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Example 1 with IntentCompilationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class LinkCollectionCompiler method manageOutputPorts.

 * Helper method which handles the proper generation of the ouput actions.
 * @param outPorts the output ports
 * @param deviceId the current device
 * @param intent the intent to compile
 * @param outLabels the output labels
 * @param type the encapsulation type
 * @param preCondition the previous state
 * @param treatmentBuilder the builder to update with the ouput actions
private void manageOutputPorts(Set<PortNumber> outPorts, DeviceId deviceId, LinkCollectionIntent intent, Map<ConnectPoint, Identifier<?>> outLabels, EncapsulationType type, TrafficSelector.Builder preCondition, TrafficTreatment.Builder treatmentBuilder) {
         * We need to order the actions. First the actions
         * related to the not-egress points. At the same time we collect
         * also the egress points.
    List<FilteredConnectPoint> egressPoints = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (PortNumber outPort : outPorts) {
        Optional<FilteredConnectPoint> filteredEgressPoint = getFilteredConnectPointFromIntent(deviceId, outPort, intent);
        if (!filteredEgressPoint.isPresent()) {
                 * We build a temporary selector for the encapsulation.
            TrafficSelector.Builder encapBuilder = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
                 * We retrieve the associated label to the output port.
            ConnectPoint cp = new ConnectPoint(deviceId, outPort);
            Identifier<?> outLabel = outLabels.get(cp);
                 * If there are not labels, we cannot handle.
            if (outLabel == null) {
                throw new IntentCompilationException(String.format(NO_LABELS, cp));
                 * In the core we match using encapsulation.
            updateSelectorFromEncapsulation(encapBuilder, type, outLabel);
                 * We generate the transition.
            TrafficTreatment forwardingTreatment = forwardingTreatment(,, getEthType(intent.selector()));
                 * We add the instruction necessary to the transition.
            forwardingTreatment.allInstructions().stream().filter(inst -> inst.type() != Instruction.Type.NOACTION).forEach(treatmentBuilder::add);
                 * Finally we set the output action.
                 * The encapsulation modifies the packet. If we are optimizing
                 * we have to update the state.
            if (optimizeTreatments()) {
                preCondition = encapBuilder;
        } else {
         * The idea is to order the egress points. Before we deal
         * with the egress points which looks like similar to the
         * selector derived from the previous state then the
         * the others.
    TrafficSelector prevState =;
    if (optimizeTreatments()) {
        egressPoints = orderedEgressPoints(prevState, egressPoints);
         * In this case, we have to transit to the final
         * state.
    generateEgressActions(treatmentBuilder, egressPoints, prevState, intent);
Also used : PortNumber( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction( Link( DefaultTrafficTreatment( ConnectPoint( Ethernet(org.onlab.packet.Ethernet) Map(java.util.Map) L2ModificationInstruction( Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) L3ModificationInstruction( Set(java.util.Set) ModVlanIdInstruction( Collectors( Sets( EthType(org.onlab.packet.EthType) ModTransportPortInstruction( List(java.util.List) EncapsulationType( ModEtherInstruction( ModTunnelIdInstruction( Optional(java.util.Optional) DeviceId( TunnelIdCriterion( IpPrefix(org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix) MplsCriterion( Identifier(org.onlab.util.Identifier) L4ModificationInstruction( LabelAllocator( ModMplsLabelInstruction( DomainConstraint( IntentCompilationException( ModIPInstruction( ModArpIPInstruction( EncapsulationConstraint( ModVlanPcpInstruction( Type( Lists( TrafficSelector( ImmutableList( DomainService( L0ModificationInstruction( DomainPointToPointIntent( Intent( LOCAL( Criteria( DefaultTrafficSelector( Criterion( TrafficTreatment( ModMplsBosInstruction( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) MplsLabel(org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel) EthTypeCriterion( Instruction( VlanId(org.onlab.packet.VlanId) ModArpEthInstruction( LinkCollectionIntent( Maps( SetMultimap( DomainId( L1ModificationInstruction( VlanIdCriterion( ModArpOpInstruction( FilteredConnectPoint( TrafficSelector( DefaultTrafficSelector( IntentCompilationException( PortNumber( DefaultTrafficTreatment( TrafficTreatment( ConnectPoint( FilteredConnectPoint( FilteredConnectPoint(

Example 2 with IntentCompilationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class LinkCollectionCompiler method manageSpIntent.

