use of in project up4 by omec-project.
the class Up4NorthComponent method buildPipeconf.
protected static PiPipeconf buildPipeconf() throws P4InfoParserException {
final URL p4InfoUrl = Up4NorthComponent.class.getResource(AppConstants.P4INFO_PATH);
final PiPipelineModel pipelineModel = P4InfoParser.parse(p4InfoUrl);
return DefaultPiPipeconf.builder().withId(PIPECONF_ID).withPipelineModel(pipelineModel).addExtension(P4_INFO_TEXT, p4InfoUrl).build();
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class PiFlowRuleTranslatorImpl method translate.
* Returns a PI table entry equivalent to the given flow rule, for the given
* pipeconf and device.
* @param rule flow rule
* @param pipeconf pipeconf
* @param device device
* @return PI table entry
* @throws PiTranslationException if the flow rule cannot be translated
static PiTableEntry translate(FlowRule rule, PiPipeconf pipeconf, Device device) throws PiTranslationException {
PiPipelineModel pipelineModel = pipeconf.pipelineModel();
// Retrieve interpreter, if any.
final PiPipelineInterpreter interpreter = getInterpreterOrNull(device, pipeconf);
// Get table model.
final PiTableId piTableId = translateTableId(rule.table(), interpreter);
final PiTableModel tableModel = getTableModel(piTableId, pipelineModel);
// Translate selector.
final PiMatchKey piMatchKey;
final boolean needPriority;
if (rule.selector().criteria().isEmpty()) {
piMatchKey = PiMatchKey.EMPTY;
needPriority = false;
} else {
final Collection<PiFieldMatch> fieldMatches = translateFieldMatches(interpreter, rule.selector(), tableModel);
piMatchKey = PiMatchKey.builder().addFieldMatches(fieldMatches).build();
// FIXME: P4Runtime limit
// Need to ignore priority if no TCAM lookup match field
needPriority = tableModel.matchFields().stream().anyMatch(match -> match.matchType() == PiMatchType.TERNARY || match.matchType() == PiMatchType.RANGE || match.matchType() == PiMatchType.OPTIONAL);
// Translate treatment.
final PiTableAction piTableAction = translateTreatment(rule.treatment(), interpreter, piTableId, pipelineModel);
// Build PI entry.
final PiTableEntry.Builder tableEntryBuilder = PiTableEntry.builder();
if (piTableAction != null) {
if (needPriority) {
// FIXME: move priority check to P4Runtime driver.
final int newPriority;
if (rule.priority() > MAX_PI_PRIORITY) {
log.warn("Flow rule priority too big, setting translated priority to max value {}: {}", MAX_PI_PRIORITY, rule);
newPriority = MAX_PI_PRIORITY;
} else {
newPriority = MIN_PI_PRIORITY + rule.priority();
if (!rule.isPermanent()) {
if (tableModel.supportsAging()) {
} else {
log.debug("Flow rule is temporary, but table '{}' doesn't support " + "aging, translating to permanent.",;
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class PiGroupTranslatorImplTest method loadP4InfoPipeconf.
private static PiPipeconf loadP4InfoPipeconf(PiPipeconfId pipeconfId, String p4infoPath) {
final URL p4InfoUrl = PiGroupTranslatorImpl.class.getResource(p4infoPath);
final PiPipelineModel pipelineModel;
try {
pipelineModel = P4InfoParser.parse(p4InfoUrl);
} catch (P4InfoParserException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return DefaultPiPipeconf.builder().withId(pipeconfId).withPipelineModel(pipelineModel).addExtension(P4_INFO_TEXT, p4InfoUrl).build();
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class P4InfoParserTest method testParseP4RuntimeTranslationAndOptional.
* Tests parse method with P4Runtime translation fields and optional fields.
