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Example 1 with Criteria

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class OplinkOpticalUtility method fromFlowRule.

 * Transforms a flow FlowRule object to an OplinkCrossConnect object.
 * @param behaviour the parent driver handler
 * @param rule FlowRule object
 * @return cross connect object
public static OplinkCrossConnect fromFlowRule(HandlerBehaviour behaviour, FlowRule rule) {
    // TrafficSelector
    Set<Criterion> criterions = rule.selector().criteria();
    int channel = -> c instanceof OchSignalCriterion).map(c -> ((OchSignalCriterion) c).lambda().spacingMultiplier()).findAny().orElse(null);
    PortNumber inPort = -> c instanceof PortCriterion).map(c -> ((PortCriterion) c).port()).findAny().orElse(null);
    // TrafficTreatment
    List<Instruction> instructions = rule.treatment().immediate();
    PortNumber outPort = -> c instanceof Instructions.OutputInstruction).map(c -> ((Instructions.OutputInstruction) c).port()).findAny().orElse(null);
    int attenuation = -> c instanceof Instructions.ExtensionInstructionWrapper).map(c -> ((Instructions.ExtensionInstructionWrapper) c).extensionInstruction()).filter(c -> c instanceof OplinkAttenuation).map(c -> ((OplinkAttenuation) c).getAttenuation()).findAny().orElse(DEFAULT_ATT);
    return new OplinkCrossConnect(inPort, outPort, channel, attenuation);
Also used : GridType( DefaultFlowRule( CoreService(org.onosproject.core.CoreService) PortNumber( FlowEntry( PortCriterion( HandlerBehaviour( DefaultTrafficTreatment( OplinkAttenuation(org.onosproject.driver.extensions.OplinkAttenuation) OchSignalCriterion( Frequency(org.onlab.util.Frequency) FlowRuleService( TrafficSelector( Criteria( DefaultTrafficSelector( Criterion( TrafficTreatment( OchSignalType( Instructions( Instruction( Range( Set(java.util.Set) Lambda( List(java.util.List) FlowRule( ChannelSpacing( Instructions( OplinkAttenuation(org.onosproject.driver.extensions.OplinkAttenuation) PortCriterion( Instruction( OchSignalCriterion( PortCriterion( OchSignalCriterion( Criterion( PortNumber(

Example 2 with Criteria

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class LinkCollectionCompiler method orderedEgressPoints.

 * Helper method to order the egress ports according to a
 * specified criteria. The idea is to generate first the actions
 * for the egress ports which are similar to the specified criteria
 * then the others. In this way we can mitigate the problems related
 * to the chain of actions and we can optimize also the number of
 * actions.
 * @param orderCriteria the ordering criteria
 * @param pointsToOrder the egress points to order
 * @return a list of port ordered
private List<FilteredConnectPoint> orderedEgressPoints(TrafficSelector orderCriteria, List<FilteredConnectPoint> pointsToOrder) {
         * We are interested only to the labels. The idea is to order
         * by the tags.
    Criterion vlanIdCriterion = orderCriteria.getCriterion(VLAN_VID);
    Criterion mplsLabelCriterion = orderCriteria.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL);
         * We collect all the untagged points.
    List<FilteredConnectPoint> untaggedEgressPoints = -> {
        TrafficSelector selector = pointToOrder.trafficSelector();
        return selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID) == null && selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL) == null;
         * We collect all the vlan points.
    List<FilteredConnectPoint> vlanEgressPoints = -> {
        TrafficSelector selector = pointToOrder.trafficSelector();
        return selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID) != null && selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL) == null;
         * We collect all the mpls points.
    List<FilteredConnectPoint> mplsEgressPoints = -> {
        TrafficSelector selector = pointToOrder.trafficSelector();
        return selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID) == null && selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL) != null;
         * We create the final list of ports.
    List<FilteredConnectPoint> orderedList = Lists.newArrayList();
         * The ordering criteria is vlan id. First we add the vlan
         * ports. Then the others.
    if (vlanIdCriterion != null && mplsLabelCriterion == null) {
        return orderedList;
         * The ordering criteria is mpls label. First we add the mpls
         * ports. Then the others.
    if (vlanIdCriterion == null && mplsLabelCriterion != null) {
        return orderedList;
         * The ordering criteria is untagged. First we add the untagged
         * ports. Then the others.
    if (vlanIdCriterion == null) {
        return orderedList;
         * Unhandled scenario.
    return orderedList;
Also used : PortNumber( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction( Link( DefaultTrafficTreatment( ConnectPoint( Ethernet(org.onlab.packet.Ethernet) Map(java.util.Map) L2ModificationInstruction( Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) L3ModificationInstruction( Set(java.util.Set) ModVlanIdInstruction( Collectors( Sets( EthType(org.onlab.packet.EthType) ModTransportPortInstruction( List(java.util.List) EncapsulationType( ModEtherInstruction( ModTunnelIdInstruction( Optional(java.util.Optional) DeviceId( TunnelIdCriterion( IpPrefix(org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix) MplsCriterion( Identifier(org.onlab.util.Identifier) L4ModificationInstruction( LabelAllocator( ModMplsLabelInstruction( DomainConstraint( IntentCompilationException( ModIPInstruction( ModArpIPInstruction( EncapsulationConstraint( ModVlanPcpInstruction( Type( Lists( TrafficSelector( ImmutableList( DomainService( L0ModificationInstruction( DomainPointToPointIntent( Intent( LOCAL( Criteria( DefaultTrafficSelector( Criterion( TrafficTreatment( ModMplsBosInstruction( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) MplsLabel(org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel) EthTypeCriterion( Instruction( VlanId(org.onlab.packet.VlanId) ModArpEthInstruction( LinkCollectionIntent( Maps( SetMultimap( DomainId( L1ModificationInstruction( VlanIdCriterion( ModArpOpInstruction( FilteredConnectPoint( TunnelIdCriterion( MplsCriterion( Criterion( EthTypeCriterion( VlanIdCriterion( TrafficSelector( DefaultTrafficSelector( FilteredConnectPoint(

