormat(params.getFirst("format"));
String cleanUp = params.getFirst("cleanup");
String requestContext = "";
List<String> requestContextList = request.getHeaders().getRequestHeader("aai-request-context");
if (requestContextList != null) {
requestContext = requestContextList.get(0);
if (cleanUp == null) {
cleanUp = "false";
if (vertices.size() > 1 && processSingle && !(method.equals(HttpMethod.GET) || method.equals(HttpMethod.GET_RELATIONSHIP))) {
if (method.equals(HttpMethod.DELETE)) {
throw new AAIException("AAI_6138");
} else {
throw new AAIException("AAI_6137");
if (method.equals(HttpMethod.PUT)) {
String resourceVersion = obj.getValue(AAIProperties.RESOURCE_VERSION);
if (vertices.isEmpty()) {
if (enableResourceVersion) {
serializer.verifyResourceVersion("create", query.getResultType(), "", resourceVersion, obj.getURI());
isNewVertex = true;
} else {
if (enableResourceVersion) {
serializer.verifyResourceVersion("update", query.getResultType(), vertices.get(0).<String>property(AAIProperties.RESOURCE_VERSION).orElse(null), resourceVersion, obj.getURI());
isNewVertex = false;
} else {
if (vertices.isEmpty()) {
String msg = createNotFoundMessage(query.getResultType(), request.getUri());
throw new AAIException("AAI_6114", msg);
} else {
isNewVertex = false;
Vertex v = null;
if (!isNewVertex) {
v = vertices.get(0);
* This skip-related-to query parameter is used to determine if the relationships object will omit the related-to-property
* If a GET is sent to resources without a format, if format=resource, or if format=resource_and_url with this param set to false
* then behavior will be keep the related-to properties. By default, set to true.
* Otherwise, for any other case, when the skip-related-to parameter exists, has value=true, or some unfamiliar input (e.g. skip-related-to=bogusvalue), the value is true.
boolean isSkipRelatedTo = true;
if (params.containsKey("skip-related-to")) {
String skipRelatedTo = params.getFirst("skip-related-to");
isSkipRelatedTo = !(skipRelatedTo != null && skipRelatedTo.equals("false"));
} else {
// if skip-related-to param is missing, then default it to false;
isSkipRelatedTo = false;
HashMap<String, Introspector> relatedObjects = new HashMap<>();
String nodeOnly = params.getFirst("nodes-only");
boolean isNodeOnly = nodeOnly != null;
switch(method) {
case GET:
if (format == null) {
obj = this.getObjectFromDb(vertices, serializer, query, obj, request.getUri(), depth, isNodeOnly, cleanUp, isSkipRelatedTo);
if (obj != null) {
status = Status.OK;
MarshallerProperties properties;
Optional<MarshallerProperties> marshallerPropOpt = request.getMarshallerProperties();
if (marshallerPropOpt.isPresent()) {
properties = marshallerPropOpt.get();
} else {
properties = new MarshallerProperties.Builder(org.onap.aai.restcore.MediaType.getEnum(outputMediaType)).build();
result = obj.marshal(properties);
} else {
FormatFactory ff = new FormatFactory(loader, serializer, schemaVersions, basePath + "/", serverBase);
Formatter formatter = ff.get(format, params);
result = formatter.output( -> (Object) vertex).collect(Collectors.toList())).toString();
if (outputMediaType == null) {
outputMediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;
if (MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE.isCompatible(MediaType.valueOf(outputMediaType))) {
result = xmlFormatTransformer.transform(result);
status = Status.OK;
if (format == null) {
obj = this.getRelationshipObjectFromDb(vertices, serializer, query, request.getInfo().getRequestUri(), isSkipRelatedTo);
if (obj != null) {
status = Status.OK;
MarshallerProperties properties;
if (!request.getMarshallerProperties().isPresent()) {
properties = new MarshallerProperties.Builder(org.onap.aai.restcore.MediaType.getEnum(outputMediaType)).build();
} else {
properties = request.getMarshallerProperties().get();
result = obj.marshal(properties);
} else {
String msg = createRelationshipNotFoundMessage(query.getResultType(), request.getUri());
throw new AAIException("AAI_6149", msg);
} else {
FormatFactory ff = new FormatFactory(loader, serializer, schemaVersions, basePath + "/", serverBase);
Formatter formatter = ff.get(format, params);
result = formatter.output( -> (Object) vertex).collect(Collectors.toList())).toString();
if (outputMediaType == null) {
outputMediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;
if (MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE.isCompatible(MediaType.valueOf(outputMediaType))) {
result = xmlFormatTransformer.transform(result);
status = Status.OK;
case PUT:
if (isNewVertex) {
v = serializer.createNewVertex(obj);
serializer.serializeToDb(obj, v, query, uri.getRawPath(), requestContext);
status = Status.OK;
if (isNewVertex) {
status = Status.CREATED;
if (notificationDepth == AAIProperties.MINIMUM_DEPTH) {
Map<String, Pair<Introspector, LinkedHashMap<String, Introspector>>> allImpliedDeleteObjs = serializer.getImpliedDeleteUriObjectPair();
for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<Introspector, LinkedHashMap<String, Introspector>>> entry : allImpliedDeleteObjs.entrySet()) {
// The format is purposefully %s/%s%s due to the fact
// that every aai-uri will have a slash at the beginning
// If that assumption isn't true, then its best to change this code
String curUri = String.format("%s/%s%s", basePath, version, entry.getKey());
Introspector curObj = entry.getValue().getValue0();