 * Manages the Intents with a single ingress point (p2p, sp2mp)
 * creating properly the selector builder and the treatment builder.
 * @param selectorBuilder the selector builder to update
 * @param treatmentBuilder the treatment builder to update
 * @param intent the intent to compile
 * @param deviceId the current device
 * @param outPorts the output ports of this device
private void manageSpIntent(TrafficSelector.Builder selectorBuilder, TrafficTreatment.Builder treatmentBuilder, LinkCollectionIntent intent, DeviceId deviceId, Set<PortNumber> outPorts) {
         * Sanity check.
    if (intent.filteredIngressPoints().size() != 1) {
        throw new IntentCompilationException(WRONG_INGRESS);
         * For the p2p and sp2mp the transition initial state
         * to final state is performed at the egress.
    Optional<FilteredConnectPoint> filteredIngressPoint = intent.filteredIngressPoints().stream().findFirst();
         * We build the final selector, adding the selector
         * of the FIP to the Intent selector and potentially
         * overriding its matches.
         * In this scenario, potentially we can have several output
         * ports. First we have to insert in the treatment the actions
         * for the core.
    List<FilteredConnectPoint> egressPoints = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (PortNumber outPort : outPorts) {
        Optional<FilteredConnectPoint> filteredEgressPoint = getFilteredConnectPointFromIntent(deviceId, outPort, intent);
        if (!filteredEgressPoint.isPresent()) {
        } else {
         * The idea is to order the egress points. Before we deal
         * with the egress points which looks like similar to the ingress
         * point then the others.
    TrafficSelector prevState = filteredIngressPoint.get().trafficSelector();
    if (optimizeTreatments()) {
        egressPoints = orderedEgressPoints(prevState, egressPoints);
         * Then we deal with the egress points.
    generateEgressActions(treatmentBuilder, egressPoints, prevState, intent);
Also used : TrafficSelector( DefaultTrafficSelector( IntentCompilationException( PortNumber( FilteredConnectPoint(

Example 3 with IntentCompilationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class LinkCollectionCompiler method manageEncapAtCoreAndEgress.

 * Manages the core and transit of the Intents (p2p, sp2mp, mp2sp)
 * with encapsulation.
 * @param selectorBuilder the selector builder to update
 * @param treatmentBuilder the treatment builder to update
 * @param intent the intent to compile
 * @param inPort the input port of this device
 * @param inLabel the label associated to the input port
 * @param deviceId the current device
 * @param outPorts the output ports of this device
 * @param outLabels the labels associated to the output port
 * @param type the encapsulation type
private void manageEncapAtCoreAndEgress(TrafficSelector.Builder selectorBuilder, TrafficTreatment.Builder treatmentBuilder, LinkCollectionIntent intent, PortNumber inPort, Identifier<?> inLabel, DeviceId deviceId, Set<PortNumber> outPorts, Map<ConnectPoint, Identifier<?>> outLabels, EncapsulationType type) {
         * If there are not labels, we cannot handle.
    ConnectPoint inCp = new ConnectPoint(deviceId, inPort);
    if (inLabel == null) {
        throw new IntentCompilationException(String.format(NO_LABELS, inCp));
         * In the core and at egress we match using encapsulation.
    updateSelectorFromEncapsulation(selectorBuilder, type, inLabel);
         * Generate the output actions.
    manageOutputPorts(outPorts, deviceId, intent, outLabels, type, selectorBuilder, treatmentBuilder);
Also used : IntentCompilationException( ConnectPoint( FilteredConnectPoint(

Example 4 with IntentCompilationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class LinkCollectionCompiler method updateBuilder.

 * Update the selector builder using a L3 instruction.
 * @param builder the builder to update
 * @param l3instruction the l3 instruction to use
private void updateBuilder(TrafficSelector.Builder builder, L3ModificationInstruction l3instruction) {
    // TODO check ethernet proto
    switch(l3instruction.subtype()) {
        case IPV4_SRC:
        case IPV4_DST:
        case IPV6_SRC:
        case IPV6_DST:
            ModIPInstruction ipInstr = (ModIPInstruction) l3instruction;
            // TODO check if ip falls in original prefix
            IpPrefix prefix = ipInstr.ip().toIpPrefix();
            switch(ipInstr.subtype()) {
                case IPV4_SRC:
                case IPV4_DST:
                case IPV6_SRC:
                case IPV6_DST:
                    throw new IntentCompilationException(UNSUPPORTED_IP_SUBTYPE);
        case IPV6_FLABEL:
            ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction ipFlowInstr = (ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction) l3instruction;
        case DEC_TTL:
            // no-op
        case TTL_OUT:
            // no-op
        case TTL_IN:
            // no-op
        case ARP_SPA:
            ModArpIPInstruction srcArpIpInstr = (ModArpIPInstruction) l3instruction;
            if (srcArpIpInstr.ip().isIp4()) {
                builder.matchArpSpa((Ip4Address) srcArpIpInstr.ip());
            } else {
                throw new IntentCompilationException(UNSUPPORTED_ARP);
        case ARP_SHA:
            ModArpEthInstruction srcArpEthInstr = (ModArpEthInstruction) l3instruction;
        case ARP_TPA:
            ModArpIPInstruction dstArpIpInstr = (ModArpIPInstruction) l3instruction;
            if (dstArpIpInstr.ip().isIp4()) {
                builder.matchArpTpa((Ip4Address) dstArpIpInstr.ip());
            } else {
                throw new IntentCompilationException(UNSUPPORTED_ARP);
        case ARP_THA:
            ModArpEthInstruction dstArpEthInstr = (ModArpEthInstruction) l3instruction;
        case ARP_OP:
            ModArpOpInstruction arpOpInstr = (ModArpOpInstruction) l3instruction;
            // FIXME is the long to int cast safe?
            builder.matchArpOp((int) arpOpInstr.op());
            throw new IntentCompilationException(UNSUPPORTED_L3);
Also used : IpPrefix(org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix) ModArpEthInstruction( ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction( IntentCompilationException( ModArpOpInstruction( ModIPInstruction( ModArpIPInstruction(