Example 3 with Criteria

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class LinkCollectionCompiler method manageMpIntent.

 * Manages the Intents with multiple ingress points creating properly
 * the selector builder and the treatment builder.
 * @param selectorBuilder the selector builder to update
 * @param treatmentBuilder the treatment builder to update
 * @param intent the intent to compile
 * @param inPort the input port of the current device
 * @param deviceId the current device
 * @param outPorts the output ports of this device
private void manageMpIntent(TrafficSelector.Builder selectorBuilder, TrafficTreatment.Builder treatmentBuilder, LinkCollectionIntent intent, PortNumber inPort, DeviceId deviceId, Set<PortNumber> outPorts) {
         * Sanity check
    if (intent.filteredEgressPoints().size() != 1) {
        throw new IntentCompilationException(WRONG_EGRESS);
         * We try to understand if the device is one of the ingress points.
    Optional<FilteredConnectPoint> filteredIngressPoint = getFilteredConnectPointFromIntent(deviceId, inPort, intent);
         * We retrieve from the Intent the unique egress points.
    Optional<FilteredConnectPoint> filteredEgressPoint = intent.filteredEgressPoints().stream().findFirst();
         * We check if the device is the ingress device
    if (filteredIngressPoint.isPresent()) {
             * We are at ingress, so basically what we have to do is this:
             * apply a set of operations (treatment, FEP) in order to have
             * a transition from the initial state to the final state.
             * We initialize the treatment with the Intent treatment
        intent.treatment().allInstructions().stream().filter(inst -> inst.type() != Instruction.Type.NOACTION).forEach(treatmentBuilder::add);
             * We build the final selector, adding the selector
             * of the FIP to the Intent selector and potentially
             * overriding its matches.
             * We define the transition FIP->FEP, basically
             * the set of the operations we need for reaching
             * the final state.
        TrafficTreatment forwardingTreatment = forwardingTreatment(filteredIngressPoint.get().trafficSelector(), filteredEgressPoint.get().trafficSelector(), getEthType(intent.selector()));
             * We add to the treatment the actions necessary for the
             * transition, potentially overriding the treatment of the
             * Intent. The Intent treatment has always a low priority
             * in respect of the FEP.
        forwardingTreatment.allInstructions().stream().filter(inst -> inst.type() != Instruction.Type.NOACTION).forEach(treatmentBuilder::add);
    } else {
             * We are in the core or in the egress switch.
             * The packets are in their final state. We need
             * to match against this final state.
             * we derive the final state defined by the intent
             * treatment.
        updateBuilder(selectorBuilder, intent.treatment());
             * We derive the final state defined by the unique
             * FEP. We merge the two states.
         * Finally we set the output action.
Also used : PortNumber( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction( Link( DefaultTrafficTreatment( ConnectPoint( Ethernet(org.onlab.packet.Ethernet) Map(java.util.Map) L2ModificationInstruction( Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) L3ModificationInstruction( Set(java.util.Set) ModVlanIdInstruction( Collectors( Sets( EthType(org.onlab.packet.EthType) ModTransportPortInstruction( List(java.util.List) EncapsulationType( ModEtherInstruction( ModTunnelIdInstruction( Optional(java.util.Optional) DeviceId( TunnelIdCriterion( IpPrefix(org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix) MplsCriterion( Identifier(org.onlab.util.Identifier) L4ModificationInstruction( LabelAllocator( ModMplsLabelInstruction( DomainConstraint( IntentCompilationException( ModIPInstruction( ModArpIPInstruction( EncapsulationConstraint( ModVlanPcpInstruction( Type( Lists( TrafficSelector( ImmutableList( DomainService( L0ModificationInstruction( DomainPointToPointIntent( Intent( LOCAL( Criteria( DefaultTrafficSelector( Criterion( TrafficTreatment( ModMplsBosInstruction( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) MplsLabel(org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel) EthTypeCriterion( Instruction( VlanId(org.onlab.packet.VlanId) ModArpEthInstruction( LinkCollectionIntent( Maps( SetMultimap( DomainId( L1ModificationInstruction( VlanIdCriterion( ModArpOpInstruction( FilteredConnectPoint( IntentCompilationException( DefaultTrafficTreatment( TrafficTreatment( FilteredConnectPoint(