* @throws Exception if equality group objects dose not match as expected
public void testParseP4RuntimeTranslationAndOptional() throws Exception {
PiPipelineModel model = P4InfoParser.parse(p4InfoUrl2);
// Generate a P4Info object from the file
final P4Info p4info;
try {
p4info = getP4InfoMessage(p4InfoUrl2);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new P4InfoParserException("Unable to parse protobuf " + p4InfoUrl.toString(), e);
List<Table> tableMsgs = p4info.getTablesList();
PiTableId table0Id = PiTableId.of(tableMsgs.get(0).getPreamble().getName());
// parse tables
PiTableModel table0Model = model.table(table0Id).orElse(null);
// Check matchFields
List<MatchField> matchFieldList = tableMsgs.get(0).getMatchFieldsList();
List<PiMatchFieldModel> piMatchFieldList = new ArrayList<>();
for (MatchField matchFieldIter : matchFieldList) {
MatchField.MatchType matchType = matchFieldIter.getMatchType();
PiMatchType piMatchType;
switch(matchType) {
case EXACT:
piMatchType = PiMatchType.EXACT;
case LPM:
piMatchType = PiMatchType.LPM;
piMatchType = PiMatchType.TERNARY;
case RANGE:
piMatchType = PiMatchType.RANGE;
piMatchType = PiMatchType.OPTIONAL;
if (matchFieldIter.getTypeName().getName().equals("mac_addr_t")) {
piMatchFieldList.add(new P4MatchFieldModel(PiMatchFieldId.of(matchFieldIter.getName()), P4MatchFieldModel.BIT_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, piMatchType));
} else {
piMatchFieldList.add(new P4MatchFieldModel(PiMatchFieldId.of(matchFieldIter.getName()), matchFieldIter.getBitwidth(), piMatchType));
assertThat("Incorrect order for matchFields", table0Model.matchFields(), IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(piMatchFieldList.get(0), piMatchFieldList.get(1), piMatchFieldList.get(2), piMatchFieldList.get(3)));
// check table0 actionsRefs
List<ActionRef> actionRefList = tableMsgs.get(0).getActionRefsList();
assertThat("Incorrect size for actionRefs", actionRefList.size(), is(equalTo(4)));
// create action instances
// Set egress with string as parameter
PiActionId actionId = PiActionId.of("set_egress_port");
PiActionParamId piActionParamId = PiActionParamId.of("port");
PiActionParamModel actionParamModel = new P4ActionParamModel(piActionParamId, P4ActionParamModel.BIT_WIDTH_UNDEFINED);
ImmutableMap<PiActionParamId, PiActionParamModel> params = new ImmutableMap.Builder<PiActionParamId, PiActionParamModel>().put(piActionParamId, actionParamModel).build();
PiActionModel setEgressPortAction = new P4ActionModel(actionId, params);
// Set egress with 32 bit as parameter
actionId = PiActionId.of("set_egress_port2");
piActionParamId = PiActionParamId.of("port");
int bitWitdth = 32;
actionParamModel = new P4ActionParamModel(piActionParamId, bitWitdth);
params = new ImmutableMap.Builder<PiActionParamId, PiActionParamModel>().put(piActionParamId, actionParamModel).build();
PiActionModel setEgressPortAction2 = new P4ActionModel(actionId, params);
actionId = PiActionId.of("send_to_cpu");
PiActionModel sendToCpuAction = new P4ActionModel(actionId, new ImmutableMap.Builder<PiActionParamId, PiActionParamModel>().build());
actionId = PiActionId.of("drop");
PiActionModel dropAction = new P4ActionModel(actionId, new ImmutableMap.Builder<PiActionParamId, PiActionParamModel>().build());
// check table0 actions
assertThat("action dose not match", table0Model.actions(), IsIterableContainingInAnyOrder.containsInAnyOrder(setEgressPortAction, setEgressPortAction2, sendToCpuAction, dropAction));
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class P4InfoParserTest method testParseArchitecture.
* Tests the parsing of the architecture field.
* @throws Exception if the equality group objects does not match expected
public void testParseArchitecture() throws Exception {
// Generate two PiPipelineModels from the same p4Info file
PiPipelineModel model = P4InfoParser.parse(p4InfoUrl);
PiPipelineModel sameAsModel = P4InfoParser.parse(p4InfoUrl);
PiPipelineModel model3 = P4InfoParser.parse(p4InfoUrl2);
String architecture1 = model.architecture().orElse(null);
String architecture2 = sameAsModel.architecture().orElse(null);
assertThat("null value is returned if `arch` not present in P4Info", architecture1, is(nullValue()));
assertThat("null value is returned if `arch` not present in P4Info", architecture2, is(nullValue()));
String architecture3 = model3.architecture().orElse(null);
assertThat("test that `arch` field is correctly parsed", architecture3, is("v1model"));