HashMap<String, Introspector> curObjRelated = entry.getValue().getValue1();
notification.createNotificationEvent(transactionId, sourceOfTruth, Status.NO_CONTENT, URI.create(curUri), curObj, curObjRelated, basePath);
case PUT_EDGE:
serializer.touchStandardVertexProperties(v, false);
Vertex relatedVertex = serializer.createEdge(obj, v);
status = Status.OK;
Introspector existingObj = loader.introspectorFromName(obj.getDbName());
existingObj = this.getObjectFromDb(vertices, serializer, query, existingObj, request.getUri(), 0, false, cleanUp);
String existingJson = existingObj.marshal(false);
String newJson;
if (request.getRawRequestContent().isPresent()) {
newJson = request.getRawRequestContent().get();
} else {
newJson = "";
Object relationshipList = request.getIntrospector().getValue("relationship-list");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
JsonNode existingNode = mapper.readTree(existingJson);
JsonNode newNode = mapper.readTree(newJson);
JsonMergePatch patch = JsonMergePatch.fromJson(newNode);
JsonNode completed = patch.apply(existingNode);
String patched = mapper.writeValueAsString(completed);
Introspector patchedObj = loader.unmarshal(existingObj.getName(), patched);
if (relationshipList == null && patchedObj.hasProperty("relationship-list")) {
// if the caller didn't touch the relationship-list, we shouldn't either
patchedObj.setValue("relationship-list", null);
serializer.serializeToDb(patchedObj, v, query, uri.getRawPath(), requestContext);
status = Status.OK;
} catch (IOException | JsonPatchException e) {
throw new AAIException("AAI_3000", "could not perform patch operation");
case DELETE:
String resourceVersion = params.getFirst(AAIProperties.RESOURCE_VERSION);
obj = serializer.getLatestVersionView(v, notificationDepth);
if (query.isDependent()) {
relatedObjects = serializer.getRelatedObjects(queryEngine, v, obj, this.loader);
* Find all Delete-other-vertex vertices and create structure for notify
* findDeleatble also returns the startVertex v and we dont want to create
* duplicate notification events for the same
* So remove the startvertex first
List<Vertex> deletableVertices = dbEngine.getQueryEngine().findDeletable(v);
Object vId =;
* I am assuming vertexId cant be null
deletableVertices.removeIf(s -> vId.equals(;
boolean isDelVerticesPresent = !deletableVertices.isEmpty();
Map<Vertex, Introspector> deleteObjects = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, URI> uriMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, HashMap<String, Introspector>> deleteRelatedObjects = new HashMap<>();
if (isDelVerticesPresent) {
deleteObjects = this.buildIntrospectorObjects(serializer, deletableVertices);
uriMap = this.buildURIMap(serializer, deleteObjects);
deleteRelatedObjects = this.buildRelatedObjects(serializer, queryEngine, deleteObjects);
serializer.delete(v, deletableVertices, resourceVersion, enableResourceVersion);
status = Status.NO_CONTENT;
notification.createNotificationEvent(transactionId, sourceOfTruth, status, uri, obj, relatedObjects, basePath);
if (isDelVerticesPresent) {
this.buildNotificationEvent(sourceOfTruth, status, transactionId, notification, deleteObjects, uriMap, deleteRelatedObjects, basePath);
serializer.touchStandardVertexProperties(v, false);
Optional<Vertex> otherV = serializer.deleteEdge(obj, v);
status = Status.NO_CONTENT;
if (otherV.isPresent()) {
* temporarily adding vertex id to the headers
* to be able to use for testing the vertex id endpoint functionality
* since we presently have no other way of generating those id urls
if (response == null && v != null && (method.equals(HttpMethod.PUT) || method.equals(HttpMethod.GET) || method.equals(HttpMethod.MERGE_PATCH) || method.equals(HttpMethod.GET_RELATIONSHIP))) {
String myvertid =;
if (this.isPaginated()) {
response = Response.status(status).header("vertex-id", myvertid).header("total-results", this.getTotalVertices()).header("total-pages", this.getTotalPaginationBuckets()).entity(result).type(outputMediaType).build();
} else {
response = Response.status(status).header("vertex-id", myvertid).entity(result).type(outputMediaType).build();
} else if (response == null) {
response = Response.status(status).type(outputMediaType).build();
// else, response already set to something
Pair<URI, Response> pairedResp = Pair.with(request.getUri(), response);
} catch (JanusGraphException e) {
throw new AAIException("AAI_6134", e);
} catch (AAIException e) {
success = false;
ArrayList<String> templateVars = new ArrayList<>();
// GET, PUT, etc
response = Response.status(e.getErrorObject().getHTTPResponseCode()).entity(ErrorLogHelper.getRESTAPIErrorResponse(request.getHeaders().getAcceptableMediaTypes(), e, templateVars)).type(outputMediaType).build();
Pair<URI, Response> pairedResp = Pair.with(request.getUri(), response);
} catch (Exception e) {
success = false;
AAIException ex = new AAIException("AAI_4000", e);
ArrayList<String> templateVars = new ArrayList<>();
// GET, PUT, etc
response = Response.status(ex.getErrorObject().getHTTPResponseCode()).entity(ErrorLogHelper.getRESTAPIErrorResponse(request.getHeaders().getAcceptableMediaTypes(), ex, templateVars)).type(outputMediaType).build();
Pair<URI, Response> pairedResp = Pair.with(request.getUri(), response);
} finally {
if (response != null) {, response);
if (success) {
generateEvents(sourceOfTruth, serializer, transactionId, queryEngine, mainVertexesToNotifyOn);
} else {
return Pair.with(success, responses);