Example 4 with Criteria

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class OplinkOpticalUtility method toFlowRule.

 * Finds the FlowRule from flow rule store by the given ports and channel.
 * Returns an extra flow to remove the flow by ONOS if not found.
 * @param behaviour the parent driver handler
 * @param inPort the input port
 * @param outPort the output port
 * @param channel the specified channel
 * @return the flow rule
public static FlowRule toFlowRule(HandlerBehaviour behaviour, PortNumber inPort, PortNumber outPort, Integer channel) {
    FlowRuleService service = behaviour.handler().get(FlowRuleService.class);
    Iterable<FlowEntry> entries = service.getFlowEntries(;
    // Try to Find the flow from flow rule store.
    for (FlowEntry entry : entries) {
        Set<Criterion> criterions = entry.selector().criteria();
        // input port
        PortNumber ip = -> c instanceof PortCriterion).map(c -> ((PortCriterion) c).port()).findAny().orElse(null);
        // channel
        Integer ch = -> c instanceof OchSignalCriterion).map(c -> ((OchSignalCriterion) c).lambda().spacingMultiplier()).findAny().orElse(null);
        // output port
        PortNumber op = entry.treatment().immediate().stream().filter(c -> c instanceof Instructions.OutputInstruction).map(c -> ((Instructions.OutputInstruction) c).port()).findAny().orElse(null);
        if (inPort.equals(ip) && channel.equals(ch) && outPort.equals(op)) {
            // Find the flow.
            return entry;
    // Cannot find the flow from store. So report an extra flow to remove the flow by ONOS.
    TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder().matchInPort(inPort).add(Criteria.matchOchSignalType(OchSignalType.FIXED_GRID)).add(Criteria.matchLambda(Lambda.ochSignal(GRID_TYPE, CHANNEL_SPACING, channel, SLOT_GRANULARITY))).build();
    TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().setOutput(outPort).build();
    return DefaultFlowRule.builder().forDevice(;
Also used : GridType( DefaultFlowRule( CoreService(org.onosproject.core.CoreService) PortNumber( FlowEntry( PortCriterion( HandlerBehaviour( DefaultTrafficTreatment( OplinkAttenuation(org.onosproject.driver.extensions.OplinkAttenuation) OchSignalCriterion( Frequency(org.onlab.util.Frequency) FlowRuleService( TrafficSelector( Criteria( DefaultTrafficSelector( Criterion( TrafficTreatment( OchSignalType( Instructions( Instruction( Range( Set(java.util.Set) Lambda( List(java.util.List) FlowRule( ChannelSpacing( CoreService(org.onosproject.core.CoreService) Instructions( PortCriterion( DefaultTrafficTreatment( TrafficTreatment( OchSignalCriterion( PortCriterion( OchSignalCriterion( Criterion( TrafficSelector( DefaultTrafficSelector( FlowRuleService( PortNumber( FlowEntry(


List (java.util.List)4 Set (java.util.Set)4 PortNumber ( DefaultTrafficSelector ( DefaultTrafficTreatment ( TrafficSelector ( TrafficTreatment ( Criteria ( Criterion ( Instruction ( ImmutableList ( Lists ( Maps ( SetMultimap ( Sets ( Map (java.util.Map)2 Optional (java.util.Optional)2 Collectors ( EthType (org.onlab.packet.EthType)2 Ethernet (org.onlab.packet.Ethernet)2