Example 5 with IntentCompilationException

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class ProtectedTransportIntentCompiler method createFreshProtectedPaths.

 * Creates new protected paths.
 * @param intent    original intention
 * @param did1      identifier of first device
 * @param did2      identifier of second device
 * @return compilation result
 * @throws IntentCompilationException when there's no satisfying path.
private List<Intent> createFreshProtectedPaths(ProtectedTransportIntent intent, DeviceId did1, DeviceId did2) {
    DisjointPath disjointPath = getDisjointPath(intent, did1, did2);
    if (disjointPath == null || disjointPath.backup() == null) {
        log.error("Unable to find disjoint path between {}, {}", did1, did2);
        throw new IntentCompilationException("Unable to find disjoint paths.");
    Path primary = disjointPath.primary();
    Path secondary = disjointPath.backup();
    String fingerprint = intent.key().toString();
    // pick and allocate Vlan to use as S-tag
    Pair<VlanId, VlanId> vlans = allocateEach(intent, primary, secondary, VlanId.class);
    VlanId primaryVlan = vlans.getLeft();
    VlanId secondaryVlan = vlans.getRight();
    // Build edge Intents for head/tail
    // resource for head/tail
    Collection<NetworkResource> oneResources = new ArrayList<>();
    Collection<NetworkResource> twoResources = new ArrayList<>();
    List<TransportEndpointDescription> onePaths = new ArrayList<>();
    onePaths.add(TransportEndpointDescription.builder().withOutput(vlanPort(primary.src(), primaryVlan)).build());
    onePaths.add(TransportEndpointDescription.builder().withOutput(vlanPort(secondary.src(), secondaryVlan)).build());
    List<TransportEndpointDescription> twoPaths = new ArrayList<>();
    twoPaths.add(TransportEndpointDescription.builder().withOutput(vlanPort(primary.dst(), primaryVlan)).build());
    twoPaths.add(TransportEndpointDescription.builder().withOutput(vlanPort(secondary.dst(), secondaryVlan)).build());
    ProtectionEndpointIntent oneIntent = ProtectionEndpointIntent.builder().key(intent.key()).appId(intent.appId()).priority(intent.priority()).resources(oneResources).deviceId(did1).description(buildDescription(onePaths, did2, fingerprint)).build();
    ProtectionEndpointIntent twoIntent = ProtectionEndpointIntent.builder().key(intent.key()).appId(intent.appId()).resources(twoResources).deviceId(did2).description(buildDescription(twoPaths, did1, fingerprint)).build();
    // Build transit intent for primary/secondary path
    Collection<NetworkResource> resources1 = ImmutableList.of(marker("protection1"));
    Collection<NetworkResource> resources2 = ImmutableList.of(marker("protection2"));
    ImmutableList<Intent> result = ImmutableList.<Intent>builder().addAll(createTransitIntent(intent, primary, primaryVlan, resources1)).addAll(createTransitIntent(intent, secondary, secondaryVlan, resources2)).add(oneIntent).add(twoIntent).build();
    log.trace("createFreshProtectedPaths result: {}", result);
    return result;
Also used : DefaultPath( Path( DisjointPath( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProtectionEndpointIntent( ProtectedTransportIntent( Intent( LinkCollectionIntent( ProtectionEndpointIntent( NetworkResource( TransportEndpointDescription( IntentCompilationException( DisjointPath( VlanId(org.onlab.packet.VlanId)


IntentCompilationException ( ConnectPoint ( DeviceId ( VlanId (org.onlab.packet.VlanId)6 Link ( DefaultTrafficSelector ( TrafficSelector ( Intent ( LinkCollectionIntent ( List (java.util.List)5 Set (java.util.Set)5 MplsLabel (org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel)5 FilteredConnectPoint ( Sets ( Map (java.util.Map)4 Optional (java.util.Optional)4 EthType (org.onlab.packet.EthType)4 Ethernet (org.onlab.packet.Ethernet)4 Identifier (org.onlab.util.Identifier)4 EncapsulationType (